She-Ra gets the CalArts nonbinary gender treatment.

126  2018-07-21 by Wraith_GraveSpell


I have no Idea who she-ra is, and I have no interest in changing that. But the CalArt style is so butt-fucking ugly that every piece of retard-bait that uses it should be instantly deleted.

Also, that article is fucking garbage, but what do you expect. The worst ecxample they could find of the outrage is one complaining that the new one looks ugly, and one complaining about it being a self-insert. Retarded? Yeah, of course. But not exactly the "I can't fap to this" complaints they base the article around.

why do I have the feeling that the whole culture-war discussion is being pushed by whatever suit-wearer is behind making this, to push it as a "brave signal in the age of Trump," a-la Ghostbusters?

But the CalArt style is so butt-fucking ugly that every piece of retard-bait that uses it should be instantly deleted.

No jokes, that's garbage.

Is this some new post-ironic thing?

"Watch out — He's wearing the helmet."

I always thought that said "bad mews" like what a cat would say

Did you know? The cat's tail is used to maintain balance.

u/jasos-2005, you subscribed here.

ELI5 what is this calarts thing and why do people hate it so much other than it being ugly

I'm no expert on it (and if I were, I'd probably neck myself for the good of all humanity) but the KnowYourMeme gives a good overview, as does the TVtropes page.
Apparently it's technically called "thin-line animation". Personally I can't stand it because it looks like cheap garbage someone sketched on the back of a napkin. It looks incredibly simplistic and childish. like a western version of the "anime drawing" style, but somehow even worse. I think the look is the main problem people have with it in general. I don't think I've ever watched a single cartoon in this style, but quite honestly, the drawing style alone is enough to make sure I never will.

it reduces every character to very round bean-like form, with no attention to detail or extremeties, and no attempt at physical depth. I personally hate the smile the most, It's like a perfectly crafted emotionless generic "nice person" smile that not even a computer could generate any more meaningless.

this pic is a pretty nice critique, imo.

I guess some people consider it part of the "liberal side" in the current "culture war" as well, because many shows that supposedly push the "liberal agenda" or whatever use it, like Steven Universe which has become some sort of symbol for the tumblr subculture. I guess that the institute where it was developed or popularized is in "Commiefornia" doesn't help that view.

And now excuse me, I have to ponder why I know so much about such useless shit that I don't even really care about. I don't even watch cartoons, nor are any of them "part of muh childhood."

it reduces every character to very round bean-like form, with no attention to detail or extremeties, and no attempt at physical depth.

So, basically this.

well, kind of. I don't like meme park at all, and I hate the art style, but the art still feels like it has a little more character and is a bit more unique for each character. Still garbage, though. aesthetics wise I'd say it's about as bad as the CalArts stuff.

but why do I have the feeling as if I come across as some art hipster or something? I basically only googled and wrote down what I found and what I concluded from the knowyourmeme and tvtropes article, I don't really care about comics and cartoons. And I couldn't even draw a square to save my life. I hate the CalArts style, but it's the kind of "hate" like "I hate olives", not like "I hate whyt 'pipo'". I don't exactly think about this shit if it doesn't get brought up by someone.

this feels like a bunch of "BACK IN MY DAY" crying from art majors about cartoons for children

well, I guess, lol. Honestly, I just think it looks ugly.

why do I have the feeling that the whole culture-war discussion is being pushed by whatever suit-wearer is behind making this, to push it as a "brave signal in the age of Trump," a-la Ghostbusters?

It's been obvious the whole time I think, although I don't see enough people realizing it. The left media now has a thousand little War on Christmases and Buying Expensive Sneakers on Welfare of their own, and like the blinkered conservatives who fall for this shit every time, most lefties eat it up hungrily and never think they're constantly being manipulated for financial purposes. This story is a perfect example. There's nothing to it, but they're trying to shape it into something because they need content and need to tailor it to the reader base they've already cultivated.

yeah, the war on christmas is a good comparison. Both sides just desperately want to imagine things that makes them feel attacked, thus vindicating their hatred of the other.

Article summed up: Tits were OK in the 80's, but this is now 2018 and tits are bad. Children should not see tits and any depictions of women in cartoons should be flat-chested.

They aren’t even hiding the puritanism any more

2018 Dems are the same as 1991 butthurt christfags and they don't see the irony.


Flach ist Gerechtigkeit.

user reports:
1: saying some sort of nazi thing

Die Natur kennt keine Vernichtung nur Verwandlung. Alles, was Wissenschaft mich lehrte, verstärkt meinen Glauben an ein Fortdauern unserer geistigen Existenz über den Tod hinaus.

You have to go back

Deutschland über alles



It's comments like this that make me think that the She-Ra redesign was made by actual pedophiles.

Gefälscht und Schwul.

Modern Left Logic: Women aren't sexual beings, but children are.

Why do all these 20-something outraged """""fans""""" of long-dead nobody-cares capeshit cartoons come out of the woodwork for shit like this? I guarantee you nobody genuinely cares about this except to fight the culture war.

My compadre, fighting in the culture war on social media IS the new IT thing for 20-32 year olds, get in with the times grandpa.

This is truly the worst generation.

i dont think normals do this


I mostly want to meet the art director who says D cups aren’t ok for a pg series so I can shake his puritanical hand.

I hate hate hate the word fan. All these fucking fans of this and fans of that. We need a new world war so people can have something logical to rally behind.

>characters look like they’ve been rebooted to be younger

> She-Ra is no longer appealing, no longer sexy, and perhaps no longer an object of their sexual attention.

How do these two go together. I can't understand.

She-ra is actally a 5000 year old dragon-vampire so it's ok.

It's 500 years you uncultured swine!

Culture is a weeb meme? goddammit

My waifu is a transgender 100000000 year old lolivampiredragonalien.

The only thing I don't like is that they made the fabulously gay-looking guy into a generic black teenager. Someone will pay for removing such an incredible display of flaming homosexuality from my cartoons.

I'm offended. She-Ra was my favourite cartoon when I was little and now they have totally SJW'd it.

She-Ra is now flat chested, wears no make-up and has shorts under her skirt

Glimmer is now fat with a short dykey haircut

Bo is now Black lol

and the animation looks cheap. Thats what I got from just 4 pictures! How the hell can animation from 2018 look cheaper and worse than it did in the 1980s?

Of course i won't be watching as adult now and all that but I hate what they've done and for little kids now to miss out on the really good old She-Ra for this shit.

Rant over. Drag me.

Nobody will care about the actual cartoon once it comes out.

Which is why I wish they just didn't reboot cartoons from the past most people who want it just jizz about the nostalgia but when it comes down to actually consuming the content they watch something else.

That money could have gone to someone with actual new ideas.

Put tits on pikachu


I guarantee that for all the manchildren comments we are seeing now, when the show comes out, the other side will be whining it's not diverse enough, or that diversity point characters are not strong enough, she ra gets mainsplained to, etc.


While I am not prepared to defend bouts of “She-Ra doesn’t give me boners anymore” extremism, I can see the kernels of the argument that sexuality shouldn’t be in diametric opposition to capability.

That's funny. When I search for that quote, all I get is the same article. HMMMMMMM 🤔🤔🤔

Here's google when I search for that quote.

You realize just because something is in quotations doesn't mean it's a quote.

Maybe I shouldn't've taken it so literally, but with reporters nowadays I don't know what to believe anymore.

She doesn't look CalArts at all, though.

The art style is straight outta tumblr. Nasty.

Yeah the one on the left has those proportions that you always see whenever tumblr posters redesign a woman to be 'realistic'


It looks like Steven Universe and Adventure Time got eaten, then thrown up.

It looks like bland ass discharge

It looks like Steven Universe and Adventure Time

So like CalArts, then.

Character on the left is literally pic related

is it? I always saw tumblr art as a lot more "quirky" and sort of off-model kinda. Not that I'm a fan of this

Sorry I'm not cultured enough to distinguish calarts garbage from Tumblr garbage.

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What the fuck is a CalArts? If Cal has anything to do with California, I can see why it's hot garbage.

It's the art school that provides the highest probability of breaking into the animation industry due to its strong industry connections. There's a (now dominant) style of really low-effort, repetitive, shitty animation that was spawned from CalArts, which is why people use it as an insult.

Yeesh snally, learn a little about animation before spouting crap. You're usually more informed than this

I'm guessing you disagree?if you're more informed, please tell us.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. I'm just spouting what I've heard.

There's nowhere to start because calarts doesn't actually mean anything coherent. Thin line has been popular since early '90s, and the proto "calarts" example, Stephen Universe, is from New York alumni.

Start with cel animation and go from there. The history of animation is too much for a drama shitpost, but you of all people should have known that.

It is named after the California Institution of Art or some shit, where most of the people who made awful animation went to school for.

Smh on you guys for not supporting reverse traps, this sub's tastes has really gone down the shitter. I blame blumpf.

I watched a lot of He-Man as a kid and I didn't even know this cartoon even existed until I accidentally ran into it while googling something a couple of years ago. Don't really give a shit, and I assume most people whining about the tumblr redesign never watched it before either. Ok to be fair, the purple haired brown fatty looks pretty awful, but the catgirl is kinda cute tbh.

lol that bitch look like god of war's son

So are they going to reboot He'Man in a similar fashion?

No, that show will be stricken from the records due to toxic masculinity.

God forbid young boys have a role model who emeplfies the "toxic" virtues of He-man.


Can wait for pre op she-man and his alt-ego Princess Adema

Umm eww gross, please get that transphobia out of here.

There preferred soclially awareTM re-rendition of He-Man is Xe-Man: Bussy Master of the Universe.

That moment when you're too cheap to come up with a new cartoon so you reboot a nostalgic property with a built in audience and at the same time completely alienate said audience for being too nostalgic.

She-Ra sucks.

She-Ra has always sucked.

She-Ra will continue sucking in perpetuity, regardless of how they draw her.

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Jokes on you, my kink is kinkshaming other people


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We already had threads about this.

Unlike nonces of kia, most normal people (like women old enough to remember the original) have a problem with She-ra looking like He-ra in a wig, not them titties.

How atr toy sales doing in general? Aren't kids nowadays just buying tablets and playing fortnite.

Well, to understand the complicated situation of toys market, all you need to do is just watch new show called ''Who is America", or at least it's trailer.

> normal people caring enough about children's cartoons to "have a problem" in the first place

Nice try sperg.

Who are you quoting?

KotakuinAction as a whole.

Normal people tweeting literal Deviantart redesigns after production is already underway

Who are you quoting?

Well, those angry lesbians reee that if some rando from devian art could do better, why give those millions to this...also - lots and lots of bussy hate.

When I say normal, I mean compared to Kiatards.

The second I see someone, right or left, male or female screech about a children's video game, cartoon, movie, or comic book I instantly assume they're actually retarded.

Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day.

The second I see people care about things they enjoy, I also think they're retarded. How would they not be? Liking things in current year+3, what insanity.

!analyze /u/pizzashill

Most of the people I have seen on my own social media complaining about the art change are lesbians. She Ra was a massive lesbian icon, and they've declitted her

Shera was a lesbian icon?

Yeah. The lesbos I was at uni with in the early 2000s used to marathon episodes and talk about her fem and butch sides etc.

Sounds hot. Did they ever kiss in front of you? You should have asked them to kiss in fron of you.

They would les out constantly. Not so hot for me as I am a fag.

Hey one man's trash experience is another man's lesbian fetish.

I'm pretty sure most lesbian fetishes are extinguished the moment you meet real lesbians.

They were probably fat.

Or ugly.

Or both.

They were probably fat.

He already said lesbian

Really, I thought that the show was a low effort cashgrab for toys.

That was pretty much all cartoons back in the day, though.

It was a great time to be alive.

I mean that still applies today. Why do you think Hollywood keeps pumping out animated movies (I'm mostly talking about Pixar here).

Young Justice was notoriously cancelled in spite of good ratings, because it wasn't selling enough toys

Just like "Jem".

truly truly?


Ano ano ano ano

that makes it even weirder than they haven’t squeezed toys out of Steven Universe then

It's all toons nowadays, but today instead of selling toys they're selling apps.

What the fuck is wrong with kids playing with toys?

Please don't attack my cartoons from childhood 😞

What's wrong with grown adults complaining about cartoons?

Double standards smh.

Toys kill. Can't you think about the children?

It was He-man with tits

That too

I mean it 100% was (Filmation’s motto was “low-effort cash grabs for everyone”), but it had relative prpduction value and a vaguely convention-defying premise

How dare those lesbians have a problem with she-ra looking like a man in a skirt. Disgusting TERFs

Apparently this looks like a man in a skirt.

I am sorry I meant skorts

IIRC she's de-aged a bit. 13 year old girls don't normally have tits.

Sure but her build is very many.

After a little searching found an alter without the hair. She looks like a boy, not feminine at all

Point conceded.

She looks a lot manlier in the old version to me. That jaw is ridic without the stripper lipstick

Square jawed women often look the best tho. Like Audrey Hepburn.

lol gay

You're just intimidated by her CHADESS pure Aryan genes.

Actually, 13 is just around the time that they do. Fucking McDonalds.

She-ra has a part-time gig as a bicycle messenger.

I mean... that is a really strong jawline... and those shoulders are pretty wide... and she's got really well-toned arms for a 13-year old girl...

are we actually 100% sure she isn't a boy who just happens to be really into crossdressing?

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looks like a chimp

"My toy commercial looks different than the older toy commercials"

They made SheRa look like a man :( Dammit this is a downgrade to one of my fave 80s cartoons.

Looks like any old cartoon to me. I don't see what the big deal is.

she-ra was never sexy

this new one looks kinda like a miyazaki or something and i kind of like that

It was never about being sexy. It's more of the blatant tumblr style where everyone's gender is ambiguous and they look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome.