Dont Mind Me just launching raid on St.Nazaire.

13  2018-07-26 by CaesarCzechReborn


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Thank you Prophet. Good Bot.

lmao. get animal rescue services to his place already, every second matters

Operation: No Cat Left Behind.

Millenials, please don't speak of these things when you never knew anyone who endured that war. Also don't demean the sacrifices of our martyrs by comparing them to your autistic videogame twitter war bullshit. kthx bye

Serious Posting ? In My Drama thread ?


My Drama

posts in KiA and t_D unironically

Really makes you think... 🤔🤔🤔

I also post In Drama, so what ? I enjoy drama and i got to say some at shots at our side are quite funny, Trump star getting hammered was quite funny.

Are you one of those people from eastern central Europe who imagine that Trump has some significance in their life? If so, please stop appropriating the culture of our rural trash people.

But he does have significance in our life. He provides us with delicious drama and a smug sense of superiority over ameritards.

checks post history unironically

Really makes you dab on them haters.

654 post karma 35,735 comment karma

Drama 650 34085 rarepuppers 1 324

Please go ahead and dig into my history.

Oh no I didn't mean that I'm going to look into your history, I just mean its hella gay.

hella gay > whatever game you play

Do me a favor and let me know what that is so I can diagnose where exactly you are on the spectrum.

Nobody should have to check post history. Mods should flair KIAcels just like the MDEtards

its important to understand whos merely retarded vs who is a SRDine

This new meme of complaining when someone looks at your post history is a complete riot. Making fun of people for any reason at all used to be fair game here.

I never think retard


I dont know why you had to screenshot google search friend.



Here comes the obligatory Gamergate harassment campaign, complimentary rape threat on the pillow.

Well its your fault, you have so disgustingly anime pillow i just had to deface that.

Gay if true

You put way too much effort into this.