Trump somehow came to a deal with the Europeans, ppl will prob freak out at some point

38  2018-07-25 by uniqueguy263


About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Lmao thanks daddy! Now the soybeans will flood Europe making those faggots even more effeminate!

>Export all domestic soy crop to the yuropoors

>Illegalize soy stateside by making it a DEA scheduled substance

>Withdraw troops from europe

>Pull out of NATO

All according to keikaku.

Just as planned.

I wonder if it official or if it just another one-day distraction for Daddy the unstable

Is there any doubt it's the latter? This isn't even a binding agreement.

Doesn't matter. r/worldnews, r/the_Donald and r/politics are already up in arms.

Daddy has spoken the magic words, now half the US has to jump.

European Commission spokesperson Kinga Malinowska said that Juncker had not yet made any concessions.

“All I can say is that the talks are ongoing," Malinowska said in a statement. "President Juncker is working to avert new tariffs. No concessions made.”

Imagine actually believing any of the shit that comes out of Daddy's mouth after the Korean and Chinese fiascos lmao

Bloomberg and WSJ say that the EU agreed to expand imports of soybeans and natural gas, and Juncker said they came to a deal

The article you posted literally quotes the spokesperson of Juncker saying that no deal was reached and talks are still on going. What they actually 'agreed on', is to start talks that will, hopefully, lead towards 'zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers'.

In other words, enough hot air to refly the Hindenburg.


Junker has balls... I still giggle at the clip where he slaps Orbán

That is literally my new fapping material

Junker is unironically the perfect european "mirror" of Trump. He talks almost as much shit, but he does it in a very classy way and is actually competent at his job. Junker is to Europe what Trump is to the US, basically.

Bloomberg and WSJ

Duh, of course, they are burger news.

Imagine imagining things.

International trade negotiation over soybeans, this is your reality on memes

Guy just brought back TTIP. And that’s a good thing.

I honestly never got why an EU-US free trade deal didn't even seem to be in the works. Although I don't believe this amounts to that.

We also need a customs union and free movement with Canada.

Europeans agreed to lower industrial tariffs and import more U.S. soybeans

Amazing. Let us forever remember 2018 as the year a trade war was almost fought for motorbike vendors and soy merchants

OP is retarded there is no deal just trump making bullshit claims

so yet a gambling man I see? what's the over under on that poncho, I'll take ya on


Read are of the deal faggots, it's all in there.

Good, it looks that this time Hypocritical EU and Coward USA can get a deal to true free trade finally after talking about free trade for a century.

There's a deal until he decides at 3am there isn't when he tweets. Stable genius.