Day 11: Andmins have yet to return my full mod privileges and have not responded in 3 days. So here is the log and an interview I did.

0  2018-07-24 by david-me

The following are copies of my correspondence with Admin. I will not include their name.

Here is an inteervie the journalist decided not to run

On 7/22/2018 8:45 PM, wrote:

Hi David-me,

First off, thanks for agreeing to this interview. Questions are below, please answer in as much detail as you're comfortable with. I may send along some follow-ups if your replies have things I feel need clarification.


Describe the sort of person you were three years ago when you created KiA

Fresh off my perma-ban from SRD (The best thing that ever happen to me) I calmed down quite a bit. I was less mean, and less likely to purposefully create/continue drama with my comments. SRD (/r/subredditdrama) was an addiction. I Said lots off things I didn't believe so I would be relevant. I began taking up other hobbies. Mostly reading. 36 hours at a time. Books allowed me to escape and realign myself. I was able to recover rapidly because of the permaban. I later took a year off reddit. In short. It was like waking up from a long restful sleep.

How did you first become aware of GamerGate?

I was aware of GamerGate as it began. This was ~3 months after /r/KotakuinAction was created. My goal for the sub was truth and honest in media. GamerGate fit that description at the time. It was very 'drama-like' so I embraced it. Gamergate is way different now then how it began. It was amazing at the beginning... I then handed off the reigns to /r/thehat2 and while GG was still gaining momentum. Soon after is when I took a vacation from reddit. When I came back...

What about being a part of GamerGate appealed to you and made you want to deepen your participation?

I was the king of the world. My ego was being massaged. I was popular. At the time I wasn't considered a 'real gamer' because I played games on a tablet.

What sorts of actions (if any) did you engage in or encourage others to engage in on behalf of GamerGate?

I mostly just commented here and there. Moderating was becoming a challenge because cunt, nigger and faggot were being used in so many comment. In the begging it was okay as long as it didn't break reddits rules. Our rules where their rules. This is when we began implementing rules. We've been honing them ever since.

Is anyone you know offline aware you're KiA's creator? And if they've found out/you've told them, what was the reaction?

My family knows, though None of them go on reddit. I've told them a thousand and one stories. After some time they all wondered why I still let let it go downhill. My mom told me to delete it. My sister reprimanded me daily for not correcting course back to civility and remove all hateful comments. I kept telling myself it was okay because we didn't want to censor people. When I realized I was wrong, I tried to correct things but gave in to the army/mob. It was overwhelming

You mention in your first post that at some point you "rolled over and played dead." Approximately when was this and what made you decide to remain a moderator rather than leave the community altogether?

"at some point you "rolled over and played dead."

This is not so accurate. I did not do this of my own accord. I've remained on because deep down I always believed in the subs purpose. Only now, after many meds, was my head clear enough. Only now I can break through the hate and assert myself properly. I made a few attempts, but I was quickly destroyed. Look at the comment sections of some of the current/recent posts. It's not pretty.

What are your feelings on GamerGate and KiA now? And what specifically led to that change of heart?

GG at it's core is not rotten. I believe in it's original purpose. KiA became a platform for many fringe users who were hyper active. This lead to any dissenting opinion to be downvoted below the comment threshold . Essentially silenced. All you need is 5 users watching the /new page and downvoting. I never had a change of heart. I'm allowing myself not to be bullied by other users. Maybe even one Admin right now.

Do you feel remorse around things you or members of KiA have done?

Yes and no. The rules allowed these things to be done. And I was unable to change them. I only wish I was strong enough to keep on mission sooner.

In that same post you bring up your diagnoses. Why go public with them?

I've been public about it from the beginning. I have trouble explaining things and after trying to, I choose to admit I am flawed and mitigate the hateful responses that would parse my words or take them out of context.

You also mention r/the_donald. A number of opinion pieces trace the ideology and behavior of MAGA trolls to GamerGaters. What's your feeling on that hypothesis?

It sounds plausible enough. I think Admins could answer this better.

What made you try to kill KiA, and why now?

Loaded Questions. I love it when people do this. I'm not killing KiA. I never planned to. I'm moving forward. Returning to what I've always wanted and tried to make. Shifting the content to it's It's original focus. Many Gamergate posts will meet the new posting guidelines.

It seems from your more recent post, as well as your correspondence with Reddit admins that your intention is to turn KiA into a non-partisan media watchdog. What does that look like, given Reddit's history of getting things horribly wrong (recall the Boston bombing)?

It doesn't look like anything until I'm returned my mod privileges and can recruit my mod team. Bringing up the Boston Bombings is inappropriate. You are comparing one sub to all of reddit.

Why keep the name, if it's so deeply associated with hate, sexism, and doxxing?

The name is derived from multiple sites coordinating to create a narrative. Media Manipulation. Kotaku was one of the sites involved and it sounded good at the time. The sub grew very fast in the beginning. One users saw that the sub was unwelcoming and veering off topic, they stopped commenting. Growth has since been stagnate.

"hate, sexism, and doxxing?"

Wouldn't it be great to change that association?

How would such a thing be kept from being weaponized against journalists all over again?

No sub can completely stop anything from happening. Detailed and enveloping rules along with a strong moderator team can mitigate the damage. The stronger the mod team, the quicker we can stop the ----E pitchforks.

Why should the victims of harassment campaigns led by KiA users or those like them believe you've changed?

I don't expect they all will. I'm not in this to be liked. The only way is to show them.


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. -,*,

  3. /r/subredditdrama -,*,*

  4. /r/KotakuinAction -,*,*

  5. /r/thehat2 -,*,*

  6. r/the_donald -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Sometimes, I swear SSB is sentient.

Sometimes, I swear you aren't.



(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Yes it's a common enough feeling that one of the bots quotes is calling people retards for assuming sentience

LOL, he deleted his original post. The admins are not being very sympathetic with his cause:

Are you genuinely mentally challenged?

Didn't he already admit to this?

You had nothing to do with the success of if sub other then handing over control to other people and go away. Not you want to destroy what they built.

Just go away and start another sub

Cry more faggot. His sub, his decision.

Voice of reason over here. For those of you who are confused, r/drama is where you make fun of reddit drama, not where you succumb to it.

Sperg out or get out, that should be the rule.

None of this serious posting whine shit.

This thread is an insane person having a mental breakdown. It doesn't belong here as a self-post, it belongs here as content.

insane people shouldnt selfpost here

where the fuck do you think you are?

That's not what I said though is it.

like i care what you actually said when i can just accuse you of shit lmfao

literally hutlur

David isn’t insane he’s a fucking genius, this shit is hilarious, KiA is in meltdown

You're missing context because he deleted his insane rant about his family and shit and replaced it with this link, but if you think he's a genius that says something about you.

It's 4D chess though. I will always support the best mod /u/david-me 😍

/u/david-me, pls make me a mod if you get your permissions back. I'll make KIA great again!

This is getting too dramatic for me...

user reports:
1: faggot

Too afraid to call /u/WarSanchez that to his face?

Punching down. Faggots are people too and they don't need to be constantly reminded of their faggotry.

You're a fine one to talk, cum monkey.

Proud cum monkey

not where you succumb to it.

Get out. Now.

I'm going to succumb all over your Dad's tits.

You're the second person to comment on that. Is succumb a "big word" now? I can't keep up with this shit.

I'm just telling you straight up that I'm going to succumb all over your Dad's tits, mate. I suggest you prepare yourself.

I suggest you prepare yourself.

That assumes that I give a shit though...

Good, because he's getting glazed like a krispy kreme

This wasn't edgy or clever, it was just lazy. What is this 2013? Don't talk like that ever again, it's cringe.

Don't be mad that I'm cumming on your Dad, bro.

I am so far from mad it's unbelievable. I really feel bad for you. Are you from a developing country that's like 5 years behind? People just don't talk like this anymore...

I'm from a country populated entirely by people that cum on your Dad.

Are you from a country where anyone would care if you said you'd cum on their dad? Because I'm not. I feel like I'm just interfacing with an internet pervert, which I don't really like. It's not funny and it's not good trolling. You really need to sort your shit out, I am telling you this for your own good.

I'll sort my shit out while I'm busting a fat load on your Dad's tits.

Yes, we know you are a pervert. What would be cool is if you were an interesting or entertaining pervert. Instead you keep talking about cumming on my dad, which is really unoriginal, and you're gonna keep doing it to prove to me that you're not ashamed of yourself, but I don't believe you.

Nothing to be ashamed about when I'm giving your Dad a pearl necklace.

I bet you're really chuffed that you just used the term pearl necklace. Pathetic.


u wot m8?

u wot m8?

Never again, motherfucker. Never again say u wot m8. I didn't expect this conversation to get more cringed. Now I am pissed. Fuck you.

u mad bro?

Dude, I literally just told you I am pissed. That means mad in real countries. u mad bro is fine. u wot m8 is not. It's nails on chalkboard. It's cringe.

You don't like that I use normal words like chuffed and succumb, I can't stand that you have a 2013 cringe sense of humor and talk like a gay retard from Townsville Australia. Let's just leave it at that.

I'm going to succumb all over your Dad's tits.

When you die alone you'll remember me as the best friend you ever had. Now I'm really leaving, I've helped you as much as I can.

You can leave. Your dad stays. He's about to give me that ahegao face.


lol apparently not though if you believe op

Seeing as the admins have effectively taken away his control of the sub, I actually don't think it's his decision at the moment.

user reports:
2: It's rude, vulgar or offensive

Lmfao, look at the babyback bitches from KiA not handling the bantz.

user reports:
1: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors

imagine being such a newposter that you didn't write-in "sexualizing minors" into the report box.

Oh, they were so butt hurt at first lol

But it's my job to stir the pot. Since ya'll mayos can't cook and all...

user reports:
1: this comment made me cry
1: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors
1: this really rustle my jimmies and makes me vaguely uncomfortable
1: You call autism like that bantz? Who would possibly be offended by a lowball insult like that?


Except not if you know the AMA sub creator drama.

His cake shop, his decision.

His sub, his decision.

Apparently that's not how reddit ownership works, thankfully :).


My gamergate senses are tingling

jimminy jinikers do you think anita is up to her unethical journalism again?

It is happening again Horray

Did you just move my stair muffin?

lol you feel more strongly about this shit than people who post in kia

That was a really recognizable pasta/meme, not their actual opinion, lmao

its about ethics mdefugee posting

/u/captainpriaprism needs to marshall all three of his braincells just to comment on reddit, and assumes everyone else struggles in the same way.

lol im literally the only one here that understands what this is about or whats going on in any way

hah! classic drama meme

Kay, Cleetus.

fucking lol yes it was a ghazi meme because that was their only response, and its only ghazi fags that use it much like freeze peaches or whatever


wow angry much captain?

His lolrettes acts up when he stressed

/u/captainpriapism Let's play poker sometime. I promise I don't know what your tell is.

its such a bad joke lol


success of the sub


you're not welcome here

You had nothing to do with the success of the sub

lollers you're a containment sub for manbabies who think censoring children's toys is like losing the library of alexandria


This is mutually exclusive with giving a shit about video games.

Imagine being this emotionally invested in a subreddit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

No u

But you're missing the point. It's not about his vision being enacted. It's about destroying KIA (because if it's about his vision he's been given more than enough chances to do that elsewhere and he's consistently refusing that).

He's trying to be a sneaky SJW but he's unsurprisingly too dumb to be good at it.

Dumping the mod team and nuking the sub and backpedalling when the admins frown on that behavior isn't very sneaky.
And his currenty flipflopping between "bullied victim" and straight up dictator is so goddamn transparant of a powergrab it's also nowhere near sneaky.
Nah, I don't think david-me even knows about the word sneaky :P

I sincerely hope he rips it apart and hands control over to Ghazi or something.


Get your popcorn here!

Salted with the tears of ethics in gaming journalism!


Pretty much. It still should be posted for archiving. Most won't read it. I wouldn't. A few will and I can get some insight.

Get help dude.

You're mom meant you should stop going on Reddit entirely. You're not mentally capable of managing your own life let alone a community of 100k people.

mostly posts on T_D

You should not be giving advice on mental capability.

Trump is making this country great again.

He is leading the Free world from the toilet sperging on Twitter. MAGA for sure!

At the very least he is making SJWs shed oceans of tears, and it is glorious to behold.

Pretty much why we here at r/drama love what /u/david-me is doing. Your spergalicious tears can cure cancer they say

Hate to agree with you. But I am ashamed of the amount of attention given to this cat molester by people from my community,

"AHA you post on the donald! I have you now!"

Do you eat the tendies after you shove them up your butt?


Spincter right in the dinker, eh?

At the time I wasn't considered a 'real gamer' because I played games on a tablet.

My mom told me to delete it.

Given he admitted to being an iPad guy, perhaps his mommy can use Apple's parental controls to manage his use of the internet?

You're the worst kind of faggot

If you're so desperate, this sort of thing really tends to get people's attention.

This all just a big troll David? If it is, you totally got me. You were definitely in it for the long con.

I have a question david. Is the plural of tranny trannys or trannies?

You really were an inspiration to me - not that long ago. The things I have achieved because of you could possibly be listed. Please, David, return back to your former self.

Someone needs to keep himself safe

A modern crusader is finally taking a stand against Western culture's greatest terrorist group

They targeted David. DAVID.

tldr is something like "please admins, help me make the REAL gamergate that I've always wanted, and not the wrong gamergate that everyone else is doing!"

I ran into this situation with a gaming Steam group I used to moderate. I wanted one thing - everyone else wanted something else. One thing led to them hating me and they all left and now I'm here.

For what it's worth I'd quite like to see david_me in /r/drama more often.

See, this is how gaming life one experience after another prepares gamers for leadership roles.

Please admins I could make my own sub but if it doesn't take off I'd almost certainly kill myself so I'm hijacking another so I can keep the semblance of tiny power I barely have.

Dude tries to nuke a 100k sub. Admins stop him. He is now trying to persuade everyone he should still be top mod while simultaneously publicly claiming he wants to destroy the place.

Hey David, I support your efforts in KIA. It seems like the main problem admins are having is that your comments and posts explaining your vision to the community seem to come responsively right after the admin tells you you should do more, rather than proactively throughout this entire process. You need to make it clear that you are personally interested in explaining and getting the community invested in the image (even if it seems like they will just shit on and down vote you at the moment). I'd recommend being extremely engaged in any topic related to you on the subreddit, responding to as many comments as possible with an explanation of what you want to do, and with a solid effort to clear up misconceptions.

Great advice.

lol, yes. Spend more time on this. They'll surely give the subreddit back to you. No way it isn't going to happen!

I've been in limbo. I'm working on my plans I will be implementing, but I'm between 2 sides that don't want to talk/discuss. I'm trying to figure out why the Admins are silent at the moment, and, though many support my actions, It will be drummed down with people yelling. So I'm trying to find a light switch in the dark.

Admins are silent because it seems their current MO is to observe your actions to determine your intentions, and once they have a judgment on that they will either fully instate you or remove you. They've made it pretty clear the criteria by which they will judge your intentions: activity in the community. Your best strategy right now is to go as hard as possible as often as possible advocating for your position in /r/kia

You're so fucking good at shitposting. 10/10.

You say many support your actions.

Then let actions speak: Take the offer from the KIA mods for your own sub and let your supporters join that sub.

Why don't you make a new subreddit? It seems like everyone at Kia want you to fuck off and hate everything you've proposed.

Yes, why not a reddit about keeping oneself safe?

Why don't you make a new subreddit? It seems like everyone at Kia want you to fuck off and hate everything you've proposed.

because he knows his autistic screeching will attract no one to a new sub. With the KIA subscriber numbers, even if all the active users leave, enough dead wood inactive subscribers would remain to allow him to play act having a successful sub. But that's all it would be, play acting.




The admin are silent because you're a destructive force who went full retard.

I'm trying to figure out why the Admins are silent at the moment, and, though many support my actions, It will be drummed down with people yelling. So I'm trying to find a light switch in the dark.

Have you tried messaging them again today? Maybe up the frequency of messages too so they're more likely to see them. Keep us updated on the communications so that you can garner more support.

2 sides

We all know one of the sides, could you point me to the other?

I'd make sure you emphasize with part 5 that "new mod team" doesn't necessarily mean a purge of current mods, and you'd be willing to keep any who are willing to proceed with the new vision

Honestly dude, it's too late for kia. There was maybe some hope a couple of years ago, but the 2016 election made it even more toxic than usual. Prior to that it was pretty mixed ideologically, but now it's not so much. Better to either burn it to the ground or leave it behind than try to fix it.

Prior to that it was pretty mixed ideologically

no it wasn't.

the most popular journalists on KIA were Milo and Juice bro

from the beginning

let's dispel with the fiction that KIA didn't know what it was doing. KIA knew exactly what it was doing.

Except your still wrong and have jack shit to back that up and you know it. Its still funny that people think GG/KiA is everything that it isn't.


Yeah yeah, I saw that afterwards but left it because I didn't fell like being a grammer nazi to myself

Another braindead end.

Mod me

Don't you have anything better to do than write long winded novels on the internet about trivial bullshit?

Don't act like you don't enjoy it.

u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK what are your opinions on this latest chapter of the u/david-me saga?


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel sorry for the admins.

The responses and encouragement from Reddits power users and mods is encouraging.

Well that's one easy way to prove that it was a bad idea.

You just posted a link to an invite only sub.

Gonna have to copy paste the text here fam.

Never have I regretted spreading my filth points amongst so many alts this much.

Thanks for linking to a sub nobody can read, faggot.

Less than 6k away. I'm basically suicidal I mean me too thanks.

Plenty of people can read it.


Subhuman NEET trash

some of us can :)

Mate you can't even read this sub lmao

I am requesting my mod privileges be returned. I look forward to your returning them. I'm here, and have 6 hours or so to see this through. Peace.


I haven't heard from you in almost 24 hours. It's now entering day 10.

and finally

I haven't heard from you in almost 2 days.[...]I look forward to your reply and the return of my mod privileges.


plz respond






Hi cutey


Had david tried sending a nude yet?

reddit hireups love shit like this as long as no laws are broken or minorities, that matter, offended...its publicity which drives traffic. Sure, It sucks for the admins but good for reddit and definitely good for r/drama

I dont know about you, but this just screams "a stable individual" at me.

Most of my users and all of my mod team have lost any value for my existence

There's a tiny piece of self awareness in there at least.

From the posts it doesn't seem like lost is the correct term.

You say that but...

Also, it you read the comments, you will see that just as many people agree with me,PM's too. Tons of users agree with. These are the readers I want to attract.

lol, /u/david-me you look pathetic in this admin conversation.

It's like you're attempting to bargain with an ex that dumped you. You think if you explain how stable of a guy you are now, she'll get back with you any day now. She says she needs time, but you know in your heart it will never happen. She feels bad for you, so she suggests you hang out with a new girl, /r/Ethicsinjournalism. She realizes she doesn't want to hurt you or give you false hope anymore, so she just stops responding to your messages.

Give it up, man. Don't let reddit cuck you so hard like this. You fucked up and lost the sub. You could have subtly changed everything but you sperged out and nuked it all. You're never getting your permissions back, and that's ok. It's just a subreddit.


As much as I love drama, you should take the offer and adopt /u/ethicsinjournalism. Prove it’ll be better than KiA.

Plus I’ll enjoy watching EiJ and KiA users slapfight.

Odds /u/ethicsinjournalism would just be another anti-gamergate, anti-Trump sub?

I thinking very high

/u/David-me is clearly going to make it yet another left tilting sub. But with his inability to focus long term and reliance on others to do the hard work, it’s likely to turn into a KiA 2.0 shitshow.

All in all, drama!

That's why you install ghazimods and the fempire. Then it doesnt matter if he is absolutely useless

Nawww I say mod the T_D mod crew and GenderCrit mods.

Let’s see a mod war.

Which is more pathetic

Wanking over the idea of someone loving you



I have always had a vision for the path and content of this sub

I can't believe how seriously he takes an online forum.

The amount of self importance this guy has for creating a sub is truly astronomical.

He was MIA for a year.

Have you considered sending the Admins photographs of your penis?

Where are the Russian hackers when you need em...

Show bussy David

Last time he tried, his pussy almost clawed his hand off

Lol @ “my mom told me...”

dude the entire sub (i guess minus 3 people) shits on you because you are trying to change it "because you want to find a new magical group that doesn't exist" . stop trying to change it and make a new sub with the ideals with what you want. stop doing these retarded ass posts because you want the attention.

either delete your account since its clearly not healthy for you or stop trying to "i am the senate" the sub. on a personal note i would greatly prefer if you would just drop of the mod team. that way we dont have to deal with your now constant want for attention.

Whining about video games... You KiAtards take this shit so seriously. Anita Sarkeesian was right, you are sexist.

dude all you do is whine about drama seemingly 24/7 its fucking hilarious. get a real hobby

get a real hobby

like playing video games

that dude seems like they would be better off watching paint dry and getting triggered because the wall texture is off

i think watching paint dry probably is a better hobby than video games

well if he wants a paint drying the video game he should play this gem called gone home.

All video gamers should just kill themselves already. They're genetic dead ends anyway and nothing of value would be lost

Nah we're too busy making people like you platinum mad by merely existing.

You are here because you are still mad about 🔥 based 🔥headmod /u/david-me.

weebo shit

The absolute state of the gamercels 😂

I see you are not a man of culture.

platinum mad

Did this sound not retarded when you thought of it?

Anything goes in retardland. Just look around you.

Did this sound not retarded when you thought of it?

The company must be rubbing off on me. I'll ask help for your wrangler if it gets too bad.

Did this sound not retarded when you thought of it?

You tell me, Rain man.

My opinions on the subject are irrelevant. We're not focusing on the destination, we're here about the journey.

advancing into ladium mad

At least they ain't breeding

There was never any danger of that

Would you suggest video games? I don't know if I should pick that up, it seems that they're being taken over by SJWs.

nah i wouldnt its a waste of time. i suggest knitting for you.

Look at that, you're already learning that any activity is a better use of your time than video games.

maybe any activity other than being on r/drama

I can't deny you there. But then again, here you are having more fun slinging shit than whining about David on KiA.

eh. can only have so much fun triggering autists.

This is why you're a gamer...

no shit?

Jesus, imagine caring this much about gamergate. You need to go and keep yourself safe. It is a scary world out there.

Why can't he delete his own sub? I don't get that part.

its kinda like if r/pics or r/politics deleted their subs. not allowed due to communities being more than just the retard who named the sub.

its kinda like if r/pics or r/politics deleted their subs.

What's the issue? That would be great.

... actually the chaos of that would probably rip reddit in two. too bad i'm not an admin.

oddly enough, this used to be pretty much okayed by the admins.

/u/32bites was the top moderator of /r/IAmA 6 years ago and had decided to shut it down (this is not the Victoria firing, that was a few years later). eventually he reached an agreement with another user to give them the top moderator position.

people didn't like it, but the admins would've allowed it. of course, with the "mod guidelines" crap, they would never allow that stuff nowadays.

something something /r/wow iirc

do it

It's impossible to outright delete them. If you don't want them any more, you're supposed to hand them off to some other sucker.

A pyramid scam?

david-me was an idiot. It would have been way more funny if he just gave it to an SJW or slowly started modding people that hate KIA.

Because Reddit is a business, and deleting high traffic subs is bad for business.

Too boring now even for this sub. Wow, that is a new low. But you were supposed to be his best friends and stuff.

friendship with mudasir over.


We unironically need Ellen Pao back to nuke that shithole.

shut up narc

I wish he would hand over the mod to Ghazi and watch the shitstorm.

"My family knows, though None of them go on reddit. I've told them a thousand and one stories."

I legitimately pity this person's family. Dealing with their histrionic mewling in person must be bloody agonising.

I legitimately pity this person's family.

I legitimately pity the family of anyone implicated in gamergate.

I don't know - for something that started off as an internet flame-war, they select US presidents at will, frequently get their ideological opponents arrested, and I've heard they can even send rude messages to you on twitter!

Frankly, it's probably far safer to side with them than against them.

Not bad for 20 pasty white guys with an army of sockpuppet accounts.

Imagine being this retarded

Oh yeah, man. Good own. No mortal being could ever recover from being called "retarded" on


20 points to Griffin Dick.

His was almost as lame as yours, you win

I mean you actually implied that they select presidents at will. I'm totally sure you're not a delusional KIA tard 😬

I don't know - for something that started off as an internet flame-war, they select US presidents at will,

TIL John Podesta is the President of Gamergate Inc.

Still can't get their dick wet.

who the fuck talks about reddit in real life

"so earlier this gamergate racist homophobe nazi said XYZ"

"that's nice dear" regrets not having the abortion for the tenth time that day

I do. Usually following "So I read something on Reddit I thought was stupid, the URL."

It's not very funny. Makes a buddy of my friend's really frustrated though.

I'm pretty sure he's Chris-chan's long lost brother.

Now imagine they sound like Stephen Hawking without the speech aid.

Hey david did you consider modding the ghazi mod team to ensure maximum drama and avoiding getting cucked by the admins?

Seriously, it's not that fucking hard.

You destroy subreddits not by demodding everyone and deleting shit (that's how the admins get pissy over lost spergbucks), but by opening the gates and letting the barbarians in the castle.



Do this immediately.

Thank god he does not have that power.


He probably will get it back though.

Its honest reflects more poorly on the admins that they let this go on this long, david is just like a patient at a psych ward, you can't blame him for his irrational actions.

Then again, it would exonerate the admins if they are running the site as a large-scale version of /r/drama.

When is /u/spez going to post his bussy?

Shortly after your post yours.

You are a terrible person who likely abuses your cat. It's time to stop. Stop bullying an entire community of people. The down votes show they hate you.


The down votes show they hate you.

Then why are you here acting like a bitch?

Because he's an idiot and we can't get rid of him.

you fucking losers are all about property rights but my man david spergs out a just a little bit and now you all want to sieze the means of production


David's the one sperging out and trying to delete a sub with 100k subscribers. He's comming here because everyone else hates him.

He hates you because you whine about video games... Can you get more pathetic?

Whining about people whining about video games.

no u

Video toys were a mistake

sorry, are we supposed to pretend like you aren't pathetic just because you called someone else pathetic first

sorry, are we supposed to pretend like you aren't pathetic just because you called someone else pathetic first some fuckin' nerd mumbling

Speak up, sweaty

> Speak up, sweaty

why would I bother, your comments all make my point for me

I bet you talk like a mouthful of marbles

when I talk people listen

doubt you can say the same

Yes, you are a big boy and people like you. Now run along and play with your toys

actually being an adult isn't a big source of pride for me or anything

wonder why you thought it would be


actually being an adult isn't a big source of pride for me

You play children's games all day, we know this

Me: you know, jabbing at my maturity makes no sense, you're just revealing your own insecurity

You: Hey, no fair, I'm insecure about my maturity too!

Yeah, it was pretty obvious. And with that I'm out; enjoy your role as the most pathetic troll in...a drama subreddit. Jeez, that is pretty sad, come to think!

You unironically get upset about "ethics in video game journalism". I pretty much win by default.

imagine being this salty about someone else's opinions about video game journalism

anyways after looking at your post history it seems you just troll gamergaters and the like, so this conversation really is over. Sad!

imagine being this salty about someone else's opinions about video game journalism u


Easily, by being you for example.

You're basically acting like a virtual commie, this isn't Command & Conquer Red Alert, dude

The one person to be hated by both GamerGhazi and GamerGate at the same time. He truly is special.

Stop bullying an entire community of people.

Get the fuck out of here.

I hope he continues bullying you nerds.

How did you manage to get such extremely low T levels? Did your balls get chopped off or did they not work to begin with?

Stop bullying

Shut up, mongo

Hold on, nobody who abuses cats is a bad person.

Stop bullying an entire community of people.

imagine being bullied by someone who is clear mental development issues.

Imagine a retard bullying you from a glass ceiling above your community center. That's David. Mods can't ban him and he keeps flinging shit like a baboon.

I cant imagine because I cant imagine feeling bullied by a retard. I'd just leave the community center and do something else.

As of now I will be removing all moderators as none have expressed support for our future. They have told me there is no way they will ever work with me and I am basically dead to them. Not sure any will have a change of heart.

I fully support this dramatic coup. But I think you might need to be a little more discreet.

Nah, I'm sure that someone who proudly declares their intent to remove any in opposition to them is exactly the sort of person that the admins will trust with a return to power.

I 100% support /r/kotakuinaction! The acceptance of homosexuality started with the video games. The gay gamers infiltrated the gamespot back in the 1970's. It all started with a gay graphics change that subliminally made tough, very straight men, gay.

Bare with me folks. I'll explain. The gay recruiters changed videogame pants and turned them into a copy of male ballerina skin tight pants that show everything! I am a very straight Christian male, I even have a wife. (Believe me, we have sex.) Butt whenever I watch videogames my eyes are immediately drawn to the players butts! Its so gross, I can't help looking. HD tv makes it much worse.

Have you ever watched a game then after keep seeing images of Nathan Drake's butt seared into your brain like I have. I bet you have. I'll be at work and sometimes thats all I can think of. Gross.

If your a good Christian like me you will insist that the games journalists do something about this. Number one, they should only show the male characters from the waist up. Number two, they should make male characters wear some kind of skirt over their private areas that cover their butts. Little boys are playing and will end up gay if we do nothing.

The gay recruiters have been active for a long time. We were successful in getting the NBA and tennis to change their outfits from short shorts to baggy shorts. We can do it with video games too!

Tired of thinking about hot dicks up butt all day? Join me and my fellow Christians. Do it for the children and God Bless!

Bare with me

Hard pass.

Hard ASS

gay gamers


So autistic it hurts. Best thing you could do is get off the Internet & go outside.

exactly david is doing a humanitarian effort to replenish goobergators vitamin D

Holy fucking shit, your submission list is like a walking cringe catalog. Stop being a stereotype.

Yes but at least i dont care about ethics in video game journalism

im going to guess that this retard is probably obese and needs a crane to move

Fresh off my perma-ban from SRD (The best thing that ever happen to me) I calmed down quite a bit. I was less mean, and less likely to purposefully create/continue drama with my comments. SRD (/r/subredditdrama) was an addiction. I Said lots off things I didn't believe so I would be relevant. I began taking up other hobbies. Mostly reading. 36 hours at a time. Books allowed me to escape and realign myself. I was able to recover rapidly because of the permaban.

I don't know what to say

He sounds like he's unemployable.

The realest struggle

well he's a mod on reddit so that goes without saying

36 hours at a time? Does he realize here on earth there is only 24 and humans sleep

You were our last fallback against something like what you just did. You were the backup. You were our last hope, and you positioned yourself as such. You were the chosen one. And you betrayed our trust. And you sit upon that high-horse as a self-proclaimed hero among men, calling yourself a champion of the people as you tread upon our heads to climb to the top. You dare to throw up class struggle as a shield against criticism, as deflection of your betrayal.

And yet, your best efforts failed today. A day may come when our courage fails and we bow to those who claim to be our moral superiors, but I am proud to say that this is not that day.

A day may yet come when /r/KotakuInAction falls forever, but today is not that day! Take your momentary victory, it has done you no good to stab us in the back. You struck us down and we returned more powerful than you could imagine.

The queerest part is that you can somehow square destroying one of the few bastions of truly free-speech left on the internet in general and Reddit in particular as a defense of the first amendment, but alas, within this post lie many a contradiction one would not expect a sane mind to create. Farewell, David. And know this...

This was literally the worst possible move you could have made. Doing nothing would have served your purposes better, because now we gird our strongholds closer. You not only failed to destroy KotakuInAction, you have galvanized it

/u/david-me you are not wanted...go away.


Get out, fugee



I hate you. Like, I actually hate you. You're abusive, destructive and your behaviour is nothing but disgusting and lacking in any empathy. I hate you on a personal level because fundamentally you're a bad person, willing to hurt others for no reason other than that they don't agree with you.


If you were truly sorry you'd stop your harmful behaviour, but because you're a sociopath on some level, you don't give a shit and will continue to purposefully hurt a large group of people for no reason other than insanity and political disagreement.


You're disturbed and the fact that you're so willing to knowingly fuck over so many people shows that you're borderline sociopathic.


Child molester != paedophile. There are non-offending paedophiles and it does no-one any favours to literally call for their deaths if they even dare tell anyone (such as a professional) that they're attracted to children. All this behaviour does is encourage them to stay isolated, and isolation leads to acting out regardless of who it is.

I love how he came here to grab some brigaders before linking his KIA post.

The twelve people from r/drama who actually care to talk in a KiA thread won't stand a chance against the gamers who exhibit true bravery by spending hours doing mind numbingly boring and menial tasks all for the thrill of saying they did. Don't worry, your collective fury shall not be quenched.

Hey David, who you working with you tankie piece of shit? It's obvious you're not doing this alone.

You sound fragile

Yeah, cuz IM the one trying to nuke a sub I created with 100k subscribers because I'm trying to bang gross feminist poontang...

because I'm trying to bang gross feminist poontang...

This is the level of virginity I expect from KiA

Like everyone else disagreeing with you, we are paid by Soros.

Nah, just most of em 😂



When you realize that you barely stirred any drama and spent hours talking to angry autistic kids about video game journalism will you finally neck yourself and end your suffering of severe BPD?

You should be beaten over the head with a god damned rock for handing the journos this kind of ammo. And you're still here whining like a fucking woman. Shameful.

whining like a fucking woman

If only he was chad enough to whine like a gamergater.

You should be beaten over the head with a god damned rock for handing the journos this kind of ammo. And you're still here whining like a fucking woman. Shameful.

Exactly the type of violent hooliganism that video games teach dumb kids.

The fucking irony of this comment is to much for me to handle.

You still going on about this? Go start a private sub where you can share your epiphany of your new vision. No one in KiA is interested in it.

Good thing this is Drama then. We support and endorse the anal devastation goobergoobers are experiencing.

Keep doing you David. Sperg on you autistic diamond.

Good point.

We at KiA actually think David's derangement is hilarious, and seeing him sabotaging his hostile takeover has been a blast so far.

If you do, why do his posts there keep getting downvoted to oblivion?

So many people enjoyed memeing EA's "Pride and accomplishment" reddit post that it became the most downvoted comment in reddit history. One can dislike an idea while still finding humor in mocking it.

A) Are you going to claim that the majority of people were memeing it? Because I'd doubt that.

B) That EA post being downvoted so heavily became, in of itself, a meme. That's not the case with david's posts, from what I've seen.

Nah I amn't the first guy, I know the majority are just annoyed. Was just saying why the ones enjoying it would still probably downvote anyways.

/u/David-me you're doing a great job, r/drama supports you. Forcefeed them the change they need. You should use slightly more tact though. When I was a baby and my mom was feeding me she wouldn't simply shove a spoon full of pureed peas down my throat, she'd make airplane noises and do loopty loops with the spoon to distract me then slip that disgusting green goop into the hanger and I'd take it and smile because the content didn't matter as long as I was distracted. Try that, choochoo train works too. Dont forget, with choochoo train it's a tunnel not a hangar

200 comments. 10 upvotes. /r/drama needs to take a stand against the KIA rapefugees.

I propose a travel ban before the final solution

Whenever I deep dick your Mom's throat, I make those same choo choo and airplane noises.

Don't lie, you've never deep dicked a thing in your life because the fat around your pelvic region acts as another forsekin

Once I scrape away the hardened yellow shell of smegma and press my feet against the wall for leverage, I can almost get the whole head in.

You've got both gamergaters and Patrick Klepek sperging out at you at the same time, so you must be doing something right.

I think this guy might be genuinely, medically delusional. Like, dangerous-to-people delusional.

You might be right but he's doing something that should have been done a long time ago. It's a half measure if you ask me

user reports:
1: extreme faggotry
1: goobergators downvoting drama sticky please

"Pls don't take away my GooberGate forum, it's all I have 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢"

Imagine being ColbyKlaus in reverse.

KIA rapefugees are rampant in this thread. Gross 🤢🤢 There goes the neighbourhood

KiA rapefugees. Ugh.

Out out out 👉🏿 👉🏿 👉🏿

David being a retard should be upvoted even by KiA.

I just love how precious they are about their Safe SpaceTM.

You nuked a sub david...and broke every rule in the book, what the hell you smoking looking for vindication.

He was doing the lord's work. He's basically a patriot, they should give him a medal

It's too bad ED is a shell of a ghost of it's self, you need a full blown wet lick from those assholes, /u/david-me. You are the walking definition of a lolcow

It sounds like you might have LIGMA.

Lol, what happened to the original post, did he delete it? The archive link works: It looks like the admins are turning against him lol (

I hate you. Like, I actually hate you. You're abusive, destructive and your behaviour is nothing but disgusting and lacking in any empathy. I hate you on a personal level because fundamentally you're a bad person, willing to hurt others for no reason other than that they don't agree with you.


user reports: 1: mods get the fuck in here and start beating on these KIA nerds infesting the thread. ASAP CUNTS!!
1: extreme faggotry
1: David has to be genuinely retarded. Dont make fun of someone this autistic, its way too easy
1: surplus autism
1: white people nonsense
1: goobergators downvoting drama sticky please

this post is of course, stickied.

People still care about Gamergate in 2018

Who gives a shit?

user reports:

1: mods get the fuck in here and start beating on these KIA nerds infesting the thread. ASAP CUNTS!!

1: we're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't be attainable.

1: extreme faggotry

1: David has to be genuinely retarded. Dont make fun of someone this autistic, its way too easy

1: surplus autism

1: white people nonsense

1: goobergators downvoting drama sticky please

Humans were a mistake and we should get rid of them.



hopefully its atleast 5/10.


These types of responses are what drives me and solidifies my belief I am doing the right thing for KiA.

Your proving my point.


Crazy people on the street think they are doing the right thing by attacking pigeons. You're not noble or enlightened. You're off your meds.

No one wants you there and no one wants you to change KiA into SJW safe space you goofball.

Just make /r/sjwmedia or something and piss off.

Imagine caring this much about a subbreddit of angry gamers

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Even the admins are telling him just to accept the one guy's offer to give him r/ethicsinjournalism, but he refuses to take it.

My guess is that he just wants to nuke KiA and even the admins are against it.

God, I can't fucking wait for that entire mod team to be removed. I can only hope he hands it to SRS/SRD/whoever to have a full /r/PunchableFaces treatment.

Yes, /u/david-me, don't just shut it down. Death by a thousand cuts. Start slowly--removing moderators for one reason or another. Put in different mods. Restrict content to approved submission only. Put in weirdly archaic rules.

Do. It. Slowly.

This is an outrage!!!

Where will it end david?

The next thing you know the admins will come and take your fidget spinners away.

u/David-me are you still going on with your e-conquest against mean words on the internet? It seems like a larp, from the out side. R/KIA needs to Get on r/loungers level and post extremely open minded things.

Fuck, don't stop. Talk me off bby

Those logs.... yikes.

You are the poster child for unwarranted self importance.

You're such a pathetic, autistic moron. Stop posting and go away forever.

BAHAHAHA. If only you had gotten chucked.

R/outoftheloop can anyone briefly clue me in on the key points on what the fuck is going on...? Assume I know nothing I’m just here for the drama