White Genocide Doesn't Exist...But Also You Deserve It

26  2018-07-20 by SafeAffect


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Most American white men are trained to be fags. For this reason it is no wonder their faces are weak and blank. The average ofay thinks of the black man as potentially raping every white lady in sight. Which is true, in the sense that the black man should want to rob the white man of everything he has. But for most whites the guilt of the robbery is the guilt of rape. That is, they know in their deepest hearts that they should be robbed, and the white woman understands that only in the rape sequence is she likely to get cleanly, viciously popped.

So cool to be white, therefore the biggest piece of shit on the planet, and deeply believe that becoming a minority will be awful, but instead of improving the conditions of minorities now so when you do become a minority it'll be fine you choose to continue being the piece of shit you've always been as to further grow to sow resentment toward you.

All the while falling back on shitty rationalizations instead of confronting the result of years of imperialism/colonialism.

Cumskins are (unfortunately) not becoming a "minority" tho. Racial categories have shifted significantly historically and there is no reason to believe that the racial categories which currently exist are somehow final. People used to talk about the Irish race and the Polish race and the English race etc., and now all those groups are lumped under "white." The two major racial categories in America right now are white and black, but probably in the future the cumskins will team up with asians and hispanics (most of whom already consider themselves white) and maybe even muslims if they stop blowing shit up, and they will all constitute one big category opposed to blacks.

In other words, worrying that whites will become a minority in the future would be like worrying in 1800 that anglo protestants would be a minority. Technically it's true, but it misses the point, because anglo protestants now belong to a much larger group ("white") which is not a minority. The only reason alt righties and idpol creeps argue about this demographic shit is because both are race realists who don't understand the historically contingent nature of racial divisions.

Anyways sorry for serious posting.


Underage are not allowed to seriouspost

Ive never though of that before its funny that the kinds of people who say "the minorities are asking for too much and getting treated better than I am" are the same people who are absolutely terrified of becoming a minority.

I like how neither side can actually be factually and logically consistent. Because that would mean conceding or agreeing with or, worst of all, making statements that t would show them to be libcucks or Nazis fascists or whatever.

Ahhh, internet tribal political wars! Truly great for drama!


How many times do I have to point out that there is no white culture, which is objectively true.

But thank you for demonstrating white fragility, which is actually a valid piece of white culture. 👌



If whites end up being a minority it's because they chose not to reproduce.

Tfw you're a "master race" but can't figure out how to have kids

Just lol at mayos and mustards

(((Fellow Whites)))

Mayocide soon 😬