416  2018-07-28 by Lvl100SkrubRekker


Mods = Fags

Fags = God.

Mods are just looking out for us so we don't get banned by the (((admins)))

Do you see what kind of shit gets posted on MDE, which still hasnt been banned? Imagine being such a spineless freak that you unironically think the mods are protecting us by forbidding pinging.

Mods can't do shit if the admins decide pinging is wrong. Also lol at thinking MDE won't be banned soon.

I think the admins probably love this sub tbh. Imagine how much contempt they must have for the average user after years of dealing with their autistic screeching. I think they (at least subconsciously) enjoy our harassment of redditors.

No, all the admins care about is ad revenue.

And is ad revenue in any way affected by ping harassing lolcows on fringe subs? Nah.

Shit, so they might just shut it down then.

Then again I imagine our antics causes them much more redditor interaction

Implying the admins aren't autistic.

/u/spez you know he’s right. Fuck the users

They're coming

I'm more surprised billionshekelsupreme is still around. Like that would be an easy one for them to get rid of where even the user themselves would get it

How is BSE worse than MDE? It’s all the same /pol/ memes, the only difference is that the former has more hardcore Sam Hyde fanboys and there’s some bitching about the normiefication of the main sub.

How is it not? It's similiar to mde but with a lot less attempt to hide any sort of anti-semetic or racist behavior

How does MDE even remotely hide racist or antisemitic behavior, almost all the top posts daily, weekly and of all time are pretty openly that. The top voted comments of the biggest posts basically incite violence every single day when they’re not reeing over Tyrone/Abraham taking their wamen.

both are racist but one is obviously more racist. ok?

people bitch about normification of drama every week. those people are ass-slugs. But everyone who is on bse or mde should kys, which apparently includes you. I recommend heroin.

I’ve seen bds on AHSs a bunch lately. I thought it was supposed to be ironic? Wouldn’t surprise me if those fgts didn’t realize it, or it just got taken over like r/Antifa

It doesn't really take me as ironic tbh. but ahs should prolly just ignore them

How awesome would it be if AHS actually did get its demands and t_d, MDE, BDS, KIA, etc were all banned without exception. Imagine the subs the far left mayos would go after next! Peak drama, also if r/drama wasn’t already out right banned, it would be in their cross hairs.

I unironically wouldnt mind seeing some of those gone, but I won't lose sleep over it

I like t_d, the memes are my only weakness, but the rest on the list I couldn’t care less about. My libertarian principles make me cringe at the thought of banning anything bc it’s “offensive”, “mean”, or “not PC”. If the scum doesn’t post in MDE then the /pol/ rejects will just go somewhere else. Let them post in these places so the proper authorities can monitor them. Nobodies making anyone look at these subs and their content.

Oh they more just annoy me than anything else, and watching these idiots sperg would be pretty funny. Also I'm pretty confident those spergs would be losers even if their dream society came to be

Agreed, but we can all agree they are good for dramacoin imho. If they banned all the things that annoyed me we would be living in a strange utopia!

Here here

I like t_d, the memes are my only weakness

i'm also a boomer

My libertarian principles

No one is taking you seriously now lmao

Ban BDS? As in this? 🇵🇸

Also you might be thinking of millionshekelsupreme, which is run by drama users

Ooooh ok, you’re right that’s what I was thinking about. Good call.

Hey I was thinking about making a post here reminding folks that we allow pinging at r/Familyman, but don’t want to step on any toes. What are your thoughts?


I just hope they don't confuse it with the far superior /r/millionshekelsupreme


Wow that's the hardest ban by admins I've ever seen.

It's as if the entire subreddit never existed!


We're just Supreme

My last account got banned for posting in that joan_wayne_gacy thread.

I pinged someone once and got a perma.

(((admins))) are not to be fucked with right now, they are vengeful.

/u/spez do it fgt

Will no one rid me of this meddlesome spez?


Getting this sub banner would also be the funniest thing that could happen. Nothing of value would be lost.

MDE is smaller than us.

pinging impacts ux outside of this sub no shit admins are going to have a problem with it. I’m surprised they haven’t already cracked down

Nah I think they're just being Dramaqueens.

Eh, we'd probably be better off

One has to wonder though, why does Reddit have a userping function at all if you are supposed not to use it. Like, what's the logic here.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

future for white children

Easy there James Gunn. Keep your weird mayo bussy issues to yourself.

👏🏿DONT👏🏿SAY 👏🏿IT 👏🏿😠😠

Mods = power-hungry nerds with aspergers who spent their entire miserable lives on a computer.

But unironicaly (every single mod here is a retarded powermod with 50+ subs, it's ridiculous).

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Reee, you are using this meme completely wrong, reee, reee.

Why is this stupid picture even popular?

tbf, you could ask that about most memes

That's because they're all horrible

I mean they kinda are, but I feel like the whole appeal is the "inside joke" nature of them, not the quality of them themselves

I find the 4x4 Drake disagree/agree one worse.

[Drake disagreeing] | Whining about memes you don’t like

[Drake agreeing] | Making new, better memes

[Drake on fire]

No, really, I just want to see that guy on fire.

Please post more of your patrician-tier memes, snallygussy

There's no such thing.

It captures a certain kind of situation/emotion really well.


No u, for real.

I mean, "why do normies find that stupid picture funny? Must be autistic, because I personally don't feel anything".

"How can I convey feelings to other people? Dunno, better use a nonsensical screenshot of anime".

But it does work. It does convey a particular feeling. If you don't get it you should get an appointment with a mental health professional and see if some of your struggles in life were caused by brain damage and you could work around that brain damage in the future, improving your life quality a lot.

Btw, as a lawyer, have you ever experienced an unpleasant experience when the Judge refuses your plea that the rules are such and such very specifically you motherfucker why do you side with the obverse face of the mundus while there's the unchanging directive from the reverse reee reee.

What feeling is it meant to convey? Lmao.

What feeling is it meant to convey? Lmao.

The feeling where you suspect that your interlocutor is entirely confused. Like, you guy, you're like a well-meaning robot that can't tell a butterfly from a pigeon.

Blink twice if you're having a stroke.

You have not answered the question. Have you ever had an interaction with the judge that made you think that you could be autistic? I mean, obviously a lot of autistic people go into Law, they like having the rules, I wonder how many of them realize that judges are not autistic at some point.

Also, read The Northern Caves, it's one of the best novels written ever.

I'm definitely not autistic. I simply don't have any affinity for anime, like most functional adults, and the "butterfly" meme in particular is nonsensical. What is the connection between the text and the words? Releasing words into the wild? Is that an endorsement of the words or not? It's bizarre.


a well-intentioned but completely wrong super naive robot (looking like a nice Japanese boy).

See, that is definitely not obvious from the format alone.

Also I've never seen a version with the original text (not that it'd make much more sense unless I knew the robot thing).

looks like th' yung ones are that much better at picking up this stuff just from the way it's used by other people (I didn't know it was a robot before I checked the may may web-sight, but I figured that it was supposed to be a very naive person from the usual usage, I guess I don't have my amygdala as calcinated as yours).

I'm glad I don't 'get' Tumblr memes. I would actively avoid any purported adult who talked about Steven Universe IRL.

Am I Einstein or is everyone else retarded in here,the meme's just a dude confusing one thing for something else.

Apparently he's a robot.

As if 90% of people know/care about that

There sure is a lot of deflection going on here. Do you never go into court because you're one of those crooked lawyers who just makes a living writing fake wills for senile people?

Will no one rid me of this meddlesome meme?

Why do they even have the pinging functionality if we aren't even allowed to use it. Fucking admins are literally retards.

It's like admins are useless trump supporters.

Can't we just ban all replies?

Sometimes people reply to me and they have different opinions to my own. I do not want to hear them.

The mods have been compromised. A purge is needed. This place without pinging is like a dog without its bone, terry crews without his big black sexy muscles, etc etc

Might as well be forcibly annexed by SRD at this point.

Well do have feminists banning people left and right so i think we've lost the war

Do we? I need to see more sperging about this.


Let the users ping and if the admins band the subreddit then so what? IF a subreddit being banned in anyway effects you, you should just hang yourself now.


I feel you brought, but I wanted to meme

That meme wasn't around there back then. it's a solid meme tho! 10/10 👌


I just have to point out that:

basically SRD threads with smugposting and circlejerking

Is redundant

yep, its SRD2.0 now.

Skrubbers, why post this meme?

If you want to be held in here for you

You aren't tho

In spirit dip shit

I don't like the insult, but I'll be big spoon.

cuddles up with Shane senpai

feews weery big bulge

OwO wats this!?

dont worry about it fall asleep

This is nice


No, if this was SRD they would ban all the actually interesting drama (abortion, guns, Daddy, tranny, Lena Dunham, etc) and create endless boring mega threads. Also, after a ‘tragedy’ they would ban all the juicy posts about it, which is bizarro, because you Yanks are shooting up some school or child care centre every other week.

any thread without inviting lolcows over is a boring thread. its just a circlejerk

When did they ban pinging?

A few hours ago

After we were told to by the (((admins))).

you should go over there and kick their asses

I mean, yeah, pretty-fucking-much.

Tell me who are the admins and I’ll continue making alts and ping them until they let r/drama be r/drama

To be fair, SRD is more than just Drama without pinging: they have collected an impressive collection of utterly non-self-aware smug/seriousposters who shit up any thread on even the most entertaining drama with obsessive-compulsive need to virtue signal their self-identified "wokeness."