Fuck women

0  2018-07-24 by abu-chewbacca

Fuck women you're all worthless pieces kf shit.



dude gussy lmao xD

Is this how kids today come out as gay?

Asexual, I don't need sex to be happy

if you don't need sex to be happy, why u so mad?

Because women enjoy fucking with my psyche and it's driving me insane. Not every relationship is about sex

are women collectively working together to destroy your life? It's actually more likely that the government is just making you think that. It's more common than you think. Check out r/gangstalking


Same here but I don’t hate men though

Don't or can't get it. Am I right?

Fuck women

Lmao that's one thing you won't be doing.

Asexual don't need it. Nice try offering the one thing you're good for though

So you're going to post your bussy?

Dude bussy lmao

Dude "dude bussy lmao" lmao

How deep can we go with this?

what are you, /u/pizzashill

Fuck wh*te women


Are we letting incels in now?

dude pizzashill lmao

Easy now, that's a slippery slope toward 'rape women'

Women aren't even worth the time or energy needed to rape

/u/pizzashill you are off the hook!

Lol incel

I’ve never tried to f*ck women. Sometimes wonder if I’m missing out.

tryin to lol