/r/conservative poster unironically gets assmad about drama shitposting and serious posts himself some pasta on /r/shitpoliticssays

50  2018-07-27 by AugustusTheWolf


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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peak flyover fragility

Coasties get out reeeeee

Whites and fragility

Name a more iconic duo

mayos and not seasoning their fucking food


Whites and not getting charged for war crimes

Whites and not getting charged for crimes


Whites and increased washing temperature?

Weird black guys and japanese fighting games.

Nobody is forcing anyone to live in fucking Wyoming.

they're mad because they think being able to buy a new F250 makes them equivalent to any other state. they don't realize technology isn't the only thing that makes them backwards

Don't hate on Wyoming, 4 of the best albums of the year came out of Wyoming

mayo detected

Chipotle Mayo

i've never had chipolte is it good

If you buy them by the can I suggest you get them from the ethnic isle and not the regular canned goods isle

oh i thought you meant the restaurant i've had the pepper

Ewww, yucky, I'd never eat there. I'd like to visit Wyoming though. Only for their parks and Jackson

Now THIS is a mayo comment.

Coming from someone raised in wyoming, this is the most common opinion ever.

"I don't typically agree with (insert random fringe douchebag) but Wyoming is a unique traditionalist place, and we won't be pushed around by them baby aborting, marijuana smoking, rap music listening (Colorado, New York, California elites"

Meanwhile, literally nobody gives a fuck.

It's well known that people from Wyoming drive Model Ts and wear stovepipe hats.

That would be an improvement tbqh

Assuming the average Wyomingite has either the mental or physical dexterity to maintain a Model T.

The entire Midwest is populated by people whose wagon trains broke down on the way to someplace better

Good job wolfy.

i try