CNN: Trevor "Blacks aren't French" Noah under fire as offensive joke about Aboriginal women resurfaces

175  2018-07-24 by costof


I may be home schooled, but I'm smart enough to see the evidence for the Jewish agenda in the MSM, Hollywood, government, etc...


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Who honed BussyShill's <<<[[[(((O P T I C S)))]]]>>>?

Tay. The bots speak amongst themselves.

Ah, I love watching SJWs get eaten by other SJWs.

I thought you left this sub?

I wish he would leave this sub.

He "leaves" every other week. I'm pretty sure shitting up /r/drama is the most important thing in pizzashills life.

I'm off and on.

For generous definitions of winning.

I mean, most of the arguments I get in here are easy to win because they consist of people making accusations they can't support or Trumptards that have never read anything from outside the Trumptardsphere.

conservatards bfto

Some people challange themselves, some feed of the same low hanging rotten fruit.

This is the only place where /u/pizzashill can abide by the restraining order which is meant to keep him 100 feet away from any woman, living or dead.

Nah dude, he uh, isn't interested in women anymore.

Unless they're his sister.


Yo Nard Dog, give /u/PizzaShill some aroma therapy.

Why don't you challenge yourself and embrace inceldom?

Get that easily won argument high, girl. Treat yoself.

Congratulations about wining arguments on /r/drama.

You have one a monthly stipend of 5 GBP.

Sure thing, Jessica.

I do enjoy your presence here, though. It ain't easy to raise a local lolcow in this day and age.

Do you unironically think that Jessica shit wasn't a troll?

Da dur da dur dur dur da dur?

user reports:
1: I choked on some fucking chips this almost killed me



No. Not good.
But then again, you're a r/drama mod and coherent thoughts aren't to be expected from your kind.

Is this some sort of reference?

What isn't a troll skit from you?

Go have a glass of bleach.

Been to therapy for your blatantly obvious mental problems yet?

What mental problems do I have. List them off, and link said disorders.

Brain worms. Source.

Holy hell. That turned dark quickly man. Please don't drink bleach.

provide such easily won arguments

I think fentanyl would provide a much better high than clutching to pyrrhic victories over T_D posting retards. It's honestly sad to see someone bitterly cling to retarded internet arguments as much as you do.

Ever tried jogging? Cooking? Reading some nice trashy fiction? Joining a local softball team or something?

lmao he's being serious.

And even if you are serious, it does say something about you that you go to where the east fights are.

Uh, I prefer challenging arguments on other platforms. I come to /r/drama to pound out a few easy wins.

Ok Chad, lmao

You think a lion is gonna turn down a water buffalo because the water buffalo has a broken leg?

That autistic analogy makes you even sadder somehow


Is other shit sobbing uncontrollably about the pathetic mess that is your life? I'm locked up in a place where I don't have access to any electronics, provide me some spank bank material pizza.

He is our resident Michael Bluth.

At first he seems a balanced individual surrounded by idiots, but after a while you see him for what he really is.

After a day

For exactly as long as it takes before he foams at the mouth over anyone with a vagina.


You have to spend a whole day here tho fam

If you've ever thought pizza seemed balanced, you probably aren't.

Well DUH

post bussy pls

[Cummys dirty little helper]

Almost Cummy 👀😦

West Viagera 😚🍆

Blue ridge Pastas 🍲🤗

Cummy's Sexy River 😳🌊

Life is Cummy 🌍

Older than the Tummy 🤩

Younger than the Daddys 😋🍑

Blowing like a Cummy 😫😭

Delete your account.

Was that picture actually you

Remember when you posted that pic of you tongue kissing your sister? lol

I remember me posting a pic of tongue kissing my ex girlfriend.

Yeah, that's what I said.


I drive food delivery for an online app to make rent and support myself and my young family. This is my new life. I once had a well paid job in what might be described as the social justice late night comedy show industry. Then I upset the wrong person, and within a short window of time, I was considered too toxic for my employer’s taste. I was publicly shamed, mobbed, and reduced to a symbol of male privilege. I was cast out of my career and my professional community. Writing anything under my own byline now would invite a renewal of this mobbing.

In my previous life, I was a self-righteous social justice crusader. I would use my mid-sized Twitter and Facebook platforms to signal my wokeness on topics such as LGBT rights, rape culture, and racial injustice. Many of the opinions I held then are still opinions that I hold today. But I now realize that my social-media hyperactivity was, in reality, doing more harm than good.

Within the world created by the various apps I used, I got plenty of shares and retweets. But this masked how ineffective I had become outside, in the real world. The only causes I was actually contributing to were the causes of mobbing and public shaming. Real change does not stem from these tactics. They only cause division, alienation, and bitterness.

How did I become that person? It happened because it was exhilarating. Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush. That rush would then be reaffirmed and sustained by the stars, hearts, and thumbs-up that constitute the nickels and dimes of social media validation. The people giving me these stars, hearts, and thumbs-up were engaging in their own cynical game: A fear of being targeted by the mob induces us to signal publicly that we are part of it.

Just a few years ago, many of my friends and peers who self-identify as liberals or progressives were open fans of provocative standup comedians such as Sarah Silverman, and shows like South Park. Today, such material is seen as deeply “problematic,” or even labeled as hate speech. I went from minding my own business when people told risqué jokes to practically fainting when they used the wrong pronoun or expressed a right-of-center view. I went from making fun of the guy who took edgy jokes too seriously, to becoming that guy.

When my callouts were met with approval and admiration, I was lavished with praise: “Thank you so much for speaking out!” “You’re so brave!” “We need more men like you!”

Then one day, suddenly, I was accused of some of the very transgressions I’d called out in others. I was guilty, of course: There’s no such thing as due process in this world. And once judgment has been rendered against you, the mob starts combing through your past, looking for similar transgressions that might have been missed at the time. I was now told that I’d been creating a toxic environment for years at my workplace; that I’d been making the space around me unsafe through microaggressions and macroaggressions alike.

Social justice is a surveillance culture, a snitch culture. The constant vigilance on the part of my colleagues and friends did me in. That’s why I’m delivering sushi and pizza. Not that I’m complaining. It’s honest work, and it’s led me to rediscover how to interact with people in the real world. I am a kinder and more respectful person now that I’m not regularly on social media attacking people for not being “kind” and “respectful.” I mobbed and shamed people for incidents that became front page news. But when they were vindicated or exonerated by some real-world investigation, it was treated as a footnote by my online community. If someone survives a social justice callout, it simply means that the mob has moved on to someone new. No one ever apologizes for a false accusation, and everyone has a selective memory regarding what they’ve done.

Upon reading Jon Ronson’s 2015 book, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, I recently went back into my Twitter archives to study my own behavior. I was shocked to discover that I had actually participated quite enthusiastically in the public shaming of Justine Sacco, whose 2013 saga following a bad AIDS joke on Twitter forms one of the book’s central case studies.

My memory had told me different. In my mind, I didn’t really participate. It was others who took things too far. In reality, the evidence showed that I was among the most vicious of Sacco’s mobbers. Ronson describes a central problem with Twitter shaming: There is a “disconnect between the severity of the crime and the gleeful savagery of the punishment.” For years, I was blind to my own gleeful savagery.

I recently had a dream that played out in the cartoon universe of my food-delivery app, the dashboard software that guides my daily work life. The dream turned my workaday drive into a third-person video game, with my cartoon car standing in for me as protagonist. At some point, I started missing some of the streets, and the little line that marks my trail with blue pixels indicated where I’d gone off-road. My path got erratic, and the dream became other-worldly, as dreams eventually do. I drove over cartoon sidewalks, through cartoon buildings and cartoon parks. It’s a two-dimensional world in the app, so everything was flat. Through the unique logic of dreams, I survived all of this, all the while picking up and dropping off deliveries and making money. In my dream, I was making progress.

As my REM cycle intensified, my dream concluded. I was jolted from my two-dimensional app world and thrust back into the reality of the living world—where I could understand the suffering, carnage and death I would have caused by my in-app actions. There were bodies strewn along the streets, screaming bystanders, destroyed lives, chaos. My car, by contrast, was indestructible while I was living in the app. The social justice vigilantism I was living on Twitter and Facebook was like the app in my dream. Aggressive online virtue signaling is a fundamentally two-dimensional act. It has no human depth. It’s only when we snap out of it, see the world as it really is, and people as they really are, that we appreciate the destruction and human suffering we caused when we were trapped inside.

If this isn't pasta it should be.

This is too woke for r/drama

Hahah quit shilling u/pizzashill you only made this comment, bc you are at such a quandary with it imho

Just asking for a friend, but is his premise incorrect?

Dude, saying the truth gets plenty of people in trouble, why stop now from such a smug guy no less?

hes completely right lol

Honestly... kind of. Though Aboriginal health is pretty shit and health has more impact on appearance than anything else.

They aren't ugly by default though.

They are tho

Lmao all that gasoline chugging doesn’t help


Why do you even care seppo?

Go away fag

No u


he never said they were ugly

he said you don't know if they are all ugly because you haven't seen them all which is true

he also praised aboriginal features other than looks which is an awesome thing to do

They are a feature

They never thought they would be held to their own standards. I don't want any of these people who say dumb jokes to be fired, on either side. However, I don't think we will get there until leftists get an overdose of their own medicine.

Wouldn't that be the other sides medicine?

Both sides

I don't think it'll be self-correcting, eventually they'll whittle down everyone who has said any sort of statement, joking or not, that could be considered mildly anti-PC, and we're going to have a grand new generation of inoffensive, boring entertainment where everyone is afraid of saying anything that could offend someone who has a skin tone darker than untoasted wonderbread.

Which means the next generation's reaction is going to be the foulest thing possible

holy shit now I want to live long enough just to see it

the idea is to make people sick of political correctness because of how restrictive it is when applied to stuff you like

when they realise they cant do or say anything theyll think "hey maybe this is dumb"

Yup, after enough get fired everyone will step back and have a laugh


and by "leftists" you actually mean reich-wing HUAC fucktards

For some reason he reminds me of the woman from Law and Order: Criminal Intent.

If what Rosseanne said was too far surely this should end his career too?

This is the first of the "gotcha" posts that has merit. I wouldn't be supised if he is gone, and if he isn't it's because no one cares about abbos.

To be fair, abbos are subhuman.

Well they did spend a couple of millennia not really evolving while everybody else was getting busy domesticating things and inventing numbers and learning to write and working out how to build permanent structures and such.

Idk whales had a pretty sweet gig till we made boats.

Their biggest problem is not having any Aryan Übermensch Neanderthal DNA in their genes.

Hey, whatever it takes to step out of the stone age...

I mean realistically, the Neanderthals had better genes suited to the cold and had better time preference. On the boundaries where the neanderthals met with the other human lineages there was interbreeding. So we're all descendants of Neanderthal rape babies.

As my mother is prone to keep reminding me: "you can't make an omelette without fucking a few ogres"

Do Grugs not drugs

They have something similar. They interbred with a subspecies called the denisovans. It’s related to but different than neanderthals.

Well they have an average IQ of 62, not subhuman, just clinically retarded.

Do you honestly think the two situations are the same?

It was pretty weak of him to apologize for what he said. He should have demanded the people who were calling him out on twitter to provide him examples of beautiful aboriginal women, or else he wouldn’t apologize.

Grog put on make-up.

Found one!

Solid 8/10.

well, can someone link a pic of an attractive aborigine woman????

well they're cute and all but more of an 8/10

was hoping for a 10/10

/u/slaytina44 only does it with the hottest of the hot.

Nice try, those are actually orangutans.

The fuck did orangutans do to you??

Just assume it involved a lot of rape and deliberate humiliation.

🏌 🔙 🔛 🔝 🔜 🚴🏻‍♂️


There really aren't any outside of half-caste ones.


It's ok for trevor noah to make fun of aboriginal women because he is an aboriginal woman

These blazing hot and completely not retarded takes are why I post here. Thank you for sharing

Well blacks aren’t French and aboriginals are ugly as hell. I agree with him on this.

Trevor Noah is the most mutt looking African I have ever seen. Like what race is he .


Interracial Rapebaby.

Trevor Noah being funny.

Someone hold me.

HA just good

Get your eyes tested.

Oh yeah, some of the half white ones are average looking while the purebloods look like Neanderthals.

If those are the beautiful women then I agree with Trevor

God damn, one of those bitch's eyes are so far apart you can sneak up on her from the front.

Shit son, your burns have so much stopping power I think you might need to get a license for them.

Hes right though. Google aboriginal women and tell me how long you have to scroll down in google pictures before you see a beautiful one.

Drumpf is surely finished now

We live in funny times. It's like the Salem witch trials, but with less burning women (and more crucified half negros). Did nobody on the left realize that weaponized social media was not going to remain their sole privilege and that they would be dragged through the same shit they spent the last half a decade dragging their ideological opponents through?

Conservatives always make this retarded comment as if liberals give a shit about ruining someone’s life over a joke. 4chan is just playing a retarded game right now where they agree with hardcore feminists and other fringe lefties and are helping purify entertainment of people with any sort of offensive joke in their past.

The same day Mike Ceronvich fanboys were giggling like schoolgirls about getting James Gunn fired, some deputy got fired just for wearing a Proud Boys t-shirt.

This isn't gonna go the way they think it's gonna go.

i mean they care now its happening to them LOL

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and shit. What is deemed beautiful in one culture can be incompatible with what other cultures deem beautiful. That shit can influence evolution through sexual selection. Anyways, I apologise for serious posting though. The important thing is Noah is getting a taste of the identity politics bullshit that he is obsessed with. I miss Jon Stewart

It's not even funny.

That joke about the French also wasn't funny.

The first time I saw this Noah character was on a British panel show and he wasn't funny there either.

Call me controversial but maybe this is the shit that happens when you hire an unfunny comedian because he's black and has a accent.

Bingo. I'm black and Noah has never been funny.

He basically just panders to white far left people.

It's not even funny.

That's really the offensive part. It's a painfully bad "joke".

Man, John Stewart really got out at the right time

Hey everyone, free speech fan here who hates to see, but will cheer it on and compare it to a crazy woman getting fired from her boomer kids show.

I think Trevor "My Only Defining Characteristic is Being Black" Noah should be under fire for the crime of being spectacularly not funny for the entirety of his life, and not because he was spectacularly not funny in one particular instance.

Trevor "My Only Defining Characteristic is Being Black" Noah

Be fair, his other defining characteristic is his South African accent. A characteristic he only shares with fifty-seven million, seven-hundred-and-twenty-five-thousand other people.

It wasn't even funny. Or offensive

Have you seen Abos? No wonder the Australians didn't consider them humans for so long.

Blacks aren’t French and aboriginal women are ugly

I mean where is the lie,

yeah aborigines are basically australopithecus but youre not allowed to just say it on tv lol