Dogfree is pretty happy that a Jaguar is killing people's dogs.

59  2018-07-28 by MrBonelessPizza24


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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White women lol.


So am I. The dogs must be driven at sea, doggocide now.

3 million cats are eaten every year. We can do better. Catocide now.

Felinism should be expunged from the world.

No, just pibblecide

It's like saying we only need a gamercide instead of a mayocide. It's just not enough.

What a shame it didn't kill /r/dogfree posters

Sure of that are you?

I just wish it killed pibbles and their owners. Those are even worse people than /r/dogfree

What did Shrimply Pibbles do to anyone?? He's the greatest Civil Rights leader in the galaxy!

I had to look that up because I had no idea what you were talking about. I'm going out on a limb and saying you are 15, because that show is for /r/iamverysmart mayo fags

Yes, yes, let the hate flow within you.

The first comment was spot on about pibble owners, no matter what horrible crime the dog commits their owners will defend him. Those people are nuts and lack serious amounts of empathy.

I read a story on the news of a pibble owner who had a heart attack, when a person came to save him the pibble killed him. Imagine trying to save someone and his dog brutually murders you (not to mention there was no case of abuse with the dogs). They aren't worth the risk and pibble owners are mad.


I will always root for dog-eating felines and cat-eating canines. Like their owners, bougie pets shouldn't get too complacent.

Every rich old woman's terribly trained small dog and every Redditor's "totally psycho lol" cat should be eaten.

But who gets locked up? Ms Cat, cause dogs are becoming the world’s Golden Children while every other animal AND kid is full Scapegoat.

These people realize the jaguar is in a zoo right? Like she’s not serving 15 to life in Alcatraz for dog murder. It’s a fucking zoo.

You can't really expect them to grasp obvious facts, they aren't very bright.

Of course /r/dogfree is full of crazy cat ladies

Oh YES it is.

I get it they hate dogs, but then they praise cats for the same stuff they hate dogs for. It's insane.

Right? They claim dogs only care for their owners for food, but somehow cats aren't like that.

It's so fucking hypocritical.

I wonder if they and /r/ifuckinghatecats have beef with each other. Here's something similar to the OP from that sub:

We've recently had a pack of coyotes in our neighborhood, and it brings me joy when I see people asking about their missing cats.

Yeah... they then claim they are anti animal cruelty

Never heard of that sub till the other day.. I get /r/childfree is a thing, and more power too them cause I hate kids.

But what the fuck have dogs done to anyone?? Any case of a dog attack can be boiled down to the poor mutt being abused by its owners and/or a stray because some nitwit didn't spay/neuter their pupper.

To be fair, you could say "what the fuck have kids done to anyone??" too. Both subs nitpick the dumbest shit.

No, you really can't. Your experiences don't dictate everyone else's worldview. I've never had a snot-nosed dog come up to me, annoy me with their bullshit with a feckless parent somewhere away oblivious to their brat annoying people it doesn't know. Or kicking at my white shoes, or throwing shit at me, or putting their greasy mitts on my shit.

9 times out of 10 children are more annoying than dogs.

A badly trained dog is just as annoying as a badly raised child, and is 10x more dangerous.

I'm guessing you've never has some idiot's badly trained dog wipe its ass on your carpet, or had a dog become stupidly aggressive for no fucking reason.

Dogs can be absolute shit sometimes.

Yeah, but the dog can be put down. Which is also pretty shit for it, the dog isn't capable of knowing right from wrong. Dogs can and do become stupidly aggressive for no fucking reason, which is something people tend to forget. But saying every dog does this is painting them all with the same brush, which is a logical fallacy.

Dogs can be shit but I'll take dogs over a shit human any day of the week.

A badly trained dog is just as annoying as a badly raised child, and is 10x more dangerous.


A badly-raised child might end up being the next John Wayne Gacy and murdering a few dozen people.

People are far more dangerous than dogs.

Adults are more dangerous than dogs. Kids aren't.

Funny how its always manchildren who hate kids.

Funny it's always sad people with poor social skills who shame men.

Peoplechildren then you thin skinned manchild 😂

Take care, and pray that a child acting like a child wont ruin 5 minutes of your preciousd day.

I am glad you have administered some soothing salve to that butthurt of yours.

Im not furious 😂, first day of /r/drama i presume?

Is everything alright at home? Lets talk about your father.

Nah, you can walk up the stairs and talk to your own. Try to figure out why small people that emulate your own behaviour makes you so furious 😂.

I can see you are having difficulty expressing your true emotions. Did your father really hurt you that bad? I'm guessing you don't actually know who he is.

Wild animals are not treated the same as domesticated animals? Wow TIL, Whodathunk?

Everyone on dogfree should do the world a favor and kill themselves

Watchout, admins are gonna get you

that has to be the most bitter, hateful sub on reddit. those people are fucking nuts.

i can see not liking dogs. fine, sure. but actively rooting for them to die? mistreating and killing animals is the first sign of a fucking psycho.

I think wetting the bed late into life starts earlier, but I get your point.

They claim they don't like violence on animals but their users are sure glad when it happens to innocent mutts.

Why are you guys so triggered by nature here? Dogs need to git gud

Dam that's fucked up.

beyond understanding basic complaints (not having dogs inside everywhere, jumping on randoms, barking constantly), it's just so over the top it's just funny now

just smile and have a good time with the crazies, lol

I don't own a dog and I don't think I ever will, but this has got to be one of the most pathetic subs I've seen in a while.

just waiting for the nimrods to pitch in over there. dogs are meat, too. to throw their dimwitted logic back at them, "it's just what jaguars do!"

The difference is people make excuses for their dogs because they love them, you on the other hand celebrate the death of dogs because you hate them. Desperate excuses are far and away different from whatever sickness you people suffer from.

These fucks are just jelly because the closest they’ve ever been to sex is peanut butternut on their Bussys and Mr Perro chomped down.