Youtuber Boogie2988 gets accused of being a manipulative asshole by a camgirl, Is she a gold digging thot? Or is boogie's 'niceguy' persona more 'niceguy' than we thought?

66  2018-07-24 by Ghdust2


Lol, has anyone even looked at u/lucyfox's profile? Pretty sure she has downs syndrome and Boogie took advantage

You may be on to something.

eh I think she's pretty hot but redheads are my type. but the fact that she dated that disgusting glutton brings her down to a 0.

refused to let her work

I'm not about to watch multiple videos to understand all this drama, plus some were taken down. But if anyone is delving into this, can they clarify how he prevented her from working?

The idea that she may have touched Boogie's micropenis is #metoo worthy.

micro peni s le egg dee rosetit

I mean what was he gonna do, chase her down?

It's pretty shitty

If you're talking about using guilt trips to get your way, I don't disagree. The question is which 'shitty' acts warrant public shaming and use of the term "abuser". And more importantly, are we as a society wiling to apply this consistently to both men and women. And if we are, let's all figure out where Zoe Quinn is working and get her fired for what she did to Eron Gjoni four years ago! Let's get a shared google doc going with names of women in positions of power who have verbally abused their subordinates!

And if we are, let's all figure out where Zoe Quinn is working and get her fired for what she did to Eron Gjoni four years ago!

There was some outcry about that, you know.

Deserved, though, right?

What she was alleged to do was also pretty shitty, yeah.

Well, do be consistent, you'll have to concede that Vox, theMarySue, Jezebel, Polygon, Kotaku, Anita Sarkesian, and the majority of internet feminists all victim-blamed Eron, enabled his abuser Quinn, and owe him an apology.

I'd absolutely love that. Think of the drama, holy Christ.

He is a really garbage Human being. I read his Thread on the Farm and he is a Textbook Manipulator. After his divorce he is really struggling to keep his Nice Guy persona alive. More and more cracks starting to show in his Mask. Can't link the Thread here but if you want to laugh a bit i recommend reading it. A+ Lolcow.

Why did you capitalize random words?

Schizotypal disorder does strange things to you

because i am cool!

Could you summarize some of things you are referring to? I went to "the Farm" and, admittedly I'm not familiar with it so can't navigate it efficiently. I see lots of jokes about his weight, claims his youtube nice guy persona is more a character and his content is designed for clicks over sincerity, allusions to various feuds/rivalries with other youtubers. Even if I encounter claims of abusive behavior, I don't really get why I would be expected to believe anonymous posters.

I'm not defending him as I only know of him through drama threads, but I'm always curious about internet outrage mobs and their strange, inconsistent rationalizations.


there's many examples in this thread if you're curious:

This is peak retarded, you belong here.


Op you gonna deliver her porn links or what? THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW

Here's her post history, there's plenty of porn in here:

Want to jerk off together?



Let’s make this a group jerk.

OP pass the lotion and post Skype info

Don't be such a prude.

Only if we're in the same room and back to back🤫👥

Socks on, let's go

Do you want to come to my trailer or should we meet in the middle and get a motel 6?

I don't know why, but her expression makes her look retarded.

Ewww, no, she's borderline attractive

There's another redheaded porn star named Lucy O'hara who looks like her except significantly more attractive. For a second I thought they might be the same person and was like "Fuck has she gone to the dumps".

tbh i dont believe anything til i see proof - u/Evilbefalls


"you sound like a feminist." Sure, I guess. I imagine most people who care about people equally often do.

Uh oh

open and shut case tbqhwuuuu

Now you know why Boogie2988 wife left him for a black guy.

The idiots who have built a pity community around this guy's "struggles" and personality can be considered pathetic in their own right. Liberals wonder how that fat piece of shit Trump got elected and maintains such a zealous fanbase, and yet will die on the smallest hill when you point out how lazy, whiny, and childish their own media personalities are. Boogie's old autistic characters he played now seem to be less irritating than hearing some fat loser cry alot.

Yeah, I use to watch him a lot but his channel has really turned into pity farming in the last year or so. Every other video is him crying about how supposedly shitty his life is. Like I know the dude has a fucked up past but the dude needs to move on.

Has he lost weight?

If he’s not eating as much as he used to, he’s probably not able to smother his emotions with food (to the same degree at least) anymore, hence the pity-blogging.

He says he is still losing weight, but he recently admitted to drinking soda again.

Ffs at least stick to the artificial sweeteners.

He stopped losing weight quite early, suggesting he managed to cut down on food for about three months.


Boogie is not a liberal tho and his fans are pretty split politically. In fact a lot of liberals hate him because he is so radically centrist

liberalism is centrist tho

Only in America.


He was heavily abused as a child, of course he has an inner asshole he tries to keep suppressed.

He’s what almost 40 and is known as “boogie”

He's actually. Happy birthday!

i hate women but i also hate fat people. not sure which side to pick but this will be fun either way

What about fat women?

sure but there's none in this story so far. unless boggle puts on a wig and some whipped cream as make up

You hate both people on either side?

Well buckle up friend, you're gonna have to actually judge people for their character for once.

no you


No u

Seriously just improve yourself

Imagine dating Boogie and not knowing he's a bit of a trainwreck.

this obese, gross, smelly neckbeard really thinks that a pornstar dated him. imagine being this dumb. she literally will do anything for money. why do you think she was with you, tard?