/r/maliciouscompliance erupts in fury over somebody taking malicious compliance too far.

18  2018-07-19 by MealReplacemetShake


Drama poster u/imnotagayboy is fake and gay.

You'd have to be retarded to fall for this

You'd have to be retarded to fall for this

You'd have to be retarded to fall for this

You;d have to be kinda retarded to double comment

You'd have to be rearded to misuse a semicolon

Oh goddamn it. I need to start proof reading before I call other people retarded

It just kinda happens with phoneposting on shit internet 😭


phone poster = cancer


The majority of the posts on r/maliciouscompliance are written by the same person

Deleted, what did it say?

Someone quoted further down in the linked post

For anyone else.

So I was working at this music shop selling guitars and crap like that. Barely any customers are in so I go on my phone to update my insta, and my boss, let's call him Dave, gets on my case like "Why are you just stood on your phone?" when there's nothing to even do anyway. I tell him because there's no customers, what you want me to do just stare at an empty shop? He's like "I don't care, you're not getting paid to play on your phone. Tune some guitars or something. Don't go on your phone again when you should be working."

Oh I'll not go on my phone all right.

Let me preface this next bit by saying we have a set of stairs, the top step is slightly taller than all the other steps so people trip on it quite often. It is pretty hilarious.

So anyway 2 days later this old guy trips over the top step and gets hurt. Think he broke or fractured his hip or something. Boss tells me "Call an ambulance quick". I just smirk and walk off to the staff room round the corner. 5 mins later boss rushes in like "Are they coming? What the fuck are you doing sat here?" and I was like "Taking my legally required break. I haven't called because I'm not allowed my phone, remember?"

He looked at me with massive open wide eyes like he was angry and confused, and I think I saw the moment he realised I was doing exactly what he said so he can't say nothing. Then he ran off, probably to the land line.

idk what happened with the old guy he was gone after I finished my break.

Looks like people reported it and the mods removed the post lmao

They should change the rules to "Malicious compliance, but only if it's ethical. No meanies."

What is it with gaymers and long ass posts. This shit is giving Kia a run for their money

/u/imnotagayboy hot damn that board is gullible. Well played.