Was infamous Georgia Republican lawmaker Jason Spencer manipulated like a kid getting tricked and tattled on? User in /r/Conservative cocks his Gunny Rabbit at Sacha Baron Cohen's new show.

39  2018-07-24 by Ghdust2


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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  3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4k4pM... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRConse... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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You know if the guy is that easy to hypnotize maybe he shouldn't be in office.

"See, he's not a bad guy who needs to lose his job...He's just so fucking stupid that I'm surprised he doesn't die from forgetting to breathe, which I'm ok with for a guy who makes laws other people have to live under."

Great quote. Love that guy.

You believe that Spencer was heavily manipulated within hours. Why should Georgia trust this man to represent them in government? Couldn't some nefarious interests manipulate him into passing some terrible laws?

Got to love a retard that defends an even bigger retard

You believe that Spencer was heavily manipulated within hours. Why should Georgia trust this man to represent them in government? Couldn't some nefarious interests manipulate him into passing some terrible laws?

Is that surprising that backwater Republicans are easily manipulated?

Is that surprising that backwater Republicans are easily manipulated?

Also true

/u/TheGreatPJDJ your mental gymnastic skills are quite impressive, ever think of going pro?

Yeah, but that seems like too much work

Not any more work than defending Captain N-word

This is more like volunteer work. I don't have to come back tomorrow

You should probably do better than picking a remedial candidate

Where's the fun in that?

How does it feel that no matter how hard you white knight for Jason "Burqa Ban" Spencer he's still a piece of shit?

Eh, not bad

Lol please tell me more about how good a guy he is

Pretty good at tennis

The only tennis court Jason Spencer has been to was in the middle of the mall and filled with quick and simple meal options

Just leave off the word tennis and you've got a good joke.

I think he actually did get some scholarships or something for it.

Those weren't scholarships they were brochures to Devry


he does it for free

How stupid do you have to be to be fooled by Sachs Baron Cohen over a decade after Borat came out? He doesn't even try on the costumes anymore and he's still getting these people to scream racial slurs and drop their pants

Someone didn’t watch the segment.

He doesn't even try on the costumes anymore

The mask he's wearing is so fake-looking. Like $5 out of Wal-Mart's Halloween aisle bad. The accent, too. Yikes.

His accent is almost the same as borats

Either he is a fucking racist or he is so fucking gullible that he is tricked into being a racist. Either way...