Woke Twitter "comedian" gets caught using the N-word in old tweets. He swallows his pride, apologises for his mistake and says he's changed since then...nah he says he was hacked and he's had death threats so he's the real victim here.

154  2018-07-20 by pm_me_jumbo_jets


There's a lot to unpack in this story, more than I could fit in the title. Basically Ron doesn't like this user called Lisa, who is apparently a horrible racist alt-righter. They've fought for various reasons, but the latest fire seems to be his friend wishing that her cancer would return and him thinking that is a-ok because it's free speech and she believes in that. Ron's developed a following online for being Woke, but Lisa managed to strike gold when someone went digging through his old tweets and found this: https://twitter.com/leeceyjay/status/1020304689336905728

Ron's response at first was to get Lisa's account mass-flagged and banned several times, including attached accounts. When more people started spreading the archived tweets to the extent he couldn't police them, he released the above statement where he says he dindu nuthin it's all a lie and he's been harrassed. It's quite a story.

Any articles about this yet, or is he not famous enough for that?

Not yet. He may have some contacts though (he's verified despite not using his real name, and Lisa was properly purged last time she annoyed him, not just deleting her main account but all her side accounts too) and I spot a few other blue ticks in his replies, so I wouldn't be surprised if some online publication sucks his cock in the near future.


that little line really helped me not get offended

Most comedians deep down are cowards.

Redditors are so much better

Louis CK was just like "yeah I forced those women to watch me fap".

Of course he didn't a couple decades also telling everyone "thats just rumors".

Having a stroke?

All comedians have a deep self-loathing, some just keep it inside better

dude nigger lmao

No person has the right to rain on your dreams.

What if my dream is lynching niggers, and the nigger's dream is to not be lynched?

The only way you’ll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait.

Miss me with that furry shit

Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American. Being born here in America doesn't make you an American.

You're the reason why Trump won.

kek why do these people apologize?

It’s sort of like how the old bolsheviks would go to their deaths saying “Long live Stalin”

“Stalin’s dead”

If you didn't go to your death song long love Stalin, they'd keep you alive, and that was much worse.

The word is nigger. Why are you so afraid of just stating the word? Good lord. Why do so many people lose their minds over this stuff? It's OK to discuss the word nigger. It's not OK to call someone a nigger, I guess, but it's perfectly fine to discuss it. Yeesh. All over reddit and the Internet people are just losing their minds.

u/allwinter has been desperately trying to nuke the discussion of the word in r/movies acting like people are actively lynching black people rather than simply discussing the meaning of the words nigga and nigger. I just don't get it. This hypersensitivity needs to stop. It's already brought on the rise of the alright as well as the election of Trump but hey, maybe they enjoy those things.

It's like how Batman created the Joker. Hypersensitivity created the conditions that gave us Trump. Please, stop.

Lol "not being able to say the n-word" caused the rise of trump. r/drama indeed

Lol "not being able to say the n-word" caused the rise of trump. r/drama indeed

Lmao, it's extremely telling of your inability to actually understand what's being said if that's what you grasped from it.

But yes, the climate of hypersensitivity that you've created to try and obtain some SJW utopia where no one is ever harmed or ever made to be offended, embarrassed or anything like it has led to an extreme backlash of those who are sick and tired of having to watch every little thing they say do or believe for fear of some lunatic far left/right nut job attempting to ruin their lives over it.

This entire thread is literally proof of the ridiculous lengths people will go to find the most minor shit to be offended about. It's quite sad that you're so consumed by your echo chamber that you're unable to even see what's going on around you.

Yes, Trump 100% is a direct result of a failed political system, extreme disenfranchisement and the hostile Uber PC bullshit you keep pushing to use as weapons to ruin lives.

Goodluck mate.

Also, before I go, anyone can say the word nigga. It is not the word nigger. It does not have the same meaning because again, it's a completely different word with a completely different meaning.

You're even too afraid to fucking type the word out. Imagine being so consumed with guilt and the thirst for fake outrage that you're too afraid to even say the word you're crying about. Hahaha fucking hell.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

I'm not reading all that bullshit but I post on cum town, I'm not an sjw Lmao. You think some poor, dying Midwest guy who has to work 3 shitty part time jobs to get by really cares about "sjw" culture (which is solely an internet and college campus thing)? If you do you're completely retarded, get off the internet for 5 minutes

I'm not reading

Found the problem chief. Why do you idiots think "I'm too dumb to read or understand what you're saying" is somehow a good way to save face? Hahaha fucking hell.

You think some poor, dying Midwest guy who has to work 3 shitty part time jobs to get by really cares about "sjw" culture (which is solely an internet and college campus thing)? If you do you're completely retarded, get off the internet for 5 minutes

And yet....here you are. Hilarious.

Nigga is love.

Nigger is hate.

No matter how much you cry otherwise, that will never change. Think about why you're even too afraid to type the word you're talking about. Haha hell

why are you replying with another profile with the same name lmaooo you must live a shallow life if saying nigger on reddit gives you the rush it seems to be giving up (also there's an "n-word" bot on reddit, I've typed it before and my fingers didn't fall off). You're just the equivalent of liberals who thought the celebrity endorsements of Hillary were gonna win her the election. No one outside of autistic internet people on both sides care about sjw and word wars

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

why are you replying with another profile with the same name

Do you want me to post the explanation I already gave to the other turd who was terrified of typing the word he was discussing?

lmaooo you must live a shallow life if saying nigger on reddit gives you the rush it seems to be giving up (also there's an "n-word" bot on reddit, I've typed it before and my fingers didn't fall off).


The fact that you think saying a word would give anyone a "rush" just further proves my point. You're fetishizing this word, why? Why do you give the word so much power over you? It's nuts.

You're just the equivalent of liberals who thought the celebrity endorsements of Hillary were gonna win her the election.

....wtf? What does this even mean? Saying Nigga is love and Nigger is hate and that the words mean two different things makes me the "equivalent of liberals who thought the celebrity endorsements of Hillary were gonna win her the election"?

I can't even....probably the dumbest argument I've heard anyone make here. Hahaha

No one outside of autistic internet people on both sides care about sjw and word wars

And yet...here you are losing your mind over the words Nigga and Nigger. Hilarious.

A riot is the language of the unheard.

lol I just don't get your original statement that not being able to say nigga or nigger or any word was what caused the rise of trump. Unless you're some college kid or some silicon Valley type the culture war on words has no effect on you. If you worked a real job for a week you'd hear those words and all types constantly. People voted for trump because of the perceived (well, real) fall of the west, and that's because a whole lotta other reasons (abortion, immigration, actual cultural issues people care about) not SJW word wars haha

A lie cannot live.

lol I just don't get your original statement that not being able to say nigga or nigger or any word was what caused the rise of trump.

I wish I could say it blows my mind that you still can't understand the very simple things being stated here.

Let's try this...by creating a climate of hypersensitivity in which social media is used to ruin people's lives for any perceived slight or offense has led to a blowback in which a large percentage of the population fights back against the hypersensitivity with such callousness that Trump embodied to them.

For example:

Cause "YOU CAN'T SAY RETARDED THAT'S OFFENSIVE" Effect Trump ridiculous a cripple on live television to tremendous applause.

How does this shit not register with you?

Excessive PC culture has led to, who would've guessed, an anti PC blowback.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

Ok i get your actual point, I'm saying your point is retarded . Only a small group of people even care about social media and the witch hunts that happen there. Only old people really vote in the first place, you think they really care about comedians and shit getting fired? Illegal immigration alone was 100x more of an issue for actual trump voters then anything else (because trump actually promised to do something about it unlike every other republican)

> Ok i get your actual point, I'm saying your point is retarded .

You think its "retarded" that words dont change meanings based on the race who says them and two differing words with different histories and meanings ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE the same?

You think its "retarded" that we be inclusive of other cultures besides our own and stop hiding behind tribalism saying shit like "only WE can say that word!!!"

I mean, I guess thats your right but it just seems odd.

> Only a small group of people even care about social media and the witch hunts that happen there.
Which you're apart of. lol

> Only old people really vote in the first place, you think they really care about comedians and shit getting fired?
LMAO! This is such a hilarious statement I dont even know where to begin.

Maybe, just maybe, start with not being a lazy pos who cant be bothered to participate.

> Illegal immigration alone was 100x more of an issue for actual trump voters then anything else (because trump actually promised to do something about it unlike every other republican)

Yea, because theyve been convinced by a fucking billionaire who lives in a god damn golden tower with 24/7 security that the REAL leeches arent the billion dollar multinational corporations or the billionaire himself who has abused the system at every opportunity but rather the poorest among us on the planet who are desperate to escape violence and find a better life for themselves and their families.

Thats your issue right there. Its not Jose sneaking across the border in hopes to make a new life for himself and his family that are the issue. Its the white men in 3k suits who are the threat to you and yours.

Lol look man I'm saying what they're thinking. I'm pro immigration, only because I hate protestants and this country can use some more catholics. Also I'm not even pro trump

Lol look man I'm saying what they're thinking. I'm pro immigration,

I understand that. lol

And I agree with your last point

Looks like there might be hope for you yet.

I love how you use fucking harry potter and capeshit analogies

Are you for fucking real if yes, read some fucking history books so you know more “villains” than just hitler and fantasy make belief shit.

if you are a white person, I would definitely not say it in a context linked to your real name, for obvious reasons.

for obvious reasons.

Our modern American society of fake outrage and hypersensitivity that breeds intellectual ignorance as well as forcing one to hide their true selves and opinions in a pursuit of some ridiculous utopia in which its possible for another to exist and literally never be offended or have to deal with an opinion that isn't their own?

Yea, I agree lol. The problem is you and those like you are feeding into this. You're being bullied by a group of people who don't have the mental capacity to deal with complex issues or opinions in order to force their system of hypersensitivity upon you.

NiggA is not niggER. Do they look alike? Sure. Are they related? Absolutely. Are they the same words? No. A thousand times no. They are the same word in the same way that two, to and two are.

Nigga is a term of endearment, it's slang just like dude, is for "brother". Nigger is a racial slur.

We need to stop with this idea that only certain races are allowed to say certain words as if the context and meaning somehow don't exist and words have different meanings depending on who says it.

Nigga = love Nigger = hate

i'm not reading any of that

dont get fired, dude

i'm not reading any of that

That's fine. They say ignorance is bliss after all but I can't help but point out the futility of desperately clinging to emotional positions of fake outrage than learning to accept the reality of the situation.

It's easier to remain ignorant though and for that, I suppose I can't fault you.

dont get fired, dude

The fact that you recognize that our hypersensitivity has created conditions to ruin people's lives out of sheer ignorance and fake outrage is enough to say "See? That's what I'm talking about"

You should really stop digging your heels like this and learn to have conversations like adults do. It's the only reason society moves forward, even when it takes two step backwards at times.

If it were up to people like yourself, homosexuality would still be illegal. Just keep that in mind. It's almost always wrong to dig your heels in preconceived notions.

what is he talking about at this point

can someone translate this from autistic to english for me

what is he talking about at this point

Who are you talking too is the better question. Desperate for some outside validation for the fact that you are literally part of the reason why we have to fight so hard for progress.

No one is going to save you here man. Just be better and quit existing solely inside your own echo chamber.

can someone translate this from autistic to english for me

The fucking irony here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Clearly though, the fact that you are reaching for someone to explain the simple fact that you're the problem suggests that it's most likely you who is indeed autistic as well as being both wilfully and purposefully ignorant. Now say it with me...

Nigga = love

Nigger = hate

No matter how badly you want them to be the same, they are not.

We bust build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.

lol dykes

That's the spirit

as if /r/drama posters have jobs to be fired from

But...you're....you're posting in r/drama right now...

neetbux arentt a job

If someone DDOS's the Burger King I work at I swear to fucking GAWD......

You are absolutely correct. Interestingly, when I argued this (Im black), I was downvoted by white racists insisting that blacks lose all control once you mutter the first syllable.

I do admit that my blood pressure jumps when I hear the hard R, but if a white person says nigga, I just look at them funny. It really isnt that big of a problem if you arent a black racist.

If you're not black you can't say it. It's like white people saying Voldemort.

Did you really just cram both Batman and Voldemort in your societal analysis?

I did! Haha

Wish it didn't fit so well but here we are.

Read another fucking book

he sperged out as hard as he could, then deleted his account

we should mod him if he ever comes back

No one deleted their account. Lmao why the fuck would I delete my account? You're too afraid to even attempt to defend yourself or your ridiculous position. Im honestly not even sure what happened. I logged in on the hotel wifi, everything seemed fine but for some reason now my account looks nuked but i can still login.

Now, back to the topic at hand.

Say it with me again...

Nigga = love

Nigger = hate

You just can't accept that because you're thirsty for that victimhood. No matter how loud you scream, no matter how good at mental gymnastics you might be the words will never mean the same thing.

There is a reason why these indie hip hop stars are trying to get you to understand the same thing and do away with this "white people can't sing along to this song and need to censor themselves" mentality.

Context, matters. Words have meaning. When an artist writes a song and you like that song so you sing along to it, is how it's supposed to be. This notion that by singing "shame on a nigga" you're somehow this closeted KKK wizard is again, nothing more than people looking for any reason they can to feel like a victim.


As true as that is, it doesn't change the fact that the word Nigger was cooped and turned into a term of endearment. I mean, if the logic is "we destroyed that word and turned hate into love" then why do you still cling to this archaic mentality?

You do so because you think you have this duty to feel outraged because of the hypersensitive minority has been able to scream so loud that others who might otherwise use common sense if able to speak and be heard, don't even bother because they know they'll get shouted down for "not being offended enough".

You, and those like you, are the reason conditions for a Trump win were created. Don't ever forget that.

mod him

Why do you think you have an audience? How desperate for validation can you be at this point?

They aren't the same words nigga, get over it.

most black people don't want white people to say any version of it, unless we're having sex with you

then it's kinda hot

try it, seriously.

most black people don't want white people to say any version of it

I don't doubt this at all. It's part of the reason hip hop artists today are finally starting to realize the illogical nature of trying to argue you're a racist for singing along to their music.

The sooner black folks like yourself stop this petty "it's our word" nonsense the better this place will become. Instead of insisting you're a victim because a white kid called his white friend a nigga, you should instead join us in the /#modernyear

i just told you when it's socially acceptable to say it

these aren't my rules, they're just a social code we've all agreed upon.

I mean, you aren't going to go on twitter or facebook and start saying it

i just told you when it's socially acceptable to say it

And I just told you society is wrong, quite clearly. Did you really not understand? Reciting "but I just told you what society says" in reply is probably the most hilarious response one could provide as a counter argument.

these aren't my rules

Define society for the class. Lmao

they're just a social code

Created by who? When?

we've all agreed upon.

Did we though? The election of Trump makes me think you're even more ignorant of the current situation than I previously imagined.

I mean, you aren't going to go on twitter or facebook and start saying it

Why wouldn't I exactly? I'd happily go on national television and argue this very thing. Bring about any black celebrity or "brain" you want to debate the topic. The issue for them will boil down to nothing more than an emotional appeal about how slavery was bad and somehow that means nigga is the same as nigger in the year 2018 just like you are.

The hilarity though is that yes, I very much have on twitter argued this very thing with Talib Kweli. That dude is the personification of what's wrong with mainstream black culture and it's desperate attempt to claim victim hood at every opportunity. The only thing that happened was that a handful of his white knight followers spammed me with memes until I finally just gave up trying to convince people of a reality they will never be able to accept.

Again, there is a reason why so many indie hip hop artists are arguing exactly what I'm saying to ignorant black folk like yourself who can't see past a perceived victimhood.

Can you really not grasp that nigga and nigger are different words with different meanings? I cannot for the life of me understand what is so hard for you with this aside from an irrational emotional attachment to victimhood. Haha for christ's sake. Just give it a rest already.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

society is wrong


some other shit i didnt read

But what about the historical and economic factors? What about this crazy ass part of this movie

wat say you to all of that

Lmao, you're now going through and down voting my responses. I love it. You couldn't be anymore pathetic if you tried. Haha amazing.


That's the word. Define it for the class.

some other shit i didnt read

Do you really think this is the best way to try and save face? We both know you read every word. Every. Word. More than once even.

But what about the historical and economic factors? What about this crazy ass part of this movie

Link doesn't work. Try again. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

wat say you to all of that

I say, repeat after me, "Nigga is love, Nigger is hate"

I don't downvote. Especially not someone as spicy as you.

I've been trying to keep this conversation going as hard as I possibly can.

I don't downvote. Especially not someone as spicy as you.

lmao yeah ok.

I've been trying to keep this conversation going as hard as I possibly can.

What? No you havent...you were too afraid to put up an argument so you didn't reply to anything and only tried to talk to others about me without me seeing. Only after I saw you trying to claim victory somehow because I "was scared and deleted my account" and replied did you even try to save face and in doing so are simply trying to run it into the ground until eventually you win a war of attrition.

You got that "I was only pretending to be retarded" thing going on. It's cute.

Ok, but what if you thought about it from this perspective:

black people reclaimed the word as a form of signifyin', as how Henry Louis Gates describes it as a part of black american discourse. wouldn't white people using it without understanding that element of the discourse be a kind of symbolic violence?

wouldn't white people using it without understanding that element of the discourse be a kind of symbolic violence?

I already addressed this but I'll try again. If the goal was to "reclaim it" then clearly you don't seem to grasp this entirely by clinging to the archaic belief that two words of different meanings and origins somehow exists in some perpetual schrodinger state where it could mean one of either two things based on the pigment found in the users skin.

No, it is not a requirement to understand the origin of the word nigga to understand it's usage or meaning.

"Symbolic violence" haha just stop already. "You're actually using a form of symbolic violence against me for not knowing the origins of the words you use!"

I can see the future headline now, "Trump is reelected in a landslide victory as the far far left cannibalizes itself in pursuit of perpetual victimhood"

how do you feel about gay people reappropriating "faggot" though, is that differnet in some way?

is that different in some way?


I mean, it's obviously not actually reappointed if you still give the new word the same power as the other or in that case, the same.

does it work in other national cultural contexts

is it the same for a british person saying nigga vs an american

is that a result of a more globalized cultural landscape or what

does it work in other national cultural contexts


is it the same for a british person saying nigga vs an american


is that a result of a more globalized cultural landscape or what

This question makes no sense and also, no.

well you aren't as fun when you aren't writing rambling paragraphs-long answers

Well, if you didn't declare yourself so confused that you had to claim autism as the reason you didn't understand anything, I wouldn't have had to reduce my responses to such simple terms.

Anything more complex and you'll start claiming it's actually us that's too dumb for you to understand what's being said to you, again.

You really only have yourself to blame. As always...

Edit: Shit, you're not gonna understand any of this either.

keep going, i'm starting to run out of steam

Your shtick to try and save face is to wear me down with nonsense and you can't even manage that? Hahaha

i mean i think we both really learned a lot about how much you're willing to swallow

lmao did we? Because I'm pretty sure you're the one on their knees right now. You aren't trying to pull me down with you by standing over me.

All that being said. Do you find it odd that you are this upset over a white dude using African American slang while trying to use things like autism and homosexuality as insults? Seems to be a disconnect there.

Haha can't believe you were still going after all that

and i meant how much bait you were willing to swallow.

your mind just naturally went to dicks though, eh

Haha can't believe you were still going after all that

You can't believe I replied to you? For fucks sake, you're making this too easy.

Do you really not have any sense of irony? You say this after rushing back to continue...

and i meant how much bait you were willing to swallow.

You really think you somehow "got the best" of me because I knew exactly what you were doing after you literally told me what you were doing and played along? Hahaha

your mind just naturally went to dicks though, eh

There you go with that "I was just pretending to be retarded" routine again. You're too cute Ashley.

Milked that lol cow good. What an utter idiot. Reminder: dumbasses like this have the right to vote.

What a coincidence, you’re a racist

Lmao, I'm a racist cause I don't buy into archaic tribal bullshit and don't lose my mind when someone calls their friend "dude"? Hahaha

The way you girls call everyone a racist for any and every opinion they have that you don't like, regardless of what it is, is going to end up causing the word racism to lose all meaning. .

"But you're white and claim anyone can say nigga because it's not nigger and has a completely different meaning!!! THAT'S WACISM!!"

You should Google the actual meaning of the word, it doesn't at all mean what you seem to think it means.

There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life’s July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an alpine November.

You think you’re a brave ideologue, why don’t you boldly go dropping n bombs in the hood and stand by your beliefs you hero you

You think you’re a brave ideologue

Do I? Using common sense, being inclusive of others and advocating unity is seen as being brave to you? Quite telling.

why don’t you boldly go dropping n bombs in the hood and stand by your beliefs you hero you

I believe people should go to "the hood" and ignorantly just scream nigga in people's faces to "test my bravery"? Wtf?hahaha this is how you idiots think.

Nigga is not Nigger. No matter how much you stamp your feet, scream and cry that will never change.

Losing your mind over a white kid using African American slang just reveals your inability to process and understand the reality of your 100% emotional opinion based on extreme guilt for things you had no part in.

I mean, for fucks sake lady, the point is literally to destroy the power the word nigger has and yet you continue to give it this ultimate power and refuse to accept that the new word created doesn't mean the same thing as the one you meant to overcome.

But you ARE also a racist, coincidently, you’re love for saying nigger has nothing to do with the fact that you believe white people are inherently superior to black people, right?

Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.

Go off King

But you ARE also a racist

Lmao, "you're a racist for saying words don't change meaning based on the race who says it!!!"

I'm literally the opposite of a racist. Hahaha too funny.

coincidently, you’re love for saying nigger has nothing to do with the fact that you believe white people are inherently superior to black people, right?

Why do you keep saying the word nigger? You must really love saying it cause you're a closeted racist!(See? I can do that too)

Now repeat after me...

Nigga is love

Nigger is hate

They will never mean the same thing no matter how much you cry.

You the type of Nigga who thinks a white girl singing a rap song is actually systemic violence against African Americans instead of an embrace of their culture.

Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.

U mad

What would I be mad at? Im making fun of you dummy. hahah

Yeah well you do a really good job of undercutting your own argument by going all caps and writing essays where you just repeat yourself over and over like an unhinged lunatic.

If you could get past your own arrogance that you’re the sole sane man who has figured out this whole racism issue maybe you would realize that words actually do have more nuance than just nigga=love & nigger = hate. For example, I can call my boyfriend a faggot because he knows I love him and and it makes him horny but if you call him a faggot then I’m getting upset. He can call me baby when he’s fucking me up the ass but if the pizza delivery guy called me baby then their not getting a tip. Capisce sweetie? 😘

Yeah well you do a really good job of undercutting your own argument by going all caps and writing essays where you just repeat yourself over and over like an unhinged lunatic.

"By emphasizing your point and repeating it back to me in the hopes that Ill finally understand it means YOURE actually a lunatic! Anyone who comments with more than a sentence response is a madman!" - you.

I guess I need to find a way to be able to get through to you in a much more simplistic fashion. One in which youll be able to understand.

If you could get past your own arrogance that you’re the sole sane man who has figured out this whole racism issue

WTF? I think I have the entire racism issue worked out because I understand Nigga and Nigger and two different words? hahahahaha Cant make this shit up.

Besides, if you people werent drooling idiots a guy with average intelligence like myself wouldnt view himself as so much better than you.

maybe you would realize that words actually do have more nuance than just nigga=love & nigger = hate.

Sure, the topic of racism AS A WHOLE isnt whats being discussed here dummy. We are discussing the VERY SPECIFIC issue of the fact that two different words, with different meaning and different histories are in fact, get this, not the same.

This tribal "only WE can say that" nonsense is absolutely part of the racism issue as a whole though.

For example, I can call my boyfriend a faggot because he knows I love him and and it makes him horny but if you call him a faggot then I’m getting upset.

Wait....so youre saying a hateful word with a hateful meaning, that has NEVER been a term of endearment, is actually bad??!?!! IM SHOCKED!!!!

Lets put it this way though. Nigga is the african american slang version of the word "dude" or "brother". If you called your BF a dude he wouldnt lose his mind and likewise, if I also called him a dude, it would have the same outcome.

The issue is that you cannot differentiate between hate and love. You cannot differentiate between two different words will two different meanings. THAT is too complicated for you. The CONTEXT, as you admit, also matters yet you have this elementary idea that when it comes to OTHER words, context and meaning have no place.

He can call me baby when he’s fucking me up the ass but if the pizza delivery guy called me baby then their not getting a tip.

You keep admitting that context matters yet you cant seem to actually grasp that completely. fascinating.

A lie cannot live.

He really took the ring to Mount Doom for that one am I right fellow nerds? 😂

If you don't reference the Bard in your shitposts why even live.
Unironically btw.

Yeah we could do with a little cultcha up here in the rank sweat of r/drama's inseaméd bussy.

lol, lotta people eating it up like da poopoo.

TechnicallyRon account using the N word were posted. I felt sick. Absolutely fucking sick to my stomach. I know I’d never use that word, even back when I thought my jokes were edgy and cool, I was never that ignorant.

Imagine being so delicate that a word makes you this upset. Clearly he went to a mayo high school.

100% agree. One thing though... I highly doubt they felt sick and I think you also understand they are lying here as well and why.

The hard left and social justice types have set the rules of this culture war and the rules say nigger is wrong no matter the context. These people are just trying to get TechnicallyRon to abide by his own rules.

He won't, of course, because when it comes to your own side we can apply the proper process of determination of innocence or guilt and actually consider context. If its the other side? Well, rules for thee but not for me.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

I'm so fucking happy I don't have a twitter.

i’ve created and deleted mine a few times and it’s amazing how better I feel without it

haha...all those people buying that load of bullshit

Damn we are all edge lords back in 2010. I told aristocrats jokes about children being raped to death. Come on.

I tried to rack my brain on how this was even possible,

It happened right around the time you posted it, mate.

Also is it even possible to be Twitter-hacked and not know? Don’t all these social media sites spazz out when that someone on a different IP tries to log in or some shit?

Dude we need John Wick to kill this motherfucking alt-right boogeyman!