Legendary racist piece of shit cries because I got him blocked out of twitter for twelve hours.

25  2018-07-23 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


white people love snitching

Trashy people love pretending street rules should apply to decent folk.

I'm rubbing my mayo mandibles together right now at the thought.

If this guy is advocating for stealing a current land owner's farm land, I won't be surprised when he gets murdered.

I will unironically get a very fine bottle of wine to celebrate if some boer takes him out.

Every wh*te piece of shite should be kicked from Africa.

Not sure why you're downvoted? Bring on the mayocide!

Chase the Yacub back to the cave!

the mdefugee need to go back, this is why.

They're fun to laugh at

Hmm yeah, that would end up good for the darkies wouldn't it? Look at Zimbabwe and tell me you don't wake up praying to god for whitey to come back.

Better poor than white.

Better dead than black.. I guess you got that going for you D:

Cool. Land wars X Race wars.

It doesn't get any better than that. Why did you get him blocked? Don't be a killljoy

Why did you get him blocked? Don't be a killljoy

Some pretty blatantly pro-murder whitey shit. Wish I had archived it, because I can't remember exactly what and it's been nuked.

This is the guy who thinks JuJu / the EFF are too reasonable.

sunlight is the best disinfectant, letting this crap fester underground serves no one. censorship is wrong.

Right but sunlight means everyone needs to focus on the guy. Just allowing him to speak is going to make it even worse.

censorship is wrong.

Normally I'd agree, but Andile wasn't expressing free thought though or any idea, just bloodlust.

This was it: https://twitter.com/watsenaam/status/1020954896827285504

all you did was give the guy a chance to deflect and play the victim a bit. besides, the more time he's going ham on twitter the less time he's out helping kill white people.

some twitter freak threatening someone with a machete is good propaganda. pin and retweet it and if the guy it was directed at actually feels threatened, let him report it himself.

admit it, the only reason you reported this was because you got mad and had to act out.

Sure, I was a little butthurt. :)

He seems woke on the Mayocide. I’m unsure who to support in this situation.

Real post title "Burthurt mayo attempts to stall mayocide, local 👑KING👑 overcomes perfidious plot in mere 12 hours"

user reports:
1: Sabotaging mayocide.

Legitamate grievance, if you ask me

"The land is ours." Funny, he doesn't look Khoisan to me. I wonder if he is aware that his ancestors may have arrived in South Africa after the evil whities.

i know marxist analysis falls short when confronted with blackness.

You guys are honestly missing some really good material while obsessed over the mayocide angle.

Mugabe did nothing wrong