"Why would someone lie about racism?" "Free money, tons of sympathy points, hoping a celebrity or company gives him free shit."

127  2018-07-25 by aGolfHipster




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And it devolves into a slap fight about the original Tick-Tock!

Honestly clock boy is a bigger controversy than gamer gate.

Take that back, nothing will ever generate as much drama as gamergate. If Trump decides to start WWII even then people will blame gamergate.

Maybe in the online sphere, but most normies don't know what it is.

Normal people don't talk about clock kids years after the fact either because they don't have the tism.

Not knowing something hasn't stopped people from blaming everything on it before have they?

Sweaty, I’ve still got no idea what it was abou....oh ethics in gamer journalism! How could I momentarily forget such lofty aims?

Ethics are pretty gay desu

I always love the chance to link to this comic

The piece of shit lives two hours from me. I want to track him down and kick the shit out of him.

Might be labeled a hate crime.

Pffft! Good luck. It'll never happen.

So it's black on black crime then?

so its treason then?

No need for that. Just be in his general area and he'll kick the shit out of himself and then blame you! Such is the circle of mental deficiency.


Nonono just go suck his dick then claim he raped you. Ironic justice and all that.

Do I get a rape kit done on my mouth?

It pains me to say this but just make sure you get it in your hair.


dude your so manly how much male vitality do u drink a day to be this badass

I want to track him down and kick the shit out of him

the tolerant right

"The common sense, right".

The leading official monitor of anti-Semitism, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, interprets anti-Semitism as unwillingness to conform to its requirements with regard to support for Israeli authorities.... The logic is straightforward: Anti-Semitism is opposition to the interests of Israel (as the ADL sees them).... The ADL has virtually abandoned its earlier role as a civil rights organization, becoming 'one of the main pillars' of Israeli propaganda in the U.S., as the Israeli press casually describes it, engaged in surveillance, blacklisting, compilation of FBI-style files circulated to adherents for the purpose of defamation, angry public responses to criticism of Israeli actions, and so on. These efforts, buttressed by insinuations of anti-Semitism or direct accusations, are intended to deflect or undermine opposition to Israeli policies, including Israel's refusal, with U.S. support, to move towards a general political settlement.[46]

~ Noam Chomsky

It ends up that about 90% of the land [in Israel] is reserved for people of Jewish race, religion and origin. If 90% of the land in the United States were reserved for people of white, Christian race, religion and origin, I'd be opposed. So would the ADL. We should accept universal values.

~Noam Chomsky

Why? What does this have to do with anything in this thread? Also that second quote is retarded.

If you can't see why this is relavent then you're retarded.

Chomsky is a self-hating hack whose only relevance is making Computer Science courses more of a pain in the ass.

Yeah I figured you'd say something like that. That's why he's considered the most important political philosopher of our time, I guess.

White guilt! White guilt!

Ugh I thought you all left to Voat already.

Isn't Voat a radical-leftist echochamber? Lol..

Voat is leftist? Noooooooooooooooooo not in the least, it's like the worst elements of stormfront that left Reddit ended up there. All the dregs of Reddit live there now.

That's funny because I actually found a link to a script on Voat via google to "downvote T_D users posts and comments." I honestly thought they were leftists.. I've heard of stormfront but don't know what it is... Some type of Nazi shit? I'm not a Nazi, dude, I just don't support political Zionism.

I just want to say that I wasn't calling you a Nazi. That definitely was not part of the comparison lol

Well apart from political ideology.. I think Chomsky is pretty fucking enlightening regarding some things, but he's an old man now and becoming irrelevant - nonetheless I think the quotes I linked are extremely true.. Look at the richest man who just moved to Israel, he's a Russian Oligarch and Jew. I really think that our current political institutions have been compromised, in the west and in places like Russia, by foreign internationalists investors, bankers, and etc., which fit the description of many who have citizenship to Israel.

I am 100% for reforming our current system.. I think what's happened is that both the left and right are working together to fuck over the working class.. Rip representation away from unions and workers rights, wage stagnation through lack of regulation and worsening working conditions.. I think we can have a great system in the USA and I don't think universal healthcare is "communist" either.. But I don't support the EU, I understand why the UK doesn't want to join the EU, and I don't think it's because of "muh white nationalism" or anything like that like the media makes it sound.. Just some thoughts.

Why do you think I'm a radical leftist? I live in the southern US I own about 25 guns. Lol not that that means much I could be an Antifa member for all you know.. I'm just saying, I support the republic, but I think that a lot of politicians have had ulterior motives for decades and have put the power of this country into the hands of the banks and corporations.. I would really prefer something other than violent revolution because I'm not longing for any type of Marxist revolution.

Wow, how brave you are for proclaiming radical centrism on a radical centrism sub.

Also the far-left fucking hates Israel, I dunno what you're talking about.

And the far right only supports Israel because they believe in some bullshit revelation theory that states that the end times can't commence until they rebuild their temple in Jerusalem that was destroyed during the Judea-Roman wars. Lol..

I'm not saying he's an anti-semite lol. I'm just saying he's a typical blind anti-imperialist who hates himself. He does focus on Israel though, like a lot.

Regardless, my support of Israel mostly lies in the fact that I don't trust its regional replacements to keep Jerusalem open for all faiths. I don't particularly care about its Jewishness. It can be any race, or any other religion, as long as it won't go all Mecca on us.

Jews have been there before WWII and Christians.. It's only been a recent trend that's been making it go down for Christians.

Those countries weren't hostile prior to things like when the CIA-assisted coup overthrew Iran, or when the CIA's operation Cyclone to finance the Muhajadeen.. Osama Bin Laden was a part of that group and even openly involved with the CIA - Most radical Muslims consider him a false prophet.. He and his family had close relations with the Bush's as well and were part of an investment group.

Regardless of their attitude towards the States, I'm only mentioning the permission of non-believers to access Islamic holy sites.

And I'm just mentioning that the US and Russia and Israel created the violence in the middle east we see today, and it was relatively peaceful and progressive prior to the 1970's.

That ignores the two millenia of religious strife in the area, but even then I don't see South and Central America denying their landmarks off limits to outsiders.

Two millenia of religious strife? Hardly.. There was relative peace in the area up until around 400 - 600 AD, and then during the Roman empire there were some wars but it was more peaceful than it is now lol.

A countries' landmarks are entitled to their countrymen and Governments, not the world. An isolated nation eventually opens up with advancements in education and tech, as history has taught us..

Yeah you just glossed over all the Sunni-Shia struggles and the numerous inner Caliphate battles.

And fuck outta here with that conservative national rights BS. The only value most of the modern ME has is history and oil. I very much would like to visit Jerusalem without having to step over all the corpses of those thrown off buildings for liking bussi.

And the far right only supports Israel because they believe in some bullshit revelation theory

Wrong. I support Israel because of its proper response to Muslim aggression.

Dude there was no Muslim aggression before the 1960's in on a large scale until the Soviets and the US military and CIA. The CIA trained the Muhajadeen to fight the Soviets in a proxy war back then.. This is pretty widely known. The Muhajadeen consisted of people like Osama bin Laden which a lot of Islamic radical groups now consider a prophet...

There were also rich mineral exploits in Afghanistan the Soviets found in the 1970's IIRC and the US hijacked the core samples and other data, you can easily google it and find that this is factual information.

Dude there was no Muslim aggression before the 1960's on a large scale

lol how do you think Islam managed to cover 20% of the planet

That's not a good reason IMO. Not all Muslims are terrorists.

But all Muslims are too numerous.


Projecting much?

I'm not projecting, dipshit. I am telling you why I support Israel.

I support Israel in hopes they start nuking their neighbours tbh

others on the far left would call me a Nazi for criticizing Israel.

Gave yourself away man. No credible far leftist worth his salt would be caught dead being pro Israel.

Gave myself away? Lol. Okay.

Honestly if you're not a leftist and you oppose Israel I pretty much usually assume you're a Nazi.

Well that's a pretty black and white point of view.

most important political philosopher of our time.

This is not the accolade you think it is.

Chomskian syntax is the foundation of modern computer languages, without it we would still be programming in assembler and COBOL.

I hate the people who are trying to redefine anti-semitism specifically in respect to Israel, "holding Israel to higher standards than other countries." Like BDS apparently is an act of holding Israel to special standards. Never mind that divestment and boycotts directly modeled on the actions taken against Apartheid South Africa. Or that it claims to be a modern liberal democracy - apparently I should hold self-proclaimed modern civilized liberal democracies to no higher standard than North Korea. So on the one hand you can say "You should support us because we're soooo free and are the only democracy in the middle east*", but on the other hand "Hey you can't hold us to higher standards than North Korea or your racist!"

*That the US has yet to snuff out

I hate the people who are trying to redefine anti-semitism specifically in respect to Israel

whoa tone down the anti semitism

If you kill your enemies, they win

I agree.. I honestly think most of the shills are Israel bots. The JIDF was big for a while but is really a ghost entity now, I think Mossad has bigger and better social engineering campaigns to go through with.

Everytime I go out to eat I write a bunch of random scribbles all over the receipt, write "good job" and put smiley faces everywhere to prevent this crap from happening to me. If they decide to write some fanfic on the recipe they'll either have no room or it will look stupid with the "good job" in different handwriting. I also put a line after the tip or write "cash" in the tip so they can't invent their own tip.

Nothing against you if you are a server that works hard. Everything against you if you are a server that scams people.

Good job dancing for me today you fucking monkey. Ooh ooh aah aah.

Good monkey.

I bet you give good hand jobs you slutwhorecunt!

I just realized instead of receipt I said recipe

Hopefully he took all that money he got from the crystal-soul mayos and ran away with it.