Legbeards argue whether selling gussy is empowerment or oppression

67  2018-07-21 by CisWhiteMaleREEE


Everyone involved in the transaction, except the prostitute should be arrested

wew lad

Why is it different ? Sex isn't some magical thing that degrades women unless you believe that a women's worth is found only in her vagina.

/u/psham I have bad news for you...

Yeah, that will really help the sex workers out, arresting their customers. People just love it when you destroy their livelihood by throwing all their customers in prison. Such empowerment.

I sell hamburgers, but buying hamburgers is illegal.

My neighbors think I'm selling hamburgers

Lol, did you read u/pinkhoo's whole sperg out?

Selling 20 dollar blow jobs in order to buy meth and sex change hormones is brave and empowering in current year. Buying 20 dollar blow jobs not so much.

Patriarchal man: women are nothing but holes to fuck.

Feminist woman: women are nothing but holes to fuck.

Everyone involved in the transaction, except the prostitute should be arrested

This is actually how prostitution works in Sweden, it's illegal to buy but not to sell

My Finnish friends say it's illegal NOT to be gay in Sweden, can anybody confirm?

This is true, the so called no-go zones are filled with arab straight people, making it unfit for Swedes

Let me guess, decriminalise for women, extra punishment for men.

Lucky guess.

either way, gussy is gross šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ bussy all the way bb šŸ˜Ž

We have the best bussy, don't we folks?

the best bussy, fantastic bussy, everyone says our bussy is the best, everyone i know says we have the best bussy, it's the best, the best bussy.

Yuuuge bussy.

Imagine needing a fucking comic to have opinions spoon-fed to you.

How much does a vagina fetch these days? Depends on mileage, I guess.

Yeah, the problem nowadays is by age 25, your average vagina has an I5's worth of mileage on it.


Single mom, "disabled", slutting it up for the camera. 2:1 the kid pulls the trigger before the age of 16.

/u/FreyjaVixen define disabled. Are you taking off your clothes in a wheelchair?

Yes, among other things. There is actually a surprisingly large niche market for disabled porn, there are a lot of men(and Iā€™m sure women too) that are attracted to the assumed ā€œhelplessnessā€ for a variety of reasons. Since I exclusively do BDSM related content the feeling of having someone to protect/care for and the feeling of being easily able to overpower heir ā€œpartnerā€ are the main draws for my audience. However there may be slightly different reasoning for the vanilla audience.

I see.

Well, you can use a computer. Have you tried getting a job that's more desk oriented?

Fuxking le kek

Yes Iā€™ve tried, Iā€™m not very good with computers or tech at all and had to have a good friend set up all the cyber security and misc stuff but if I had it all to do over I would have gone to school for computers instead. Iā€™m a certified animal nutritionist but outside a handful of major metropolitan areas if you want to do that work you also have to be able to sling huge sacks of dog food among other stock without your own established practice. Also, I literally can not afford to work anywhere but from home because of the price of child care combined with the fact that I am constantly going to and from Dr. appointments only adds to the problem. Iā€™m not at all unhappy with what I do, it pays very well(much more than anything else Iā€™ve found that I could do without significant accommodations, even then Iā€™ve been turned down everywhere Iā€™ve applied) and it works for me, I can chose who I make videos for and I never have to have any physical contact with my clients nor do they know where I live or ā€œworkā€. It has seriously boosted my self esteem and letā€™s me make my own schedule so for now itā€™s what works for me and my child.

I'll be honest, I was preparing to laugh at anyone who was pinged here but you actually seem like you've got a decent head on your shoulders and are making the best of a pretty terrible situation.

Take care mate.

Thank you, itā€™s a crap hand but itā€™s also the only one I have so I may as well make what I can of it, and try to make sure my kids hand is better while Iā€™m here. Take care yourself, as well. šŸ˜Š

Wow arenā€™t you just a peach. Betting on my son killing himself over something he has and never will have knowledge of, because of the extraordinary precautions I take, will kill himself, classy. Good sir since in the US it is perfectly legal to pay someone that is disabled far, far below the federal minimum wage guideline and it is nearly impossible to get hired as a person in a wheelchair, particularly with the progressive auto immune disease I have that will lead to my death in 5-10 years, how else do you suggest I earn money without leaching off the government?

Don't mind him he's just jealous.

Got some links? This is a sex and body positive community

Wow arenā€™t you just a peach. Betting on my son killing himself over something he has and never will have knowledge of, because of the extraordinary precautions I take, will kill himself, classy. Good sir since in the US it is perfectly legal to pay someone that is disabled far, far below the federal minimum wage guideline and it is nearly impossible to get hired as a person in a wheelchair, particularly with the progressive auto immune disease I have that will lead to my death in 5-10 years, how else do you suggest I earn money without leaching off the government?

Is.. Is this the show?

Consensual prostitution needs to be legalized, just like everything else.

If there's no victim, there's no crime, that simple.

Legalizing prostitution increases human trafficking. It's therefore perfectly compatible with white women because they won't be the ones suffering.

Honestly I see this on claim on r/drama every now and then and I'd like to say that virtually all the "studies" that come up with that result are so counter-intuitive that looking at them for five seconds gives away the fact they're actually known to be conducted in idiotic ways.

A) Many of the surveys were for TOTAL human trafficking of which sex trafficking is only a small part (maybe an eighth to a tenth), so if sex trafficking stays the same but importing illegals for labor increases "Human trafficking" increases.

B) The numbers on sex trafficking prior to legalization is nearly impossible to know and legalization may increase incidents of reporting or being able to track the crime, a known phenomenon when something in the black market is legalized. Most of said surveys flat-out do not account for this.

C) Using other measurements such as German convictions of sex trafficking post legalization staying the same or dropping and other economic analysis' of the Dutch Model (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2057299) shows sex trafficking doesn't increase with legalization.

TL;DR in the short term sex trafficking doesn't seem to shift much in one direction or another as a result of legalization (so it's certainly not a "cure-all" either), though legal, non-trafficked prostitutes do become better protected.

Also I'm sincerely sorry for the serious post in the drama.


Exactly. Every single profession has the possibility of oppression or liberation.

Militant extremists have to be reminded occasionally of the otherwise obvious: they can't choose on other people's behalf.
