They targeted Roseanne.... Roseanne

65  2018-07-23 by The-idiots114


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Sounds silly really, but the reason I abandoned the left for the right was because they wouldn't stop messing with the films and games I enjoyed during my off times

I thought the lefties were supposed to be the fragile snowflakes :thinking:

Wow never been here before ;)

during my off times

America Best. Number one cowboy.


It's funny how they think the left worships rick and morty when, what, 6 months ago all the soyboys were shitting their pants because a bunch of edgtards flipped out over some shitty McNuggets sauce or something?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ricardo and Mortimer. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ricardo's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ricardo & Mortimer truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ricardo's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. πŸ˜‚

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Ricardo & Mortimer tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

Hmmm quite.

Causing gamer gate was a big shot in the foot for the left.

All we wanted to do was play video games.

And we all know you can’t do that with a bunch of (ugh) girls around. Right, /u/sushicomped?

Sounds silly really, but the reason I abandoned the left for the right was because they wouldn't stop messing with the films and games I enjoyed

I've finally found it, the most reddit comment of all time.

Hey i'm a sensitive person, I like to tear up at cutesy netflix anime at 2am. I prefer irish cream personally, but I don't drink anymore. Love you ;).


good god man

Yeah watching some sword art online, but my fav is seven deadly sins. I know i'm basic.

Aren't there really any better anime on Netflix? I know their selection is terrible but still.

Subjective taste I guess, I like a lot of stuff people don't.

OPM, FMA:Brotherhood, Violet Evergarden, KlK, Gurrenn Lagann, Little Witch Academia, Fates that don't have the pink-haired companion of Orland, the Godzilla movie, first season of Attack on Titan, just off the top of my head. Plus they have some good movies. Crunchyroll has a better selection but there's a ton of critically and commercially successful anime on Netflix.

Jesus Christ. It's like you were born from cancer.

You are correct. Embrace me.

When SAO abandoned everything it established and moved it's characters to live in a fucking cabin you didn't feel like giving up on your weebo life? You actually thought "fuck yeah this is what I wanted all along"?

Pretty much, I liked it, it was nice.

I don't know what I want to do more, gas or study you.

Isekai anime fuckin sucks, but like, log horizon or RE:Zero is probs a little better.

But you should check out City Hunter.

cutesy netflix anime

All anime is shit tier but netflix anime? Please lobotomize yourself before you impact society in any way.

I like this sub its like the roast of u/RealDw. I'm a bit masochistic so keep it up. Give it seven deadly sins a go though, got a talking pig in it.

Give seven deadly sins a go though, got a talking pig in it.

/u/xNotch you guest starring on anime now?

Ooh a double team, nice.

Give seven deadly sins a go though, got a talking pig in it.

I did, it had some redeeming moments, but it is shit. And I never complain about this shit, but that main character is rapey as fuck.

Does Netflix even have any good Moe shows? Why stream anime anyway, seems stupid.

You also shouldnt stay up that late, try going to bed before midnight, then you can start the next day early and refreshed.

Okay mom, have you made my tendies yet?

No, I recommend the plain, skinless steamed chicken with the rice.


Is it just the fentanyl or do you actually labor under the delusion that not only does voting for conservatives somehow impact entertainment industry trends and culture, or that somehow the right would attempt to censor or otherwise mess with it less if given a chance?

You're a great argument against giving all adults the right to vote without some sort of basic competency test.

Oopsie poopsie I better report to the gulag. So when am I going to be made mod? Btw i'm not married to the republican party, I will criticize those conservatives who push for censorship. I believe the state should work on the basis that all humans are inherently untrustworthy an flawed so checks and balances are necessary, I'm also mainly economically right wing, but sense must be put before ideology so that you must be prepared to use different economic solutions and not stick rigidly to an economic theory. I believe in a small as possible government as govt is made up of people too, who are as I said flawed. If somone wants to make leftist entertainment that's up to them, but I can't stand tone policing and the pushing of ideology into what I enjoy doing, I like apoltical stuff. To me feminism is also a movement of people more concerned with power and money. I align with Trump because he fits my beliefs closest. Although suggesting I not receive a vite displays your elitism, nice t mine. Love you still :P

That stream of pure anime fueled autism aside, how again does voting right over left relate to the left 'messing with your games and movies'?

So far only reinforcing that anime was a mistake and you shouldn't vote

The Trump movement disagrees with restrictive political correctness and tone policing. Although as I said gamer gate was just the start of my right shift. Academia was another, people are too hesitant to speak their mind. I would have defended these people for their edgy jokes, I like edgy jokes, but they contributed to an environment that punishes jokes, I myself have made no attempt at censoring him or getting him fired, but I will laugh at the hypocrisy of it from the sidelines. The same thing was true when Weinstein and hollywood were pushing the Democrats and feminism, but went down for harassment. May I ask your political views?

The Trump movement disagrees with restrictive political correctness and tone policing.

The government should not fund them. If Trump actually banned them I would disagree with him.

Like, are you genuinely retarded or do you not understand the question? How does voting for a political party in a political election have any bearing or effect on trends in society or the entertainment industry?

I'm an enlightened radical centrist, as we all are here.

I answered the question, gamer gate was part of the culture war and led me to shift rightwards on other issues in politics. My hope is that the political shift will help change the cultural atmosphere, but Democrats have doubled down and largely shifted leftwards. Thank you for telling me. Do you think the left will spare you if you use words like "retard". I guess it doesn't matter so much if the target is a Trump supporter. I do support your freedom to call me that however.

If trends in culture were steered by those in power in politics, Donald trump could never have been a thing, since he is in some ways anathema to what was before him. You've got it backwards.

You keep making the assertion (implicit or explicit) that left politicians and parties are calling shots in entertainment, but they aren't. It's money. People largely want what's being produced, or they wouldn't pay for it, and it wouldn't get made.

It doesn't matter if someone supports daddy or mommy, retardation is what it is. It's usually higher powered in daddy supporters, and so, funnier to me. Do you think 'the left' is coming for me on reddit? Lmao

The left is not just left wing politicians. And these projects are failing, like Solo and Ghostbusters. You realise the "deplorable" tactics does not work right, insulting voters only gives us more more support.

But then you have the Last Jedi too. 6th fastest grossing movie ever.

Why should the democrats move to the right? Eight years of Obama trying to be a moderate and compromising with republicans didn't seem to please anyone on the right.

Go fuck yourself

Trump and the hardcore fundies do the exact same shit on the right you oblivious numbnut... Unironically retards are everywhere and you're the kind of idiot that's dumb enough to end up getting in too deep and becoming one of those controlling assholes, regardless of which side you're on.

its all about shitting on progressives and crazies

as long as someone with a discernible gender and non neon hair is in charge im happy

it doesn't even make fucking sense. Most attempts to censor and ban games have been by christian conservatives. Even Trump just released a video a few months back blaming them for mass shootings.

That may have been the case in the past, but that was mostly related to violence. They also had support from parent groups against it. It was easy enough to tell them to fuck off and ignore them. The attack from the left is different since they can actually get the games changed, because the game companies listen to them for some reason.

It similar to the same factions being against music. It took Tipper Gore (a dem and wife of Al Gore) to actually get the Explicit Lyrics warning and restrictions placed on music. The social conservatives were ignored like old men yelling at clouds.

To be fair. No one should take anything a christian conservative says seriously. And they listen to the left because "put a gay in your game" is an easier thing to address than "stop making games your ruining children!"

"stop making games you're ruining children!" was always their cry whether it was Doom or any other video game. It wasn't until GTA that I remember any of the hysterical wankers on either side being taken seriously and that was for killing prostitutes. Now every game developer seems to cave. There needs to be twitter mob justice against these cowardly game devs.

I can agree with that. Make the game you want. The main problem is that it's a business before it's an art form in most situations so they'll cave to any pressure that gets enough steam behind it.

To be fair. No one should take anything a muslim says seriously. And they listen to the left because "put a gay in your game" is an easier thing to address than "stop making games you're ruining children!"

This is fun.

Did you drink a bit too much strychnine at church this morning, Cletus?


because the game companies listen to them for some reason.

It's the unreasonable effectiveness of talking and behaving like a rational adult.

No, their claims are just as non-sense as the others.

This take hotter than a hot pocket

I though they sell those in the frozen aisle?

talking and behaving like a rational adult.

hahahahahahaha, oh wait, you're serious?


fucking lol

Have you been to twitter?

Tipper Gore wasn't a liberal, back then there wasn't as much of a difference between the parties and the Democrats still had socially conservative wings.

They weren't that different in the late 80's. They weren't full on progressive, but they were still involved in identity politics especially with respect to feminism.

If you appeal to the womans natural inclinations towards collective authoritarianism you will get stuff done.

The right wanted to do everything 'for god and the children!' whilst the lefties want to do everything 'for the women!' and as it turns out appealing to womens desires to be control freaks gets you what you want.

It doesn't even make fucking sense.

nothing really does

I feel like you're trivializing a major societal issue. THEY PUT A FUCKING FEMOID IN MUH VIDYA GAME FRANCHISE!

It doesn't even make fucking sense. Most attempts to censor and ban games/films have been by christian conservatives.

lol hi how is it in 1990

Sounds silly really, but the reason I abandoned the left for the right was because they wouldn't stop messing with the films and games I enjoyed during my off times, that and the tone policing. And I was a university politics student! Got fed up of studying politics and then coming home and seeing it pushed everywhere too. So they dug their own grave really.

the best summary of every KIAtard who serious posts there I’ve ever seen

I think unironically the best part is he studied politics but then couldn't deal with politics outside of a sterile classroom environment so he switched parties like lmao nigga that's your degree nigga

he studied politics

I thought he had an Economics degree from UCLA with a minor in German studies

Maybe, he said he switched majors because he realized he couldn’t handle actually dealing with politics outside of a textbook

he also became asexual because personal relationships are hard too lmao

Daily reminder that Gamergate did nothing wrong.

They didn't level up enough

Funny, I also just stumbled on this dipshits comment and ended up here

I used to support universal healthcare, a progressive tax structure and believed in the necessity of unions. Then Bethesda added women to the character creation screen and I said "WTF I am a neo-reactionary monarchist now"

I too once believed in fiscal responsibility, social responsibility, community responsibility, and not trying to date under age girls, but then I saw a prosthetic arm in my Battlefield game and I was like, "FUCK THESE COMMIES" and became a nazi.

Most people care more about their past times and entertainment than boring political stuff, man. Not sure what to say if you find that strange, it's been that way for thousands of years.

Bread and circuses.

Most people care more about their past times and entertainment than boring political stuff, man.

most stupid ass nerds, sure

People only lean left because they want to smoke weed, lets be real herr my dude.

wow you misinterpreted that pretty badly

its not so much the films and games themselves so much as the controversies surrounding them making people realise how the world really is and how dishonest leftists can be

it got a lot of boring pop culture addicts interested in politics where before they were just like "im leftist i guess?"

if your political opinions can be swayed by something like gamergate, you probably had no real conviction in those beliefs to begin with

refusing to even try to understand whats happening is a sure fire way to win a culture war

if youve ever respected institutions like the media then of course something like gg would change your outlook, how is that confusing lol

I can't speak for anyone else, buy I'm not trying to win a culture war, I just want to laugh at dumbfucks online

i mean you say that but how do you feel about mde for instance

They're dumbfucks and they're pretty fun to laugh at.

i dont think anyone really believes you "laugh" at them though really do you


Itsh about how ethicsh in game journalishm

haha funny meme but now youve got this

What’s that? Morons arguing about useless shit on the internet?

no, dumb authoritarian rules for social conduct thatll fuck you way more than anyone else and will be abused forever by right wingers that already have tarnished reputations

Are you implying I’m a leftie?

dumb authoritarian rules for social conduct thatll fuck you way more than anyone else and will be abused forever by right wingers

That doesn’t matter, I’m white as.

I doubt AmerikKkans being stupid will change too much for me, they’ve been like it for at least as long as I’ve been alive.

im saying anyone dumb enough to try to make jokes about gamergate is inevitably dumb enough to believe the media and by extension probably dumb enough to defend hollywood pedos



Lol, how old are you? Have you never experienced the time when folks are calling people playing Pokemon Satan worshipers? What about Doom? Those "Satanic" images certainly did not sit well with those moral busybodies in the 90s.

Get your head out of your ass and embrace radical centrism, where we trash both sides of the belief and dwells in our false sense of superiority.

Yup, one of the big reasons I became disgusted with them too. And the blatant hypocrisy. These female characters are unrealistic and problematic, now let's play as a 6 foot 5 man with a shredded physique.

And the whole "girls don't play games because guys are toxic", when I experienced little below outright derision from many women growing up for playing games. Most of the accusations of being a loser / scorn for playing games came from them, but suddenly men are the problem.

Edit: this got linked on the chapotraphouse human garbage containment sub loool

/u/Raenryong forcing everyone to swallow the... pink pill

Its simple, don't fuck with vidya.

Ah yes, but /u/realdw is cool with ACTUAL censorship from the batshit GAMES KILLED KIDS NOT GUNS! crowd

What is with the left and being pedos?

Like, Roseanne said some fairly crude things and got fired. Why shouldnt Harman and the Guardians of the Galaxy guy for making rape jokes about children?

It is literally a "It is ok when we do it" or "Rules for thee not for me"

Rosanne is not a comedian and was being not ironically racist but real racist. Gunn is not a comedian and was held accountable for what he said thus being fired, Dan Harmon as a comedian is allowed to tell any joke he wants. There I did it for you. This isn't a left v right thing, it is a you being retarded thing.

Hell, the Dan Harmon thing was a sketch.

Gunn used to work for Troma. You should expect edgy jokes.

And Disney used jive talking voices for Black Crows in films.

Didn't the right run a literal pedo for Senate?

Yeah that was in self defense of Hollywood pedos tho. Republicans didn't escalate this dems did.

I am always amazed how people as retarded as you haven't gotten themselves killed by now.

Threats eh? I'm going to have to shoot another hostage on your behalf

Not a threat. I am just awed at either the mercy of society or the universe that let you live long enough, despite your best efforts to be retarded as possible, to post something so amazingly stupid.

Its about ethics in fake child porn videos. The only way to get people to stop thinking you're a pedo is to write a song about it, not a video.

The only way to convince yourself that you aren't a pedo is to prop up a pedo to run for senate.

Only a good guy pedo can stop a bad guy pedo

In retaliation for hollywood #metoo.

You guys tried to put a pedo in office.

At what point was that supposed to be strategic?

Roy Boy Moore was strategically pulling ahead of the next available Republican candidate who was caught driving down the the border in a pickup truck hunting illegals. But he was shot by an illegal with an affinity for machetes.

Not going to lie, it's been fun watching the Republicans crash and burn but we can't afford to let the dems get ahold of the hollywood pedo codes.

Why shouldnt Harman and the Guardians of the Galaxy guy for making rape jokes about children?

1) Not a sentence.

2) Uh... he did get fired, right?

Dan Harmon was acting a role in a sketch, Roseanne tweeted what was in her heart of hearts and it wasn't even a joke. You can't just say something racist that you honestly believe and say "Oh it was a joke!"

You can't just say something racist that you honestly believe and say "Oh it was a joke!"

Roseanne honestly believes planet of the apes was a documentary about sentiant apes

You realize that makes it not racist but just retardely insane right? I feel like /r/drama is on crazy pills defending Dan "admitted to sexual harassment" Harmon's rants to McDonalds cashiers

George Bush was called a chimp everyday its only racist to call a black person a monkey if you think black people look like monkeys. Which they dont anymore than white people.

Fuck Gareth Bale also looks like a fucking chimp as well. Thats TWO chimp-like mayos for you.

For one harman makes a cartoon show that started as a bit about it being the back to the future scientist getting the guy to suck him off. Not a family show on abc.

"Rules for thee not for me"

This phrase and 'ilk' are the 'y'all' and 'folks' of the right. Jesus Christ.

I don't think ya'll folks know much about that.

I bet u/therealdw has a anime profile picture on Facebook

Why would I hide my amazing face with an anime pic?

Low effort reply πŸ₯‰πŸ₯‰πŸ₯‰πŸ₯‰

A bronze medal is still pretty nice, thank you! As I said i'm basic so its me and my dog.

Bronze medal is worse than a participation ribbon

I think I should get flair too, I've been providing entertainment for a while now.

100% free range sperg, the left is much better off since you left

That would be nice, can I have that flair?


Lol of course you are a poster on MGToW I bet you took the red pill as a suppository didnt you

Oh no I've been discredited by my post history!

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Go your own way

Clever play on words terrible execution


Wow your bothered aren't you :) why does my relationship preferences matter. I love cows though.

Lol imagine confessing relationship preference with a shitty personality

I wouldn't know. I'm not into women or men. I though I was being nice to you? Are we not friends now?


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No one was giving you any credit in the first place bucko

I'm so offended :'o I upset the my enlightened betters. I'll head back to the plantation then.

Fuck off you nazi fuck.

Seriously fuck off you spamming Donald asshole

Pull up them bootstraps, you need to be involved in more threads.


Boomers love Roseanne because their wives look like her.


Youd think maybe just maybe making a baby raping video is in poor taste.

Youd think that maybe someone making angry rants on Twitter and podcasts about how others need to curtail their speech wouldn't have a baby raping video to bite them in the ass.

Of course he made an episode about a preteen exposing his penis

Yeah that's what Harmontown is about, how others need to curtail their speech.

Stop being such a little bitch you whiny baby. God the right is retarded.

Oh right a third of the country is nazis and anyone who disagrees is a nazi.

Meanwhile the guy sexually harasses women and makes fake child porn.

I’m part of the left and I fucking hate Dan Harmon and hope he gets fired. Do I get a medal?

God I don’t want bad freeze peach r/Drama I want radical centrist r/Drama. Give the r/Drama I love!

Youd think maybe just maybe making a baby raping video is in poor taste.


Since literally nobody is talking about this besides breitbart I'm going to assume that jack shit is going to happen. Everybody who isn't an autist understands that him acting the part of a pedophile in a sketch is not the same thing as him actually being a pedophile.

nah he deleted his twitter and is pretty much fucked lol

hes too much of an alcoholic to defend himself online, hell just start ranting and make it look worse for himself

The fact that these morons are calling him a pedo due to a bit, makes me fear that they'll make up a stolen valor claim against Tom Hanks for pretending he was an astronaut.

Rosanne isn’t even a conservative she’s just nuts. I can see confusing the two though.

Man this is great watching the left and right eat each other. Dan Harmon is far up his own ass it's great seeing him eat shit for a bit. And watching the right just sit and point like children and cry "what about him?!" every time one of their own does something incredibly bigoted really gets me going, know what I mean?

Harmon and Roseanne are both fat unfunny fucks so in reality this is a great victory for all mankind.

Got fed up of studying politics and then coming home and seeing it pushed everywhere too. So they dug their own grave really.

Nah, it more likely you flunked the University because you were too busy playing video games instead of studying. Either that or you dropped out of to attended the skinhead conference at the St. Petersberg University.

Got fed up of studying politics and then coming home and seeing it pushed everywhere too. So they dug their own grave really

Nah, you dropped out of school so you can attended the skinhead conference in St. Petersburg. Either that or you flunked out of college because of bad grades.