Radefem finds out her greatest enemey isn't Men, but herself.

18  2018-07-25 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome




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Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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Lmao not sure they qualify as radfem.

In Ukraine/Russia it's radically feminist to not want to be beaten by your husband. Plus she's actually hot, which is a dealbreaker for American radfems.

Per Wikipedia the group is a radical feminist group that opposes things like prostitution, so they oughta count.

I love prostitution here in the west but what goes on in Russia is fucking sick. If you want to see a real pizzagate to go to Russia with $100k to spend

feminist group that opposes things like prostitution

oh honey no

It's Ukraine; prostitution = sex trafficking.

What country's Prostitution doesn't encourage sex trafficking?

Ukraine still looks like early 2000s eastern europe in general on the topic of sex trafficking, it's still hell there, especially now in war thorn areas.

Prostitution is tied to sex trafficking in every country, but women from the Ukraine are shipped pretty much everywhere in Eurasia to prostitute. It's a massive exporter of slaves and and child porn.

I mean, I'm just saying they're clearly a radical feminist organization.

FEMEN are decently radfe, but also not a monolith, in fact you could say that depending from country they operate, they have more infighting than examples in GC. Which means that some of their statements sound more like something a conservative feminist would say, while some would make most radical GC users look like lambs.

Gender Critical already have their conspiracy hats on.

Their protests eventually started targeting authoritarianism and racism, with Russia's Vladimir Putin a particular target, alongside France's far-right National Front party. But in recent years the group has struggled with internal divisions as well as legal proceedings against its members.

Amongst a group of women only.....

Schisms are common among pretty much all groups that form around some topic of interest. Just look at incels.

The TwoX thread is blaming this on Putin.

Well they are called feMEN