If someone told me they voted for Brexit and didn't regret it I'd throw whatever I was holding at their face... because they've doomed the country and wrestled my future out of my hands? Literally killed my dreams?

73  2018-07-22 by mohkohnsepicgun


Huh, I wondered why acid attacks were on the rise here.

If you throw acid at someone who's based, will he get salty?


I have less than zero stake in whatever retarded shit happens in Euroville, but I have to say the Brexit drama has been so much fun, I hope a few more countries vote Out.

I dont because im a smug cruelty free drama consumer.

Cruelty free


Escoge uno

speak american froggy.

I'm backpacking Europe for another 5 weeks so I'm trying to fit in. On the plus side, I've had 2 people ask me if I have any pictures of my guns.

But hey when I get back, maybe you can stay at my place. Maybe sleep in my bed. Maybe borrow my underoos. No big story.

Im gonna annex your house in idaho. Sorry sweaty

thinking I live in a house

not realizing I live in a van.

Annex your front passenger seat

Sweet bro, come with me. I'm gonna hit up the desert come winter and head to the woods when it warms up.

Sounds beautiful bro. So stoked.

Hold on to your hat because everyone's favorite guy-who-looks-like-he-spent-the-last-couple-of-nights-sleeping-on-a-park-bench is promising to fuck the EU right in it's liberal baggette-hole.

HMS Drama has been sighted on the horizon.

This is awesome. Pls daddy Bannon.

I love Bannon.


That URL reads like every fevered nightmare of r/politics.

One can only hope.


Imagine having to get a visa to stay in a foreign country 😮

imagine being /u/throwawayravenclaw then?


What a fucking retard


Hey bro. I know you are asleep right now, but I want you to wake up and see this note.

Your country is leaving the EU and there is not a god damned thing you can do about it.


The whole point of EU is to be a single market with free movement of workers, capital anf services but I guess for uneducated retards like you that is a concept too hard to understand

The whole point of EU is to be a single market with free movement of workers, capital anf services but I guess for uneducated retards like you that is a concept too hard to understand


I thought it was to ban things.

oh almost like uniting 50 states with free movement of workers, capital, and services. kind of like what the us has....🧐

Except not. It's a regional treaty between sovereign States for common good. Your Texas episode showed that all 50 states are under federal government.

right. it’s a more effective system in the us and is why europoors can’t tape together anything close to as productive.

yikes. An alt?

back to back world war champs



Fist me, daddy

I feel like we'll procrastinate, flounder, bicker and then at the last minute take the easiest route, which means the least amount of work for everyone. Which is to stay, or accept a deal that is as good as staying (but worse than what we currently have).

Literally this.

I was feeling a bit more hopeful about Brexit after hearing economist Mark Blyth's take, but now I think it's a fucking stupid idea. IMO it's a bit like walking out of a party that you weren't enjoying very much, but having absolutely no idea where else to go instead.

I am hopeful about Brexit because of all the faggots that are upset about it.

I suppose by the same logic you'd be hopeful about a nuclear war then would you?

Out of interest, are there any Brexiteers you would be as likely to characterise as "faggots", or does that label only apply to remainers?

Mmmm no, not seeing it.

You said you were "hopeful about Brexit because of all the faggots that are upset about it", so I assume by the same logic you would be hopeful about a nuclear war because of all the 'faggots' that would be upset about it.

I'm pretty sure some non-faggots would be upset about a nuclear war. Unless it was like Iran vs Saudi or something.

That's a bit opaque, but I infer from that you think no 'non-faggots' are upset about Brexit.

So would I be right in saying a more precise wording of your view is "I am hopeful about Brexit because only faggots are upset about it"? It only bothers people you dislike, therefore you are OK with it. Is that correct?

I will answer your question if you first answer mine:

How many levels of autism are you on right now?

le autism le funny meme XD

Seriously though, not sure what you're on about. I thought we were talking about Brexit and 'faggots that are upset about it'.

pls leave. go back to posting on /r/gardening ur shitting the place up

Hi can you stop serious posting ur killing the high of angering faggots

Sorry about that. I shall certainly vigorously assault my testicles with a cheese grater for this gross lapse in /r/drama etiquette.



but having absolutely no idea where else to go instead.

I don't know much about the long-term plans but won't they just go back to what they did for hundreds of years successfully up until the last few decades?

How far is that 'hundreds of years' timescale really relevant to the current scenario? Surely when planning UK political and economic strategy we should be thinking mainly in post-WW2 terms (or later)? Do you disagree?

Because you can't live in the past?

As an American I'm just confused. Is it really that controversial to not want other countries governing your country? If the idea of an EU started gaining traction in US politics so many people would die or go fucking apeshit, it would be unreal. The chaos would be way worse than the weak shit Britons complain about finances-wise.

As an American I'm just confused. Is it really that controversial to not want other countries governing your country?

Remember Europe was literally feudal. It's a collection of peasants yearning for big daddy statists to punish their bussies.

sounds like paradise to me

Unfortunately the big daddy statists look like this

That’s a real panty dropper right there.

Is it really that controversial to not want other countries governing your country?

You mean, like having a bunch of relatively independent country states (with different cultures and everything) governed by a federal government?

If the idea of an EU started gaining traction in US politics so many people would die or go fucking apeshit, it would be unreal.

You could even have a full blown civil war if some of the American Union member states decided to secede!

Mayo America.

Because together you're stronger than being alone. You should understand that being from a federation.

Exactly, Hillary! That's why Taiwan wants so badly to join China.

Impressive to be this retarded and able to post.

If your country makes decisions through direct democracy, you're already being governed by foreign intelligence services.

Don't MEP's literally have to leave their country to vote (against or for other countries) for policies literally no one even considered in their country?

Dude who in your own country would consider subsidies for specific agricultural products? Fuck no one outside of Montana is interested in that so it is basically the same as in the USA.

I look forward to having no influence or vote on that because some Lederhosen fucks wants the opposite. YEET

As if you would have that influence in a first past the post 2 party system, with an electoral college, with single issue voters that go “muh guns” every day. If anything the EU adds democracy because you keep the one issue voters in different levels.

Consider Germany: you keep the school and college issues in your federal state (aka Montana), the immigration issues on the federal level and the fishing & agriculture issues on a European level. This way all the people that are single issue immigration voters (pro as anti) don’t ruin consumer standards because they don’t care about it.

Dude the states grant the federal government exclusive access to their bussies because it makes them more powerful than they could be individually. The United States literally already has an EU type system because the US is partially the inspiration for the EU.

Is it really that controversial to not want other countries governing your country?

The US states joined for the very same reason yurop did.

Fucking burgers being fucking ignorant of their own fucking history.

If the idea of an EU started gaining traction in US politics so many people would die or go fucking apeshit, it would be unreal Euroepean Union

My man, literally the country is called the United States of America. It is a union of many discrete governments.

Holy shit the state of education.

Yippee ki yay. Nothing like having California be our governing body always! Thanks EU! Fuck the Electoral College.

Yeah, the electoral college is definitely a little dated and might need some revisioning, but that goes for the general election process writ large.

Federalism has been dead longer than Ive been alive.

If the idea of an EU started gaining traction in US politics

You mean like a collective of states that are united under a federal system?

I've always been sortof confused at the idea that the UK cannot survive as a separate nation. Didn't it manage to do that for like 1000 years until recently?

The UK existed pretty well from 1707 until 1976 when alleged pedophile Ted Heath and alleged Soviet agent Harold Wilson ended their political careers taking Britain into the common market.

Before that, Britain generally benefited by keeping Europe divided, allying with one nation against another and then abruptly changing sides, and thereby keeping them weak and vulnerable. The unification of Germany in 1871 saw the rise of a major new power in Europe which has dominated the mainland since.

Whether Europeans are better under the heel of Germany or the fickle machinations of the British I leave to them to decide.

Western Europe will fall under the whip of Allah.

As will the Great Satan USA, Inshallah.

Negative, Ghostrider. Based Eastern Europe and our buddy Vlad will join us in liberating Germany for a third time.

I wonder what kebab removal driven by a free Germany would look like. Arabs might get their own ethno state out of it. Oh wait. They already have a ton of those. Goddamnitstraighttohellyoufuckingmayos.

The Kingdom isn't so United anymore.

Then make a fucking effort. Show the Irish their place.

Nuke back to the stonehenge!

Nuclear weapons on property you want to own is a bad idea. Just take away their potatoes.

Once you go brexit you can never go...




This doesn't work.



Looks who's suddenly too cool to care after all that crying.


I thought you might say that.


What blank is your favourite organisation? The KK_


Lol, he got you to change the pattern! Get owned by gamergate, bitch!


that people write so retarded comments doesn't really surprise me, but seeing them so upvoted hurts my brain. How can you read such retarded drivel and think "wow, good content, thank you for posting that."
And then downvote someone making a completely reasonable post. How do these people live their actual physical life? I can't believe they can find a bubble so isolated that they never get into contact with even the slightest challenging position. I don't want to believe that it's possible to live such a life.

Shh brother, it’s content for us let the drama flow through you.

Imagine being so cucked that the mere possibility of other nations no longer being able to govern your nation elicits this kind of reaction.

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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/u/throwawayravenclaw Are you a brownie?

Also shoutout to /u/LemonScore_ for being a retard that brigades. Mods; ban when?


But I asked a question, didn't I?

This person is the worst kind of person to tag here. No banter, no defense, no doubling down, no sperging out. Just "k".

What a boring feckless cunt.



Shoutout to Puntagon for being stupid enough to think that "brigading" is a thing or against the rules.

brigading isn't against the rules

On a scale from 1 to 10, which 2-digit number would you use to describe how retarded you are?

It is faggy tho. Just cause the drama here, dumbass.

What's with the question marks? Is he not sure whether they wrestled the future out of his hands and literally killed his dreams?

Brexit make me happy because 1) we can't trust the rosbifs and 2) it hurt them.

There's nothing worse than a Frenchman who doesn't know his place

There's nothing worse than a Frenchman who thinks he's better than an Englishman

There's nothing worse than a Frenchman who thinks he's funny

There's nothing worse than a Frenchman.

There's nothing worse than a Frenchman.

This but unironically. We are the best at everything, including being the worse. This is true radical centrism. This is France.

Congrats on winning the kick-ball championship in Russia. Hope your team checked their food for weapons-grade pollonium.

Congrats on winning the kick-ball championship in Russia.

Ca rentre Ă  la maison. :^)

Hope your team checked their food for weapons-grade pollonium.

Don't worry, radioactive material always stop at the border in France.