Lazy Housewives Drop MLMs In Favor of Real Cults.

123  2018-07-20 by snallygaster


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Are we going to end up with a mass suicide.


I mean, Islam literally started as a retarded greatawakening type Arab fantasy. See Ohlig's early Islam book for further information, the PDFs are on /r/exmuslim.

Don’t you live in Islamabad?

I fail to see how that's relevant.

It isn’t really. Just find the idea of an exmuslim living in Islamabad amusing. Like do you want to move to Mecca after this?

Most exmuslims were for obvious reasons born in Muslim countries.

Why edit your comment?

The lack of a star shows it was edited soon after it was posted. I don't even remember the original text tbh.


because obviously he thinks islam a bad duh

of course an exmuslim lives is islam-a-bad

Retarded greatawakening that united the warlords of Arabia. vs. retarded greatawakening that unites the boomers of midwest USA.

Islam literally started as a retarded greatawakening type Arab fantasy

t. kafir

I hope so.

Might be better for the kids whose parents are buying into this bullshit tbh

TBF most everyone is drinking some brand of bullshit and thinking they know the truth.

There is a wide spectrum of severity in regards to the bullshit that people trick themselves into believing, and this is almost off the charts. You can't compare garden-variety irrational beliefs to 'the president was sent by God to defeat the pedovore elites and is sending me secret codes on a message board known for porn and political extremism'. The only excuse for becoming a Qultist is schizophrenia or some other sort of delusions/psychosis.

GA has some quality schizos but I don't think most of the great awakeners are psychotic or schizophrenic tbh. A bunch of them are just sliding into retirements or midlife crises completely unfulfilled with their lives and this secret agent conspiracy adventure LARP serves both to provide escapism from their boring mayo flyover existence and to help reinforce whatever conspiracy and/or political flavored beliefs they have for why they're stuck with a boring mayo flyover existence.

I love it when they're like "Oh yeah has your individual life gotten any worse under Trump?!"

Like Obama probably made zero decisions that had a huge personal effect on them. Unless they ran a large business that refused to give their employees healthcare or something, in which case fuck em.

Existence was a mistake

Sounds like the start of any good religion. I don't mean that completely sarcastically though. People, in their need for meaning and order will believe what they think gives them that. Hell its not crazier than Scientology and no one is telling you to give money in this case.

You can almost taste their longing for a sense of community too, wit the "I met a guy who said Q to me and I nodded" type stories.

I suppose its understandable people fall for such things in a society that is quickly removing a sense of meaning from life.

There have been multiple attempts to monetize Q, it’s just a Matt of time til one of them works.

Anyway I’d much rather have a Scientologist for a neighbor than a Qultist.


Seriously? Look at the kind of riffraff Q attracts. Bring one of them in and you’ve destroyed the character of the neighborhood. Mobility scooters blocking traffic, the smell of cat piss, shitty homemade signs promoting Q. What’s worst is, unlike Scientologists who know to keep their weird-ass beliefs under wraps, Qultists can’t seem to shut the fuck up about it.

The Qreader app or w/e is one of the top entertainment apps on one of the app stores (apple?) and costs 99c/download. Not to mention all the merch that's been selling. There are some people making good money off of this.

I don’t want to live in this world anymore.

You can almost taste their longing for a sense of community too

I think a lot of this comes down to humans having a strong desire to be part of a small group that knows the real truth while everyone else is a sucker.

and no one is telling you to give money in this case.

They're talking about their Q paraphernalia in that thread. They're spending money on this shit.


The hacker known as 4chan.

It could be anyone taking the opportunity and shamelessly promote it.

They're also approaching their expiration date so anything that might give them some kind of hope about the end of times is some kind of proof that there might be an afterlife.

Honestly, unless they're sending their life savings to a preacher, they're ahead of the game imho.

The God-Emperor was sent to save America, though

These guys are a few steps away from trying to fly the anique rug out the window.

I was going to say it's obviously better to be raised by real American Patriots... but that's not really the right wing shtick anymore.

At least Q cultists have more money than MLMers!

Only because Q hucksters haven't figured out a way to fully fleece it from them yet

We are raising the next generation of Americans (along with our husbands) and we are very much the silent majority.

Is it wrong for me to want a small polio epidemic?

Luckily most of these kids will see this for what it is once they hit high school or college, and Fentanyl will take care of the rest.

True, god bless Paul Janssen.

They'll become cannibalistic satanist pedophiles during their rebellious phase

Q predicted this.

I'd put $5 on Q followers pulling a Waco rather than a Jonestown.

I’m sorry, it’s gonna be Aum Shinrikyo.

Glorious Nippon just executed the Aum Shinrikyo nutjobs a week or so ago. Hopefully the Qultists get the same treatment 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

A Jonestown would be so much more satisfying though.

I've always gotten an Oklahoma City Bombing vibe from them.


are we going to have mass belly pix?

Are you a fag of some sort

fingers crossed

Imagine being the troll on 4chan who started this

Imagine being the troll who started this, and getting doxxed with proof of starting this.

Hell hath no fury like a conspiracy theorist scorned.

I honestly don't think most of them would believe that Q is a troll even with concrete, undeniable evidence. He could probably come out right now and admit it and they'd find a reason to believe that it's not the real Q or some other dumb shit.

You are probably right, its normal to double down when a cult prediction doesn't happen. Some leave but the ones who remain are even more fervent.

They will go on until a Jones's town happens


The Deep state filmed their Q takedown "evidence" on the same soundstage where they filmed the moon landing, the Sandy Hook crisis actor "coverage," the videos of the World Trade Center being hit by planes, and Diff’rent Strokes. Everyone knows that.

Wasn't there a report or something a few weeks ago about how it was multiple people?

Yeah, but it hasn't been verified.

either that or think it's a code for the fact that the deep state is really gonna be taken down.

Actually there was a dox at one point iirc.

Or a confessional that this entire shit was fake.

There's been a few different cases of that, but none have been conclusive.

Didn't he already? That dude was talking about a group who set up the LARP and how he eventually noped out.

That hasn't been verified, unfortunately. There was a video by some streamer who admitted to being the original Q, and he said that he presented evidence in some of his videos/livestreams, but I'm not dedicated enough to comb through yt videos to find it if it does exist.

Q is no troll. Q has already saved 1000s and it will ended up being millions #WGTWGTWCW

Fentanyl. Not even once.

Imagine if this was just one of trumps kids or their friends fucking around, that's my bet. Can't wait to read book how I accidently started cult.

What in the fuck is Q? Beyond some whackass pizzagate level conspiracy I have no clue. Am I better off just staying retarded to this subject?

Read the sidebar at /r/Qult_Headquarters. It's really entertaining but their incredible stupidity can suck you into the void.

Naw, it’s really funny. Its my favorite drama because they can’t help but predict big things are about to happen, then make up even crazier shit when nothing happens.

It’s some dude that LARPed on 4chan that he was a secret agent fighting against the democrats, basically trying to copy Louise mensch but from a pro trump perspective. He predicted a bunch of dumb shit like Clinton was on a plane going to gitmo and obama was being tried for crimes against humanity. There’s a whole subreddit now analyzing his ramblings and because they’re boomers, they make great lolcows.

Naw, it’s really funny. Its my favorite drama because they can’t help but predict big things are about to happen, then make up even crazier shit when nothing happens.

It’s some dude that LARPed on 4chan that he was a secret agent fighting against the democrats, basically trying to copy Louise mensch but from a pro trump perspective. He predicted a bunch of dumb shit like Clinton was on a plane going to gitmo and obama was being tried for crimes against humanity. There’s a whole subreddit now analyzing his ramblings and because they’re boomers, they make great lolcows.

Its all fun and games until you find the Q website up on your grandparents computer. Do you just commit them to an elderly home to save your family the embarassment at that point?

Just report them to the Deep State and let the EPA van come take them away. Your local Soros branch should have details on the number to call.

Finally obama's death panels being put to good use!

Make their death look like an accident and rake in the inheritance money.

Louise "whoops I did too many drugs and broke my brain I think" Mensche

What I like is that the unlikely, best case scenario was that Q really was a member of the Trump administration telling his supporters pro-Trump things that they want to hear. Weird thing for conspiracy theorists to latch onto.

Right, remember years ago when you had mentally ill guys talking about the end of the world which will happen on certain dates? This is basically what happens when those crazies discover the internet and gather together. Much tastier drama than bigfoot/flat earthers.

when those crazies's grandparents discover the internet*

tl;dr some retard tries the whole "I know shit about some illuminati levels shit" in 4chan again.

Apparently after the hot wheels incident, not only are the disabled allowed in there, but also the chronologically challenged.

The chronologically challenge were also, incidentally enough, mentally challenged, and bought the bait.

They should join a real cult like Nxivm. Then you'd get a sick brand!

Nxivm is Deep State according to them, so they wouldn't touch it. Plus they're too old and frumpy to serve as concubines.

I can just imagine some 80 year old telling the instructor to go to the Q subreddit and trying to convert everyone. Instructor was probably like WTF as the rest of the boomers ate it up.

Imagine being a Reddit instructor lmao

imagine having to explain the term "broken arms"" to grandma

"...and this is another stupid reference"

Teaching new friendos how to make their bork borks heard on reddit is a noble profession.

Heaven's Gate 2.0?

let's hope so

It's fairly similar to the Branch Davidians and other Christian Patriot/Doomsday Christian movements.

So we're talkin Waco? Fun

Do it again, ATF.

The US is becoming legitimately retarded. These anti-vaxxer, q-tards house moms are going to raise an even more retarded generation. I would be super fucking depressed if it wasn't so funny thinking about boomers cruising reddit thinking they figured the government out.


Assimov did a thing where he talked about how the US was alarmingly anti intellectual and anti critical thinking.

americans are special breed of stupid mayo

Shit some dude out there needs a sane mistress and a divorce

I'm a thirty something Mom, I have boys in the service (19yrs & 17yrs and yes, started early)

I'm fucking shocked that these trashy idiots got repeatedly pregnant as teenagers.

If shes saying the truth she got pregnant when she was 11 years old lmao.

"started early" at 11? That's a fucking incest baby.

TIL I learned 30 something means 30!

I legit missed that entire word.

Q and the Deep State is what happens when the dog finally catches the car.

Like OP said sex / drugs / rock&roll - these lifestyle choices along with "woman's" movement (which is just anti men), abortion (killing babies), slgbtqrt and other things to break the home and subject us to non God like structures that have worked for THOUSANDS of years. We need morality to keep structure and hold Government accountable (i.e. people) as people are flawed). We don't need people who say it feels good do it - because that causes problems like we have had for the past 30+ years.

/u/Joesturbo christianity has caused war for 1000's of years and Catholicism is one of the major perpetrators of pedophilia. If you base your morality on a bearded white man in the clouds handing out life lessons, you're a retard

I do wonder how deep the gen pop penetration is to be honest. I wore a Q the storm is here t shirt on Independence Day and attended a public parade Not 1 comment or question/ acknowledgement of it / what it meant. No like minded thumbs up or high fives etc. Nada Looked just like this

/u/Rev0ltn that's because everyone on this thread is lying. The truth, is they're ruining their personal relationships and losing jobs because of this Q bullshit

I was in line at the local Walmart and a man came up to me and asked if the Q pin I was wearing meant what he thought it meant. I asked him what he thought it meant, he responded, "QAnon?" We both smiled bigly, and had a nice conversation after I'd checked out. First time that's ever happened to me.

Smiled bigly

Are old amerifat mayos perverting the English language too? What should we call this vernacular?

There's debate over whether Trump says "big league" or "bigly", but either way, the Qultist is probably just adopting Daddy's talking style.

No wonder Trump has to rely on us, Q, and his tweets to get the real news out.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.