2XLChromosomer feared man was going to lift and move her

53  2018-07-28 by WarSanchez


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Well, as long as we don't ping em, Snappster.

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On a scale of 1-5, how wet was her pussy when she wrote this erotica rape fantasy?

The upper rolls were damp, the inside was 💦💦

🤮, 😻

Fake. Someone would have got the number plate and they would have caught the fuckers. Also I know no member of humanity who would not want to file a police report following an incident like this.

Also, foreigners don't kidnap American women, especially not in Better AustraliaTejas

Why file a police report when you can go to TwoX or twitter for victim points? Meanwhile the guy is probably still out there and the cycle continues.

The kidnappers' names? The RZA, the GZA, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon the Chef, U-God, Ghostface Killah, and the Method Man.

Wu Tang is for the children

fuck shkreli

this is the most true and 100% honest story that has ever actually, truthfully happened in the history of anything actually happening IRL

I was noticeably drunk, I was stumbling a bit. I'm a small woman, 90 lbs.


a car pulls over next to me and rolls down the window, it's a charismatic and good-looking guy in his 20s. He goes "Hey! I'm your uber! Get in" and unlocks the door.


him and husband's best friend run after the car a few feet and yank me out of the still open window by my arms, while the car is still moving

Translation: "A seeding fake Uber driver guy tried to get me to hop in the car, I was pretty drunk at the time and I tried to get in because he was kinda hot but in the end I remember my husband and his friend ended up dragging me away."

I'm a small woman, 90 lbs.

I'm highly doubting this is true coming from a 2xer.

I mean she might be like crazy short. I know a 5'8" girl whose only 80 pounds

Trollxers are never normal weight.


Pulled into a car that immediately starts driving away, yet her friends that are 15 feet away not only recognize the situation and give pursuit, but manage to close the distance and remove her from the moving car. This is eminently believable.

Her friends are Kenyan runners. In the end, it was black foreigners that saved the white girl from evil, racist Russian spambots.

the thing I dont understand is if she was being pulled into the backseat how did she kick the driver in the chest?

Also they pulled her through the window of a moving car by her arms. Yeah.

Lets not forget the part where she initially stopped them from slamming the door by sticking her leg in the way, but never again mentions her now smashed leg, didnt need the hospital or anything. Dunno bout you guys, someone slams a car door on my leg im not fucking walking. Guess we found supergirls reddit

How did she know the guy was charismatic before he said anything to her? What a weird adjective to use...

it's a charismatic and good-looking guy in his 20s.

She was being redundant. good-looking is automatically charismatic.

Nah charisma is a personality trait, not a physical attribute

That was sarcasm. It's like saying someone has a bad personality or creepy when you've never interacted with them.

Fake and gay

(Not directed at OP) Sorry if this is insensitive to ask, but I am just getting more information on this issue: what are the fates of trafficked American women in America?

They get sold to people overseas and moved across the world, never to be heard from again. That or drugs are forced onto them and put into a vicious cycle of prostitution.

Fucking mumsnet has a better sense of proportion and reality than these fuckers.

Something like 48 people have disappeared in the last 10 days, which is huge because iowa is not a big or populous state.

Why is this comment upvoted? The list is all runaway teenagers and 30+ y/o adults, many male. Probably unrelated to kidnapping, except that Mollie Tibbetts, who's made national news.

Because redditors are retards who have no sense of scale or reality.

I left immediately, I rushed home in a panic and didn't stay around for the report. Don't know if anything ever happened with it. I never gave them my information.

Tells people to 'report anything suspicious' but can't even get it together to give the police a statement when someone (supposedly) tries to kidnap her. SMH

I might be wrong since my geography is shite but I always assumed Greece wasn't eastern european.

Yeah, I'm not believing in that. Sex trafficking doesn't happen like in Taken, as if that wasn't obvious, but this people think the whole world is like the movies and will easily believe in it.

the american society of psychologists originally wanted to use this story to determine if a person was autistic. The idea was scrapped when their tests determined that not even non-functioning autists are divorced enough from reality to believe even a single word of that fairy-tale.