Friendly reminder that posting SRDine memes about other white people will never make up for all those times you got shoved into a locker in high school.
the world would be better off if all white people disappeared. i'd prefer if that happened without force but doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon.
the world would be better off if all white people disappeared. i'd prefer if that happened without force but doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon.
1 DistortedLines 2018-07-27
Maintain your safety OP
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-27
hey op remember tariq nasheed destroyed this dumb mayo* in a debate?
1 Che_Gueporna 2018-07-27
Why don't you chronicle my dick's crusade against white wimmen, huh? Huh?
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-07-27
Nice try, Goebbels
1 LemonScore_ 2018-07-27
lol at the Special Ed class being in session in this thread.
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-27
lol at this dumb racist mayo*
1 nmx179 2018-07-27
Friendly reminder that posting SRDine memes about other white people will never make up for all those times you got shoved into a locker in high school.
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-27
idk how to break it to you
1 nmx179 2018-07-27
Then I'm sorry about your obvious inferiority issues regarding white people.
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-27
the world would be better off if all white people disappeared. i'd prefer if that happened without force but doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon.
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-27
the world would be better off if all white people disappeared. i'd prefer if that happened without force but doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon.1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-27
Whya re you so permanently assblasted by Ed?
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-07-27
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-07-27
Huff is worse than garbage tho
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-07-27
Is it me or he says "whooite peepul"
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-27
It seems liek you're agaisnt the mayocide.