Sweden gets more cartoonish as a woman halts a flight to prevent a deportation

110  2018-07-26 by ChipChippersonAMA


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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Fuck off you knockoff.


You are another culturally programmed millenial internet dude with this weird bitterness towards women. One female accuses a guy of mansplaining incorrectly and you come here to “delight” in her downfall. The culture is sick and it makes me sad.


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its been submitted yesterday already. but why not? this way I get to comment at least

They don’t know if they’re going to live another day. As I’ve been working and meeting people from Afghanistan and heard their stories, I’ve been more and more in the belief that no one should be deported to Afghanistan because it’s not a safe place.

thats one way to say that its a shithole country. TIL yurop SJWs basically agree with daddy

My b

I have a video on my of phone of a group that calls themselves “Haitians for Trump” calling Haiti a shithole many times. It’s prettty goood

Haitians for Trump.

Please link I want to see teens embarrass themselves.

I’d have to upload to yt from home. It was a bunch of ex pats out side a trump rally.

They're American expats? that explains it lol.

Afghanistan was never really conquered by anyone but the fact that colonialists even TRIED explains their poor living standard therefore justifying immigration.

Didn't be call Haiti a shithole?

Maybe Elin can explain to his victim(s) why it's best he stay here

Yes, you are right. Living there is terrible, it is exactly why people feel in danger for doing so and will go to extreme lengths to get out.

The absolute state of Sweden

The social work student

stops Afghan man's deportation

Smart girl. Securing her future job.

She'll certainly need the money after the airline sues the shit out of her for delay costs

And her future rapist future too

Like helppls, at least now I get to comment on this. The thing that annoys me the most about this is it's going to make every Twitter activist, liberal arts major SJW now think they have power and validate them and their actions. On the one hand it's gonna make for some good drama and we'll be here to relish in it, but on the other hand, people will have to deal with these insufferable cunts.

What is more important, a life, or your time?

My time, obviously.

Depends on the life. Make a case for me. Is he a world-renowned surgeon?Dedicated Humanitarian? Father of six adorable, well behaved children? I’m gonna need a back story before I can get invested, lady.

Unless he's saving my life I couldn't care less. Also did you just assume my pronouns? Now I'm emotionally damaged. But I'm a generous God. Post bussy and I'll forgive you.

I was referring to the Swedish chick, but I respect your right to be any gender you want to be. 🩄

The bussy is in the mail. ✉

Xhe is a 21y old Swedish activist I'd be careful when assuming xher pronouns as well.

Slick bussy BTW.

he's from Afghanistan. So all of the above, and also a civil and rocket engineer.

he is an innocent human being

Those scream the loudest.

Yeah I don't know who values some random stranger over their own time.

looking forward to seeing all the would-be copycats realize this was a one-time thing and no one else is gonna put up with their bullshit

Us Swedes lack a equivalent of United, so it might continue to work

If you think it worked this time you'd be wrong.

This dude is going on the next plane out there.

I was referring to stoping the planes from taking off, not overuling an deportation order

Plane can't take off with anyone standing.

They should tell refugees to stand if they are being deported.

I'm confused as to why she wasn't thrown off the plane.

because sweeeeden

It's smart. Defuse the situation. Deport the dude later. Watch many do this, passengers become upset that their flights are delayed or don't take off. Sympathy wanes.

something something united airlines

Can't wait to try to see someone try this in America to try to get a Trump admin official kicked off a plane.


Do you think they even have family man in Sweden?

Or every planes will have poles... you choose to stand? Fine for me! Lads , strap him to the pole!

I believe they do!

That’s good!

Sweden could use a good show!

they'll just put him on the next flight lel


However, authorities say he will be deported at a later date, and Elin could face fines or up to six months in jail for disobeying police orders.

Tfw you're such a whiny SJW that not even Sweden puts up with your shit

"incredible act"

I mean, it is incredible in how futile and self-righteously stupid it is

At least that's what the r/worldnews thread said

if this was 2015 worldnews; I would take such claims with a grain of salt. But that you could see a post like that today without it being auto deleted by the mods of peace leans credence.

They had Swedish sources on him but I'm not fluent in börkbörk.

Vad i helvete sa du precis om mig, ditt lilla krÀk? Jag ska tala om för dig att jag gick ut som kursetta pÄ KustjÀgarkompaniet och jag har deltagit i flertalet hemliga rÀder mot talibanerna och jag har över 300 bekrÀftade nedkÀmpade fiender. Jag Àr trÀnad i gorillakrigsföring och jag Àr den frÀmsta krypskytten i hela Försvarsmakten. Du Àr inte mer för mig Àn ytterligare en mÄltavla. Jag ska utplÄna dig med en precision som sÀllan skÄdats pÄ denna Jord, sanna mina jÀvla ord. Tror du att du kan komma undan med att sÀga sÄn skit till mig över Internet? TÀnk om, kukhuvud. Medan vi talar kontaktar jag mitt hemliga nÀtverk av spioner över hela Sverige och din IP-adress blir spÄrad just nu sÄ det Àr bÀst för dig att du förbereder dig för stormen, din daggmask. Stormen som utplÄnar det patetiska lilla ting du kallar ditt liv. Du Àr helt jÀvla död, grabben. Jag kan befinna mig varsomhelst, nÀrsomhelst och jag kan döda dig pÄ över sjuhundra sÀtt och det Àr enbart med mina bara hÀnder. Jag Àr inte bara utförligt utbildad i obevÀpnad nÀrstrid, utan jag har Àven tillgÄng till hela Svea Rikes amfibiekÄrs arsenal och jag kommer anvÀnda den till dess fulla omfattning i syfte att utplÄna ditt sorgliga arsle frÄn kontinentens yta, din lilla skit. Om du bara hade haft en aning om den oheliga vedergÀllning din lilla "fyndiga" kommentar skulle dra ner över dig sÄ hade du kanske knipit din jÀvla kÀft. Men det kunde du inte ha haft, det gjorde du inte och nu betalar du priset, din förbannade idiot. Jag ska skita vrede över dig och du kommer drunkna i det. Du Àr helt jÀvla död, grabben.

Å nej

Apparently he was convicted for assault or some such shit. At least that's what the r/worldnews thread said

Regulations have become a bit tougher, you can no longer just throw your passport away and claim your Syrian heritige. So I guess the dude couldn't prove his identity or need of asylum

wtf did the guy do where even Sweden decided to deport him

They’ve been deporting refugees for a while now

Unfortunately I don't speak bork bork so I'm not up to date on their news cycle

Sweden got tired of being labeled rape capital apparently.

They were fine with the actual rape but the label was very icky and gross

Were they the rape capital?

Judging by numbers alone, yes. But that's only because they have very high reporting rates and a very broad definition of rape, so their numbers are extremely inflated.

Can't you be charged with rape in Sweden for not using a condom of something? I seem to remember some wild nonsense like that

Nah, that's Switzerland

He didn't keep up with his rape quota

Lul did she not realize there was more than one airplane in the world?

Lock her up! Lock her up!

This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists. Now every bleeding heart will use this one simple trick to prevent deportation, immigration officers hate her.

Or every planes will have poles... you choose to stand? Fine for me! Lads , strap him to the pole!

I thought you meant like stripper poles but then you let me down.

I was just setting up that scenario for you. Teamwork!

Oh an SJW from the oh so mighty and morally superior EU. Not surprising. They don't have enough social issues in places like these, let alone the USA, so we have to manufacture them. :)

Gotta get to that pseudo-moral high ground some how!

I Donno responses like this are kinda gay too

Naw. Sarcasm is a natural defense that intelligent people use against retardation. PBR on the other hand is a sure sign of homosexuality.

Honestly, Sweden can have them all.

It is actually a crime to not do what flight crew tell you.

I do not understand why the police did not simply drag her off the plane.




You can't halt a catapult launch

What if Islam and Sweden both just suddenly disappeared

Meh, at least she did something other than post #sickburns on #twitter #Resistance #hashtag.

Well, this is an appropriate use of civil disobedience.

If there was an ironic, trollish God, that towelhead will detonate a bomb at some LGTB+ parade or something.

Its always a woman. When they remain childless the world becomes filled with babies, even the monsters.

"I don't want this man to be's deportated!"

This bitch sounds like she is in Dethklok.

Sweden is the Ned Flanders of the north. Not even all of Sweden, just the Stockholm and Malmö parts (where the most migrants are concentrated, funnily enough).