Vox writer test the waters for Mayocide. Does not go as expected.

297  2018-07-26 by MagicRat94


Ironically confirming the need for a mayocide.

this vaporwave record sucks it's just some dude talking about laddery theory and how some "niglet" on facebook keeps calling his posts "insano gay"

I've never read that sentence before.

Post SoundCloud link

and the guy who is shutting him down isnt even a mayo. how fucking embarassing when you can't even pull the "mayos are mad and brigading me lmao" card

that's obviously a sock puppet by a russian spy who is part of a think tank to burn sad man children

fucked up, imo

damn hacked by 4chan again

not as embarassing as literally making up "poll results" to fuel your dishwasher's rage against actually literate and successful people.

The People of the VidjaGame will always be < The People of the Book

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

why are you morons downvoting the lolcows?


t. schlomo

How do you post blank replies?

nobody tell him

we have enough shitty novelty accounts


Do you even markdown, bro?

You dont


Did some obvious troll go and post a poll on the internet questioning the benefit of your race to the nation? And is that race "white"? Does that make you feel helpless and alone, that people are able to just go and do that, and there's nothing at all you can do to stop them. Do you need something beyond merely following the link you found on your favorite white nationalist Discord server, voting "yes", and then writing a furious reply in all caps?

Now there IS something you can do! Vote Trump! When a person votes Trump, all mean internet comments concerning their race (if that race is white) automatically disappear! Life turns into an endless stream of pure euphoria!

Vote Trump today! What are you waiting for?

For all other races, try our other product: "Tough shit". The TOUGHEST shit around!

You seem asshurt.

Consider posting on r/subredditdrama, it's more of a safe space for people like you.

not recognizing pasta smh

There are white nationalist discords? Could you toss me an invite to one of the good ones?

try the final fantasy discord i hear they say the r word there

smh at this cuckpost

literally typing this much over a blank comment

your "vagina" is leaking

You support mayo?

White people not understanding what someone is saying?

保持自己的安全 BAIZUO

Do you trust a twitter poll over a scientific paper? http://sci-hub.tw/http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/epdf

TLDR: diversity reduces trust of neighbors, reduces trust of other races, decreases civic engagement and more.

Asking if you think diversity is a negative or a positive isn't the same as singling out a specific race and asking the same question.

When's the last time you saw a mainstream poll specifically ask if more of a particular race was a good or bad thing? Hell, even polls pertaining to illegal immigrants aren't specifically asking about race.

DrVox is attacking a straw man with a legit racist poll. I seriously doubt he hates his own race (although maybe he should), but his little at attempt at exposing an imaginary double-standard just blew up in his face.

most "SJW"s are white anyways, black people are actual activists.



One of the comments has a poll asking if the Jews are bad for America with an 80%+ Yes vote.


Oy vey!

Shut it down!

alt left activate.

Let me finish up with your mom here and wipe my dick on her bedsheets and I'll activate.

Jokes on you I was shit out by a homeless man.

if /pol/ is alt-left, i wonder what that makes tankies

the alt left are liberals who believe in racism, think blasphemy is a serious moral offense, and who are obsessed with the "Jewish problem."

tankies are just tankies.

It's almost like the Mayo majority is racist, who would have guessed?

tbf, hating jews is the one thing that brings both the far left and the far right together.

they share many other things, like a love of authoritarianism. military parades, chanted slogans, and a rejection of the scientific consensus and higher education

Don't forget cults of personality. Commies and fashies love their daddy doms.

Aren't you a DDF cadet?

Apropos cults of personality

No, lmao. What made you think I was DDF?

mixed you up with someone else, sorry lad ;)

It's okay bby. Send a bussypic my way and we'll be fully made up.

And an irrational hatred of horseshoes

I hate horseshoes. Fuck. Am I a globalist cuck or a Nazi?

There's basic test you can take to find out what you are:

Are there people the world would be better off without?

Would you be willing to kill these people yourself?

Is there any doubt in your mind you political beliefs are correct and there's no room for a logical person to disagree?

Do you like ducks?

What color underwear are you wearing?




No, fuckers steal my bread


You're definitely a Commie Nazi

If I hate horses, does that mean I hate horseshoes?

Muh fishook

military parades are pretty awesome though

(((scientific consensus)))

Like, isn't consensus literally the opposite of the point of science??


Something something “science doesn’t care what you think.”

rejection of the scientific consensus and higher education

jews are all about this, I thought?

Even radical centrists!

ya it's funny how the left has gone so far left that hating Jews and homos is back on the menu

I'm surprised it's onlt 80% tbh, this should be common knowledge.

I saw that and laughed at it, then I looked at the guys twitter and I realized that he wasn't actually joking...

It’s disgusting to me just how white nationalist twitter can be, was anyone else disturbed by those poll results?

I'm pretty sure they were mostly to spite him for being a racist bigot.

I’m not an expert, but I have read enough blackpeopletwitter to know you can’t be racist against white people.

Why would mayos pretending to be black being a reliable source?

Now that’s a decent point. Bpt is possibly more mayo than the_donald with all their baste black people tbh.

Basted? Are you eating them?

Yes, and yes they do taste like watermelon.

Humans likely taste correlated to how they smell

Is it racist if we don't eat the black guys?

brigaded most likely

It's not racist to call mayos inferior, it's just a fact.


lol. the internet: where civilization's losers go to pretend they aren't useless

Lacking in self reflection much?

His poll in the first place was a response to a poll saying Republicans don't like diversity. It's polls all the way down

Neither poll is about wether like but wether they are positive for the country

His whole point was that we take polls like "should immigrants be allowed to exist" in stride and pore over the results, whereas white people would (and did) lose their fucking minds when asked the same question about white people.

pore over

What a retard lol

One of the most common social difficulties children with autism have is understanding personal space.

In addition to difficulties understanding personal space, some children with autism have difficulty understanding other types of space. We call these children 'left-wing retards'.

Left-wing retards often have difficulty understanding things like why homeowners have more of a right to live in their own homes than homeless people do and why the inhabitants of a country have more of a right to live there than the foreign hordes.

lol libtards rekt XD

professor ben shapiro DESTROYS postmodern snowflakes in four sentences

professor ben shapiro DESTROYS postmodern neomarxist SJW snowflakes in four sentences

So I just rechecked the feed, and the actual question he was criticizing was this:

Does increased racial diversity have a positive or negative impact on America?

Newsflash dickless: 30% of the country is non-white. So do you think non-white American citizens should be allowed to live in America just because they were born here and are citizens? Because the constitution does. Should they be allowed to have children? Right-wing retards love to talk about the constitution, and their rights under the law, right up until the second a black person tries to exercise them.

His point is dumb. We're talking about deporting immigrants, not literally ending them as a race, which is what all mayocide advocates actually want. The irony is so thick its basically just a fucking ingot of real iron at this point. Diversitylads complain that wanting these specific people who aren't even here on a legal basis to go exist somewhere else is genocide, while advocating for that actual genocide thing to happen to themselves, unironically and legitimately.

the only mayocide going on is because white girls keep deciding to fuck black and brown dudes instead of mayos. not our fault the free-market of dick has spoken fam

Is it really a free-market if you can't put your competitors out of business?

We're talking about deporting immigrants, not ending them as a race

The original poll wasn't about deporting immigrants though, it was about the changing demographics of the US.

LOL I can imagine it got posted on the T_D discord or something and a thousand angro mayos with veins bursting out of their forehead descended to defend the white race

Sad and just further justifies the case for mayocide imo

How much do you wanna bet those same mayos are the ones who love to make racist jokes and go "what's the matter libs, triggered??" but then absolutely cry like a baby when someone makes fun of em. Mayos seriously have the thinnest skin h

A brutal mayo attack.

They target stuff like this. Someone on Pol makes a post thousands of Neckbeards swarm the place

Seriously. I believe my parents made a moral error in conceiving me and my sibling. Not an accident, but certainly a mistake. When they say the love us, that just feels tragic to me.

Fucking hell.

He's right though.

For all the wrong reasons

What about the sibling though? Can you imagine your brother saying that you were a mistake just like that?

Self-hating white disorder. It's exceedingly common amongst those aged 15-35. Honestly not surprised

White acceptance is the disorder here, white self-hatred is what happens when a mayo is born without that mental illness.

If that were the case whites wouldnt have colonized the whole world

Yes bathe old glory. Truth is you're all getting colonized now by immigrants. It's only a matter of time until the mayos are the minority



Who said I was mayo?

So you're an uncle Tom? I bet your glad your people were raped and colonised by the big tough white man

Who hurt you?

No one why?

honestly just those 20+. zoomers are right wing

I mean honestly he shouldn't have been born regardless

Partial credit for coming to a correct conclusion with incorrect reasoning.

i don't know why but seeing that just makes my fucking blood boil holy shit.

can you imagine being that dude's sibling and seeing "yeah me and you were moral errors, bro!"

motherfucker would never be involved in my life again. fuck that guy.

The tweet illuminates how he really feels about his family more than anything else.

If I told my brother that we were moral errors and we shouldn't have been born because we're both white we would laugh and then move on. That's just me though.

I thought you were black. Would he still laugh if you changed that detail?

if my brother told me that i would look at him with a pretty serious look of confusion and ask him if he was feeling okay lately

lol your mad

real fucken mad

As if they both aren't in agreement on this issue

I don't know, I sympathize with FearlessSon. I'm thinking about taking my life savings and my kids' college money out of the bank and walking naked with it into the ghetto so minorities can rightfully steal all my money away from me and maybe rape me. That would be justice. Those minorities deserve that money more than my privileged kids.

How is you anger bro?


This comment is the perfect combination of racial self hatred and anti black racism.

Thank you I tried hard

So the logical thing for him to do right now is to kill himself, right?


  • Pros: Would hasten the mayocide

  • Cons: Would not be there to witness the glorious mayocide

Pretty tough decision tbh

When they say the love us, that just feels tragic to me.

Holy shit. Satire is now obsolete.

Social justice is now the official ideology of mental illness, self-hate (on an existential level), histrionics and general weakness. You'd have to try really, really hard to make a somewhat mainstream modern-day movement that was more disempowering for everyone involved.

It's a reverse troll

Yeah there's no way this isn't parody, right?

Either way it's effective, lol

I don't disagree with him. His parents made a serious error.

I'm sure his parents would agree about him being a mistake.

Wait that wasn't satire?

We need a Final Soution for the twitter Blue Tick question.

"Dr. Vox". Goddamn what a fucking dork.

Seattleite transplanted from Tennessee; now blogging for http://Vox.com about energy politics. Climate hawk, deficit dove. Not a doctor.

no shit lmao

Whenever I read a twitter bio like this I can practically feel the DreamWorks face on the other end.

Dreamworks face?

When I first opened that it made no sense, but yeh I get ya.

It's a sneer.

you idiot, cars was made by pixar. though its by far the worst pixar franchise so i'll give you a pass.

I never get tired of Tennessee mayo transplants telling me that I'm the real racist.

Tennessee is being colonized by Seattlite mayos so consider it a taste of your own medicine

White flight

I've heard someone say they moved here for the craft beer and artisanal donuts and then condemn the "white utopia" of 19th century Oregon in practically the same breath. I'm embarrassed to be in the same species as anyone that lacking in self-awareness.

I think it's D. R. Vox. But yeah.

I’d be interested to see more demographics in the racial diversity poll that he was referencing, not just republicans and Democrats.

went entirely as expected: ofays literally going insane with impotent rage

Mr. Writer we promise you mayocide, but please, show us an example, you are a white american - maintaining the safety of others should be in your blood.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Plz no ban.

Each of us needs to contribute to the revolution

It's surprising he hasn't played the "I did that as a social experiment, it was a joke to expose the real racists" card (which would be a lie, unlike what n8thegr8 did)

Click the link again and scroll up

n8 posts unironically in againsthatesubreddits lol

Doesn't change the fact that he got a shitload of people mad over the most obvious bait of all.

it wasnt bait lol hes just an unironically bitter sperg

This wouldn't have been such big an issue (considering his previous tweet suggests he's posting that poll to "make white people feel like minorities feel") if there hadn't been so many whites replying honestly.

David Roberts was responding to an actual poll by Frank Luntz which said "Do black people contribute positively to society?" 50% of Republicans said no. He was trying to poke fun at it but apparently he failed because everyone took him seriously.

Context: https://twitter.com/drvox/status/1021633370839646209

I wouldn't call this a failure, he demonstrated that mayos are hypocritical snowflakes

it was a failure because mayos almost completely ignored the context of the other poll and only saw an opportunity to go REE

The question was

Census projections show that by 2043, non-whites will be a majority of the population. Do you think this coming demographic change will be mostly positive or negative?

I'm surprised only 50% of republicans said 'mostly negative'. Ask that question in Europe, and you'd have a resounding "negative" from all across the politican spectrum.

The Bradley effect probably went away after ~1995

Not surprising, Europe doesn't have giant oceans to protect it from conflict areas. Nor do they have the same experience assimilating immigrants as the new world. Americans have largely positive views on diversity compared to other countries.


The poll wasn't about non-mayos, it was about diversity. And diversity objectively has a negative effect on society, regardless of the value of all people involved.

What's wrong with diversity of thought? Don't you believe in the free memeosphere of ideas?

A quick look through his profile reveals he's probably a racist

i had all my white friends - one, but that's still one too many - vote negative and it meant nothing 😔😔😔

look at this guy humblebragging about having a friend

even my white friends know i made it up 😔😔😔

LMAO Seattle transplant from Tennessee. Should have spotted that blindfolded.

We should mayocide and then we won't have to worry about disgusting white people like Dr Vox bringing America down anymore. And I know what you're thinking, "not all white people are terrible like him!" Maybe not, but it's the only way to be certain we get all the bad mayos.

I can't believe white supremacists would conspire to rig a poll like that. Welcome to Trump's America, I guess.

Hail our people!

Seriously. I believe my parents made a moral error in conceiving me and my sibling. Not an accident, but certainly a mistake. When they say the love us, that just feels tragic to me.

Holy shit. I mean, he's right though.

one of those statements that's made accurate by believing it

Self-fulfilling prophesy, sort of.

This is one of those threads where I can't tell whether you people are honestly too stupid to understand his point, or merely simulating stupidity to own the libs.

Shut up bitch lmao

Yes Sir

It's the former.

too stupid to understand his point

judging by most of this thread, probably this


anti choice
anti girl
I am the anti-flag unfurled
anti white and anti man
I got the anti-future plan
anti fascist
anti mod
I am the anti-music god
anti sober
anti whore
there will never be enough of anti more
I can't believe in the things
that don't believe in me
now it's your turn to see misanthropy
anti people now you've gone too far
here's your antimayo superstar
anti money
anti hate
anti things I fucked and ate
anti cop
anti fun
here is my anti-president gun
anti Satan
anti black
anti world is on my back
anti gay and anti dope
I am the faggot anti-pope
anti people now you've gone too far
here's your antimayo superstar
anti peace
anti life
anti husband, anti wife
anti song and anti me
I don't deserve a chance to be
anti people now you've gone too far
here's your antimayo superstar

thanks marilyn

does manson have a twitter. is he 'woke'

i have no idea but he seems like the sort of celebrity to tweet about hating white people. he seems like the type

wow thats more relevant now than it was in 1996, marilyn should make a comeback.

It is prophetic.


Mujahed @kebejay is brutal. Mod him now

It is a really stupid question though.


White people get so trigged any time "white people" gets brought up in anything. They have a mass hysterical freak out. It's hilarious how scared and fragile they are about this shit.