The confederate flag just looks cool. Is that so bad?

33  2018-07-28 by Ghdust2


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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holy shit

He's S E N T I E N T

caring this much about dyed fabric

Yeah, honestly. Just let people fly whatever flag they want. Its not harming anyone.

This. If not for the flag, there wouldn't be any drama about her getting fucked by a black guy

The only confederate flag that mattered didn't need any dye.

That's a little to subtle for loser rag fetishists to get.


Lol the utter state of mayo women.

The video is obviously fake. Anyone falling for this is retarded.

There is no way my aryan waifu would want to get enriched by a big black cock!!

I think he's Hawaiian?

Nah, trust me this is a pretty common occurrence.

I remember moving into my dorm freshman year and going over to a neighbors dorm room to hang out. Few dudes, couple girls. Randomly someone says "hey, let's watch porn" and then all the horny teenagers (especially the girls) go "fuck yeah, put that shit on." Anyway, we're sitting there watching the porn, i'm trying some game on the girls and then i notice that behind the blinds is a fucking confederate flag.

That's not what I mean. I mean that the way this is cut you don't see the girl and the dude together at all, which suggests that it's 2 different videos combined to make it look like she is fucking him, when in fact it's probably someone else.

1 pump = 1 instance of federal law superseding state law

Bad guys always get such cool flags.

North Koreaโ€™s flag sucks ass though

It's a version that racists started using to show how racist they were in the 20th century.

lol wut

heโ€™s kinda right, itโ€™s not the โ€œrealโ€ confederate flag

What? The white flag of surrender?

The real cringe is all those people commenting Rando political hate on porn

it looks ok

both sets of stars and stripes are kinda dumb-looking imo, but the confederate battle jack is a little cooler. At least itโ€™s got some symmetry