Trayvon Martin 2: This one's on video

68  2018-07-23 by costof


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oh shit

tbh he deserved it.

He doesn't have the right to throw anybody on the ground because the other person is being a good citizen by calling out whats wrong.

Yeah everyone knows if you do something you don't have the right to do then it's ok to shoot you

What are you some kind of commie eurotrash? This is AMERICA, boy.

Sorry you live in a non-freedom zone where you can't defend your life and property.

He didn't deserve to die, but let this be your friendly reminder that running up to strangers and assaulting because they're telling your wife that your car is parked illegally might not ALWAYS be the wisest thing to do

it’s also absolutely fucking insane to me that a person with a concealed gun would go around picking verbal fights over parking spaces

like if I carried a concealed gun I would not let myself be riled by anything, ever. I sure as hell wouldn’t let myself get in confrontations over how someone parked.

i know right, what kind of asshole think only handicapped people should use handicap spots?

no arguments there

He didn't deserve to die, but let this be your friendly reminder that

when you mess with a mayo, it will be your last dayo

but let this be your friendly reminder that running up to strangers and assaulting them because they're telling your wife that your car is parked illegally might not ALWAYS be the wisest thing to do

He deserved to die.

Death penalty for speeders, please

People who support stand your ground laws deserve the same fate they wish on others.

I wish them all the safety and support a gun provides when a crazed thug attacks you in the streets in broad daylight. 🙏🙏🙏

He didn't deserve to die

He didn't, but he did. Tough shit. Don't go around pushing people to the ground.

Go fuck yourself, people like you deserve to die much more than people like him. At least he doesn't support murder.


Triggered little cuck

I fully agree, felons >>> dramaNEETs

> people like you deserve to die

>At least he didn't support murder

Dude what?

Even if you think the old guy is an L E O LARPing dick head (an argument I'm sympathetic towards), assaulting him was the wrong move.

In my experience these sort of people are usually easy to shut down by asking for the badge number they don't have (which also prevents you from making the even dumber mistake of assaulting a cop) then pointing them in the direction of the local police academy.

Also if you can't take a little bit of verbal abuse don't park in the handicap spot.

the other person is being a good citizen by calling out whats wrong.

Nah, this is stupid as shit. If you walk about of your house with your gun you have to show common sense and carry yourself like you're not a moron. This old fart isn't the HOA president of the universe. Any conflict he starts can end in death because he's carrying. He doesn't have the luxury of starting shit with strangers. Anyone being yelled at by a stranger feels threatened. So this women, or her old man, could have pulled out mace, a taser, or knocked the old fart on his ass. It wasn't his parking lot, and he's not the cops. He should have reported it to the store manager, and let them call the cops, or called the cops himself. Now, someone is dead over stupid fucking shit that didn't matter. No doubt a civil suit is in order since he took out a guy with children who don't have a father now.

violent multiple felon assaults man who points out his breaking the law by parking in a handicap spot, gets glocked

literally did nothing wrong. probably did everyone favor tbh fam

McGlockton’s history included a drug conviction in 2010 and an arrest for aggravated battery a decade ago, records show, but the charge was dropped.


Ironically McGlockton was shot and killed by a Glock


Mr McGlocton got McGlockedon

He shot the guy as he was backing up...technically it wasn't illegal but it was a bitch move

Did you know that not attacking people drastically reduces your chances of getting shot?

Right? And you know not getting aggro and yelling at strangers reduces your chances of getting pushed on your ass? Someone who has a gun should ask themselves, "is this shit worth someone dying over?" before they start a conflict. By their very nature, conflicts with strangers are totally unpredictable. CC should have some responsibilities as well as privileges. I don't know why it's ok with so many people that we are living in a down's version of the wild west.

Ah yes concealed carriers must maintain a state of Zen at all times and must never get into arguments.

How hard is it not to start shit with people? I'm only half sane and I can leave my house without chimping out about parking spaces. You're acting like expecting CC people to take gun ownership seriously is some outlandish, unachievable task. Agree to disagree, I guess?



Yes. Why is this such a strange concept?

If you are carrying around the ability to end someone’s life on your hip, you should be held to a much higher standard than everyone else.

If you don’t respect what it means to carry a gun, you shouldn’t be carrying a gun.

Or he could have just not pulled the trigger. The guy was obviously backing up. That's the problem with these weekend warrior civilians who pack, they're just looking for a reason to use it. I'm pretty sure he shot him because his pride was hurt, not his ass

The disgusting part is people will find a way to defend this. I really just don't understand how people can watch that video and think that was a clean shoot.

There was no continued threat, the guy on the ground wasn't in danger.

if the black guy had kept coming at him then sure, it'd be clean, but yeah he was backing up.

Well you can at least not shot people running away from you after you draw.

He took 2 steps back, he started running after he got shot you inbred retard

In other words he backed off?

Because someone takes 2 steps back doesn't mean he stops being a threat

What kind of suicidal idiot gives someone who just assaulted you the benefit of the doubt

If you know you're in a syg state don't give retarded CCW a valid legal excuse to kill you, it's really not that hard to not assault people and shit

Because that law at no point states if the person threatening you grave bodily harm takes 2 steps backwards you're not allowed to defend yourself

It wasn't two steps back, the perspective of the video is angled so the distance looks shorter.

If he missed that first shot and the other guy tried to run into the store, how long would it take for you before it crosses self defense into vengeance?

🤔 Wow, it's almost like when you strut around like an asshole and pick and choose what rule you want to follow, people who interact with you will likely do the same.

🤔 It's almost like being an aggressive asshole has consequences. Consequences that may exceed your expectations.

It's almost like you shouldn't be an ASSHOLE.


it's almost like

Back to SRD.

SRD is full of homos who watch awesome ecchi anime and complain it doesn't appeal to thier homo sensibilities.

awesome anime


i'm sorry but i'm not seeing a difference between SRD and Drama with your explanation.

Love how everyone in /r/florida latched onto the narrative that this guy picks fights over parking spaces when in reality it seems he's telling people not to park in handicapped spots without a valid placard.

So he's breaking the law, someone points it out and his first response is to physically assault someone in a state with stand your ground laws?

How fucking stupid are you?

Complaining he got shot infront of his kids but not that he picks a fight infront of his kids over a handicapped parking spot that he's using illegally is also retarded...

hey fuck you nazi, didn't you watch the video they had all 2 seconds of a black male saying that this guy had threatened to shoot him in the past too. this random black guy couldn't possibly have been paid or anything to incite drama and garner views.

It was allegedly a trucker who was parked illegally in a handicapped spot he threatened to shoot some earlier time not some random black guy I think. His name was Rick Kelly which doesn't have a lot of melanin in it, sounds like a Nascar driver

The thing is that the guy who got shove to the ground was in no continued danger, he had no justification for shooting.

he was fiddling with his hands around his pants, lifted a shirt a bit.

After you have been attacked its a split second decision, and in "stand your ground" state where its legal to carry - its enough to say "I though he was reaching for his weapon after I pulled mine to defend myself" and you are free to go.

Yeah the guy in his twenties who just assaulted the older, handicapped man is clearly no threat

My father is a disabled veteran so I have def yelled at a couple different people over the years for parking in those spots.

Fuck you. Get back in your car and park it somewhere else.

Make me.

I think that news clip proves the consequences.

Can make me if I'm dead.

I mean... he will never park there again. Pretty effective.

Two more will take his place

Dude has 3 kids, so at least three will

As per tradition.

As per tradition.

Or maybe don't assault someone for having words over a parking space

How is yelling at someone assault? Re-read my comment dude lol...

100% right. I can't believe they were talking about dude walking away after shoving him like that was gonna be it. He turned because he saw the guy reach for a weapon and immediately regretted his decision. Dude on the ground had no idea that was the guys car, he got randomly attacked after telling someone they were breaking the law. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

So you are saying that he defended himself successfully without shooting and he killed him anyway?

So you are saying that he defended himself successfully without shooting

Why, because dude turned away? We have the power of 2020 hindsight, but the guy on the ground told the woman she was parked illegally, and then was immediately attacked by an unknown assailant and thrown into the street. White, black, yellow or green, I'm gonna defend myself if I'm attacked that violently out of nowhere. The guy didn't deserve to die but there wasn't any reason to assault the white dude either.

Lol the dude was aiming at him for a couple of seconds as he was backing away before he shot. Don't give me that hindsight bullshit.

If he thought he was in danger because he was just assaulted by the guy, he has a right to defend himself. I wouldn't let him leave my sight to get his own weapon either.

The real drama is in /r/drama sometimes.

The best drama sometimes.

If he thought he was in danger because he was just assaulted by the guy, he has a right to defend himself. I wouldn't let him leave my sight to get his own weapon either.

So basically after you pull your gun on someone you're justified in shooting them because you're afraid that they will return with their own weapon? That's very retarded, my dude.

Nah, whats retarded is expected to physically attack someone and not get shot.

Both are true.

He did defend himself. The guy backed away. He knew it and shot anyway.

Well in that case he should have put a couple of more rounds in him after he his the floor, other wise he might have recovered in the hospital and came back.

Cool, at least I know now that if I sneak up and tackle you and throw you 5 feet onto the pavement your bitch ass won't do a single thing about it because I'll just walk away after. 😉

Your fat ass couldn't sneak up on anyone let alone do physical exercise after the fact.

You are welcome for not thinking I should kill you even if I have that right.

Lol your a sad little dude. After my fat ass knocks you the fuck out you'd probably go home and jack off to the only human contact you've had in years.

I'm the sad little dude? You are treating me over the internet tough guy.

I was pointing out the idiocy in your argument, not threatening you dipshit. Good Lord you're a coward through and through


Not even close to a couple of seconds.

It was absolutely at least two seconds after he pulled the gun and the guy was backing away.

When the weapon was pulled the decision was already made. When they guy pushed him down to the ground, he was already dead.

That's pretty much what I am saying. It was a kill motivated by frontier justice more than self defense.

That's not your point at all, and it's not my point, stop filling in your own narrative.

Drejka had already chosen to defend him with lethal force before McGlockton ever took the step back. He had every right to make that decision after McGlockton decided to push him to the ground. There are no take backs from these decisions.

That's not your point at all, and it's not my point, stop filling in your own narrative.


Then you point was it. How can I have a narrative with out a point? I wasn't speaking for you numbnuts.

He had every right to make that decision after McGlockton decided to push him to the ground and allow another person to defend themselves from assault with lethal force.

That is literally frontier justice.

There was no way he still felt threatened as he pulled the trigger.

You're own narrative...

Well I always thought people don't tend to feel threatened of others walking away from them, but maybe that's just me.

You've locked into your picture of what happened because it suites what you want to push.

I always thought

It isn't about you.

maybe that's just me.

It still isn't about you.

It ain't.

It's about what happened. A dude is dead because of it, for what almost certainty would have ended if he told the other asshole walking away shitting his pants to get in his car and leave, instead of pulling that trigger.

It's about what happened.

Well then acknowledge what happened. A man had battery committed against him.

It's also what he felt at the time. Not what you think he should feel.

I agree, what if he felt angry instead of threatened when he shot?

again, your narrative

How did it go from it matters to what he was feeling to my narrative? Did you know how he felt?

How did it go from "it matters to what he felt at the time" to my narrative? Did you know how he felt, or are you just assuming it because it fits your narrative?

I'm having trouble with this deleting of posts.

I'm not sure where you are getting that quote from, but I assume you are referring to "It's also what he felt at the time. Not what you think he should feel."

Did you know how he felt, or are you just assuming it because it fits your narrative?

I have no clue how I felt, which is why I haven't actually made an assumption. Why I keep hammering into you that it's not about you.

If how he felt mattered then how can you just cast away the different possibilities. It is either relevant or not.

I am not casting away any possibility, I merely not holding that one is more true than any other.

So then it doesn't matter how he felt, because it is automatically assumed he acted without malice.

It's also what he felt at the time

You keep saying that as if it means anything without extrapolating.

It does... it literally means the opposite of what you said previously.

So then it doesn't matter how he felt


It's also what he felt at the time

What needs extrapolating?

Explain the it's in

It's also what he felt at the time

What do you not understand about the only thing that matters is what he felt?

Because if it matters what he felt, then it matters exactly what he felt which you are unable to take out of that black box to consider.

I am willing to take all possible feelings out of the black box, I just won't give one more weight than any other. Is this really that hard of a concept for you to understand? Do live a biased filled life all day long when you make assumptions about situation where you weren't involved, based upon information that may or may not be present at the time of the incident?

If you think it is not for anyone to determine

How can anyone but the person involved know what the individual was thinking?

Are you psychic now? Are you an expert on 2 second clips, body postures and the insight to the human psyche?

So what is a reasonable feeling for his actions and what is an unreasonable one?

This is already defined by the law, are you seriously this obtuse?

How are you this obtuse to not realize you are not applying "It's also what he felt at the time", you are giving him the benefit of the doubt.

No, that is an assumption you are making from that statement. Where at all does that quantify that I am giving him the benefit of the doubt? I haven't given him shit.

Is there doubt? I don't know, I don't know what the guy was thinking or feeling.

What I do know is, I am not going to leap to ridiculous judgment guessing at what a person is thinking.

Is there doubt? I don't know, I don't know what the guy was thinking or feeling.

That is literally the benefit of the doubt.

benefit of the doubt.

No it isn't LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL>>> wow... no wonder

Benefit of the doubt mean you believe their actions are justified if the it can't be proven otherwise.

I don't know whether his actions are justified or not. I have not claimed one way or another.

I am not going to leap to a ridiculous judgment


... alright my man.

What's incredible to me is that it is so easy to sit there and look at a video several times, and say oh man, dude was walking away. But you won't even consider the fact that he had just been physically attacked, maybe disoriented. He has to make a decision while laying on the ground with the guy in front and over him, not off to the side where one can see him easily back away. Plus, once he's pulled that gun the decision is already made, after that is kinda moot. People are taught to pull them out as a deterrence, it is assume that when pointed at a person it is meant to end their life.

You certainly don't know how felt.

Nor do I, which is why I haven't given a supposition on how he felt. I have made no claims on his mindset.

So then it doesn't matter how he felt as long as he makes no statement on his feelings.

No, you making statements about his feeling doesn't matter.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Everybody who says this is a worthless piece of shit.

It's such a good phrase though.

I mean, to be clear here, that shooting doesn't look clean to me. If the guy had kept coming at him it would be clean, but the guy was backing up when he was shot.

Self-defense and "stand your ground" should only apply when there's a continued threat. If someone pushes me, I pull out a gun, and they start backing up, I shouldn't have the right to just shoot them.

That's still a clean shoot, he took 2 seconds to aim before he fired.

He isn't required to gauge how the person reacts to him drawing his gun when he fears for his life, that's not how syg works

That's still a clean shoot, he took 2 seconds to aim before he fired. He didn't wait a few minutes them shoot him

A) It was longer than 2 seconds. He waited for a while and then shot after the guy started backing up.

B) It is, and I don't say this lightly, not possible to claim that was a clean shoot using anything even in the same solar system as logic.

He isn't required to gauge how the person reacts to him drawing his gun when he fears for his life, that's not how syg works

Yeah, feared for his life as an unarmed guy backed away from him.

Either you're trolling, or you literally are just retarded.

Look at the video between him drawing the gun and shooting no more than 2 seconds pass.

You mean the unarmed convicted felon that pushed him to the ground and was moving towards him to stomp his face before he drew his gun?

I knew you were retarded but not understanding how syg works is pretty dumb

It's gonna be hilarious when this guy is indicted. I'm saving this comment.

Good luck with that buddy

i agree with most things you said in this thread but not with this. He won't be indicted coz most ppl don't agree with you even if you are making sense.

There's enough public outrage for him to be indicted.

but then jury will refuse to convict, no? And prosecutors hate to persecute for stuff they can't convict on?

I'd be amazed if he isn't found guilty. It'll be really hard to justify that shooting.

Its not that hard to justify self defense, especially when you were just battered by a convicted felon. Cnce again you impress us all with how retarded and inexperienced you are regarding absolutely every topic you decide to grace us with.

Only Exotic Imports care, the rest thinks this is hilarious. There's really not enough public outrage.

He hasn't been charged yet. They turned it over to other authorities.

The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review.

For shit like this the law assumes what an average person would have done, and average person would not shoot a guy for looking at them.

The average person wouldn't fucking murder a guy as he backs away from him and very clearly poses no danger.

Are you out of your fucking mind? Did you just try to invoke this to defend shooting someone, with both hands visible, backing away?

Literally a fucking mind virus.

Man I know you don't have much real world experience, but it's very easy to pull out a knife.

Yeah you unhinged moron, I get it, you'll find any excuse you can to justify unjustified murder because you're an edgy contrarian.

You're the same guy that shows up on /r/news and defends the cops when they shoot some guy 8 times in the back as he runs away.

You're just incompetent and delusional.

Lmao nice comeback.

Master of debate pizzashill showing us how it's done.

There's nothing else to say to you. You're inventing imaginary knives and bringing up hypothetical scenarios to defend an unjustified shooting.

It's the same shit police apologists do in every "cops gun down unarmed man" thread.

You are negating the high probability that he had a knife, a which a large number of American males have.

Why would you assume that a guy who randomly assaults people doesn't have some sort of weapon?

Literally inventing imaginary knives. Honestly I like your style, from now on I'm going to assume everyone has a knife and if they enter my personal bubble of 12 feet I'll be sure to unload my gun into them, never know.

I like your style, from now on I'm going to assume everyone has a knife

just fyi, those are all reenactments of real incidents

"never saw a knife."

"had no reason to believe he had a knife"

"both hands clearly visible"

"oh shit, I shot an unarmed guy that clearly posed no danger, what excuse can I come up with to make it seem ok? HE COULD HAVE HAD A KNIFE!"

of course you don't see the knife until its getting pulled to stab you duh. keep up...

and when you're in that situation with the police, you already deserve to get shot anyway. i mean look, if he wouldn't have shot him that day, he would've shot him another day. once a felon, always a felon

And here we see page 2 of the apologist playbook, after the imaginary knife defense is called out, invariably we see the "but he deserved it" defense, because everyone knows minor crimes carry the death penalty here in the united states.

after the imaginary knife

but it exists. maybe not in that time and place, but the knife is real. i know this for sure, because i have several in my kitchen. and yeah, for sure he deserved it. otherwise he wouldn've have to face the police. its like the ABCs my dude. not hard at all

But his imaginary knife!

exists. somewhere in time and space he certainly does have a knife.

And how would the guy know that? But you're right, I should assume people who randomly assault me are angels, perfect citizens and run a kitten orphanage, there is never a reason ever to defend yourself ever. A man could be attacking a baby but he has his reasons right.

Gosh pizzashill you're so smart.

I find it hilarious after every clearly unjustified shooting the mongoloids crawl out from the swamp and start inventing imaginary knives and looking for reasons to justify it.


Retreating is running, taking a step back is not retreating in a legal sense.

Backing away, very clearly turning away is a retreat.

Backing away with your hands up is, his hands weren't up.

Are you sure you watched the video

Lmao, his hands are clearly put visible and he's clearly turning. I swear to god you're a literal retard.

There's a reason cops don't just say hands visible you blithering moron.

There's a reason US cops are also the most incompetent in the western world and carry out unjustified shootings at a much higher rate than any other police force.

Hint: they're morons.

So cops in Europe say hands visible? Like just have your hands wherever you want bro it don't matter.

His hands are very clearly fucking visible. That guy was so clearly not a threat I'm pretty sure even a dumb ass burger cop wouldn't have shot him.

So if visible makes it not a threat why do cops all around the world say hands up, or hands on your head.

Because they're fking idiots that follow whatever they learned in training.

Most cops, even dumb ass burgers, aren't dumb enough to think they can shoot someone because their hands aren't in the correct position as long as no sudden movements are made.

You deflected by not thinking about why it's in training in the first place.

Also cops have shot people for far less, you think if someone assualted a police officer they won't get shot?

You're the same guy that shows up on /r/news and defends the cops when they shoot some guy 8 times in the back as he runs away.

have you ever head of the sentiment "Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today."? why wait when they're gonna shoot him anyway?

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There's definitely grounds to charge him. I'm not sure he'll get convicted and that's fucked up.

the factor youre pretty willingly leaving out is that these people are black and thus unpredictable

you cant curate a reputation as a society of being violent and prone to stupid ass outbursts and then expect people not to respond accordingly

if a white guy pushes someone its different to when a black guy pushes someone because of the expectation itll lead further

same with cops

its also like how convenience shop owners deal with different races

wew lad

its funny because black people always joke about how meek and nerdy white people are and how tough and intimidating they are compared to them

but then theyre all like omg why did he react so badly like he thought he was in danger

cant have it both ways

so you're saying this guy shot the black guy cause he was scared of black people? like 'im not racist but i only shot cause he was black'?

he probably thought "hey heres a big aggressive black guy thats just shoved me to the ground and is probably saying some bravado shit man i dont know what this guys gonna do or if hes armed oh well bang"

its easy to avoid if you dont start fights with people over nothing

lmao, redneck gun tards are the most anti-police people this side of the BLM rally. Only thin blue line union apologists defend shit like this.

No charges were filed in the case and the documents said Drejka's concealed weapon's license was valid.

That was before you retard. He was charged just now.

The grand jury hasn't made there decision yet you fucking mongerl. Why talk about law if you don't understand it.

He's charged you mongoloid, which is exactly what I said would happen.

A felony charge more often comes from a grand jury indictment, you retard.

This is hilarious, it took 20 days but you were wrong. I'll let this go now, after that reading mistake you made it's obvious you're a bit triggered over the fact you were wrong.

I mean you were so trigger you thought about it for 20 days.

I'll have fun when this gets dismissed.

Are you fucking illiterate? He was charged with manslaughter you utter fucking mong.

Not by a grand jury.

Don't hold your breath, he's white

Also he didn't know he was unarmed homeboy could be CCW for all he knows

So after you pull a gun at someone it's OK to shoot them because you are afraid that they could be carrying as well? People come up with the most retarded shit in this thread.

If they just started a fight with you, yes.

What if they jumped in their car and drove away before you could shoot them, should you follow and shoot them when they get home, in case they remembered your own car plates and might find and exact vengeance on you?

It depends if I am a gang member or not.

That's retarded. What I'm getting at is that we have a perfectly sensible SYG criterion: you must be immediately threatened by the animal. All this bullshit about "but what if he gets upset and goes and fetches his own gun" is all around retarded, because it basically punishes pre-crime.

Tho I'm pretty sure that you all fuckers actually say these things because of the political implications, so here's my implications:

  1. It's very good that this shit is going to be shown on TV screens everywhere in America. This is going to make a nontrivial number of aggressive people think once or twice before getting in your face aggressive. This is good, really good.

  2. The shooter is going to get a life in prison (or maybe a death sentence, they do them in Florida!), televised, which is also very good because this is going to make a nontrivial number of CCW people think once or twice before shooting.

Lmao they wont even prosecute this guy. They would need some serious evidence of premeditation to even care to try.

They may slap other charges on him but it ain't going to be murder my dude.

Wanna bet? The loser donates $20 to a charity of their choice.

Omg you’re back 😍😍😍

How’s the pre-patch been? Tanking feels pretty meh now, not sure if I want to tank in BfA, though that may be because magic damage just destroys tanks at the moment.

Pre-patch is an absolute disaster.

He didn't fear for his life, the thought of killing needlessly gave him a boner.

handicapped parking spot that he's using illegally



If you physically assault someone in a stand your ground state and get shot that's just natural selection fam

Maybe don't be retarded

stand your ground state

AKA burgers LARPing as John Wayne.

A law allowing you to murder someone because he hurt your fee-fees 😢😢😢 by throwing you on your butt lmao. Life really is like a cowboy movie.

Are you literally retarded?

Only one party assaulted someone over hurt feefees

The other guy shot cause he was physically assaulted

are you that frightened and that weak that you have to kill anyone starting a fight with you?

you faggotly manlet lmao

ewww disgutsting

Ah yes very manly assaulting a 50 year old handicapped guy, so alpha

What's more manly that shooting some faggot in front of his kids







I relish the thought of taking your life -- in a self-defense situation of course.

Yes but not an argument

People who start fights deserve nothing, if you hit first you have no fucking sympathy from me.

11 out of 10 guys who play tough on the internet actually take it up the butt IRL.

u fag

TIL kids on playgrounds deserve to be shot and killed when they push and shove each other. Shut up, fag.

Are you genuinely saying that a law that creates less burgers is a bad thing?

good point

Maybe we shouldn't just allow everyone who gets in a flight to murder the other participant immediately and claim self defense? Won the hell decided that was a good idea? Burgers are so retarded.

You can murder someone by pushing them on the ground like that and having their head hit the pavement.

But it seems you survived your head impact with the pavement and decided to grace us with your insight on the subject.

People that decided they rather not be victimized by violent felons decided it was a good idea

This but unironically

The guy was harassing his wife, he came out to defend his wife.

So he was supposed to call the cops over a parking infraction but the guy that got shot gets to physically assault him instead of having to call the cops?

If u didn't have double standards you wouldn't have any left

If someone is talking to your wife the response is to talk back.

words for words, violence for violence. People who respond to words with violence are fucking animals.

This whole thing reeks of Ferguson Missouri.

I wonder if news stations will spin some story completely separate from the actual investigation as well?


Assault people, get shot, sounds fair, maybe you don't assault people?

So you'd call the police while someone, who from your perspective, came out of nowhere and randomly pushed you to the ground instead of taking action to protect or defend yourself?

Think of the poor innocent criminals!

when keeping it real goes wrong


So they park illegally, guy tells them that. Retard boyfriend comes out and attacks without a word.

Dindu nuffin

Yeah I'm sure the guy whose first reaction is to shoot someone was just politely explaining their illegal parking.

Man almost like you shouldn't go around assaulting people in a SYG state.

Also the guy had a habit of fighting people there. So tough shit

this guy larps as the handicap police, gets pushed to the ground for being a cunt and shoots a guy all for the righteous cause of parking and people will defend this lmao

this guy larps as the handicap police

Is it really larping when he does what the police would do


i concede to your argument


you have every right of being a cunt.


be cunt as much as you want on safe distance - call me names, call me whatever you want, bitch about anything you want, wear whatever you want, walk anyway you want ...


Especially not in SYG state

How hard is this to learn?

How you feel about it is irrelevant. What is relevant is that its legal.

Change laws, and we can talk about that, but until you do that, respect the existing law and everything will be fine.

This is a third-world mentality, holy shit. 'he pushed me so that means I can kill him! I can't handle myself without a gun!'

Do gun nuts not understand how pathetic they sound when they posture like this? What a bunch of pussies.

Ah yes what a pussy should've just let that guy bash his head in.

It's usually women who have never been in a fight that didnt consist of more than hair pulling saying this shit.

Wether you agree with the syg law or not it still applies to you, so assaulting someone in a state with those laws is playing Russian roulette with your own life.

How fat are you that you have to use a gun on someone who "touches" you? You sound like a little bitch.


You know I'm not the one in the video but a 50-year-old handicapped guy is, right?

Yeah, I bet you're a real tough guy and not some fat shut-in furry femcel.

In America being pushed by a black person and falling means you are about to be savagely beaten to death. Also if your attacker turns away at the sight of your glorious second amendment do not give him a chance to get away as he has committed the crime of standing up to Paul blart handicap parking cop

The assault was objectively wrong and illegal but if you watch the video when the assaulter saw the gun he backed away in fear and was shot as he retreated. People defending this are acting like the guy on the ground was about to get curb stomped but the reality is that if Mr handicap police didn't have a gun one less person would be dead and the police would have ideally arrested the assaulter. This isn't an attack on people that own guns it's about being responsible when you have one.

NO: he pushed me so that means I can LEGALLY kill him

This is what you have to remember if you live in SYG state, and stay safe.


I mean if you want to live - everything else is irrelevant.

You do not like the law? Work on changing the law.

This is the kind of crap that makes lefty Reddit seem justified when they say every gun owner/concealed carry is looking for a reason to shoot/kill someone.

Kids push and shove each other all the time, some random guy shoving you isn't that big of a deal. Get up, pussy.

This is a third-world mentality, holy shit. 'he pushed me so that means I can kill him! I can't handle myself without a gun!'

Next time a convicted felon pushes you to the pavement and is looming over you, ask yourself if you wish you had a gun. Unless of course you are into that sort of thing.

I lold

Hardly a third world mentality; You dipshits seem to think people should get their asses beaten in the streets and just take it because criminal lives are more important than your own.

Eh, he's on the ground with a bigger dude standing over him, I don't think actually actually shooting immediately was the right answer but he was a second and a half away from being curb stomped if the other dude wanted to. People really underestimate how dead unarmed human beings can be.

You’re defending a violent felon in his mid twenties who assaulted an older handicapped person for no real reason lmao like if anyone deserves to catch a bullet it’s a violent felon who attacks old people

I am just going to go ahead and assume you want lax laws around guns. You really think this is the kind of example you want the public considering?

So i live in ameriburger

You bet your ass i don't play hero unless it's dire. Fucking retard went full caveman and got shot. Way to act tough, now ya dead

Why don't you go fuck yourself, you just love needless murder. This is why I believe the right is inherently evil, they have no moral barometer and just jack off to death.

Man almost like you shouldn't go around assaulting people in a SYG state.

SYG shouldn't even be a part of the conversation. SYG is just common sense, and should be federal law.

What we can't see in this video is that the negro had murder in his eyes

ay dios mio

We need more lemon Pledge.

No mames

dude negro lmao

Finally, some good news coming out from America.

I love American news.

Alleged attacker.

Video footage of the attack playing while they say "alleged."


Nuance isn't your strong suit, no?

Apparently, English is...

Sorry m8, once you put your hands on someone and throw them to the ground, ya ass be in the hands of the CC. That is assault, yelling like a sperg at someone is not assault.

You fat Americans are such fucking pussies with your awww he pushed me best shoot him. Fight like a real man not a pussy lil beta bitch.

back to back world champs. what has your shithole added to the world?

Aren't your children being raped by muslims?

Maybe we are, but we still rule the world with these guns m8... maybe not for much longer, but for the moment my gun TRUMPS your.... idk, whatever it is you wankers have.

You will continue to kiss our ass when it counts most, so we don't sweat it when you grumble about literal nothings.

Lmao and what irrelevant shithole do you reside in?

Lmao, real men carry guns and kill each other over parking spots here. Step your fucking weak baby shit up eurocuck.

That guy was aggressive with the push and got what he had coming. You can’t go around assaulting people and then you get handled and then all of a sudden you’re a victim.....


3 kids

That's the only tragedy here.

How you can tell drama posters never leave the house. They think yelling at someone buying cigs at a gas station in a handicap spot is normal behavior.

stand your ground defense used as defense argument by George Zimmerman

Fuck, how many years later and people still get this wrong? They used plain old self-defense for Zimmerman.

Now THIS current case, yeah I wouldn't want to rely on self - defense only.

Guy must feel really good about himself for executing a man in front of his wife and kid

I'd feel good about taking someone like that off the streets. If you throw a man to the concrete because he didn't want people parking in a disabled spot when they don't need it then maybe you shouldn't exist.

if you think murdering someone because he pushed you to the ground after you yelled at his wife is an appropriate action I think you shouldn't exist.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

If you think escalating directly from verbal conflict to physical is a good idea that totally won't get you shot, you might be retarded.

or I don't live in burgerland where people kill each other every day because they are fucking mental.

I got myself and my family raped but at least I didn't kill an innocent criminal :)


Mayo fragility.

Right. There's a reason mayos are being bred out of the gene pool.

Duden mayo lamo

He stood his ground by sitting on the ground!? 😫

Don't put your hands on someone, don't get shot. I've seen enough worldstar hiphop videos to know that a black guy who is aggressive enough to knock you on the ground is likely to start soccer kicking you in the face. This is a great lesson to just keep your fucking hands to yourself and use your words instead.

Are any of you honestly going to try to tell me that the guy who shoved him wasn't backing up after he pulled out the gun?

Are you honestly saying it’s not okay to shoot someone who id attacking you because they took one step back as you were aiming?

I counted three large steps, then he was shot after he tried to walk further away.

I counted two crimes, one was parking in a handicap spot and the other was battery on the old man.


There is a 300% chance that the morons defending this thug would be attacking him if the races were reversed.

Politics turns people into morons.

ITT: butthurt african burgers realising they could get shot by an old man who gets no punishment if they act like a typical american

Sucks to be you

Up until the man draws his firearm its the absolutely correct time to pull a firearm. Dude was about to start kicking his head in on the ground, you can see him getting ready for it when he adjusts his pants.

But that old fuck takes so long to aim the guy literally has time to half raise his hands and back away, showing that the situation could’ve been deescalated without death. But, again going back to the fact the dude is an old fuck and wanted to make sure he didn’t accidentally shoot anyone else, he took his sweet time and made sure he killed that dumb fuck.

The optimal outcome here would,have left them both dead. One for being a piece of shit who bitches about handicap spots when there are tons of spots open and shoots a guy who clearly is backing off. The dumbshit who parked in a handicap spot when there was tons of parking and greets people by lunging at them like a maniac. Everyone involved is trash.