ITT: Claim your waifu

10  2018-07-26 by Dopella

/u/normie_girl 😍😍😍😘😘😘


already claimed as my flair



Sorry, but there's a fine line between being a sycophant and being creepy, and I don't want to cross it.



God damn it you took my bae


she deleted a long time ago


Sengoku Nadeko from the Monogatari franchise written by NisiOisiN.

Yes, as you can tell, I have an extremely high powerlevel.

You also have shit taste. So many good girls in Monogatari, and you choose the absolute worst. Snek is shit. Shiiiit.

People who hate Snake missed the big picture. You have to have an incredibly high IQ to have Snake as a waifu.

The big picture is that she's a vapid cunt who makes people like her by being doe-eyed. Also she draws BL which makes her about as bad as Goebbels.

Implying killing Jews is anywhere near as bad as drawing BL

You have failed god you filthy degenerate

Failed god and proud of it! God never did anything for me anyway.

Wow thanks for taking that bullet for everyone

I kept trying to think of a clever way to make a joke about how you should be sycophantic toward Snally but not be creepy, but it always came out as creepy anyway. So, I know. I'll be creepy but not ping her directly. That's the mark of a true gentleman. 😎

Oshino Shinobu is my waifu. She's 600 years old, so it's fine.

If the cops arrive just have her drink your blood and she'll be like 18 or something.

I just want to wrap myself in craft vinyl and offer myself to a special someone, but she's been suspended 😭😭😭

Haha do I know you?


Don't cry

u/dopella u getting laid tonight

/u/the-realDonaldTrump is my waifu

/u/PresidentObama IS A TRAITOR!!!!

This is my waifu. There are many like it but this one is mine. My waifu is my best friend, she is my life.

That's not a waifu, that's clearly a rodent.

From our brothers in retardation over at /r/Amry:

I don't have one.


/>not being your own waifu

like I'm gonna trust some roastie to touch my supreme gentleman pee-pee.


Hila Klein

Are you sure you know (((everything))) about her?