It’s over

204  2018-07-25 by Cleverly_Clearly


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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That's probably the highest point in a lot of their lives

It has to be lmao they finally beat a REAL LIFE boss battle!


Unlocked special character: David's cat!


So precious! 😍

I don't know about his cat, but I'd love to unlock his pussy... his boipussy that is.

Wouldn't we all? It's the most succulent treasure a boi can offer 😛😏

They came after gamers. Gamers.

I'm about to level up, and you look like just enough XP

They targeted gamers.

Pasta yadda yadda another boss fight blah blah we live in a society



😂👌 haha DUDE BUSSY WEED lmao 🔥😈

it's time for /r/drama to end

Who will end themselves first? I volunteer you

Nah man, watching you guys will be pretty funny for the next 3 days. Then we'll forget about it, and never mention it again.

Just like every other time. GG no re

GG no re

For just one moment in your life, could you stop being such a raging faggot?


so no

Nothing wrong with being gay.

Quit your bigoted behavior friend, it's uncouth.

He didn't call you gay you useless cunt

No, the problem is being a raging faggot.

There is no peace in hell

That would result in his immediate expulsion from the KIA mod team. We do not tolerate moderators who are not faggots.

So why’d u demod /u/david-me


Not even joking I told him a couple of day the mods would kick him from being mod for being gay. In comment history.

QQ GG no re


Zoey Quinn molested my tendies. NEVER FORGET!

My bae would never do such a thing.

Rape apologist. My tendies have ptsd because of that monster!

Imagine not understanding why we supported David-me (pbuh) after this much time. Then again, you actually mod that place so this level of autism is to be expected.

Did you guys actually read his manifestos?

Why in good god damn would you throw your lot in with that?

Just makes you look like autists of an even bigger degree than chris chan, dog. The fuck is wrong with you?

No you fucking retard, you absolute idiot. We did it because it was funny, because you self important video game winning manbabies sperged out every time like this was a serious crisis.

And here you are again, proving again it was the right choice and anime was a mistake.

What's the name of the sub you're in right now?

"I was only pretending to be retarded"

You fuckin' mong. kek

It's marginally better than being actually retarded

So sad to hear that, I'm sure you'll manage to find some meaning with your life though

Don't tell me how to live my life you degenerate

Better to find no meaning at all than to find meaning through getting outraged at video games and blockbuster films tbqhwy

M-maybe if I use memes and invite all my fellow kia mods I-I wont look like an anime obsessed sperg


Legit kill yourself.

Mommy said I shouldn't.

Nice meme, but we weren't pretending. Your vidya-fried brain can't seem to distinguish between genuinely supporting u/david-me's schizo reasons for the KIA coup (lawful evil) and supporting him because we wanted to watch The Fattening 2.0 (chaotic neutral).

I'll have you know I'm lawful good. My DnD spouting autistic friend.

I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about u/david-me vs r/drama. I'd probably personally categorize david as a lawful-neutral but I went with lawful-evil to better present things from your perspective.

I thought being autistic meant he was on another spectrum. How can one categorize someone like David, on a scale made for normies?

You're a KIA mod and we're people that watch other people fight on the internet, everyone in this thread is at least a lil autistic. u/david-me seems more like a schizo or manic-episode bipolar tbh.

In all honesty, David should go see someone tbh famalam.

You don't do and say what he did and has said, and not come off looking unhinged. But considering his track record for taking advice, that ain't happening.

You're not wrong about that. His broken brain has been lots of fun for us, but someone who actually knows him should convince him to take a breather from the internet and/or get back on his meds.

Lawful gay is closer to the mark.

Bite me, worstmod.

We need a revote now that Davids off the list so it can be official.

oof, you sound like you play video games for several hours a day

oof, you sound like you use reddit for several hours a day

Yes, I have an office job.

Pfft, wageslave.

move out of your parents' basement and get a job, slacker.

get rekt nerd

neet life 4 lyf

And then become slave to the 8/5 yay!

I mean, you moderate subreddits for free.

No, apparently we're paid shills for the_donald.

Which one is it dog? Which end of the bullshit stick do we sit on?

Who the fuck even claimed that? Everyone knows that if you want actual influence on reddit, you buy some cunts to post comments and a bunch of bots to upvote them, not mods.

As if circumventing a subreddit's rules to still post you shit is hard enough that you'd need to genuinely pay off the mods there.

The only people who might think that's the case would be the mods themselves.

I was talking about folks on about when we were originally canned by David, and the admin's reinstatement of KIA brought along with it accusations of shit I mentioned.

But, you know. Rant about shit. That's cool too.

user reports:

1: What happened to drama users insults? This is abysmal. Ban all these spergs they need a quarantine

Never insult Zachums again

That reporter sounds like they play video games for several hours a day.

Image using the "pretending to be retarded" defense enough times that you see it everywhere.

Stop using it then /r/Drama

If you constantly smell shit, it's probably you.

Imagine thinking one person = the entire subreddit.

By that logic, when're you going to sperg out into manifesto mode?

Give me three years of /r/drama and /r/polictics posting and I'll sperg out like the best of em'.

Conversly, keep modding for KiA, the retention rate sounds great.

Are you a bot that just spews out terrible comebacks Redditors find funny?

Only if you pay me.

You pay me and I'll even pretend to be your girlfriend.

You just did it for free tho

redditorsarehumangarbage - 1200 points - 2 hours ago - Goldx3

Whenever I find out that someone I know posts on Reddit, I can't help but think a little less of them. Reddit is a monument to white fragility and a stinking pit of toxic masculinity. A Taco Bell tier burrito of lowest common denominator tripe posing as wit wrapped in a stale tortilla of baldfaced misogyny and crypto to outright racism.

/u/redditorsarehumangarbage 56,000 karma

About REDDITORSAREHUMANGARBAGE Reddit Birthday April 1st, 2010

MODERATOR OF r/athiesmsquared r/cripplingapanthropy r/cookingwithcricketflour r/shitwhitemalessay r/openrelationships+

Trophy Case (9)

He's a self-admitted NEET lmao, he has nothing better to do with his life.

That ls u rn tho 😂😂😂

KiA has like 3 times as much traffic as it did before it went private.

Given the main goal of GamerGate seems to be getting more attention for GamerGate, it seems it worked.

Just treat it like he was just starting a conversation lol. Or burning the Reichstag.

Those articles from folks callin' the admins nazi's for putting us back up were a real help too.

it's all comin' up Milhouse.

Imagine modding KiA and not wanting bullshit internet drama on your sub.

Or burning the Reichstag.

The manifesto before he shut it down was too good, it played too much into what the enemy wanted to hear. I still think this whole thing might have been a ruse.




"only pretending"


Keep it together, man.


Begone thot

you look like autists mods KiA


Why in good god damn would you throw your lot in with that?

Because, despite the fact that David is a literally insane autist, he's still not you?

Y... y... you sure showed me!

no u

well memed friendo

Did you guys actually read his manifestos?

Why in good god damn would you throw your lot in with that?

They threw in their lot with him because of his manifestos, not in spite of it.

Wild ANTONIO appeared!

Unlike you I haven't even read that wall of text. I just see the reaction by KIA and I know it was a good thing.

I enjoyed his manifestos. As lolcows go /u/David-me was top tier. Both in lols and drama production.

As far as supporting him, meh. I’m apathetic to KiA.

Did you guys actually read his manifestos?

Yes, it was hilarious, the dude is completely off his rocker.

Still, if I'm allowed to seriouspost for a while, you guys failed him. I don't know what kind of relationship the mod team had, but this guy probably didn't just snap and up this way.

Why didn't you save him?

If /u/David-me goes school shooter little children's blood will be on their hands.

There was like 3 generations of mods between him making the sub and now. Two different head mods, and like a door of 12 other mods going.

Being "socially" awkward doesn't cut it to be honest. Especially when you have a gander at his day to day life on /r/politics and here before and after his little tiffy.

Being "socially" awkward doesn't cut it to be honest.

this is a subreddit about gamergate right?

and you post on /r/Drama

What's it to ya'?

it's the difference between treating your autism and sperging out about women saying things about video games.

If we don't run women out of gaming, then we wont have it to ourselves.

Simple fuckin' math here dog.

just be gay

we're actually chads here

I can tell.

Notch is literally a mod here.

Still, if I'm allowed to seriouspost for a while, you guys failed him.

He created the sub, then left. The mods failed nobody, he abandoned the thread as soon as he birthed it, like a prom-night dumpster baby.

a prom-night dumpster baby.

there will never be a more apt description of KiA.

Every generic RPG characters backstory

Did you guys actually read his manifestos?

>Imagine being such a massive faggot you read sperg out.

Oh wait.


>No u.


What the hell does throwing out lot in with mean? Do you think we loaned him a bunch of money for his battle and now we're not going to get paid back? Of course, we wanted KIA to be fucked with as much as possible, white tears are always delicious.

and here we are. I've gotten like 20 drama replies in as many minutes.

It seems you boys can't take the bants well.

I'm cool with letting bygones be bygones. Start afresh, y'know?

Maybe we'll find forbidden love, hatefuck on a moonlit sky?

Um, you know that's what people do on a thread, right? You say something, then I say something, and then you reply? I'm just wondering why you are acting like we signed a treaty with the guy when we were reacting to something he came here to post? Do you know how Reddit works?

Um, oh my gawd. Did you see what David did last night? Like, oh my god.

No, what did he do?

This sounds juicy. You better deliver some deets fam.

I was just trying to sound like a pretentious valley girl dude.

I will let you on a little secret though.

come closer

gamers rise up.

I am severely blue-balled rn. You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

oy vey, I've done it now.

that is this subreddit.

It seems you boys can't take the bants well.

Thinking complaining about bants is good bants lul.

I read /u/David-me's manifestos—and his messages to the Admins.

In them, I saw a man of boundless and irrepressible passion. A man of rare character and determination. A man posessed by a bright vision of the future, and gifted with the will—if not the ability—to do what needed to be done.

If I did not throw my lot in with such a man, I would have no soul.

you look like autists of an even bigger degree than chris chan

lol 'muh PR' 😂😂😂

David is the new Donald Trump boys, we did it!

This but schizophrenically.

a fair few people here are pretty much ghazi level but like to hide it by pretending to like drama

only drama about one side though weirdly enough

I like to think Ghazifags come here cause ghazi get's like 1/10th the amount of traffic we do.

So they walk in single file to hide their numbers.




theyll make all the usual white people jokes but get really offended about racism and immigration and what trump says on twitter, its so transparent lol

muh diversity


won't someone think of the poor oppressed white people?

nobody in the first world is oppressed lol

the point is they cant hide their true feelings no matter how hard they try

Sure people are oppressed in the 1st world but it's not on a large scale, more on a person by person there are some immigrants who are sought out and hired usually as personal house keepers. They'll have their green card(if they're legal) and passport confiscated then have deportation lorded over them so they don't complain about labor conditions, payrate and hours worked

Dude, the fucking Middle East isn't the 1st world, lawl.

Dude, America isn't the Middle East, yet

If any employer confiscates your passport, you call the police and they get arrested in the US.

The story you read about referring to the Philippine immigrants having that happen to them en masse was from Kuwait. It had nothing to do with America.

I'm not talking about that story. In Nor Cal the Chinese, eastern Europeans and the Mexicans import citizens from their countries and force them to work on their pot operations. The Chinese and eastern Europeans import legally and illegally while the Mexicans I'm pretty sure do it exclusively illegally. They pay then nothing for jobs that Americans get paid $150-$250 a day to do and their living conditions are horrible. This is wide spread throughout the marijuana industry. The Chinese and eastern Europeans do something similar with sex workers too

There was also a story a few yrs back about an affluent couple in NYC who hired exclusively hired housekeepers with expired green cards so they could exploit them. They were actually charged with keeping slaves...I gotta go pull some tarps but when I come back I'll find it and edit it into this comment

the closest group to oppression in the western world are the homeless and those in desperate poverty and none of those guys give one single shit about identity politics

its always trust fund college kids that havent actually experienced anything but being coddled and so the real world is oppression to them

Edit: and sex workers. Asian and eastern European on a large scale

american media tells me human trafficking is a conspiracy theory by the alt right

Theres definitely people from 3rd world country in the US that are oppressed, usually by their own

nobody in the first world is oppressed lol

dismissing oppression and suffering of poc by the mayos. Do you also pretend holocaust is a lie?



has a manifesto

Thats all we really needed to be honest

Eh, as it often is with /r/drama, among the drama enthusiasts was a contingent of agendaposters that were merely pretending.

imagine acting this smug because some faggot got removed from your crybaby safe space.


smug.jpg today, crying.jpg tomorrow

GG no re

This has to be some sort of cry for help.

I think a couple of eeee's were left off at the end.

Legit question: Are you saying "GG no re" ironically?

It's drama dude. It's always serious.

Just checking whether or not I should make fun of you for using 15 year outdated lingo.

It was cool when I was a lad.

Pretty sure it was never cool. I remember cringing at it when Clinton was president.

GG no re brother. Wicked sick!


You were alive during Clinton and your name is Cuckmeister? hmmm

I'm probably your dad tbh

meh I think that's become timeless

Imagine waking up in the morning knowing you're a KIA mod. How do you not kill yourself?

These threads help.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

GG no re


I don’t know about you, but I peaked in college and it’s nothing but pay checks and soft errections from then on.

it’s nothing but pay checks and soft errections

KiA members are low T wage slaves confirmed.

Nah, my wife just ain’t that attractive and has personal dignity so she’s unwilling to do the sexually degrading things that I, as a woman hating man child mayo, expect from my objects.

I mean this is nothing compared to the whole Gawker debacle.

Sure you can say that the lawsuit was unrelated to GG, but by Gawker's own admission the advertising related stuff they had to deal with (largely related to Biddle and his amazing choice of words) cost them millions of dollars.

He remarked, gleefully posting in /r/drama

I'm not jerking off on a sticky post about taking control of a sub from an actual autistic fuck lol

How can you even pretend to be sarcastic when you unironically use KIA and the Jordan Peterson sub. Your life is literally in shambles.

Curtain Twitcher.

Nah, remember the time they claimed they beat the UN because they took over a hashtag on Twitter? That was straight up peak for most of them.





I can hear the bloggers on theverge, gizmodo, and countless other tech news sites writing about the decision this minute.

"Reddit admins side with harassment sub to strike down former ringleader's anti-bigotry resistance movement."

"What does this have to do with technology?"

"Shut up Nazi!"

Fun fact: Engadget still exists and wrote a bunch about this

Truth. TheVerge, Gizmodo, Engadget, Wired, ArsTechnica (and many more) all still exist and are shit these days.

journos trying to come after gamers? HA

Don't they know we live in a society?

Distributed by gang weed

I think the real interesting thing about this is the admins actually got involved in policing a community. I am not sure they have ever done that before. When /r/punchablefaces was handed to SRS for the treatment, the admins did not touch that.

It is a hell of a precedent. I have a feeling this is going to open the floodgates, and it will ultimately be the thing that kills reddit.

There was actually a couple other cases like that happened recently, I can't remember what subs but it played out like this where the top mod tried to destroy a large, active sub.

If you can remember any of them, I an curious and would like to know.

I have a feeling this is going to open the floodgates, and it will ultimately be the thing that kills reddit.

Dude, you're reaching david-me levels of autism here, come on.

They already did

I guess that was the noise i heard last night, bunch of autists screeching at the same time...

And OP claims it's over, it's just begun!

Thank God for truth, justice, and the American Way.

/u/david-me, your thoughts as you "transition" into a new chapter of your life?

gonna cut open a 2nd bussy for himself like Chris Chan

Right now I think he's busy being attacked by his cat

/u/david-me - I know you're really depressed right now. That's why I chose a song to help you through it! Just keep listening to it until you're back to your strong self again! Also drink lots of soy milk!

Seriously though where do I go to put money on when he goes tranny


bottom text

I have several degrees in history. I'm being called uneducated by a guy who made half the German army black, and the entire austro-hungarian army German speaking in his WW1 game, because I'd prefer him not to add disabled female soldiers to the front line ranks of the British and German armies of his WWII game on the basis of his daughter being able to play as a woman in a cartoon. This is unreal. He went out of his way to protect the canon of star wars, but not wanting history whitewashed by shoehorning modern conceptions of diversity into historical settings makes me uneducated. I dare say that perhaps he is the one who lacks perpective, even education.

is this because they made a female wookie playable

No they added a cyborg lady and a samurai blackman. Not quite sure what the fuss is about though given that it is a game for children.

actually it's about ethics in gaming journalism

Yeah but Battlefield was always a hardcore battle simulation that gave ARMA a run for its money, and the gaymers always took the lofty burden upon their strong shoulders of ensuring complete historical accuracy in every previous entry. Women existing is a step over the fucking line and you know it.

Tasty pasta, do you have a source?


This but unironically. Burn marxist game devs on the stake.

We live in a society

Not enough 🅱️

We may have won the battle but this war is not yet over. GAYMERS RESIST! GAYMERS RISE UP!

Are you really Indian?

“I will prove you wrong.” - /u/David-me


Hey /u/david-me, we here at r/drama would love to hear your thoughts on this, if you can make the time between screaming into your bodypilow and violating cats.

If he kills himself will then admins be directly responsible?

He takes his politics that serious, the thought worries me

worries amuses

Suicide is one of the few things I have problems joking about myself. David doesnt seem the most stable

I welcome a Jason Russell style meltdown 😂

In all likelihood, he'd fail at that as well, so feel free to laugh^^

Maybe he can be made a mod at r/AHS as a consolation prize.

I hope so. The admins deserve a win.

They'll just be righting a wrong.


I would be willing to bet he just deletes his account in shame.

Is there a pool going on?

That cat was definitely not getting molested anymore,



You're not my real dad.

As I've explained to and your mom numerous times, you don't have to call me dad, Anita is fine.

I guess this explains my hoop earring fetish.

we got alts gatekeeping now, /r/drama is truly over

Got doxxed on my main & had to 🅱elete. New main who dis

who did you piss off enough to do that?

kiwifarms users lol

what if i like muh ethics AND drama?

I do as I please, pleb!

Too late, I've already claimed refugee status.

Mods haven't even stickied this yet ffs why do I even pay for drama gold??

Good god, they unironically behave as if this is some sort of personal & collective triumph. I believe we've reached a point were mass euthanizations are the only humane solution.


implying KiA users are human and not just a black hole of cringe

It's almost like they're shitposting on a shitpost thread. This is also not something any of us expected. The admins haven't exactly been fair with us on the subreddit.


This is what happens when you target gamers. Gamers.

If only he didn't rush and try to nuke the sub, he could have done whatever he wanted if he had been patient.

I blame his rash actions on cat scratch fever

He actually did too

I do not believe he owns a cat; anyone who owns a cat knows you put something on cat scratches/bites or they get really gnarly really quick.

I did not know this

I've never had a cat bite or scratch me hard enough that it needed any sorr of treatment beyond holding it under tapwater for 10 seconds and keeping it covered by a paper towel for 5 minutes.

What the fuck are these people doing with their cats?

Fucking them probably

a cat is fine too 🐱😍💯✅

Shiki no

So deep enough to go through the dermal layer?

Either they tried to fuck a wild animal, or they are a total fucking fansy because even an angry cat wouldn't be able to do that.

Probably not scratch, but bite easily. Those fangs are sharp and long.

We tried to introduce our cat to a friends dog once. His bite resulted in a week's stay at a hospital. Not fun.

Do you deal with tigers or something

I only have owned pets that don't randomly attack people.

I just wash my hands and wounds n shit

whatever he wanted

to nuke the sub

Maybe, but I am not certain now. Yes, my approach would have been death-by-a-thousand-cuts. However, /r/punchablefaces was also nuked basically overnight, and the admins didn't touch that. So I feel like this is just the start to their new approach to community management. Any community that drives a decent amount of traffic will probably never get to be "nuked".

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this drama?


David created Kotaku in Action, the primary gamergate sub on Reddit. He basically abandoned it and other mods built it up into a very large content rich community.

David goes off his meds or something and decides to try and nuke the sub because its filled with "Rassists" and such.

Admins Un-Nuke the sub

After having his mod privileges suspended;David tries to pretend all he wanted to do was re-dedicate KiA to covering corruption and censorship in journalism, without the focus on gaming or pop culture.

Pretty much everyone who is active in KiA could see right through it, he just wanted his powers back so he could kick all the mods and nuke the sub again.

Reddit admins finally removed him from the KiA mod team today, ending the potential threat of the sub being nuked.

Oh and somewhere in there David's cat attacked him.

Also right before all of this he posted here in /r/drama asking how to nuke a subreddit with an alt account.

lul even better than the Clinton IT Employee who posted on Reddit asking how to pera-delete data on a server

is /u/david-me the next on the Killiary hitlist?

You're fucking kidding me, David.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Nuking subs like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another deletion or flaring outta /u/david-me, you'll never post or comment on Reddit ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?

As far as I know, this is a historic reddit moment that I don't believe we've seen before. I know I sound like a neckbeard in saying that, and it's because I am one, but it's the truth as far as I know.

To my knowledge, the admins have never, ever removed the top moderator of a subreddit because they were running a subreddit in a way that other mods or subscribers didn't like. I don't believe that david-me was breaking any of reddit's sitewide rules with his behavior which means that the divine admin intervention to remove him is without precedent.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about this and if the admins have stepped in to a subreddit to remove a top moderator all because everyone in this sub - mods and subsribers alike - wanted them gone.

I absolutely cannot think of another instance in the site's history where this has happened and if this is the only time then does this set up some sort of major precedent?

According to the head mod, it isn't quite what it seemed.

This definitely didn't set the precedent for removal of an active moderator from a subreddit.

He says he cannot say why they stepped in, so I guess maybe take it with a grain of salt. It could be very well that they told him this is on the condition that he say they stepped in for a different reason and he is not allowed to say what that reason is.

There actually was a sitewide rule/guideline he broke. At the moment, I forgot what it was though.

I was just saying the same thing. I am fairly certain this is a new precedent. I think it is pretty huge.

David-meme started the /r/KotakuInAction sub a while back, then basically disappeared. Over the last few months he either got off his meds or developed cat scratch fever and decided to destroy the sub. The admins said "not today, buddy", gave the sub to the next top mod after a couple weeks of drama fodder, and now david can devote the rest of his days to masturcrying.

I think you are right, but I am obligated to tell you that nothing is over.

not even gamers?

I recommend david-meme as a mod here.

Just make sure you play this music when he accepts it.

Ew no, make him mod SubredditDrama. They'd actually want him.

I'll admit that the potential for drama there would be juicy, but that place is completely debauched as it is. Any drama would be... tainted. Corrupt.

He got banned from there like 4 years ago for making a joke about transmissions.

You trust him with power?

I trust him to do... stuff with it.

/u/david-me was a mod here before you were even born. the invite is still out there if he wants it, but he said he doesn't want it. can't do much about that.

Consider how bad gallowboob was, are you sure you want a bigger spaz?

Are the Kotakugees here yet?

He was already here

They've been popping up here whenever there's a GG or pop culture-related thread for years. They'll go back to their dingy lair once this thread drops off the front page and lay in wait for the next one.

They started rapidly flowing in after the former head moderator made this post here.

Also, this sub was basically gamergate ground zero on reddit back when it was tangentially relevant to—may Allah forgive me for uttering this—internet culture.

I had forgotten about that thread. The beginning of gg was so funny. I hope to see something that moments unfold again some day

The number of comments after one hour had led me to believe that some serious shit went down, but then I clicked on the link and saw that it was more gaymer shit.


Request to david-me to make another hilarious interesting thread in r/drama entertaining informing us about this whole retarded drama situation.

DAMN. I have NEVER seen big chunky cheesy meaty gouda girl like this. If she isnt big, creamy, and cheesy like this, I don't want her. Her sweaty fupa lumps marinading in her oils just turns me rock hard man. Thigh gaps? Ew. Jawline? What are you, gay? I need my big chunky easycheesy thicc gouda mozzarella mommy. Skinny?? Thinn?? Gross. Nasty. It's gotta be easy. It's gotta be cheesy. You're doing it wrong if you're not doing it thicc.

If the sour aroma of a nice juicy creamy cheesy mozarella mommy's fupa doesn't turn you on, you are fucked in the head my friend. How could you look at those delicious gooey creamy thighs and not pop a johnson? Those ooey gooey creamy chunky gouda cheesy mozzarella mommy thighs. FUCK. FUCK. I'm salivating.

If you dont like thicc, you're fucking low test. If you dont fuck a nice ooey gooey greazy easy cheesy chunky mozzarella mommy, you're fat short bald little beta cuck with no gains.

Dang, I haven't really been using reddit much and haven't been to drama in a while. Since when did you guys get so mad at reddit drama? Is this place going the way of SRD??

Who's mad?

You are definitely mad. It's weird to see that in this sub.

no u

How do you fuck up shutting down a subreddit this poorly lol.

All you gotta do is create a bunch of outlandish rules, ban anyone for them, and if any mod tries to question you remove them. Once the subreddit is garbage and users start to revolt close it and no one will care.

Unfortunately he fucked up the drama by announcing the drama in advance. It has to be organic.


People keep saying this but has there ever been any precedent of admins preventing a mod from deleting a sub? I always assumed no matter how big your sub was prior to deletion, admins wouldn't give a fuck.

Subreddit have been derailed in the past by incompetence. No reason why purposeful incompetence can't be done.

gg ez

Im banned from kia. Idk why

Cuz you dont exist homie

What did you mean by this?

He's been deleted

u/david-me get rekt noob

Why is david not a drama mod? he did so much for the cause

They did try making david a mod. He got demodded after he began performing mod work, which is a firm violation of /r/Drama mod rules.

There is literally a pending invite.

He is a giant disappointment. He had one job, and he failed it miserably.

need quick rundown

david-me was the original founder of /r/KotakuInAction. He didn't do shit on the sub for 3 years. Last week he resurfaces, kicks all the mods, and shuts down the sub. The admins reinstated all the mods and reopened the sub. They gave david a week to try to work out what it was he actually wanted to do with KiA. He continued sperging out because the admins wouldn't let him kick all the mods and delete the sub. Today the admins removed him from the mod list at KiA.


u/David-me please don’t keep us waiting on the overdramatic spergout post.

Please, daddy. We’re waiting with Doritos and Mt. Dew baited breath.

Aight what the fuck even happened?

Pretty much: Head mod at r/KotakuInAction went loco, tried to nuke the sub because of "bigotry", Reddit admin brought it back, said mod tried to act like he just wanted the sub to go in a new direction, everyone saw through his bullshit, admins essentially made him fuck off.

Lol rip.

it's over for gamergatecels

u/david-me you were our only hope.

Thanks, /r/drama, we couldn't have done it without you.

Well, HandofBane, you dun goofed. Admins are being contacted, head mod going rogue and brigading another sub is one thing they will get involved on.


Damn, I was hoping you'd eat your own pasta lol


/u/FelixSharpe how the hell did you pull off being a redditor for years, without kn9wing it's basic function that is universally advertised

If i didnt know any better, I would ssy you're pants are on fire. But I do know better, so you probably don't even bother with pants.

Because other than KIA I only go on random reddits to ask quick questions of games I play. I basically have KIA bookmarked and every other thing I just do a quick google so I never go to my subscription feed to have known what that is LOL

I genuinely can't tell who looked stupider in this controversy:

David-me or the GooberGunners who actually felt threatened by David-me.

/u/david-me - I know you're really depressed right now. That's why I chose a song to help you through it! Just keep listening to it until you're back to your strong self again! Also drink lots of soy milk!

I've tried following along but have no idea what's going on here.

/u/AnnArchist you need a drama manifesto. Get with the Program!

lol apparently if you don't nuke the sub it wont be no problem

i'm curious what changed ($$$$) that admins would step in to oust a sub creator now, but years ago it was a huge todo to get /r/iama unfucked and had /u/karmanaut begging the creator to turn over the reins instead of keeping it shut down, and the admins then just sitting on their thumbs about it.

/u/spez confirmed to be a gamergater



Can some OoTL for me?

Autists doing autistic things?1