Mandatory weigh-ins considered for Australian school children as nine year-old found to weigh 178kg (392 lb / 28 stone in Burgerunits)

142  2018-07-21 by wisty


This is it, folks. Australia has finally gone on the offensive against America. They've appropriated our culture. The way I see it, we have two options:

  1. Nuke Kangarooland.

  2. Get our numbers up by strapping American children into livestock stalls and forcefeeding them a simple diet of high fructose corn syrup in a bowl made out of butter.

I don't care how we achieve our goal, but MURICA MUST BE #1!

Holy shit that's more than double my weight as a twenty something year old. How the fuck does that even happen...

Bad parenting

Americans btfo, we gotta get our numbers up.


So we say big is beautiful, and let kids stuff their faces because it's easier than being good parents.

the obesity epidemic has nothing to do with the incredibly small "fat acceptance" movement and everything to do with mental health and overconsumption under capitalism

Maybe the movement itself is small, but fat acceptance in general is kinda prevalent.

Capitalism is the problem! Under a just communist world, you wouldn't have the choice to overeat!

Isn't it crazy that today, for the first time in human history, more people in the developed world are dying from too much food rather than too little?

Capitalism is the problem! Under a just communist world, you wouldn't have the choice to overeat!

They have a point. Hard to be obese and starving in a bread line. Fatness is a sign of uncommunist beliefs anyway, there will be none just like homeless

I mean, at least you have a choice in the being obese/dying from overeating. But you don't have a choice when you're starving.

Fatness is a sign of uncommunist beliefs anyway, there will be none just like homeless

This doesn't explain Kim Jong-un.

Anytime you hear Australians shit on Americans, remind them of things like this. I'd even go so far to say that Aussie white trash is worse than us white trash the majority of the time.

Australia is just bigger, worse, Texas

Never been to texas, but north east white trash is at least on par.

And florida is there somewhere.

And also New Zealand.

New Zealand is just bigger, worse, Oklahoma

178 kg? The fuck? Lol, this is fat even according to American standards.

How does a 9-year-old weight 178 kilograms and not drop dead?

Don't think that a weighing (or weigh-in?) is necessary to diagnose this boyo with fatness of ye arse.

Holy shit, that's over triple my weight.

What kinda manlet are you?

A tranny.

An absolute unit

jfc that's two of me and I'm 25 and pretty tall.

WTF do they feed the kids down there? Kangaroos?

God forbid they hurt the feelings of a nine year old who is nearly nine times the weight he should be.

At those levels you have 50/50 odds of dying in your sleep from sleep apnea.

I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Yeah we shouldn't be telling kids not to be fat. That's fat shaming. We should be telling that 178kg kid he is healthy just the way he is.

Obviously this is sarcasm. The vast majority of fat-acceptance types don't believe being fat is actually healthy, they just don't think that anything will ever work (because the thought of eating less upsets them).

Wonder why they never fucking lose weight when they give up so quickly.

Have they heard of liposuction?

AIDS is better.

They shouldn't be doing it for aesthetic reasons, your doctor means it when he says Mountain Dew will kill you.

Doesn’t work for big quantities

Have they heard of broccoli?

Fair. Plus they could probably afford broccoli.

Who can't afford broccoli? A huge bag of floretes cost $2.99.

one of the many reasons why a vegan diet is sustainable and ethical

a $2.99 bag of broccoli is produced neither sustainable nor ethical, lol.

i meant for me

it's sustainable for me

and it's ethical because it only hurts migrant workers or whatever, fuck them

Why not just eat the migrant workers?

That's gay nigga

and it's ethical because it only hurts migrant workers or whatever, fuck them

this but to stupid fucking chickens

i'm just saying, a chicken never raped my daughter

you let a migrant worker rape your daughter? 0/10 parenting honestly

Roosters are consummate rapists, look it up.

Holy shit they are

Honest veganism right here. I respect that.

and gay

If you're going for a skinny-ass soyboy look that is.

I don’t want to sustain fat people

How is vegan food, often produced through the exploitation of migrant workers in terrible conditions, any better than any other produce you can buy?

Or is it blessed with the vape of a millennial?

It is logic as rational as Hallal butcherings, lul.

somebody's flustered

better cut back on that dairy. hormones are making you crazy.

No I simply have energy to expend due to not being a scrawny vegan.

fuck yeah, getting fat on those manly animal products

I do this thing called 'exercise' to avoid becoming a blob. Women also find you more attractive when you do it a lot, unlike being a preachy malnourished vegan.

sorry, exercise is boring and it hurts


fucking gross, dude, dont talk to me

dont @ me

Men will find you hotter too.

dont try to walk back your disgusting heterosexuality now

Liposuction doesn't actually work. They clog the machines or some shit. Bariatric surgery does work pretty well though, it just means they can't eat so much so "omg so risky".

That’s assuming they do change they behavior, otherwise the patients get fat again

Liposuction works exactly as intended, it's just that it was never intended as a weight-loss method. It's not safe to remove more than a couple of pounds of adipose tissue with liposuction. The intended use is as a "sculpting method"- removing a small amount of fat from a specific part of the body to change its shape.

Have they heard of bleach?

Im An ExCepTiOn To ThE lAwS oF tHeRmOdYaNmIcs

so we should round up the fatties and stick them in some contraption to solve global energy needs and reliance on fossil fuels?


What about a big fucking hamster wheel attached to a generator?

hmm, sounds good. Only question is if even threat of torture or death is gonna motivate fatties to run

Just tell them they can't eat if they don't run.

I don't see the point, you can already tell when a kid is fat, don't have to measure it.

What they really need to do is teach both parents and kids about nutrition, how calories work, the health and possibly also social implications of being fat and that it's not an acceptable state. Also put taxes on food high in sugar, which they obviously won't do, those corporate shills.

That's for a kid who is like 20lbs overweight or something.

A kid who weighs 392 pounds? Yeah, that's all on lazy parents spoiling their kid and overfeeding him.

Theres no time for that in HEALTH class.

How do you get that big in only 9 years? What does it even look like?

His mom says she noticed a change in his weight just last year.

"Gee whiz, one day he weighed 60 pounds and went to sleep. When he woke up, it took four guys to get him out of bed!"

She's determined to find the medical cause for his obesity.

aaaaand a few seconds later

he was eating ten plates of food a day


It is the parents fault 99% of the time.


The remaining percent is when the kid isn't raised by his own parents, right?


The mom should be shoot from a trebuchet

absolute unit!

Awe in the size of this LAD.

Actually more like horrified.

He’s a big guy

For everyone

He has horrible parents, poor kid

Yeah I couldn't care less about the source, it was just the first link about Tubbs McGee here.

I know. Those just caught my eye and i had to share them.

Nurse’s creepy Tinder profile request leaves people ‘concerned’

What? How is this a news story?

How the fuck do you let your kid get that big.

Take that kid away from those parents tbh. Put him in a medical facility with controlled diet and figure out what the fuck is wrong with those parents that they let this happen.

I just looked for more info and his mom listened to the doctor and restricted his diet, and he lost 170 pounds in the past two years.

Put the parents in another med facility as well.

Take a kid away from their parents? Literal nazi

I think most instances have a disorder, like the mechanism of feeling full is broken, or their brain is constantly telling them they're hungry. Prader Willi syndrome and the like.

Potter Willie or however it’s spelled. That’s a severe rarity though.

So? The whole point of being a child is that your parents are supposed to tell you what to do.

Doesn't matter if the kid says he's hungry, his parents should stop giving him food long before he literally can't get out of bed any more.

A lot of people with extreme weights like that have conditions that make them prone to it. Most us would not get to a BMI that high even if we sat in bed all day stuffing our faces until we threw up.

I approve because this is a health issue and a case of either rare hormonal imbalance or parental neglect.

178??? Thats insane.

Was this kid like a perfect sphere? Sounds like quite the unit.

Is this because the gravity works differently in Australia?

It's to make sure he doesn't fall of into the sun.

At this rate the sun is going to fall into him

It's because this country is a hellscape and going outside is for idiots

What are they going to do about the ground harnesses?

Stones are a tea with inhuman amounts of sugar and milk unit

This is why anime needs to die

Did they have to roll him into school?

This is embarrassing.

I consider that straight up child abuse.

I'm 68kg and 22 years old, how the fuck does a 9 years old even reach that point without dying? How does a human body resist that

392 pounds

Is that even anatomically possible for a 9 year old?