‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Series Reboot With Black Lead

54  2018-07-21 by illyrie


This isn't KIA. Post actual drama about this next time.

He's realised a female lead just doesn't cut it in 2018 so get ready for black trans disabled Buffy fighting mansplaining vampires.

Wouldn't that end with the vampires eating Buff since he can't run away?

...and it will fail spectacularly

Black people don't watch that mayoshit

Black people hate themselves as much as everyone else hates them. Its why they shoot each other all the time.

Imagine caring about Buffy in the year 2018.

im not racist but some things you cannot change like hermione being black jimmy olsen , if you do this with movies like black panther they gonna scream racist fast

I always hate these radical reboots of established IP's.

Movies and TV shows like Black Panther, Get Out, Luke Cage, etc has proven that audiences really do have the appetite for fresh content from black cast. Why not focus on that?

And then this article brings in the shocker and no one is surprised:

Like our world, it will be richly diverse, and like the original, some aspects of the series could be seen as metaphors for issues facing us all today.

Yeah, I am not too confident this will succeed. I wouldn't mind the richly diverse part, but that "metaphors for issues facing us all today" is definitely going to suck.

At least they can save some money by not having to cast Hank.


Fuckin retarded

Wheres the drama

It hasn't been picked up by any networks yet so I'm sincerely hoping nobody wants this steaming pile of bullshit.

Why not reboot Firefly instead or make an original show? Buffy had like seven seasons and a conclusion, what's gained from a straight up reboot with the same plots and characters?

That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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Damn spot on

It's going to be fun watching the mental gymnastics.

"It's okay that there's a new vampire slayer! OMG there have been new slayers throughout history! BIGOTS!"

So why is she called 'Buffy' too?


This is literally mayocide

Most of the bitching is because they aren't continuing the story

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I guess male feminist Joss Whedon really eants to dip his vanilla stick in some sweet chocolate for a change.

He had the black slayer Kendra Young. But I guess he didn't have Bianca Lawson (the actor who played her) because she got killed that Season and replaced with Faith the next season.

cultural mayocide fuck yes

Joss Whedon is a genuine cancer.

ShaBuffqua da crackaslaya


I mean, if Whedon still works with this show and most other main characters will still be white....not really.

I'm pretty sure he's kidding, because people who unironically cry about "white genocide" are the most pathetic mayos out there.

Damn..and I was expecting white genocide😩

So will this be a new story, new characters? Because you really can't just refilm an early 2000s show with no other changes to plot, enviroment or the character.

I mean this could be a great show, but why give it to Joss Whedon again?

Did Whedon really fuck the other shows?

He's JJ Abrams levels of milquetoast and uninspired.

No but hes a male feminist thus he must be stopped.

I unironically think he did great on Buffy and angel.

Idk, I'm just tired heading about this fat ginger.

Jesus christ

At least this actually can actually work as the show isn't some historical piece. It's when you see black actors cast in mideival ebgland as King Arthur or some shit when I really cringe

Inb4 she's lesbian and Spike is a punk girl with short hair

I'd fap to it.

Im into it.

I think I saw that porno

I havnt seen good vampire lesbian sex since Razorblade smile ; lets do it.

This seems like a really poor business decision. I'm surprised these people are so out of touch with the audience. So many dudes watched this show just for SMG.

Stop rebooting shit.

Because adding a black lead does wonders for TV show reboots. That 24 reboot is still kicking along, strong as ever, right?


Genuine question. Did they really reboot 24?

I don’t know if it was a reboot in the traditional sense as I think it still followed a world where the previous Jack Bauer Power Hours existed, but they did indeed make this steaming pile of shit.

Tried to watch the first episode. It was shit. My husband watched the rest and confirmed that it indeed stayed shit.

It should be about the trenchcoat and Afro black slayer who spike killed? IIRC?

Buffy reboot feels like odd timing. If you wait like 5 more years a lot more of the original fans will have teens who could also watch.



Starfire and now this when will the PC madness stop.

Oh, look, they're mad.