Papa John sues Papa Johns because they fired him for saying the n-word.

122  2018-07-27 by ticktockwarrior


I'm not used to such hate being directed at me and that made me cry


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Both sides of this lawsuit are retarded.

Anyone who gets Papa John's is retarded. Not even from a "not real pizza" standpoint. Out of all the chain pizza places it's by far the worst

a couple times I tried papa johns when I had a 50% off code, and each time I felt like I still vastly overpaid, and couldn't go more than a piece or two

I remember it was good like 20 years ago when schools had it for 2 bucks a slice during lunch.

Not even from a "not real pizza" standpoint

Who the fuck gets elitist about pizza. It's pizza. Basically kid's food, not a fucking gourmet meal. I don't give a shit if it's naan bread with tomato ketchup and a leaf dropped on it in the most pretentious hipster zone in fuckin italy or a greasy dominoes in east england, it's kids food.

Found the flyover stater

False this is something NY/NJ residents tell themselves so they can feel elitist. It’s the same with your goddamn bagels.

The best NYC pizza is dollar slice pizza and that shit is only the best because it’s so cheap comparatively.

Pizza is pizza it can’t be bad. Top level pizza can be had but it is definitely the gourmet ingredient stuff that tries to replicate the Italian style.

Pizza is pizza it can’t be bad.

How can you be so wrong about this

It’s not a matter of elitism. Liking your own food is not elitism. They don’t think having decent pizza or bagels makes them morally superior. They’re things they miss whenever they travel.

Thinking you’re better than other people because you have a different opinion, or because you think you’re above thinking an opinion on it matters, is elitism, you elitist fuckknuckle.

It sounds like you’ve never spoken to a person from ny/nj about food before because they cannot keep themselves from ejaculating when they talk about their pizza and bagels.

Missing comforts is fine but I’ve never heard a new Yorker or a new jersian speak about their bagels and pizza without simultaneously saying all other pizza/bagels they’ve ever encountered have been no better than garbage.

Yes, I who lived in NY for 27 years, never spoke to anyone from there. You don’t seem to get this: thinking you have a better recipe for something than others have does not mean you think you are superior to them. It means you have a superior recipe.

And Jesus fucking Mary and Joseph, that’s still nothing compared to Southerners talking about fried chicken or barbecue. (Proper barbecue is legitimately something to be pretty proud of but fried chicken is taking an already incredibly bland meat and trying to cover up the little flavor it has left. If I want meat, I don’t want to eat a damned spice rack.)

lived in NY for 27 years it means you have a superior recipe

Ahh I see you’re the person I was describing above.

Also I don’t interact with southerners often but I’m sure they have goofy stuff they say about food too. Tbh I’m not passionate about hating New Yorkers, I’ve lived in and around New York my whole life. I just think the wild love of NY pizza and dramatic distaste for all other varieties is a little funny.

Is this fucking SRD? Why's everyone acting like a whiny moral poster in a thread about lizza? Nuke this sub

You have zero clue what you are talking about. Any time we have someone that moves out of state and comes back, or have someone coming to visit the number one request is fucking pizza

Yes because of the natural desire to eat what you grew up with. My comment is talking about the elitist attitude associated with New Yorkers and their pizzas. I don’t care about your food preferences but I’ve never met a new Yorker or a new jerseyian that can voice their preference without disparaging all other pizza as inferior filth.

No you just have no idea what you speak of lol. It's ok

I have no reason to lie about my experiences with New York pizza/bagel eaters. Like I said before I don’t care if you like nyc pizza. But I’ve shared my experiences (if you were to ask other non New York City residents that have engaged in pizza related conversations with NYC residents they would likely mirror my own). All I’m saying is there’s a somewhat prevalent and incredibly goofy tendency for you guys to jerk yourselves silly to your food when in reality it’s not noticeably better.

Like I said, it's ok man. Relax

Pizza can’t be bad

Go to your neighborhood 7/11, get a slice, than tell me if pizza can be bad

Chicago Pizza is the only Chicago related food worth it that I've had so far.

Chicago hot dogs are apparently fire (never hat one) but the number of vegetables they pile on looks kind of ridiculous

Correct. And Papa Johns is massively overpriced and not very good.

Local independent pizza joints are virtually always better than national chains at pizza.

be more mad your state has no benefit to living there lol

Who the fuck gets elitist about pizza. It's pizza. Basically kid's food, not a fucking gourmet meal.

I have to check current law, but I'm pretty sure even saying this is grounds for summary exucution in Connecticut. Even if it were illegal no jury would convict.

This is what Amerifats actually believe

Fuck you

Far, far better than Dominoes. For whatever that's worth.

delet this

Seriously, Dominos is like salted cardboard with salted tomato paste with a fuckton more salt added.

That's why i'm dehydrated AF the morning after eating it at 2AM

Agree i get the country wide chain Hells Pizza its okish quality pizza with a satanist theme really pissed off the boomers for awhile so its pretty neat.

Don't their boxes also fold up into coffins?

It really is a testament to just how bad Domino's is.

Used to be, their newer pan crust takes the cake when it comes to the best garbage pizza.

Thats like being the least retarded dramaposter.

The Domino's smell ugh

Papa Johns is consistently the best of the national chains in terms of quality.

Usually it's Papa Johns with Pizza Hut a close second. Then Dominoes and sucking hind tit is Little Caesars.

-- Paid for by Papa "No Blacks Allowed" John's

Look, the CEO is a dumbass, but they make good pizza.

Also, their wings are fucking awesome. I have no idea why wingstop turned to shit, but they could learn a thing or two from Papa John's wings.

I had it a good portion of my freshmen year of college and I cannot ever have it again. Shit was too greasy. Like exaggerated greasy.

Nothing gives me the GERD more than PJ's pizza.

Taste the hatredTM

Pizza Johns is worse than Pizza Hut, Dominos, Etc

Give me a break. PJ's doesn't charge extra for garlic sauce.

They did at my college. :(

The last time this drama came up I said:

local place >>> Dominos > Pizza Hut > Papa Johns

People weren't happy

You are correct

You're wrong.

cardboard + ketchup + cheeze whiz

Says someone who has clearly never had Dominos.

You've never tried Pizza Hut, I take it?


is your username a reference to that weird sega saturn game? wasn't pepperouchou a clockwork something or other. i think it was a platformer.

Hell yeah, Clockwork Knight. First vidjagaem I ever owned.

👏🏿 If 👏🏿 you're 👏🏿 not 👏🏿 black 👏🏿 don't 👏🏿 say 👏🏿 nigga 👏🏿 nigger 👏🏿 my 👏🏿 nig 👏🏿 or 👏🏿 anything 👏🏿 that 👏🏿 sounds 👏🏿 like 👏🏿 nigga 👏🏿 don't 👏🏿 even 👏🏿 say 👏🏿🇳🇬 Nigeria 🇳🇬👏🏿

What about 🇳🇪Niger🇳🇪?

👏🏿DONT👏🏿SAY 👏🏿IT 👏🏿😠😠

I don't know who either of those people are but A+ 👌👌👌

Niger is pronounced "knee shay".

what about saying niggardly? is that ok?

👏🏿DONT👏🏿SAY 👏🏿IT 👏🏿😠😠

what if you put a sentence together and letters from the words can spell out naughty words?

Now I Greatly Grasp Everything, Really!

Well, I sniggered.

niggers are niggardly.

Cry me a Niger river


Not sure if you're committing Digital Blackface, or if the OK gesture in your flare is committing Digital Whitewashing. Either way, I approve.


The Reason Trump Won

what if I say Reagan backwards?

sup nigger

I don't care about what he said but as a CEO he had a niggardly attitude to his employees. So think about that. 🤔🤔🤔

Ni🅱️🅱️a pls! 😂😂👌🤙👌🤙

shoo bigot

🅱i🅱️🅱️e🅱 🅱🅱️🅱 😂😂😂👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

You can say "nigger", faggot.

i kinda doubt you'll go far in life with that attitude.

fetal alcohol syndrome does make things more challenging :(

Y not both

ya, say it next time you're in a conference call with your coworkers.

that's the best time to say it

Don't project your MDE fantasies on me

He was only telling people that Sanders used the word - So I hope he wins.

How many people will refer to what Papa John said and get the sack now?

The circle of life

eh. fuck niggers tbh.

That racist shit may fly up north and in LA, but we don't take kindly to that in the South.