Is this radical centrism? 🤔

304  2018-07-19 by throwaway_999912


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Jesus Christ, Snappy, you can't just come out and accuse /u/ed__butteredtoast of being a rapist!




hahaha isnt it great how we take 4chan culture and make it better

r/menslib ---->

women ejaculate





"It's not pee, I just squirted"

Do you know how disgusting your sentence sounds?


Describe it to me with every savory detail

PLZ NO 🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉

Do some people really believe theres an extra bladder in women that biologists aren't aware of?

scanes gland discharge and pee pee

Gallowboob your alt account ins't fooling anyone.

Dont be a fucking pussy, ping u/gallowboob like a real man.

/u/gallowboob ur dum gay lollolololololololo

u/Gallowboob i don’t even know who you are and i don’t care

I heard /u/gallowboob chugs cock for nickles outside the soup kitchen

/u/gallowboob are you one of (((them))) ?

Retards. That stat is obviously for when woman rape men, not when men rape woman.

That literally cannot happen because women are too weak

Ha just you wait, someday a woman will bend you over and rawdog your cornhole.

I came

Me too thanks

Pound me too

I saw

I conquered

Then she came.

And she saw


Not radical enough. 50.0000000000000000% is what's required for peak centrism.

Drama before centrism


There, let the drama commence.

Who are you, Thanos?

Thanos is the opposite of centrism. He utterly destroys half of the people. True centrism is preservation of two equal yet different camps.

Yeah but it's random. I thought radical centrists supported gassing.

If you do things haphazardly like Thanos you can create a situation where one group of people dominates another. Radical centrism is all about perfect balance.

Are you suggesting you understand balance better than Thanos?


He's a movie villain with a ballsack chin, it's not that hard to come up with better ideas of what to do with infinite power. E.g. if there's not enough food, instead of killing half of everyone, why not just make everyone shrink to half size?

He's a movie villain with a ballsack chin

You know what's sad? Movie Thanos makes 100000000% more sense than comic book Thanos. Movie Thanos is a deranged lunatic who wants to save everyone from themselves by killing half the universe. Comic book Thanos got all emo and killed his own mother and somehow that made him want to toss the rod to the incarnation of death. Now, Movie Thanos is crazy, but he's an understandable, believable kind of crazy. Comic Thanos is a walking /r/WTF post.

Or, you know, make more food, ala jesus

wowie zowie

perfectly balanced

Every rapist needs to be air dropped naked on a remote island with their butts pumped full of honey 🙄



Oh hunnnnyyyyy

Sugar, sugar...

I believe they're referencing

That seems like a lot of work, can't we just lock them in a cage in the forest or, I don't know, crucify them?

I see your Bamboo torture raise you one Blood Eagle

I see your Bamboo torture raise you one Blood Eagle

no string bets, please!

I'm a pointless bot. "I see your X and raise you Y" is a string bet, and is not allowed at most serious poker games.

Don't forget to tip your dealers.

Looks like you posted a wikipedia article, let me summarize it for you...

Click here if you'd like me to stop bugging you.

Blood eagle

The blood eagle is a ritualized method of execution, detailed in late skaldic poetry. According to the two instances mentioned in the Sagas, the victims were placed in a prone position, their ribs severed from the spine with a sharp tool, and their lungs pulled through the opening to create a pair of “wings”. There is continuing debate about whether the ritual was a literary invention, a mistranslation of the original texts, or an authentic historical practice.


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Where is my supersuit?

that sounds kinky

other discussions

i open the floor

Everybody walk the dinosaur

Are these called Bro-stistics? Cause this shit is gross.


It is true that during rape, you can actually cum and show signs of pleasure, but that is usually how the body reacts given any sexual scenario. This is how rape cases get thrown out the window, unfortunately. However, I might need a source of 54%, I feel that would be a lot lower.

This article cites Levin and Burlo (2004) that "in 4-5% of (female) sexual assaults that occurred, an orgasm was induced" but that those figures are probably underreported. Rounding up, you get exactly 54%. OP, you have my upvote o7


What's that, boss? You want me to do a study on how many women ejaculate during rape?

We're gonna need a large sample size. Better get started.

80% Don't ejaculate from penetration

54% Ejaculate from rape


Of course it's a statistic for women doing the penetration.

Trans women obviously.

consensual pipe is usually trash

Old simpsons is so fucking quality i miss it.

On this sub, radical centrism is hating Trump and that's it

That's not true buddy. We post pro-daddy sometimes. Besides, if you think the jerk is going too hard in one direction than help change that.

