Are men evil because they're too emotional? Or are they evil because they have no emotion? 🤔

171  2018-07-21 by Osterion


I pity men.

Really? Because the overall vibe I was getting from that thread was that they were throwing a pity party for themselves.

"We're not emotional, you're emotional, but also you're violent murderers because you're unemotional robots." - These Jackwagons

It's almost as if all these women in that sub lacked a positive male role-model in their lives, resulting in an unhealthy relationship dynamic with the opposite sex...I think there's a term for that 🤔

That one where they wanna fuck their dad?

Daddy 😍😍😍🤺🏇💑👨‍👧👨‍👧👨‍👧✌️👅🍆💧💧💧🍑

nah, that chad they had a crush on in high school rejected them, and they never got over it.

What a healthy outlook this demonstrates

they are femcels man, they are no different to incels who are only angry cause hot girls don't throw themselves at them. nothing really deep or tragic happened to most of these women, like nothing deep or tragic happened to most incels, they are just narcissistic and entitled and full of hate..

I dont find your observations terribly perceptive or convincing.

i don't really give a fuck. drama is a place to dump my random thoughts, i couldn't actually care less about what you retards actually think.

You obviously don't know any incels. Just quit while you are ahead. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

You are fat and/or mentally ill, which makes you undesirable. If I am wrong about this I will apologise, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'm not saying this to be mean, it's just my observation of what makes people like you different from successful and happy women. Which goes towards explaining why you're so bitter about shit no normal person even cares about.

Not a woman? You're clairvoyance is not particularly impressive.

It's called guessing dumbass. I assumed wrongly that you were a trollx poster

Your assumptions don't reflect positively on you.

Oh no, my reputation on this website is in shambles. However will I impress random freaks across the internet with how great I am now?

Also, both groups seem to take pride in being more intellectual than the other. Just sitting around huffing their own farts because no one wants to bone them.


what's with the fkn fags defending legbeards?

White knight somewhere else you boring homosexual


50% of that sub has to be dramanauts shitposting

GC posters are Pope's law personified

/u/lilysubb are men born violent, or do they have violence thrust upon them? After all, they have mothers, they have fathers, as so many do.

If men are naturally more violent, it obliterates their entire central thesis that gendered behavior is 100% the result of socialization. They really, REALLY want to just come out and say men are naturally Savage beasts, but if they do they end up conceding that men are also just naturally better at every field they dominate in.

Well, birthing a boy is violence against women.

are men born violent

I can't speak for everyone, but my Mom's an absinthe-chugging alcoholic, and my dad's a hyper-religious nutcase who got cucked by a travelling salesman. So it's no surprise I grew up fucked.

Goodness knows, at this rate I'm going to die alone.

Goodness knows, the violent's lives are lonely.

Where do they all belong?

Probably dying alone.

Where do they all come from?

Your pedestrian upbringing is only one thing: boring.


Well, we can't all come and go by bubble.


Is your mom from 19th century France? Seriously who the fuck drinks absinthe anymore

Seriously who the fuck drinks absinthe anymore?

It doesn't seem so strange to me. Maybe it's more common where I come from? I'm from one of those far eastern countries, full of manlets.

Anyway she just wouldn't stay off the green elixir. She'd always have herself another little mixer. And maybe it was just the foetal alcohol syndrome, but from the moment I was born, I was—well—different.

No one mourns the (allegedly) wicked, after all is said and done.

Another question: if violence is something that men learn, then isn't that an indictment of women, seeing as how the vast majority of child raising (single mothers represent!), daycare and education in their formative years is from women?

they say men aren't touch with their emotions

that is a total lie

they always have their hands on their dicks, comforting them and caressing them..

u/WotNoKetchup, why does your fanfic stop here!?!? Keep going...

We can’t expect her to write fanfic when she doesn’t have any experience on the topic. No, porn doesn’t count.

Seriously I was about to pop

I initially read that last word as "poop" and became very intrigued yet confused.

"they often can only feel mild happiness, anger, and rage"

Men feel 3 emotions and two of them are anger

sounds about right.

It certainly squares with my experience

I'm offended, depression should be on the list.

Excuse me, MILD depression.

I definitely would throw disgust in there. That is, disgust at fat white women that sperg out on Reddit because the Chads of the world don't want them.

They're not wrong about that one tbh

Only a male neuroscientist (David eagleman) can point out the obvious- that carriers of the Y chromosome are 800x more likely to commit acts of serious violence. B

This is why we need manocide.

The 800 times is because we have to endure the endless yapping

Preach it brother

Only r/GenderCritical is brave enough to ask the MQ.

This also disproves their idea that gendered behavior isn't innate.

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Maybe it's true with what they say about the free market and competition 😚

Let's start with the conclusion: "Men are evil." Now we just need some biological, sociological, psychological reasoning to justify coming to this conclusion.

The other key component to their ideology is "Any adult with Y chromosomes is a man and therefore evil, no matter appearance, genitalia, name, or estrogen levels". A lot of reddit agrees with them in that regard though.

Men are natural radical centrists

Is that sub the only one where the majority of subscribers are not men?

Fatlogic is majority female

Well duh. Fat guys are hilarious.

Is it really? This would definitely be an interesting surprise.

You're surprised that women care about other women's appearances?

No, I'm surprised they're so shitty about it considering women are usually the lead on this feel good, kumbayah, accept everyone and everything regardless of consequence bullshit. But I'm also convinced a whole lot of people are just playing the part and don't really give a fuck about any of that anyway.

/r/drama user shocked to find women aren't a hive mind. News at 11

I mean considering every other chick I know is a raging feminist, kinda yeah?

And that's what, two total? GTFO the internet and realize that this whole site is completely separated from mainstream opinion.

I'm pretty sure I know more than 2 people IRL, have a good day, don't feel like continuing on with yet another pointless internet argument.

keep yourself safe

Fitshion vs fatshion was mostly female and it was brutal.

At least the only one that's about gender politics, probably.

MUA, femalefashionadvice, some game subreddits like The Sims and Dragon Age, reality tv show subreddits and a few others.

Secretly all ran by dudes

Feminism: Definitely not a hate movement, you dangerous and defective penis havers :^)


Literally, like this isn't even an exaggeration. This is why the femcide can't happen soon enough.

Again - a sub that is full of women who are jelly of men (why tho?), rees about men being jealous.😒

I mean, they're not totally wrong. A lot of men go on about how emotional women are and how they're governed by ~logic~ or facts or whatever because they don't understand that they're governed by emotions that they just are unable to identify or classify as emotions.

Nonsense men are perfect logical engines.

"Based one what I have seen of men on the internet..."

Buckle up buckaroos.

Lol who cares what the niggers of gender think?

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.

Hi reddit i made a bot in PRAW and chexk it out it uses quotes from mlk!!!

I made bussy with Fortran. It's the only real language.

If true, holy shit you sadistic fuck

(alert: i know fuck all about fortran other than it being old af)

Lol no it's in python. My dad learned Fortran though.

same. we honorary brothers now, bro.

although if you code at work in python, sorry sweaty, gonna have to TNT your house in Minecraft.

I use excel at work. 😒🔫

are you a programmer/software engineer by profession?

I'm a Chemical engineering major with an internship. I also stole most of Bussyshillbot from snappy. I'm probably going into controls systems which is for chemistry nerds who are also computer nerds.

cool. thats like one of the hardest degrees to get.

im just a washed up CS BS degree holder working C# wage slave jobs and get paid really well for pushing fucking buttons on a keyboard.

anyways, catch me on the flipside at /r/programmingcirclejerk

anyways, catch me on the flipside at /r/programmingcirclejerk


If you build your house out of TNT it is easier to blow up.

We need one that does Martin Luther quotes

Or sandwiches.

We must understand the politics of our community and we must know what politics is supposed to produce. We must know what part politics play in our lives. And until we become politically mature we will always be mislead, lead astray, or deceived or maneuvered into supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart.

O shit

Stfu I'll ducking atejc you

If men commit more crime, doesn't it make men the niggers of gender? 🤔

There's no greater crime than being a woman in 2018

Yes, but then it would follow that they would be obsessed with men on men crime, and how this proves men are naturally ebil. Only they're not, they only care about it when it affects women.

I guess I'm saying the gender-equivelant of racism is even worse than racism.

Clearly it's just socioeconomic reasons.

If women didn't demand their men pay for their dates, we wouldn't have all this crime.

Yeah, where's the FBI crime statistics now?

Is that post a troll? It seems real fucking weird that everyone kinda just glossed over the opening that says "For all of us who have sequestered ourselves for decades." Are they just open and unashamed about being NEETs or something?

Commit evil because of emotions, but do it with the ruthless efficiency of an emotionless robot

Whichever one fits the narrative at the time .

Now ignore all those women killing their kids, they're just "mentally ill'.

Jesus Christ reading that took 5 points off my IQ

implying you had any to lose to begin with

You seem to not realize where you're posting.

That burn was so good I can feel the hear from here bro.

/u/forestheart13 you're wasting your time in that sub. it's a sub for hating men, that is why they called you an "MRA" when you called them out for their weird sexist rant about how men can't feel emotions.

they are no different to redpillers with their sexist pseudo psych about how women are inferior to men. if you don't circle jerk their beliefs that all men are violent monsters who can't feel emotion and would rape any woman at the drop of a hat, you have betrayed them and you may as well be a misogynistic MRA.

i'm sure there are some other reasonable and logical feminist type subs you can go to, you seem like far too much of a logical and reasonable person to waste time with these hateful hags.

Not only that, people got mad at her(?) for turning the conversation to men, when the post was about men.

to waste time with these hateful hags.

I don't know why you tagged me in this thread, but even if some users on GC were rude, hostile or condescending to me, it doesn't mean I believe in doing the same to them/others. I stay there because I find interesting content there, and I look around at other subs because I find interesting content in them as well.

Calling all (presumably female) GC users "hateful hags" (which I find just as sexist as calling men emotionally handicapped, I won't stand for either) as a result of the actions of a few of them adds nothing to the conversation/critique.

Have a nice day!

you will indeed find it's a core belief on that TERF sub that all men are sociopathic degenerates, i don't know if you're new there, but you'll burn yourself out or become just as psycho as them.

also, i tagged you because you seem like you have common sense and you're not a man hating loon, guess i was trying to save your soul or someshit. this sub is usually just for laughing at whack jobs like those crazy TERFs.

guess i was trying to save your soul or someshit

Well, I appreciate the good intention but I assure you it's not necessary. ;)

More surprised this wasn't on r/menslib

A brief glance at the OP's comment history would tell you it's a troll, but the ever dopey lolcows of Gender Critical will upvote any retarded shit if they think it fits with their narrative.

I meant to be informal. And I mean it. How dare you say you personally haven’t experienced rape and genocide when your national livelihood is built and continues to thrive on the rape and genocide of Congolese women.

BTFO Belgium

Someone needs to merge gendercritical and braincels for a day or two and see what happens

Both. Men rage tweet like trump then ask are you mad bruh lol. Men are emotional wrecks.

What are we when we laugh at trump?


Cucks get laid more than incels. I'm ok with that

i keep trying to think of a paul manafort joke


This is the funniest thing I have ever read. Legbeards are so much more entertaining than incels simply because of their superiority complex. It's like adding milk to cereal.

Holy fuckballs that sub is a hotbed of mentall illness.

I'm sure they're pretty content with the lives that they live. Of course this is on the back of the men who committed atrocities to support this.

por que no los dos

Lol complains men base stuff on emotion, wants to ban guns school shootings happen because it's sad lol OK.

this is the kind of conversation you’d have while stranded at your dealer’s

/u/exhaustedstudent, /u/chemistrydarling, u/lilysubb/

What they lack is insight and self-reflection of their emotions which means that the way they express and communicate them is limited to very juvenile and simple forms. I believe that since women are made to feel shame and discomfort for our emotional expression from such a young age it breeds a sense of always being attuned to them in order to keep ourselves in check and show the “right” emotions to please others. Boys do not grow up with that so their emotional expression is reactive and instinctive.

I get the argument. Some men process emotions badly.

But if women are so much better, why do so many have mood disorders, neuroticism, and so on? Just saying "l'patriarchy" can't explain why so many women can't process emotions like well-balanced men.

Granted, when a woman flips out and chases her boyfriend / husband around with a baseball bat, saucepan, or kitchen knife it's a little more comedic than when a man does it (due to the biological differences). It may be a little more frequent though. And it's not exactly a sign of emotional maturity (even if she's on the rag).

Feminists seem a lot like Redpillers actually - claiming the other sex is a bunch of losers because they don't have their shit together (unlike how Redpillers / Feminists claim they are, though I suspect they're often just trainwrecks themselves).

Being more conscious of your emotions doesn’t mean you have superior ability to control them. Just like being into cars and knowing all the models and types doesn’t translate to immediate car racing skills. Emotions cannot really be controlled, but being able to identify and understand them can generally lead to healthier ways of expressing them, and society encourages this in females and actively discourages men from doing the same. When you are not taught how to self-reflect in that way, is tends to build up and become incorrectly expressed as an overarching primary emotional state (anger, sadness, fear, etc) often directed at a misplaced target.

Also, the very fact that women are expected to be in tune with their emotions in itself is part of the explanation for rates of anxiety, depression, mood disorders (among many other factors) since greater awareness will necessarily lead to more help-seeking behaviours and subsequently rates of diagnosis. Do you really believe that all the men who commit acts of violence but “don’t have a history of mental illness” are actually mentally well? Of course they have mental health issues, the difference is that it is not acknowledged nor treated therefore it doesn’t affect diagnosis statistics.

OP is right though when he said /r/GC women are often train wrecks. Many of them are strippers/prostitutes/camgirls and a few are models, at least half of them went into the business voluntarily, then they call for the business to be banned because they were unsuccessful.

I'm 100% on board with protecting women who are forced or manipulated into it but I can't count the number of women I've seen on that board who strip or prostitute themselves to pay for college.

There are even models on that board who hate men for leering at them. I mean cognitive dissonance much? That's what they are paying you for, to make men leer and draw their attention.

I do agree with you though, a lot of men are mentally ill and/or evil. Crime is overwhelmingly committed by men.

Wait, how is what you’re saying related to the discussion at hand at all? I also read a lot of the posts on GC and have never seen anything you’re suggesting. It seems to mostly be a sub for older radfem types who are frustrated by liberal feminism, lesbians who feel silenced by the G and T groups in LGBT spaces, and anyone who is frustrated by some of the more out there components of trans activism.

I'm saying a lot of them have some form of impairment in their thinking. The cognitive dissonance going on there is enormous.

Men always get blamed but when a woman does something bad she's excused because 'all women are victims'. Female brothel owners and porn directors are always excused as victims. Then there are the constant posts about men being evil. All the while I'm just thinking, women have the majority of the votes in western democracies, why aren't they electing people who would change the system into power? With so many single mothers, why aren't they instilling anti-patriarchal values in their sons?

I'm banned from that sub because the mods there won't tolerate males, but I read it from time to time out of curiosity for what the women there are thinking. It's slowly being taken over by liberals, but nobody's doing anything about it because 'our sisters can't do anything wrong'.

What they lack is insight and self-reflection of their emotions which means that the way they express and communicate them is limited to very juvenile and simple forms.

When Mongo read this, me become heap big angry, and punch kitten in face. :(

People here are the ones who are being dramatic

U dumb


Are you kidding me?? Did you even read that thread? I'm getting high off the melodrama.

At least incels know their pathetic, even if they are wrong on just about everything else.

The same man who threatens to call the police on Iranian women for not wearing hijab properly are the ones who harass us in online debates or any time a woman posts an ad for sexual partners, or in the street, or at work. Every fucking where!

Yes, it was all the same man.

Only a male neuroscientist (David eagleman) can point out the obvious- that carriers of the Y chromosome are 800x more likely to commit acts of serious violence.

correlation != causation

/u/lilysubb put the gender crack pipe down and try some reading comprehension

I pity men.

I pity people who for all their self-professed mental deliberation still fall down the "x are all the same" rabbit hole they accuse those they are criticising of doing /u/she_roes

It's womb envy, absolutely.

Totally envious of being unable to drink for 9 months, miscarriages, and bleeding once a month... lmao /u/clarebear329 nice try

Op I think the brigading (clear from the downvotes) on this thread really points to how much of a nerve you touched. It just goes to prove your point more. Sadly I think not all of the replies and downvotes are from men

"Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong." - /u/Strawskull

Nah, you can have a drink while pregnant buddy.

That's how you make a GC poster doe



men are insanely jealous, i remember when I wasn't. She ended up fucking the dude I let her be cool with like 3-4 hours after meeting the motherfucker, lucky son of a bitch did what took me weeks is what really pissed me off about the situation.