Required Reading

46  2018-07-28 by darth_stroyer


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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Finally, it all makes sense! Anime is real!!

That's a odd way for a doctor to write a autism diagnosis

Is this like r/conspiracy in flowchart form?

Its from some Q boomers IIRC

Ah, worse

Wait, this is serious? Just one thing I noticed, how does Crowley link to Barbary Bush? And sometimes there's just names, like Richard Nixon. And the Illuminati card game. I heard it was shit, but part of me wants to play it.

Fuck if I know.

Can you send it audio.

'World play'


Stephen King killed Lennon

I mean, obviously. I don't know what that's doing in a list of nonsense.

Okay, at this point, Q's just plagiarizing the Illuminatus Trilogy.

I'm sad RAW didn't make it this far. He'd definitely shine.


I thought this was a SB2 post at first

what the fuuuuuuuck

If i read all of this, will I finally be able to understand jordan peterson ?

This is intentionally presented poorly

How many layers of autism is this on

I’m sorry, I don’t speak schizophrenia.

r/greatawakening needs to be placed upon its rightful throne above them all

Not seeing the inter-dimensional pedophile vampires Alex Jones told us about.

This is clearly a sham.

"how did the pedophiles get control of AI"

-Joe Rogan

Oh look another one of Ben Garrison's comics.

I looked twice. No bussy.


This is actually an accurate description of a world that we think is controlled but is really in total chaos with many competing groups in it still.

My penis <-------------> your bussy