Daddy gets cucked & chucked by his own (((lawyer)))

59  2018-07-27 by Mat_The_49th


They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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Trump takes loyalty very seriously and this is actually some serious allegations looking forward to the twitter rant / war with iran.

Reports have it that Muller has been combing through his tweets as of late. He might have full phone privileges.

President stealing his phone of his aides so he can tweet in the bathroom with the door locked MAGA.

Didn't this all start after Trump basically disowned Cohen and seemed to hint that he wouldn't protect him? Like, tbqh, you don't screw over the guy who knows all the dirty shity you've done.



silver-spoon WASP and his entire family gets fucked out of all their sheckels by jews figuratively and literally

and who says Jews aren't master-race?

The irish.


You laugh at them now, but we never know what their plans are or what the are capable to do from their island. If the Jews supposedly control the banks, I am afraid of what is in the control of the Irish.




I am afraid of what is in the control of the Irish.

What if alcohol is a mind control parasite nanobot 🤖

I won't be the snitch. I am worried if the leprechaun secret police comes after me and the funny things they do with your corpse.


The Presidency. Bush, Obama and Trump are all of Irish descent.

It's Friday night so not even their bladders.

potatoes are objectively the best vegetable

If you don't like nutrients, then it's the vegetable for you.

Fuck off, anti-potatoite scum. Potatoes are strong and beautiful 🥔🥔🥔

true story: Kevin Smith lost a ton of weight eating literally nothing but potatoes for a few weeks. Now he's a vegan and he is keeping the weight off.

good for him

Taters have a very low calorie to weight ratio, around 3 : 4. Compare to whole wheat bread at 2.5 : 1.

Broccoli Master Race 🥦 🥦 🥦

well, if you're a little bitch and don't eat the skin, then sure it doesn't have much in the way of nutrients. But that's on you, not on the potato.

I eat skin of any kind bb 👹

"Cohen reportedly" translates to: "we made this up, but it's not a lie it's just what someone else said."

Anonymous sources are fake news unless they say something I like.

Who are you to talk? Just the other day an anonymous source told me that you rape kittens.

But that's... true.


Don't mind me, just dismissing a major aspect of news reporting because it inconvenienced daddy.

lol that you've come to accept "a source familiar with the president's thinking" as a "major aspect of news reporting." #justpreteenthings

Just because GEOTUS retweets it does not make it legit, dingus.

whataboutism isnt a valid arguement here fag. only ad homos or links to BLACKED.COM if you’re goong to be a whiny bitch

Where did you see "whataboutism" in this exchange?

at last autists @ /r/politics were right crying "this is sure end of drumpf"

I'm sure you'll get to pay daddy a conjugal visit. Although it's not like your tiny cock will satisfy him after he gets blacked

nah, he deserve to get canned and I don't care what happen with him

Citing “sources with knowledge,” CNN reported Thursday night that Michael Cohen, the tycoon’s longtime fixer, is contradicting Mr. Trump’s longstanding claim to have known nothing about the meeting.

According to CNN, Mr. Cohen says he was present when Mr. Trump was told of the June 2016 meeting, which involved Donald Trump Jr. and several other campaign figures, by his son.

However, CNN cautioned, Mr. Cohen reportedly has no independent hard evidence, such as audio recordings, to prove his claim, though he will attest to it in court.


Just because the most knowledgeable person you know is your drug dealer doesn't mean that other people don't know actually important sources, sweatie.


Isn't that literally libel

Idk perhaps you should ask the CNN journalist that wrote this article


Giuliani: Trump dindu nufiin' and if he did, it's not that bad.

t_d, August 2017: What Cohen says is the truth!

/r/politics, August 2017: Don't believe a word he says!

t_d, August 2018: Don't believe a word he says!

/r/politics, August 2018: What Cohen says is the truth!

Obviously, as is good for drama, Cohen is a weasel who will say whatever is in his best interests at the time, but it's lol to watch the partisans just trade places on the field.

Mueller probably cares a lot more about the truth than Trump does though.

The funniest thing is Trump supporters being shocked that Donald Trump's lawyer is a sleazeball who will say anything to save himself.

"what the hell!? You're saying we shouldn't argue that someone is 100% a truthteller/liar because in the future it might make us look stupid? I refuse."

They having a bitch fit at TD?

When are they not

The important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to both.

it's some feat to be superior to two groups of morons

No it's not

Sure Cohen is a liar, but if he's got audiotapes I would believe those.

35 deminsional underwater backwards chess

get cucked libtard Trump2024

I mean, when a lawyer tell me his client is innocent, I don't usually put a lot of weight on that. When they come out after and say that he's actually guilty, then for sure my ears are going to perk up and wonder why he's saying that.

This is going to be good.

Trump should really work on how to keep people loyal to him, as he seems to have a problem with that.

Probably would help if he did not throw them under the Trump Train as soon as he comes under any scrutiny.

Trump should really work on how to keep people loyal to him

I mean Flynn literally went bankrupt and still hasn't flipped on Trump.

It's no surprise (((Cohen))) would flip at the first sign of his shekels being threatened.

He has to watch out for his son-in-law, then.

Cohen being (((cosmopolitan))) just makes it way too easy for the Daddy Defence Force.

Cohen says something

daddy spergs out and is mean to Cohen

Cohen get's sad and says more

Rinse and repeat

I'll translate.

Cohen: Help me please Daddy! Mueller! Anyone!

Shit or get off the pot, people.

You blue ball me any more my dick's gonna fall asleep.

racism of low expectations now applies to white people thanks to Daddy

soyboybean farmers are the new welfare queens too 😂 😂😂

Seriously this entire process is getting on my nerves. Just throw him in jail already or, alternatively, make him King of America. Whatever we decide, make it snappy.

Tonight in /R/DRAMA: Unscrupulous Jew Lawyer Sells Out White Former Client for DNC Sheckels and the Deed to Huma Abedin's House

Can someone explain why Cohen is allowed to break confidentiality?