Is r/TrueWomenLiberation just a front for Islamophobia. u/RedditHallMonitor admits she's proud to be a racist :O

22  2018-07-27 by AllahInValhallah


It's a shame to see Islamophobia still alive

"Islamophobia" is a term used by people desperately trying to convince themselves that they aren't racist to silence people who are critical of the regressive ideology of Islam by conflating them with people who hate all Muslims simply for being Muslim or are bigoted against Arabs. Muslim is not a race, gender, sexuality, or anything else that does not primarily influence your behavior to encourage you to fight against liberalism and promote a totalitarian theocratic dictatorship. Believing being critical of Islam is bigoted against Muslims/Arabs is like believing that being critical of communism is racist against Russians.

Islam is the one true religion from God therefore it's ideas are not regressive the ideas are perfectly formed, it's western society that is wrong. There's a reason why so many western women have depression and anxiety while Muslim women are the happiest in the world.

You're just another bigot empowered by Donald Trump

Islam is the one true religion from God

Citation needed.

therefore it's ideas are not regressive the ideas are perfectly formed, it's western society that is wrong.

How does that logically follow?

There's a reason why so many western women have depression and anxiety while Muslim women are the happiest in the world.

Citation needed.

I don't need provide citation. Can you prove that Islam is not the one true religion and Muslim women are not the happiest in the world? White women have extremely high levels of anxiety and depression and that's just a fact. All true Muslim women are content

It is literally impossible to prove anything false, but it can be shown that Islam developed out of pagan religions and is literally indistinguishable in its teaching and history insofar as they were shaped by its culture and background from any false religion and that it does not contain any convincing evidence of being divinely inspired. Furthermore, the burden of proof lies on the person making a positive claim, who in this case is you.

So you can not prove it so you agree that the word of Islam is true? Thank you bucko

Pray for better intellectual honesty.

Just because you got debated and owned. I did warn you I watcha lot of Jordan Peterson

you two are the same person, ain'tcha?

Me and who?

I'm sorry I have to finish this conversation. I don't want to burn for all of eternity like your kind will

i'm just kidding bro i hate fags too lol

Fuck bro... you had me worried

You did look at my dick though, so you're going to hell.

Astagfirullah I would never do that bro

i bet my child bride that link is purple


Bro you seem a bit gay

Because their husband filled in the form on their behalf.

Now you're seeing Allah's infinite wisdom

Nah it’s defo a guy and a girl (probably his cousin) both with learning difficulties.

JP really opened my eyes to the true beauty of Islam and just how far we've strayed from a truly benign patriarchal society. Many Western women are also realising the true freedom behind just doing what they're told to do, for their own well being and fulfillment.

Everyone should be against Islam because you're all a bunch of women hating cultists. Don't even try to turn this into a race thing because saying all Muslims are Middle Eastern in origin is a idiotic statement. Islam is a religion found in every ethnic group on the planet and isn't race exclusive.

Sit on my face. Ass only, pls.

Gussy is icky and gross.

See how wise Allah is. He understands women become irrational and over-emotional if they do not have a husband to serve. This is why so many women have anxiety and depression. If you served your husband there would not be so much anger in you. Insahallah you're beginning to see the light.

Here lets see how helpful Allah really is. I'm going to ban you forever and then we'll see if Allah helps you.

thots like you will learn your place under the new caliphate, inshallah.

Here's an idea, why don't you just try submitting to his will for a while. You might find your histrionic anger just disappears.

And what might you find to cure you of irrational behavior? Probably if you were castrated, you would find peace and so would your wife....and goats.

Well, I'm not irrational, nor married, and goats are the spawn of Satan so, well, you're wrong about everything and that's not a good opening score.

Have you tried cleaning your room?

I cant help but wonder why you think that might offend me. Lol, you still believe in Satan with a capital S?

I can't help but wonder why you think I was trying to offend you? Being incorrect is not a matter of shame, as long as you learn from your mistakes.

LOL, you dont capitalize acronyms nor SATAN.

Here why don't you try and submitting to the will of my banhammer! You might find your women hating ways disappear when you can't spout of erratic bullshit!

Mahshallah Allah did help me. This is divine proof of his existence.

Everyone should be against Islam because you're all a bunch of women hating cultists.

Wtf, I love Islam now.

Exactly Being against Islam isn’t bigoted, being against Islam is being pro woman. No matter how many times they say the towels they wear are “empowering” I don’t buy that hogwash for a second. You think we should eliminate Islam before we neuter all men?

We should eliminate all religion not just Islam. Islam is just the most upfront and blatant about their true feelings of women. Where others tend to hide their true intentions.

Ya I’m an atheist, I’ll say I think Buddhism makes the most sense of all of them, but it’s still bull crap based on misonygi.

You do realize I hope that most atheists are sexually degenerate incels who think women should be forced to provide them with PIV sex.

I'd say that it's generally religious people who tend to be incels. If I'm correct I think in both Christianity and Islam that women should be forced to have sex with their husbands even if they don't want to.

forced to have sex incels


Ya that's kind of call rape

Dunno. What about Wicca? That is a very woman based religion there.

True, a lot of idiots will claim that Islam is a religion of peace, or that "black and brown" people practice Islam. This is complete idiocy as there are lots of white and Asian muslims, and Islam has never been a peaceful religion, and did not go through the many major reformations that Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and all other religions have.

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I'm against Islam because its anti-dog. Its the same reason I hate the Chinese.

And so the prophet said "Give me your cummies sky daddy," and mohammad PBUH received the cummies from Allah, the great sky daddy. (Quran 7:54)

You're a true amateur. You don't get gold like bathmat chewing with low level trolling a 10 year old could do. It takes finesse

I'm surprised you haven't quoted the "women are deficient", any of the "obey your husband" ones or the "angels curse women who refuse their husbands" hadiths yet.