R/Dogfree celebrates a dog being shot in the head

134  2018-07-25 by Yfrthbfswet7853fji42


This, but unironically.


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/r/Dogfree are the kind of people that would call the cops on a lemondae stand

I can understand people not liking dogs and having a community where you are with similar people however when you start stating how "Stories like these make me happy" then it's gone way too far. I'm not a big fan of cats but I would never go around saying how I'm happy when one gets shot point blank in the head.

I can't, that shit is autistic.

I can, I like dogs but Dog People (you know the ones) are the fucking worst and internet dog culture is cancer

what if it's a chihuahua?

If you can't simply dislike something without having to join a community to circlejerk with other about how much u dont like whatever it is you're literally a retard

He said on r/drama without a hint of irony.

If you can't simply dislike something without having to join a community to circlejerk with other about how much u dont like whatever it is you're literally a retard

So, basically this

It’s the same with all of these communities built upon a dislike of something. They start out normal, but then they get popular and the really weird fucks take over.

They start out normal, but then they get popular and the really weird fucks take over.

thats the story of america my friend

Nationalism everywhere, really.

It's also because moderates aren't generally looking to join groups that intend to hate on something.

r/dogfree is the r/short of the animal world.

it's the toxoplasma that makes them this way. Like those zombie ants

Yeah seriously say what you will about childfree, they only occasionally clap about kids dying

how about you shoot yourself in the head faggot? lmao

Lmao XD epic gamer shot LMAO SMH 😂😂😂💦❤

yeah this proves your retardedness beyond doubt. I am pretty sure you also let your dog lick your bussy

Oh shit how did you find out? You seem pretty angry :( maybe take a break and have a nice walk :). No need to call random people on the internet faggots because they like something you don't and don't feel that a dogs death should be celebrated.

Spoken like a true faggot

you're never going to get a date with a pick-up line that awful. Also, I don't think this is the right venue.

Frank Zappa wrote a song about that.

Im pretty sure that is /r/childfree, akkktuually. The /r/dogfree folks are the ones who feed dogs antifreeze.

It gets pretty cold in Wisconsin

I wonder what's worse /r/Dogfree or /r/Childfree

How many shitty kids can you think of vs how many shitty dogs

Thats actually a really hard choice to make.

A lot of both.

Ya but child free literally encouraged a user to hotcar their child.

[citation needed]

Where did they encourage a user to hotcar their child?

Doesn't matter. They're both /r/incels under the hood.

imagine being this bitter lmao

lmao look at this idiot u/ruffoff

jesus cunting christ

what the fuck was it?

some craymad goon with nothing but dogfree posts

/u/TryingMyBestOK tried to ping one of his autistic friends to come to drama. I guess it didn't work out.

Ill fuckin slap u in the gabber m8

I think you're just bitter that Whitney Wisconsin wont fuck you.

Are you implying I think she's attractive? Or are you implying I'm a dog?

whichever, I'm not invested enough to care

Can't play that card now, buddy. You've already replied to me. So which is it? Am i dog or am i gay


retarded is the answer.

Some guy who is entirely dedicated to hating dogs. Even going so far as to make his reddit name about it

imagine being attacked by dogs

what happened to those people to make them so shitty?

If you don't like dogs, it's cool. just don't get one, or don't go places you know they'll be. that's what I do with cats, since I don't want one and my wife (<--- borat voice) is allergic

I don't understand the need to go online and like campaign against them

don't go places you know they'll be.

That's pretty much everywhere these days, that's what dogfree users are angry about a lot of the time.

They don't leave their basements so it's fine.

haha nice XDXDXDXD burn


Well they lose. Dogs have been there for thousands of years as human companions.

try hundreds of thousands, and then actual wolves before that

somehow i manage to go about nearly every day of my life without being surrounded by dogs

I wish I came across dogs as often as dogfree people seem to do

maybe they’re french or something

or maybe they live in one of those weird southeastern port towns where literally everyone has a dog for some reason

That's a tragedy. Tell us your tale of woe.

They're fags in the sense that not only are they whiney pussies, but they also want society to cater to their bitchiness

Sounds like a cat, actually

My name Borat. I like you. I like sex. It's nice.

those people seems to defines themselves from what they despise. There are some things I hate but I surely don't go to reddit to find a sub about it.

They are like the incels of dogs.

Hopefully, they get mauled to death by Dachshunds.

It'd be the most adorably terrifying murder scene since the Nyancat invasion of '09.

My only issue with dogs is how fucking loud they are. Not all of them of course, but it does affect your daily life when every time you walk by they freak out and go nuts and rape your ears.

Cats don't start yowling when I walk to the store, and maybe its just where I live, but everyone has a dog. I think most of them must be fine just by law of averages, but when there's one in every house it doesn't take very many shitty dogs to annoy you.

Ima go ahead and say it, hating dogs that much is straight up unnatural. Humans and dogs have been in a symbiotic relationship for hundreds of thousands of years and have coevolved to the point that dogs have an instinctual understanding of human body language. I posit r/dogfree users are genetically defective

Based sub tbh

Only worthwhile part of a dog is its knot owo but even they aren't dog exclusive.

based sub


Based sub

Only worthwhile part of a dog is its knot

i'm conflicted about this

A dogfucker who hates dogs. Interesting.

interesting indeed. i'm a dogfucker that likes dogs


Only worthwhile part of a dog is its knot


Only worthwhile part of a dog is its knot owo

I can never tell if someone is having a stroke or if it's just some dumb meme I don't recognize

Did a dog burn down all their houses?

I'll be happy to celebrate them being shot in the head

Your parents say the same thing about you.

no u

posts in r/anime, SRD, LoL....

Your mom should've aborted you.

I've literally never posted in any of those subs you illiterate retard

no u

Literally bottom tier bantz

thanks for proving my point. Maybe you'll shoot yourself in the head if I wait long enough...

/u/Tara_Hymen what's it like being such a miserable and shitty person? I see you hate cats too, who's going to keep you company when you are dying alone and forgotten?

who's going to keep you company eat you when you die alone and forgotten?

ahh, look at the little nibbles

the building's rats

Her hymen.

Her dad took care of that, didn't he /u/ Tara_Hymen

Dinosaurs 🦖 will treat humans the same way

Dinosaurs will have no need for silly human inventions like guns. They'll eat every human or use their psychic abilities that they learnt when in the Plasma Fold.

You who seeks the truth shall find salvation gifted to you by the dinosaurs 🦖

Dino Bless.

If dinos are so great, why are they nothing but delicious birds now?

believing the extinction lie

ye mighty

Uncultured swine

This but unironically

lol, where's the drama. They're right :D

I never trust someone who doesn't like dogs

It's not just that they don't like them, they've made and participate in a sub dedicated to hating them.

What new kind of freaks are these?

Honestly that sub makes me feel angrier than any other one. I would browse a nonstop stream of Greatawakening, T_D, and/or holocaust denial for days rather than put up with these freaks who's hobby is dog-hatred.

True fact stated

the video cuts, does the dog actually go for the cop? it looks like it just steps out onto the landing there and the cop goes down the stairs just to shoot it.

and yet, on the one hand, be a responsible dog owner and put your pet away when someone is at the door.

on the other, if you're such an incredible pussy that the mere sight of a dog is enough to make you draw your gun, you shouldn't be anywhere near law enforcement.

The dog was wagging it's tail, and it's ears were not back, so it looked to me like it was trying to greet the officers.

its ears aren't back because it looks like it has pinned ears, and a wagging tail doesn't mean much from a dog. it also looks like the hair on its back is standing up which is a fear/aggression response.

there's no way to tell really.

that's why you always let the doggo smell your left (non shooting) hand. Trust but Verify

the video cuts, does the dog actually go for the cop? it looks like it just steps out onto the landing there and the cop goes down the stairs just to shoot it.

pib was probably trying to sell a fucking cigarette to a schnauzer

the video cuts, does the dog actually go for the cop? it looks like it just steps out onto the landing there and the cop goes down the stairs just to shoot it.

Cops shoot any dog they see without a second thought. It doesn't matter.

and yet, on the one hand, be a responsible dog owner and put your pet away when someone is at the door.

Yeah that really helps when they're executing a no-knock warrant.

Fags who hate all dogs vs pibble defense force. I hate everyone involved here tbh.

Yet another step on the doggocide. Good.

Honestly, fuck dogs.

Ta fuq u sai m8? I slap u in da gabber m8 , sware on me mum

Shut up weeb.

No u bitch

posts in r/anime, SRD, LoL....

Your mom should've aborted you.

Lol, are you recycling the same bantz on the same post? I salute your retardedness

I replyes to the wrong person at first so instead of deleting it I just made a few adjustments.

These people probably get bitten by dogs a lot because dogs are good at sensing intent and dogs know these weirdos are all terrible bastards.

If my dog bites you I'm going to join in on the assault because my dog is a good boy and I trust his judgment.

This but unironically.

I was not being ironic.

I know. I was just saying the thing.

I mean, I love dogs, but gas all pibbies.


There's a gun to your waifu body pillow's head and she's gonna get her stuffing spread all over the place if you don't choose one. Which would you kill?

a) a single pibble
b) every member of /r/dogfree

Can I kill /r/dogfree with the pibble?

This is the correct answer because it would cause the most psychological torment before their deaths. Good job.

Easy, pibble. Pibble could kill a toddler, r/dogfree members would get killed in a fight with a toddler if they ever left their basements.

Every time a pibble kills a toddler, it snuffs out a potential murderer just waiting to grow up. You have to weigh these things.

Every time a pibble kills a toddler, it snuffs out a potential murderer just waiting to grow up.

Better yet, a future r/dogfree user.

b obviously

Me and the pibble will laugh as they are mauled to death by robot dogs.

How many rounds do I have

Imagine the type of person who spends a lot of their reddit time in a sub like /r/dogfree.

Imagine the type of person who spends a lot of their reddit time in a sub like /r/dogfree anything but /r/drama

Incel garbage people.

Meh its a pitbull who cares.

I hate pitbulls

Pitbull Internet Defence Force being dispatched to this thread as we speak.

some people like dangerous dogs


I hate you.


People who think pitbulls are evil are worse than people who think AR 15s are evil.

Don't be a pussy, the mean dog won't hurt you. Promise

Only garbage people like pit bulls. You're probably white trash

You funny

I know

And you probably jerk it to loli tentacle hentai

You wish, pervert. Stop pressing your chinky, underage, bestialic fantasies unto me. Thanks

Don't kink shame me bitch

Too late. While your tawdry, Chinese cartoons disgust me, I am relieved that you've wasted your essence upon a keyboard. The idea of you shooting a quarter teaspoon of water like semen into a close relative truly horrifies me. So I now applaud this endeavor and all future, wasted emissions. Cheers


“I need to own a violent dog bred to massacre other dogs so I can virtue signal about how friendly it is.”

Granted, I’ve met some friendly, well-behaved pit bulls, but it’s simply not worth the risk that they’ll snap and kill a person or dog or cat. I think they should all be neutered mandatorily and allowed to die out. Funnily enough, I’ve noticed that a disproportionately high number of the dumbfucks who own pit bulls refuse to neuter or spay them, which not only gives them a chance to reproduce but also makes them even more inclined to kill someone.

It's like if someone wanted to own a tiger, and used the same damn excuse. Some animals are more violent outside of the owners control. It's okay.

yes a tiger and a pit are the same exact thing you are definitely rational in your comparison of the two

No, but a pit bull behaves a lot more like a tiger than a Labrador retriever does.

there are plenty of real reasons to be way of pits without people saying retarded shit like "iT's lIkE oWniNg a TigErrr durrRRrr"

They are 2spooky4me.

And Tokyo is technically closer to me right now than Beijing, so what?

Not really. Pitbulls do more damage when they attack but other breeds bite more often. I think dalmatians are at the top of the list. The difference is when a pit pull attacks it doesn't just bite you once so you leave it alone, it tries to kill you. A better comparison would be hand guns and assault rifles. Hand guns are used in more crimes but when assault rifles are used they're waaaaay more dangerous.

I think cracking down on breeding would fix a lot. Get rid of puppy mills and stop letting Cletus or Jamal breed 100's of inbred puppies a yr in their backyards

I think the comparison still stands because I’ve never heard of a tiger biting someone just to warn them.

I mean a tiger would probably just claw you if it wanted you to leave it alone

It’s such a trifle for a tiger to kill a human that they probably wouldn’t think twice about it if someone bothered them, unless it happened to be a person the tiger liked. They don’t even need a good reason to do it.

A pit bull doesn’t weigh 500 pounds like a tiger does; in fact they are often two or three times smaller than an adult human, so for them it’s a serious risk.

I only think a pit bull is like a tiger insofar as they’re both dangerous to keep as pets.

Tiger/cat and pit/lab.... Yeah pretty accurate tbh


Yeah I'm sure if we had 20 million tigers living in homes across the US the death rate would be exactly proportional to that caused by the ~20 million dogs who look vaguely pittish and are targeted for extermination.

You shouldn’t be allowed to talk ever again after making this comparison

you need to dramapost harder

“I need to own a violent dog bred to massacre other dogs so I can virtue signal about how friendly it is.”

I picked my pit up from the side of the creek where they were left in a box to starve and die, I didn't know it was a pit I just saw a crate of puppies being thrown to starve and I saved her. She died four years ago without harming a soul.

Granted, I’ve met some friendly, well-behaved pit bulls, but it’s simply not worth the risk that they’ll snap and kill a person or dog or cat.

Then you should ban children, because children are far more likely to grow up to be murderers than pits or any dog is to attack and kill a human.

Funnily enough, I’ve noticed that a disproportionately high number of the dumbfucks who own pit bulls refuse to neuter or spay them, which not only gives them a chance to reproduce but also makes them even more inclined to kill someone.

My pit was female and she was spayed. Unneutered males, btw, represent 80% of all fatal dog attacks. So you could save many more lives by mandating neutering for non-breeders than by trying to massacre any dog with a box shaped head. And you wouldn't even save that many lives because dog attacks are an infinitesimal percentage of all deaths that the media blows far out of proportion to actual threat.

I picked my pit up from the side of the creek where they were left in a box to starve and die, I didn't know it was a pit I just saw a crate of puppies being thrown to starve and I saved her. She died four years ago without harming a soul.

I guess your anecdotal example proves it.

Then you should ban children, because children are far more likely to grow up to be murderers than pits or any dog is to attack and kill a human.

Then you should ban children, because children are far more likely to grow up to be murderers than pits or any dog is to attack and kill a human.

Then you should ban children, because children are far more likely to grow up to be murderers than pits or any dog is to attack and kill a human.

I think it’s worth it to get rid of a non-essential animal when it’s responsible for an outsized number of deaths of people, even if it isn’t necessary.

Moreover, pit bulls are responsible for the death of 24,000 dogs and 13,000 cats each year. The US homicide rate for people is only about 17,250 per year, and there are many more people than dogs in the US. Pit bulls kill more dogs in two and a half years than the amount of American deaths over the course of the entire Vietnam War.

My pit was female and she was spayed. Unneutered males, btw, represent 80% of all fatal dog attacks.

Thank you for being a responsible owner. By the way, I have nothing against you personally.

So you could save many more lives by mandating neutering for non-breeders than by trying to massacre any dog with a box shaped head. And you wouldn't even save that many lives because dog attacks are an infinitesimal percentage of all deaths that the media blows far out of proportion to actual threat.

You don’t need to massacre them, just stop breeding them, period. There’s no reason to continue to keep as household pets dogs that were bred to fight other dogs to death, a purpose which is reflected not only in their wide jaws and muscular bodies, but also in their single-willed persistence when attacking that is found in no other dog. They serve no practical purpose to continue existing. I guess you could say that about most other breeds, but at least those other breeds cause a lot more happiness and a lot less misery for people compared to pit bulls.

The right thing to do is to go to your local "anial shelter" (AKA pitbull harbourer) lock the dogs inside, and burn them up.

The right thing to do is go to your local "animal shelter" (AKA pitbull harbourer) lock the dogs and staff inside, and burn them up.

That cop probably saved some future toddler's life without even knowing it.

jesus those comments are something else.

Like I'm all for shooting aggressive dogs. But nothing that dog did was aggressive.

but it was right there, being a dog

well it was black n hes a cop. so he did what hes trained to do

I love edgy humor

All pibbles, aka lil land sharks, have murder in their eyes.

What a bunch of miserable twats

The cop did nothing wrong. Doggocide / Pitticide NOW.

Show him how much of a good boye he is by helping his terrible headache with some lead asprin!

Pit bull had it coming.

What a garbage sub holy shit. I wouldn't trust someone who hates dogs, everyone I've ever met who said they hate dogs ended up being an asshole.

You have to be a psychopath to A. Not like dogs. And B. Glad they got shot and killed. It makes me wonder what they think of children.

Fuck. The people on r/dogfree are complete scumbags. That subreddit is r/the_donald level of scum. They celebrate a dogs death? Complete pieces of shit. I understand people not being dog people and all of that, but these garbage people celebrate the death of a presumably innocent animal. Cops being able to just shoot animals in the face shouldn't be okay either. Fuck that cop and that subreddit.

I hope you accidentally run over your pibble.

fucking cat fanciers

Those people are more worthless than ejection seats on a helicopter...which I think they should be test dummies for.

All pibbles should be shot tbh

pit bull

Was worried there for a second. Police are really doing us a favour tbh.


Imagine being sad a pibble got murdered LMAO