Another day, another bunch of T_D morons falling for fake news

47  2018-07-23 by sadhukar


I still find it amazing how these idiots fall for fake news again and again and yet have the face to say "liberals are dumb!!!"

As a centrist, liberals are very dumb most of the time.

Nah, Liberals are fucking annoying. Conservatives are fucking retarded. It's like yin and yang or some shit

Liberals usually actively want to destroy their country, while the rightwing dont

4 day old account


Liberals have a lower IQ on average tho

Whatever you say, double digits


Lol at a poo-person commenting on intelligence πŸ˜‚πŸ§”πŸΏπŸ’©

>highest earning ethnic group in uk and us


really triggers those brain stimuli

Wow, top 0.01% of dot heads earns barely more than burgers and brits 😱

Thank god for Winston Churchill

>over twice as much in yankland

>barely more


That's brought down by the chilli shitters and brillo heads

Not to mention that your entire country is covered in a thin layer of poo

Face it fam, pumping babies out of your cousin like it’s gas in Texas isn’t good for the average mayo intelligence.

Move over mayos, you had your day, it’s our turn now

That's a great point Raj. When the poo-people come in to power can you hook me up? I've always wanted to get down with the brown

ok pm boy-vegana first

'twill suffice

>believing this

Lmao, whatever you say double digits.

According to who , you obnoxious alt

According to the facts libtard. Why do you think the dumocrats are the party of women and moolies?

Boooooooooring. The whole "libs bad" is so 2016. You bland cretins never make anything fun or new. This just shows how you can't think by yourself , even while making shitposts

why do you think cuckservatives can only communicate through memes?

Fake news, libs have lower IQ and lower testosterone

lol. Maybe if you repeat it enough it will be true. Admit it, you are only here for the bussy and you aren't smart enough to figure out any other ways to find it.

I'm willing to concede the IQ thing (I'll let you take out the coloreds), but the low-T thing is demonstrably true.

I am an independent so I have average intelligence and a moderately sized pair of balls. They are extremely wrinkly but I don't know if that is tied to political affiliation or not.

Wrinkliness of the balls implies potential, I'm gonna send you some test and you'll be an anarcho-fascist before you know it

Ok, you can stay.

But keep the decks swabbed.

Wait, do you actually think Tyrone has lower T than you?

Tyrone's not a liberal tho.

Also, yes.

Yeah Liberals love blowing up trucks in front of federal buildings, forming anti government militas and colluding with hostile foreign powers to win elections. Don't get me wrong, liberal hand wringing about everything is annoying as fuck but you are bats-on-head retarded.

Forming anti-government militias


colluding with hostile foreign powers to win elections

That was hillary and she still lost

4 day old account

"Liberals are very dumb"


Antifa? lol a handful of hippie ewok looing fuckers with sticks for weapons. So scary. Remember when half of Hillary's campaign staff had links to Russia and she constantly kissed Putin's ass?

If someone this retarded can post on internet forums it's already too late for the internet.

I'm not giving you your vbucks anymore smh.

At this point, they should just forget the wall and put Hillary at the border to mexico, since it seems no one can get over her

You guys are like Watson trying to pass the Turing Test by analyzing /pol/.

Yes, but the liberals TARGETED GAMERS.


You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

We live in a society

Bottom text

as a centrist


aS a CEnTRiSt

Centrists are worse than liberals and conservatives combined tbh

Centrists are worse than liberals and conservatives combined tbh

you're on the wrong subreddit fam fam

The most radical center position.

They’re a bunch of worthless undecided fence sitters

As a centrist, liberals are very dumb most exactly 50% of the time.

I'm starting to believe you're not a real centrist.

"Hah drumpftards are so stupid right fellow centrists"


How angry did his comment make you? Be honest.

It didnt.

Yes, correct. Now go back to commenting on porn.


Pretty much the bottom of the barrel, yea.

The only thing that comes close are the trannies that dont want to admit their trannies...but at least they arent trying to destroy the environment too.

i not from the donal


Is there a difference? Lol

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,,

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The absolute state of daddy supporters on this website in the year of our Lord, 2018. Just a completely unsourced shitpost that reads like trump fanfic on ''. It would be less shameful to admit that td uses vote bots/scripts than explaining how this can get thousands of actual people to upvote it.

All y’all are looking at daddy supporters doing things and failed to notice the real issue at hand.


Do people hate them just because they have to go through a bit more effort to comment in the linked thread?

No idea.

I too like to get my news from sites with pop-up ads that take up half my screen telling me about simple tricks that will make doctors hate me

That site is cancer.

So is this one.

I couldnt imagine liking a politician so much I would gargle their jizz on demand. The length they go to defend daddy is remarkable.

Their fathers must have been absent or something. I can't imagine kissing the ass of a shitty authority figure like this.

yeah that shit was gay as fuck and we should have learned our lesson by now

Indeed. I post at T_D here and there, but piss them off when I tell them the idea for the wall is stupid and a waste of money. I liked Bush's guest worker program a lot more. To my surprise, they didn't ban me, just downvoted the shit out of me.

the wall is just a shibboleth for marking group identity. it doesn't matter whether the wall actually gets built. of course building the wall is a good idea.

that second clip you posted is one of the best things ive ever seen

Lest we forget this national tragedy

He never paid them and reneged on his deal to let them sell merch instead lmao.


Good lord I hate politics.

Jesus fuck I can't watch any of these.

That's not what the article says at all. It doesn't say they didn't get paid, but it does talk about the merch table. It also says they had a date cancelled without explanation last minute. It also says

Popick said this constituted a "breach of contract," but that there was not a written agreement

There's literally no case here at this point. How dumb do you have to be to do a job that big and not have all the details in writing? This guy is no "manager", he's one of these girl's father who was in way over his head. Holy shit what a dummy.

This is a bad look even for the DDF

Being accurate to the article is a bad look?

But what about obummer??????

What about him? The post was about his fans.

My point being this is whataboutism. Like yeah clearly its also retarded but it really doesn't have much to do with the people licking trump's cock.

How is it 'militant' for a bunch of kids to be saying they want to grow up to be engineers and architects? Oh, I get it.

Might have to do with their camo and chanting. What are you getting?


I've always kind of looked at elected officials as sort of a necessary evil. Always to be doubted and questioned because people with that much power need to be kept in check. Imagine actually fanclubbing for someone with an absurd amount of power over you.

Fucking this. Even if a politician ran for office and was trying to enact what I see as the best form of government on all fronts I STILL would not trust them. Humans make mistakes, on purpose or otherwise, we all fail eventually.

>Established GOP figures call out Trump for another fuckup


np link.

Why are trump supporters so obsessed with calling people against trump pedophiles.

Projection my friend

Bingo. Given how Trump was once on trial for sexual assault of a young teen.

And he bragged about walking into kid’s dressing rooms and watching them change.

Because smearing your political enemies as homosexuals doesn't work like it used to. And if 4chan is any indication there is also a lil bit of projection. And if you will excuse I must get back to scouring the dark web for kiddie porn to master....I mean, bring evil liberals to justice.

Because people who don't like Daddy fuck children, you pedophile!


Because the left seems to have embraced pedos recently, which is weird because it used to be an ancap thing.

Because the left seems to have embraced pedos recently

Here's where you're wrong, good doctor.

Literally the most retarded thing I've read.

Why is everyone disagreeing but there's been those Salon and BuzzFeed articles? It's not like they didn't happen

Because this thread has T_D in the title, so it attracted our left wing contingent.

How are you still mad at a fucking SRD ban holy shit hahaha

My crusade will carry on until the pedo menace has been silenced. We're coming for your Rick and Morty next.

Because fag and cuck aren't edgy enough anymore.

It's their way of combatting the word 'nazi'

the saw a meme somewhere a just kept repeating it.

first comment: "this can't be real"

yeah really fell for it

Read the rest of the thread numbnuts

2.3k updoots

cope harder

I already don't watch their propaganda (sea levels rising in DC Universe and Aquaman being cool with it) masquerading as entertainment. If they don't make it then the whole thing becomes much easier to not watch.

Ironicially on T_D.


You mean "US Patriot's Voice" isn't a real news organization?

But it has "US" and "Patriot" right there in the name. I like both of those things a lot...?

I already don't watch their propaganda (sea levels rising in DC Universe and Aquaman being cool with it) masquerading as entertainment. If they don't make it then the whole thing becomes much easier to not watch.

U/hardcounter im not sure I understand, is the propaganda that we should all be cool with sea level rise?

no its propaganda that aquaman would be cool with it.

This looks fake

/u/spankawank66 what is it like to be the lone voice of reason?

Pretty cool

2300+ upvotes u/skywalkerr69 how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

Hey bud. Who is in The White House? I am on the right side of history :D

I hope you're not too tired from all the winning

2024 I will be

Hey pal. I honestly feel bad for you if you think you're on the right side of history using plain text emojis.

I know right? I should be more sophisticated πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ




πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ they don’t have an emoji for freedom but the American Flag

Lol implying the us flag stands for freedom

The same freedom that allows knuckleheads like you to have a voice. Try speaking out against leadership in Pyongyang.

Lol imagine thinking I posted those flags for any reason other than to make you angry post.🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑

Not angry at all. I even sent you a hug emoji. Here’s some more πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Bad touch bad touch

Uhhhhh....North Korea was a CIA psyop used to funnel children for the liberal pedovore/sex cult. Kim is actually a good leader and things aren't as bad over there as they seem Dont you listen to Q? WWG1WGA

why do you feel the need to post fake news from a site clearly designed for clickbait ad revenue and pass it off as real on T_D? Why do you have such a low opinion of your fellow T_D'ers that they would fall for this?

Be real, you didn't even click on the link to see if it was legit, but since the post title makes you hungry for daddies cummies you ate it up. How does it feel to be one of the many low information voters who are so mentally unequipped to evaluate their 'news' that they gladly believe fake news so long as it riles them up or agrees with them? What is it like to be this easy to manipulate? Does it make you stop and think at all?

Lol are you insinuating Reddit actually reads articles?

I'm just insinuating that you're either shamefully partisan, dangerously lazy, or stupid, or all three. Say what you want about places like politics, but at least they don't upvote to the thousands 'articles' from deliberately and obviously fake news sites like '', which one would only fool grandmas with dementia.

No they upvote worse cites like Huffington post and salon

upvoting and defending literal fake news designed to get ad revenue from mentally ill boomer clicks to own the libs

Wow u really showed those libs

I don’t even know what you’re talking about lol. Get on with your life seriously.

It sure is fun watching Trump supporters openly admit that they hate everything about America that isnt Donald Trump.

The article has a video embedded in it. The video starts with the title "LOL.....". Yep totally credible.


why do you have such a low opinion of your fellow T_D'ers that you would post fake news from an obvious clickbait ad revenue site on T_D? Do you make money from ad revenue to the site, or is it an even more pathetic reason? How do you explain multiple thousands of upvotes on T_D for an obvious fake news article? Are a majority of users on T_D simply stupid/lazy, or are the votes manipulated?

Omg no mindless entertainment??? Whatever will people do???

Minecraft. Notch is nicely based. Lives in a shitty town, but no one's perfect.

  1. The fact that this is the first thing their mind goes to really speaks volumes.

  2. How DARE they invoke the good name of our /u/xNotch 😀😀😀