Teacher soon to be gassed for Wrestling Persona

40  2018-07-25 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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Teachers aren't allowed to be interesting

nazis aren't "interesting" except in the same way medical curiosities might be. But we don't really go around exposing our kids to those either.

You ever watch reality shows son ?.

Wrestling is an act and this guy is a villain. Nazi's are bad! so Nazi wrestler is bad!

Or are you suggesting we just ignore context when you say we shouldn't expose our kids to Nazis? In which case I suppose you better start campaigning for the education system to stop History classes.

The fact that he's a Nazi villain isn't inherently an issue, but

But unlike other heels who are usually greeted by boos, Blitzkrieg appeared to elicit more cheers from the crowd than his opponent, Cody Rose

is pretty worrisome. Playing a Nazi in your free time isn't really the best look for a teacher, either. There are certain things that might be acceptable for the population at large that teachers should probably stay away from.

OK, to be fair having thought about it a bit more I can see that the fact that he's a teacher might be problematic.

Worrying about the crowd cheering for one pantomime actor over another is something only moralising cunts would do though.

Perhaps somebody should dress up as "Famine", the Communist Muscle Man and provide some balance to the scales of political atrocity.

Worrying about the crowd cheering for one pantomime actor over another is something only moralising cunts would do though.

You don't think that it's questionable to sieg heil and cheer on a Nazi character?

Perhaps somebody should dress up as "Famine", the Communist Muscle Man and provide some balance to the scales of political atrocity.

There is that one wrestler who's gimmick is playing a coastal liberal, but he apparently doesn't get much fanfare.

"Questionable" is meaningless. Nothing bad happens when you sieg heil the wrestler in the Nazi costume. People aren't obligated to censor themselves for Snallygaster's personal edge tolerance.

People aren't obligated to censor themselves for Snallygaster's personal edge tolerance.

Nobody ever said that.,.. just that the fact that they're cheering on a Nazi demonstrates that they either have questionable beliefs or possess the edgelordery of 13-year-old boys. I'm not sure how that's controversial.

and him having had a fanbase that doesn't even necessarily have "questionable" beliefs is bad because...?

I imagine that many people who root for a Nazi character are doing it for a reason...

No actual bad outcomes come from someone rooting for a fictional Nazi. This is like violent video games all over again. The Jews aren't gonna get Holocausted in the United States because some edgy bois heiled Hitler.

You cannot come up with a single actual negative effect this teacher playing a character who is a Nazi has on anyone because there isn't any. You're just coming up with justifications for something that offends you.

He's probably the biggest villain of them all!

Matt Sidal? The whole enlightened white boy guru gimmik?

It sounds like the crowd are a bunch of smarks who think they are being edgy.

Given my intimate knowledge of the lower class in the area, it's probably a mixture of edge and bigotry.

How are they supposed to seduce their students then ?.

Give the neurotic students a B+ and they'll do anything

lol "wrestling persona"

That's going to really fool people.


What? He’s not a nazi because he plays one on TV. And even if he is, I don’t think an Ubermensch would be doing fake wrestling.

Nobody tell big brain over here about the Undertaker and Papa Shango. He'll lose his mind.

Remember wrestling villains are supposed to be compassionate antiheros now. No real villains allowed.

But unlike other heels who are usually greeted by boos, Blitzkrieg appeared to elicit more cheers from the crowd than his opponent, Cody Rose


Who they say were his students.

Lil Nazis

It's not surprising since this takes place in the inbred backwoods of Pennsyltucky

It's actually in the Philly area. The region is increasingly becoming middle- to upper-middle class, but there's still a lot of incredibly trashy towns and people there. It's the kind of place where there are a ton of biker bars where people spin tires in between sprawling developments full of Toll Br*thers McMansions.

Up next actors who play Nazis in movies are gonna get in trouble.

It's just insane to me. Utterly insane. How much energy do these people dedicate to demanding fictional characters agree with real life. There's just no context to any of this outrage culture. People read a joke about pedos, then demand that the writer (who is now a pedo) be exiled. They watch a GIF of a pro wrestling character and demand the real-life entertainer be fired - not from the wrestling promotion, from his actual job!

When did people forget that fiction and reality are separate worlds?! AM I LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND?!

jfc, you are supposed to hate him. Thats 50% of his job.

The rock was originally a heel that pretended to be a black separatist. Kane was a heel that pretended to be a dentist.

the problem is that everyone in the crowd loves him since they are hillbilly trash. It's a bit alarming to have a crowd of drunk rednecks sig heiling and having a great time while a local teacher is leading the charge waving a flag

Yeah I'd uh, stop doing the gimmick if I was getting cheered for being a Nazi.

I probably would be against doing that specific gimmick to begin with

Nah, Baron Von Raschke was a successful Nazi heel from the 60s to the early 90s. Everyone hated him.

Muhammad Hussein was on a huge push right up until 9/11 happened

He wasn't a racist gimmick though. He was putting the heat on the American people for giving shit to people like him because of what they looked like, despite having been born in America.

I'd really love to see a soyboy gimmick. D-Bry would be perfect due to his soyboy nature and total lack of charisma.

Jesus Christ lmao

This is how Hitler came to power. Cut a sick promo then he was fuerher

City people all voted for Hillary only rural and su urban retards voted drumpfie

hehe orang man

Give me your sources.

I agree, but I dont assume that the guy picked this particular persona to be a crowd favorite.




the rock was not originally that, he originally had little character beyond being a third generation WWE wrestler and a Samoan

Nobody gave a shit though, and Nation of Domination didn't take that long to get going afterwards

Thats pretty cool.

Jake the snake looks like shit.

I fucking hated gold dust.

This is amazing. He chose to be the heel in the ring but he's getting cheers. Now hes become a heel in real life.

Roland Bathes, we need you now more than ever

Well he can do a reverse heel turn and things will be alright if he gets shitcanned from school.

He should have made his persona a pedophile, WaPo would have protected him