The Drama between me and my friends is just stupid.

6  2018-07-23 by katywtpmc

I'm in the first grade of junior highschool, about to go to the second, and at the first day of the first year I met some guys I had a lot of common interests with. We all liked memes,drawing, and trolling. And so we created a team, I named it myself "Squadfam", and gave each of the guys nicknames. There were 3 guys, but you only need to know two of them, ( I'll be using their nicknames not irl names for obvious reasons) Flowey, and Fatty. Flowey and I had a very "interesting past" so I'll talk about it first. He supposively had depression, and on his first suicide attempt I of course helped. He replied with " You're my best friend" not giving me a choice to choose. I didn't mind until others started teasing us and shipping us, and Flowey started to get more distant by the day. At one point he would chat crap behind my back and say he misses the "old" me. We also had another new member who we named Senpai jokingly. After a while I got tired of being mistreated and PMed Flowey that I'm leaving the team. He asked me why and he started using some really stupid arguments to stop me from leaving the team, such us we hate the same people and we have the same interests. Mind you, he would also force me to do stuff I didn't want to do, such as draw daily and go out with him on times when I stated I couldn't or else he would threaten to commit suicide. When I left the team my school friend had joined, we call her Sia. Sia, had informed me that Flowey showed the only parts of the conversation I insulted him in, trying to play the victim. He also told everyone to block me and never to speak of my name in that team again. Then thankfully, Senpai unblocked me and asked my part of the story. I told him the reasons I left, and a couple days ago I found out that Flowey also told them the reason I left the team was because I choke on a fish's bone ( I can't make this crap up). Later, I accidentall messaged Fatty. Fatty hadn't had a clean record either, he threatened to post embarassing pictures of me online which of course I didn't appreciate. Later on I found out that the only reason he did that was for Flowey to notice him, Because apparently Flowey started hating and ignoring Fatty ever since I joined.

I would also like to demonstrate some events that occurred before I accidentally texted fatty, but after he threatened me.

Flowey lied about a juvenile "bully" threatening his life with a gun. I have a lot of proof to prove this was a lie. 1) The bully "randomly" attacked him 2) The bully didn't want anything in return 3)He said he'd kill him at 12 at night 4)Flowey didn't remember anything of how he looked 5)The attack happened on school break while propel where around but no teacher or student interfered 6)The story kept changing according to his mood.

The second event was THE DEADLY disease that they had to to eye surgery to fix. It was a spring allergy, I googled the symptoms. He didn't go through any kind of surgery.

The third event were the cameras. He implied that they had implemented cameras both outside and inside the house. 1) It's illegal to place outside cameras in this side of my country 2) How did they get the cameras in the span of midnight and 8 in the morning????

We both agreed that these thing were lies and so we became buds. Then we made a new team, with both me, Sia, Fatty and Senpai in it. The other team (Squadfam) had 2 other people including the ones at my team. Flowey and Sophie. At the time I didn't mind Sophie I believed she was an alright girl, heck we even met and talked about anime and stuff. Fun fact, Squadfam is now an anime only team giving little freedom to speak about other topics which is just stupid. Sophie had a crush on Senpai, and so I helped her "whoo" him. It worked, he liked her back, but as soon as I stopped helping the relationship fell to ruins. Later she would talk to Flowey and Flowey only, I tried warning her about him but she wouldn't listen.

Now let's go on about the more recent events. About two weeks ago we found out Sophie and Flowey were in a relationship and pretty much everyone laughed at this sight. Flowey has told Senpai he's not interested in Sophie, while she thinks they are in a relationship. When I asked Flowey if he likes her he said that he indeed, did love her. To concluded he either lied to Senpai (a good friend of his) or is faking a relationship with Sophie. I tried showing her screenshots of this but she said something like "nothing is gonna change my mind I love him deal with it". This is where it gets complicated.

In the new team Sophie and Flowey isn't included and that made Sophie upset. She called me and my (at the time friend) and threatened us to watch our way and that we're filthy liars. Then I found out she called me a female dog and when I confronted her about it she replied with "You aren't on Floweys side". Exactly today, I showed Sophie more evidence of Flowey not liking her, and of him lying about everything ever. Again, she said something stupid which I cannot remember but it went along the lines of "i love him, so why don't you just leave me alone?" To sum up the whole conversation.She would avoid questions and always have Flowey in every sentence such as " Does that mean you hate Flowey?" Or " But i love Flowey". One of the questions she still has to answer (the questions by Sia) is that of which she asks "what does Flowey have to do with our friendship?". Flowey also called me a coward for "talking crap behind his back" or to put it simply, warning Sophie about his actual intensions. I warned her about throwing her Inthe trash like the rest of us, or hating her without showing. Knowing her she didn't listen.

Senpai hates Sophie since when they were together (forced him to be with her) she would share all of his personal information and activities with everyone without him knowing. She would also obsess about a hug that she made happen and never shut up about him. That's the reason he left Sauadfam Fatty was always being ignored from the start and so he left, while also being insulted and humiliated. Sia was being treated badly, from being ignored ,to straight up lied to, she also left the team. This didn't make Flowey too happy and so the paragraph above occured.

We are waiting to see what will happen, while In the meantime I was tired of dipshits and dimblefucks stupid arguments and excuses and so I told the to go choke on each other. Agressive I know, but i reached my limit. She won't listen while also caring only about her boyfriend who she doesn't love completely ( she still has a crush on Senpai) and Flowey who crearly doesn't love her.

I would love to hear your opinion and thoughts on this ridiculous drama, I would type the details but it's 1 in the morning and I'm exhausted.


Lmao true

👆👆👆 condense it into a ten point bullet list or GTFO

u gotta run up on that nigga and bust him in the mouth

Do any of your friends have big tits?

post bussy

If this is the state of teenagers nowadays, this level of cringe needs to end in a gas chamber


No one in junior high in the us wrote this

Tldr pls

Im saving it ill read it later

I didn't read that but you should get an Ar15 and Start practicing entry fragging

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