Users in r/news thinks it's socialism when 4 ex workers come together and buy the company they worked at.

188  2018-07-21 by Ayylmao11023


You're bound to scrap the bottom of the barrel when you're this desperate to find an example that validates your ideology/cult.

Reddit's normie-friendly nucommies are the most milquetoast wishy-washy worms on this site. I can at least somewhat respect their crazy tankie cousins for having some ideological consistency and backbone when they willingly double down and defend the many shitty examples of their retarded ideology.

They're literally just SocJus progressives with a cool aesthetic. Most of them don't give a fuck about economics other than "gib freebees"

My ideology is gib milkies 👶

Gib cummies



FUCK that's disgusting. i'm going to throw up. ewwwww!!!! by the way can u link me the source?

GOD fucking damnit

I want to click both but I'm in public.

n o t f e m i n i n e

Masculine Trap House

fuck me

Here I cum

Goddamnit I did it again!

That's what xe said ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

This got me fired. Fuck you.

You submitted this about 13 minutes before you told me you got fired so I think you might have done this to yourself. Regardless, I can get you a new job over the internet, please just give me your social security number, DOB, full name, and an image of your bussy.

i mean, yeah?

Giving a fuck about economics is why I'm a centrist neoliberal.

Honestly you don't even have to go to crazy tankies to get a much less hypocritical (and downright idiotic) take. If you're basing an ideology's validity on the views of dumbshit, normie redditors...

the bottom of the fish barrel? eh? eh?

Haha, nice.


The idea that all companies are run by robber barrons is pretty hilarious.

Plenty of companies that don't get negative press have great cultures.

lol sweaty capitalism is robbery, bye

This is what communists unironically believe.

Taxes are wage theft

Wages are tax theft.

Wages are tax shareholder theft.



Fucking Costco and their high pay. If only they paid people less their returns would be much higher, look at how well Walmart and CVS have done over the last year compared to it

Nah, Walmart started paying higher wages as well, minimum $11/hr. It's Trump derangement syndrome.

Taxes should ideally be on capital, not wages. Capital is the enemy, not wages, or even prices.

Capital is the concept that has created everything of value that surrounds you.

Except labour did that. The "things" around you can exist without capital, they cannot exist without labour by definition.

Yeah, the labour of others seeking their fortune while you wallow in your misfortune.

Capital is the resources used to produce the goods, whether it be the raw material used, the machinery and tools used ("capital goods"), or the medium of exchange used to buy both.

I just enjoy shopping somewhere where the employees don't appear to be constantly on the verge of suicide


The idea that all companies are run by robber barrons is pretty hilarious.

I don't get what you're implying here.

Actual literal robber barons (feudal barons illegally taxing people) probably had great cultures too.

Oh man, just wait until they hear about publicly traded stocks.

corporations are the truest form of socialism

corporatism is basically syndicalism which is basically socialism

A lot of my savings go to purchase shares of a Vanguard index fund. Vanguard is huge, largest shareholder in Apple, Google, biggest non-Bezos holder of Amazon, etc. Vanguard Group Incorporated is owned by ... its own funds. Some kind of capitalist plot.

The USSR ruined the image of socialism.

I wonder how they did that? 🤔

I wonder how China did that too... 🤔🤔🤔

Or Venezuela?


Must be right wing propaganda, those countries are all wonderful cultural melting pots, not that I have ever seen someone browner than a holiday tan before.

And great places for investment. If you'd invested just 100 bolivar 4 years ago in USD you'd now be worth 1,199,040 bolivar. Such a thriving economy ;P




Hi zozzy

hey cutie :)

now that’s totally different. the old despot died and people don’t like the new one

DAE bask in the light of ur own idiocy

I am the second sun.

I wonder how they did that?

by killing a bunch of people and introducing a new dictatorship, duh

I wonder how China did that too...

same thing, but with bonus famine, a cultural revolution, and ultimately becoming the foremost global superpower

By being authoritarian dictatorships. But Marx was mainly writing about new economic order, and viewing communism through that lens, it managed to accomplish remarkable things by transforming large agricultural nations who were technologicaly inferior to their competitors and enemies to economic powerhouses. Beside, it was never tried in industrial or even post industrial society which was his major thesis. Thats why people are saying that "real" communism has never been tried. I mean, SSSR and China industrialized, but its not the same. The dictatorship they established when they needed to industrialize survived in age that different model was needed and theorized about, and that transition to it never came.

Im mainly talking about postWW1 Russia and post WW2 China. Venezuela, Cuba and Soviet sattelite states post WW2 arent ok to mention because i think their failures came due to outside factors, not internal. Sanctions fuck up a lot. If they werent sanctioned and were left to develop their socialism ? Im not saying they would be succesful, but story changes.

what is east germany? :S

Carved puppet state in ruins.

Lmao gotta love that conviction. Rooting for you, bud.

tnx mate. we will rise again.

I mean did you ever successfully rise in the first place?

who, me ? yeah. from my bed. commies ? fuck yeah. they overthrew a monarchy and fidel overthrew usa puppetdom. china and vietnam as well concerning european colonizers.

I mean they may have over thrown them, hurray, anyone can do that. ISIS did it, it can't be that hard.

But they never established "muh true communism" according to the reddit tankies. Do you agree?

Well yeah. But true communism is more of a theoretical thing. Communism mostly requires revolution because its class based and ruling class wont intentionaly surrender their benefits. And then requires the revolutionaries to not misuse their power, so. Nah. Didnt happen. But seeing how communistic revolutions and propagations happened during times where absolutism wasnt a exception but the rule and how income inequality doubles yearly, doesnt mean that next time would be the same as those, if and only if, influence of citizens grows more in politics

Cool cool cool. If true communism is more of a theoretical thing, is it unattainable? And are you happy or sad with the way communism usually (pretty much always) turns out (into an authoritarian regime.

Realistically, is there any alternative post successful revolution?

No, its not unattainable. You never know what can happen. But i think its still unattainable because wherever that revolution happens, places in which it doesnt will view them antagonisticaly which would require centralization. Nothing happens in a vacuum and thats why i think its more theoreticaly based. Ofcourse im not happy about it, but everyone needs to remember one thing, the regimes they overthrew were worse. And one another. Beyond revolutions, or any other thing. Does the concept of workers owning the means of production sound better then working for someone who does, especialy in futurism, where most of that work will be automated. If yes, whats wrong in going toward that change ? Rest of it, for example, the threat of violence youd need to pass to get it is just chains the elites put on us.

I'd have to disagree with the regimes being over thrown being worse ALL time time to be honest. Vietnam I can definitely see that... USSR, not so much (see also the holodomor, gulags, purges, KGB, etc)

Youd choose feudalism at its worst over Soviet Union at its worst ?
Cause thats what Russia was before the revolution. Unindustralized Absolute Monarchy. And throw in serfdom which was abolished only comparatively recently before it.

Also, youd live in country that was at mercy of any industralized country. And probably watch the worst genocide in history happen to your people cause in WW2, Russia would lose.

Youd choose feudalism at its worst over Soviet Union at its worst ?

Absoluetly, are you dense? Living as a hermit in the woods is preferable to Stalinist '30s Russia.

Wow. Well unless you lucky, you wouldnt live as a hermit in the woods. Woods are royal and only they are allowed to hunt there. The biggest probability is that youd live on a farm working for the landlord and forced by law to live your whole life there and feed him. Yes, surely living in a second largest world superpower is that much worse. Stalin came to Russia with a wooden plough and left it in possession of atomic weapons.

Stalin came to Russia with a wooden plough and left it in possession of atomic weapons.

I absolutely love it when historically illiterate tankies spout this nonsense. It shows just how deep their heads are shoved in their Che-tattooed asses.

Newflash, numbnuts, Russia, with fits and starts, was already industrializing through the 19th century and into the early 20th century up to the revolution. Industrial centers were emerging, industries were emerging, there were railways, internal capital was being generated, as was foreign investment. Stalin didn't create any of that. Neither did Lenin. Neither did the Bolsheviks. Rather, they inherited it. If they hadn't, Bolshevik, 'industrialization' efforts would have gone the way of the Great Leap Forward.

Ffs, Russia under a random republican or a vanilla authoritarian system with a shred of competence would have industrialized and developed in the 20th century anyway, in slower, more effective manner, without starving 4 millions peasants to death. Stalinism is one way of industrialization, just as cannibalism is one way of attaining a high protein diet.

The biggest probability is that youd live on a farm working for the landlord and forced by law to live your whole life there and feed him

Live my whole life? Holy shit, I'd take that in a heartbeat. An undecillion times better than what me and ethnic kin would've got under Uncle Joe.

Everything you just said is wrong. Thats unfortunate cause you wrote a lot of things. Google Soviet economic miracle. They inherited world war, uneducated peasants and few factories in Skt. Petersburg and Moscow. Now google explicitly Stalin`s policy of collectivization and industrialization and his 5 year plans and results should speak for themselves. Here are results of the first. Areas like capital goods increased 158%, consumer goods increased by 87%, and total industrial output increased by 118% while the workface for both men and women doubled, and literacy increased by massive percentages till he accomplished full employment. It was biggest and most rapid economic improvement in history of the world till Chinas. How the fck can you get more effective then that ? His policies turned SSSR in superpower. That from plough to atomic bomb is absolutely correct, he was fuckd up dictator who murdered millions and turned his country from backwards agrarian one to industrial superpower. How many peasants would starve during that slower manner? Less ? Sure. Significantly less ? Not sure. Besides your point is moot cause you didnt consider Hitler. Oh, and he defeated him. And thing that you probably hate the most is that he couldnt have done it without those explicit economic policies that took so many lives. Acknowledge it or not, reality is reality.

And speak about Mao and his failure of Great Leap what you want, China during his rule was a improvement to century of humiliation and CONSTANT starvation that came before him.

They overthrew a monarchy

No they didn't you commie fuck. The February Revolution did. The only thing the Bolsheviks did was crush the Russian people's chance for freedom and genuine democracy by instigating the October Revolution, and instituting a system even more brutal and oppressive than anything the tsars ever had.

And landowners and the rich in the prov.government would institute democracy and freedom ? institute mass education and industrialization ? Defeat Hitler ? Maybe youre right. But maybe youre not and uneducated peasantry would stay that way and suffer more. Dont tell me there is no way that could happen ? Its beside the point anyway cause Marx meant for revolution to happen after we achieved self sufficiency through capitalism to solve the inequality inherent in capitalism were seeing now.

TIL Mensheviks = landowners and the rich

No. Landowners and the rich = Landowners and the rich.

tnx mate. we will rise again.

Truly, we live in a society. Bottom text, brother!

That's racist.

No u

My one joy during a communist revolution will be seeing you shot before me when the revolution eats itself and turns on useful idiots like yourself


Unemployed turbo-socialist pseudointellectuals who don't want to work are useful.🤔

There is a connect here.

It wont be a communist revolution, it will be revolution of the have nots. Were seeing more and more of income inequality. Imagine the end result of it where ridiculously small percentage of people own almost everything and if it changed, and seeing how automatization is advancing, machines they are using for personal profit coulld feed and take care of whole world. Why would you be against revolution then ?

edit; i mean "then" as in, at that hypothetical point in time. hypothetical but increasingly likely.

automatization is advancing, machines they are using for personal profit coulld feed and take care of whole world. Why would you be against revolution then ?

Automatization isn't (and was never meant to) going to lead to world socialism. If anything, it's going to make it even more obsolete. This isn't an Iain M. Banks novel.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Why not ? Its unrealisticaly utopian but do you for example, see star trek society as socialist ?

Dude they did socialism in Star Trek they can do it in real life

The United Federation of Planets is a magic society, with magic technology, aliens and magical space gods and no real basis to any known or workable societal or political model. So yeah, you could case for it closely resembling socialism.


it's socialism when workers purchase the business they work under

What level of centrism have we reached?

Fun fact: UPS is 53% socialist, and Koch Industries, being entirely owned by its CEOs, is 100% socialist

I'm not sure, but I think that there are definitely a lot of wrong answers on both sides and the answer is probably somewhere in the middle.


Lol. Just say Marxist







Damn marxicans are buying our jobs

he’s referring to denizens of the Planet Marx, as seen in Kirby’s Dream Land 3

Four employees bought the place and probably feel pretty good about themselves right now.

But sooner or later they're gonna disagree about something and it will be a shitshow. It may be next year, or the year after, or five years down the road but it will go to hell.

Either way, the story will not be picked up by any major news outlet.

"Socialism is when workers buy the company they used to work in"

-Marx, Capital Vol 33

"Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill!"

-Marx, Capital Vol 5,389 (pre Nerve-Stapling)

Not an economist, but my vague memories of the two weeks of economics I had in my 8th grade civics class makes me think that going from working at a business to owning it is more of a capitalism thing.

Sounds like your 8th grade civics class was shit. The proportion of self-employed does not go up over time in capitalism, it goes down.

Capitalism replaces cottage industry with large-scale industry. That's kind of an important thing to understand.

The class was actually really comprehensive when it came to civics. Unfortunately the public school curriculum only allowed for two weeks (5 classes on block scheduling) to devote to economics. My teacher did an admirable job with the time he was given, but, like many topics that aren't on state mandated testing, there just wasn't time to learn more than basic definitions and a couple of examples before we had to return to the material that would determine if we passed or failed for the year. I agree that it's important to know, but, in my state at least, economics never comes up in the curriculum again, and by the time I was old enough to realize it was more important than school let on I had less than no interest in figuring out the nitty-gritty of every system, and frankly, I don't think knowing everything about different systems will change my life dramatically enough to make studying them a priority. I know the bare basics, I'm not too proud to admit that there's more I don't know than I do, and I have Google.

market socialism

Free market socialists are just capitalists too proud to recant. Isn't that right /u/StephenSchleis?

Leftcoms are smug assholes but they're kind of on the money when it comes to this point.

Yeah, I actually like this type of commie, but don't tell them I said that.

Did you know? You check your cats pulse on the inside of the back thigh, where the leg joins to the body. Normal for cats: 110-170 beats per minute.

u/Yiin, you subscribed here.


Literally my favorite commies, I can relate to their armchair philosophy being a radical centrist myself.

WTF. that is literal capitalism and they are calling it socialism?

These people see capitalism as pure evil but this is good so of course it can't be capitalism so it must be socialism.

Yeah, a real pull yourself up by your bootstraps story that dirty commies hate so much.

Socialists like it because there is no owner separate from the workers. They think that that is a good thing

Why do you think it's good?

some dude starts business

owns own means of production

hires wage workers who don't own means of production

a few workers save money from wage labor at place where they don't control means of production

4 workers buy means of production from former bosses

4 workers now own means of production

don't share means of production with other workers


Nailed it

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Fuck these businesses that only exist to exploit fish buyers and fish catchers

Not to mention the fish.

u/shoepidgeon care to inject your spicy wit into the conversation?

To be fair this is way more socialist than most things that self identify as socialism.

Wouldn't this actually be Syndicalism?

That's a cooperative, isn't it?

No. It's a few employees buying a business. The other employees don't gain anything.

Admittedly, I have no idea how many employees there are in that shop. The article doesn't seem to mention it.