A native American woman gets 40 years for brutally killing her son. Redditors have a calm and respectful discussion on her community.

56  2018-07-20 by wisty


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Do people really think that decades/hundreds of years of being shit on by the government will have no lasting effects?

Do people really think isolating yourself from modern society and degenerately living on the government's dime is good for you? The good Indians leave the shit reservations, making them shittier. They're now glorified housing projects.

The reservations will die off, it's only a matter of time. No one, not even the locals, wanna deal with Tribal Court.

Yeah but if you look at israel they got billions in Aid and it is one of the most powerful nations in the world. Started out with nothing. If we did the same for the nates maybe they would be different too.

>Give billions of dollars to resentful nations within our borders

Great plan!

And Israel didn't start out with nothing, they started out with a ton of literal and human capital. The support and compatriotism of the world's smartest and wealthiest people.

smartest and wealthiest

Further proof of the inherent superiority of the (((Jewish))) race

Apparently they can create shit out of thin air.

step one: have a shitton of smart people and money

step two: rally these people behind a cause

step three: smart people with money and motivation create something.

But I know, to understand that you need to believe in things like human agency and free will to shape the future, and that's antithetical to the modern left.

Oh the weft. Fuckin right wing dipshit cunt. That is the fucking point. Give that to the nates and you will have what you have with israel.

Give that to the nates and you will have what you have with israel.

give them educated people and a cause? What's holding the reserves back is nothing but themselves. That's the tough love but truth of the matter. This is a general thing everywhere in the world, other people can't give you a better life, only you can do that yourself.

The gubmint or whoever can't make the reserves not shit. The people there have to take action and change it themselves. Outside forces can at best guide the process.

you can't turn a dead-beat alcoholic into a productive member of society just by giving him money for existing. That has never worked, and will never work. He has to change his ways and lay off the booze. The best you can do is reward and support his change, but he has to take the first step.
And the same holds true for communities and entire countries/societie.

It is money and support. Give that to emancipated Jews and you have Israel. Fucking idiot.

After the war where Muhammed and Jusuf got absolutely btfo.

What a fucking faggot. Damn man you are fucking stupid. Yeah they just built machine guns out of sand right? Fucking idiot.

So what your saying is Israel when it was founded had no help, no other resources and just started from scratch. Probably found some wood (in the middle of the dessert) Made enough iron to build the structures, wires, circuitry of the machines needed to build there weapons. Not sure where they got gun powder from. Damn (((they))) really are the chosen ones.

I'm just saying it's possible to make machine guns out of sand. Humans didn't create civilization by having gay aliens give us handouts. People actually just continually improved their communities, started businesses, and raised good children.

Right. I am just saying Israel wouldn't even exist had not been for the generosity of the Europeans, and the Americans. Fucking faggot ass coward.

You’re a fucking pinoy. Please don’t pretend you can think. Puta ina mo

Okay whitey, you should take your own advice and quit acting tough. Fuckin white chickenshit incel.

And yet white people fuck more pinoys than pinoy men do 🤔🤔🤔

Well we all know you aren't fucking anybody. Fucking loser.

I love how peenoise get so worked up by the smallest insults. Feisty🐯

I love how you think your great, but your a mutt. Even among whites your on the bottom totem pole. Fucking loser.

Puta pls. Go sweep my house later, maybe I'll have some fun with your sister

I doubt you could. Unlike other Asian girls she has standards. Sorry white boy, looks like you have to settle for gutter trash, then again your probably an incel faggot anyways. Lol, what a fucking loser you are.

Lmao peenoise with standards? Sure buddy, whatever you say.

Stay mad in Manila, puta

Okay loser. Stay as you are, it is quite entertaining.

Stay poor fuckboi, easier to hire you and your slut sisters

Okay. Fag.

Noob. Reported


Yeah she does and your pathetic incel ass has no chance. Your such a loser.

You’re* pinoy english smh

Are you just mad because I have bed more white chicks than you? Honestly can you blame them fat ass.

You can have whites, I love me some Asian puss

We all ready knew that. You can't get anyone else. Loser.

Why would I want someone else? Or do you think Asian women aren’t good enough?

With a few exceptions I have always dated white girls. Filipinas are okay but white girls take better care of themselves.

Some of them are decent to pretty good depending on their proximity to civilization or popular highways. I don't think anybody actually defends the reservation system it currently stands though (aside from maybe the people who depend on it). The really isolated reservations are probably the best illustration of how circumstances of birth can dictate the outcome of your life in the US. Absolutely depressing.

Why are you posting gay shit like this on this subreddit

Brain drain is a real thing there. You leave the rez, go to school, the last thing you're doing is moving back there. Not like theres any good jobs anyway unless you want to teach.

Do people really think that decades/hundreds of years of chugging petrol fuel and Listerine on a daily basis will have no lasting effects?

Do people really think that the unchecked homosexuality of /r/drama will have no lasting effect?

dude bussy lmao

GUSSICIDE In full effect boiiiiiiiii!!!

If we can shitpost people into sucking cock I'll die happy.

lmao people drink listerine? what the bonkers

It’s how they speak to the ancient Buffalo you bigot

If so many people are huffing gas and drinking all sorts of shit, maybe there is something to it. Have to try it out myself.

yeah a lot of these stupid nates can’t handle liquor and rape their daughters so they ban booze there.

the inbreds just make gross moonshine and drink anything with booze in it (mouthwash)

r/MDE told me it's all genetics though

please ignore that Native Americans are essentially East Asians

They’re East Asians like Chinese food left outside for three days is still Chinese food

So, still chinese food. But add pickled into it.

Still chinese food , but a little gross

Shit analogy.

A better one would be chinese food left outside fot three days still being dog.

Their closest relatives are indigenous Siberians. You might as well say they are essentially African or Middle Eastern.

It's possible for communities to fail catastrophically, even in the absence of any real legacy of discrimination. With that in mind, you have to question whether living on a reservation would be sustainable for any population.

In a giant libertarian circlejerk like r/news its not surprising




Classic mayo behaviour victim blaming. They will make your land a shithole and then blame it on you.

take their land through violence and deceptive treaties
force them to travel to a shithole in middle of nowhere with little arable land
take that land away from them whenever it's found to have something of value on it
force kids to go to boarding schools where they're subjected to abuse of every kind in order to Christianize them
give them rations that will keep them alive and not much else
years pass, land has shrunken to tiny isolated pockets of zero value
culture has largely been erased due to boarding schools, removal from land, breakdown of families, etc.
given housing and enough money to survive, fostering dependence on the government
given shitty education by rotating charity teachers
no jobs and nothing to do in the middle of nowhere but drink, eat the shitty food that's available, fuck, and do drugs
eventually high rates of addiction to drugs and alcohol and teen pregnancy form because there's nothing else to do
rates of domestic abuse and violence are astronomical due to substance abuse and pain from residential schooling
cycle of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and violence perpetuates because that's all children grow up to know
outsiders form negative stereotypes of natives as a result, making natives distrustful of outsiders in addition to their historical basis for distrust
children are born with FAS and other cognitive disabilities, making it difficult to impossible to escape the reservation
almost impossible to escape anyway due to shitty education, isolation from society, lack of good jobs, learned helplessness, and general lack of hope or prospects for the future

But it's all their fault! They get scholarships and government dole so they must just be too stupid/lazy to make something of themselves.

Lmao , I love being white :)

I don't blame you, since it's the only redeeming quality you have.

I’m also straight and cis :)

For those to be redeeming qualities, somebody would have to want to talk to you for long enough to learn that you're straight and cis.

As opppossed to trans fags who scream about it 24/6 (the 7th is for the lord)


I don’t know I share this account with my friends

Absolutely btfo by the white man. Indians truly were shit tier fighters.

Doesn't hurt that their population was crippled by all of the diseases that Yuros brought with them due to their poor hygiene practices.

virgin native poo-in-loo vs chad flu boi

Not to mention, most of their community leaders and elders have been reduced to running casinos and pay day loan operations to stay afloat. It almost ironic given the role they would have played had they been alive before the mayos showed up.

On the plus side, they get to loot retarded gambling mayos of their money on the slot machines


Guess you're right. I don't blame them for poisoning their youth and killing each other either, because another group is also bad.

Please see the above comment

Youre actually defensing someone who beat a murdered a 2 y/o.

No im not faggot.

/uj this is actually a really, really sad story, exposes a lot of problems that native people face in America and casts a light on how the vast majority of people, liberal or otherwise, don't particularly care about helping these tribes.

There is some help given through economic development initiatives and such, but yeah, it's pretty much ignored by most of the public from being overshadowed by other political bullshit.

Reservations are designed to be socialist enclaves, that's why they are so poor. Ivy League white dude, John Collier, implemented socialism via the Bureau of Indian Affairs during the New Deal. He had a lot of ethnocentric notions of tribal life that he felt would work well with socialist policies, like no private property. We see how that's worked out.