Mass grave found in Texas and Chapo figures out it is border patrol genociding Mexicans

27  2018-07-22 by ToughScientist


It is pretty crazy they go to that as an explanation when Cartels have been known to do this shit over and over again in their own countries.

Blaming the cartels does not fit with the conspiracy they're trying to sell.

You laugh, but they have a screenshot of a tweet of a Democracy Now link. This is an open and shut case.

If Holodomor really happened why didn’t Democracy Now tweet about it? Checkmate capitalists

I thought r/cth were just sort of asshole socialists but not fully retarded conspiracy theorists. This is some "the other side eats babies"-tier shit.

They're woke. Of course they're retarded conspiracy theorists. That's a requirement for being woke.

I thought they were Bernie-bros that liked saying mean words on the Internet

Every time I heard of "woke" people, it seemed like they were similar to Alex Jones, but on the left.

Yeah except instead of treating them like the weird crazy people they are, leftists generally just ignore them, if not outright support them.

I thought r/cth were just sort of asshole socialists but not fully retarded conspiracy theorists. This is some "the other side eats babies"-tier shit.

Socialism is built off conspiracy theories.

Someone should crosspost this to r/greatawakening

They probably came from a country where cement is made. Globalist pedo conspiracy confirmed.

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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