/r/bestof genius shows how DRUMPF is actually behind James Gunn being outed as a pedo. Anyone who disagrees is a DRUMPF supporter! Sorted by controversial because i can't be bothered to pick out threads.

61  2018-07-24 by Ultrashitposter


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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Drumpf really is the Satan behind every evil in the world, especially on Reddit. Drumpf and Russia are responsible for everything.

Trump getting elected as American president has shown us how bad the American political climate really is. The meltdown "progressives" are having is great drama fodder

Best Jewish President we will ever have.

It’s weird and hilarious to watch the /r/politics-styled kafka trapping both sides are engaging in lmao

Malevolent but effective strategies have a habit of spreading. This will only stop when everyone is living on scorched earth.

How long before the left realizes they're openly rallying around pedos? Not a good look.

How long

About -50 years, give or take.

Calls for legal child sex rebound on luminaries of May 68

tfw all my political opponents are pedovores

Thank God the right has never stood behind and openly defended known pedophiles before :o)

ayo hol up cracker, is dis some of dat whataboutism? shieeeet

Is this the power of right wing humor? Inb4 DRUMPF XD

Do you end all your comments with some faggy emote?

Imagine being triggered by an emote... >;o)

As tumors are to cancer, chronic emoticon and emoji use is to low-functioning autism

When in Rome... >:D

It’s an emoticon you asshole


Similar to what happened for Congressman Al Franken ...

Because the worst part about an unconscious woman being groped is that Drumpf benefits from it.

Air groped. It wasn't sexual assault, but the sort of thing feminists call toxic masculinity.

rick and morty fans, and rambling 10,00 word posts; a love story as old as time

Beauty and the Beast

You put the comma in the wrong spot but I wouldn't expect anything less from a low-iq pickle rick hater.



Wubba lubba dub dub.

Me husband's a bloody ute!

Trump is a business genius living rent free like that in so many peoples minds.

Why the fuck would /r/bestof complain about brigading qhen their sub is literally prime material to brigade with lol

Because about 0.001% of redditors know what brigading actually is.

Imagine caring so much about capeshit that you'll stand up for creepy pedo """"""humor"""""" and confirmed Male Feminists. It's like NFL fans standing up for Michael Vick.

The beaten housewife syndrome is so thick with these people it's surreal. "Well, yeah he broke three of my ribs, but he's super nice when he's not drinking!"

Imaging being such a sensitive little snowflake that a comedy sketch shakes you to your core.

Some complain about taking the video out of context and missing the humor. Yes there is a joke and it might be funny if told well, but if you're talented you can make your point without taking off your pants and pretending to rape a baby. Something is wrong that he thought that was alright to do, much less publish.

Early on in the drama (1-2 days ago) many on the R&M sub were saying it's weird and they should address the issue, now it's snowballing and reddit turned it into a trump issue and "what about unsubstantiated claim x from 20 years ago". Reddit is weird.

It got turned into a trump issue when 4chaners openly bragged about doing this to trigger the libs, lol

You mean an issue from trump supporters, or a personal vendetta from Trump himself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CFtupF82XE

I highly recommend installing Masstagger (as recommended in the thread). It will tag users everywhere who are frequent posters elsewhere (the default list is those subs that are particularly... hateful).

Nothing like stepping into a thread and seeing it littered with T_D users. Makes you realize things are not as they seem.


And you think Republicans are fascists? Why not force all TD posters to post a gold star on their chests from now on?

/u/DrieStone not everyone who disagrees with you is a Trump supporter. Some people are just really fucking sick of these dems who think that anyone who opposes them is either pro-trump or a Russian shill.

Anyway, enjoy losing those midterms

"Yeah, fuck those people who label the opposite party under one label. Also DAE all democrats are pedophiles??? (Ignore our support of Ray Moore though)

Are you saying conservatives can be idiots, too? Wow, what a revelation!

Full thread complaining about false equivalences because magachuds are doing it.

proceeds to do the exact same thing here

lmao. You people really lack self reflection.

not all democrats are pedophiles. Hillary, for example, will not get aroused by humans of any age.

You do realize the only thing about Roy Moore was a well known democrat forging stuff in a year book.

The whole concept of subreddits and brigading is the reason reddit users divide themselves. When you actively participate in a community that disallows contradictory posts and comments while boogeymanning the other side of the site as being "cancerous" and "corrupting", you indoctrinate the members into a zealous, close-minded hive mind that sees outside contact as an invasion.

This is 100% true and even if they didnt start smart, Reddit is certainly helping turn these kids into retards. But it's great for laughing at the website.

The only thing I learned about politics from Reddit is that 99.9% of the people talking about it are retarded.

They've got an extension to label TD users, nice. We have our own internet police over at bestof.