Drama in r/news about Demi Lovato's overdose.

57  2018-07-24 by Ghdust2


literally who tier tards ODing is not news.

Lol at all these nerds saying you shouldn't do drugs

We all know you should take a once a year halucinogenic trip in your 20s

I did it and look at me! I'm only maybe kinda slightly retarded! It's okay it really opened my eyes and expanded my consciousness!

Hallucinogens =/= Opiates though.

It is convenient to just lump them all under the scary "drugs" category tho

I was joking, I've done my fair share of lad/mushrooms and I turned out fine for the most part

You're posting on /r/Drama. You did not turn out fine, mate.

for the most part

Bill Cosby approved

this is the same guy lmao I think he is Bill Cosby

A mayo takes too many opiates. Yawn. In other news water may indeed be wet!💦



Hola ese, let's listen to some Run the Jewels chinga tu madre cabrĂłn. (Run the Jewels was the whitest music to come to mind)

implying that money doesn’t automatically make you a mayo

Shush the fuck up poorfag

(Run the Jewels was the whitest music to come to mind)

Imagine Dragons

Leonard Skynyrd


Blake Shelton

Maroon Five

And that’s just off the top of my head.

Run the Jewels is pretty fucking mayo, dude.

Like, Chainsmokerz tier

Don't forget coldplay 😍 oh daddies

All of this is just normie music. True mayo music is stuff like Phish, Wagner, and Burzum

True mayos like Debussy.

Immortal technique

Florida Georgia Line is peak mayo music.

Chipotle mayo is still mayo.

chinga tu madre

I too love Molotov

People always romanticize celebrity drug addictions. Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Whitney Houston... these people still get practically worshiped. It’s just an interesting phenomenon. No real critique on it.

I think its just certain drugs are thought of as "high-class" or "expensive". You don't see a lot of sexy biopics about people taking meth.

Oh, rich people doing meth is called "Ice"

Adderall is an amphetamine too right? Upper middle class America runs on that shit.

Reddit runs on Adderall for sure

I tried adderall to help me study and it did nothing. I dont get it

Are you 12

If I say yes do you go back to prison?

molly is meth half the time, and upper middle class white people love molly


Please. Only if your dealer is totally shit.

mane presses have meth in them all the time, if you're getting actual rocks of mdma then you're fine but 75% of the garbage presses people sell has some shit in it

Pft. Those "crystals" are usually MDPV anyway. A shit drug that makes meth look like caviar in comparison.

naw i've seen bath salts and i've seen mdma, bath salts are clumpy

We need to get Russle Brand back on the dope imo

I met Demi Lovato recently, my name is Madison and this is my M&G story. I met her October 20th of last year and it was horrific. She was rude, not classy, and she lost a long time Lovatic that day. I walked into the $350 M&G and said 'hello'. She replies with 'fat' and I shook it off because I thought maybe I had heard her wrong. As I approached her and asked to do my pose she stared at me blank faced. I continued talking 'you saved my life' I say, 'you're the reason I'm alive today.' She looks me dead in the eye and says 'you'll die soon enough, fatty' and then whispered 'obesity'. I started crying, I had never felt pain like this and she started laughing and said 'are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now,' and she flicked my vagina. The photographer took the picture and I headed out of the M&G section and that's when Demi started speaking whale to me. I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but Demi Lovato is, in fact, a horrible person. Thank you.


Old but still somewhat fresh pasta

The fuck?

it's an old pasta

Delete it fat

Everyone who overdoses should hand over their drugs to me, for safekeeping.

With all her money I donno how she ever moved on from pills to smack.

Usually it is because pills are so fucking expensive that people turn to heroin.

Heroin is more "All Natural"

She picked it up in the organic section of the supermarket.

I assume it feels even better to inject drugs right into the bloodstream.

But can't you at least get a doctor to shoot you up with propofol and monitor you to make sure you don't die? I thought that's what all the rich people do these days.

I don't even know what this propofol is you're talking about. You must be richer than me.

It's what Jacko died of. They also had a big scandal in Korea several years ago where it turned out that a lot of actresses where going in to get cosmetic surgery about 200 days/year and it was really to get shot up with this while under a doctor's supervision.

It's one of the many reasons people have speculated that the former president won't tell where the hell she was when that ferry sank. And apparently it's still happening now.

This seems like a reasonable conspiracy. But I've also been drinking, so

If I can find that many links while I'm drunk, you can at least read one and pretend to understand it long enough to upvote me. Asshole.

I clicked on them but there were too many strange sigils. And frankly I totally distrust you're Kennedy thing. I grew up as man when John-John was editor of George and I've never left that airspace.

Whoa, Q is dropping important information about the JFK Jr. assassination. Don't be one of those simple-minded rubes who believes it's just idiots making incoherent drunkposts.

Open your eyes to sigils. Editor of George? Never left that airspace. TEB is the center. Buy q-related t-shirts from u/Redactor0's store.

What could it all mean?

The fact that she’s alive suggests she wasn’t slamming street heroin. She could’ve od’d on prescription opioids or some drug combo. It happens.

Propofol is an anesthetic that basically puts you into a coma. If you've ever had your wisdom teeth out and weren't awake for the procedure, they probably gave you propofol. It has no recreational use.

Jackson died because his hack doctor mixed propofol and benzos, causing respiratory failure. I think Michael was using it as some kind of way to sleep, which is stupid.

Only recreational anesthesia is ketamine.

No I hate needles

I mean, me too, but I bet injected heroin is pretty awesome. (Thank god I hate needles and prefer uppers?)

If she dies then maybe her music could be good one day like all the other dead junkie musicians

Drugs are awesome. Post history slightly related

All the money in the world and they still gotta do drugs? Why not just drink the most expensive alcohol or something?

You know, the ones they keep in some under sea vault for 50 years or so.

Poseidons precum

We can only hope she ends up like Amy Winehouse.

As someone who has done heroin a bunch, there is nothing 33 million dollars can give that is even 1/10th as good as heroin. Not having sex with the hottest celebrity, not riding the best roller coaster, nothing. Absolutely nothing compares.

Also its important to note that she was an addict before she ever did celebrity stuff.

As someone who has done heroin a bunch, there is nothing 33 million dollars can give that is even 1/10th as good as heroin. Not having sex with the hottest celebrity, not riding the best roller coaster, nothing. Absolutely nothing compares.

/u/willmaster123 Sounds nice, who's your dealer?

You can call her a dumb fuck but you obviously don't know anything about addiction if this is how you're treating it. Money doesn't fix everything, especially addiction.

/u/HallowSingh she is a dumb fuck, you bootlicking her doesn't change that. Why do people worship celebrities and millionaires and treat them like innocent victims when these fucks can literally buy them in a second? Like you're talking about the most powerful, privileged class in society, if they get addicted to hard drugs post fame there's literally no one to blame for it but themselves.

Pretty much. I have a heroin dealer whos on my block and is always on his stoop. I could always go to him if I wanted to.

Lots of urban areas (and many rural areas too) are literally filled to the brim with drugs. In 2017 we saw 50,000 deaths from Opiates.

He's quite the fucking advertiser don't you think

Lmao how can you not stop taking drugs. I was a smoker and then one day decided to stop. Easy as pie.

guess we should pull all addiction funding since money and resources don't help one bit according to reddit

All this money and she went with the cheap shit...

How the fuck is this lady worth millions of dollars? Even her music is trash and that's the only thing she does.