Drama's favorite Alpha Male TM, Heathcliff, publishes another 5,000 word screed, this time about all the girls he's made uncomfortable

44  2018-07-28 by QueenOfTheIncels


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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So are TRP field reports literally just Urban Dictionary erotica with less sex and more words?

neckbeard fan fiction

I mean you'd think you'd manage to score in your fantasies. Our friend here doesn't even seal the deal in his write ups.

I legit think all this shit happened. This legit sounds like how different types of girls would act around a total creep

Considering he brags that thots like it when he doesn't wear deodorant - He's a new level of neckbeard.

Wholeheartedly agree. Been in Monk mode for a while now and every time I pull a girl she fucks with my schedule. It's got to the point now where I value getting up early and maintaining my routine far better than a tight pussy. I am turning down booty calls. As a desperate sex-addict for most of my life, I never, ever thought I'd get to this point.

There's something so cathartic about just... being alone. I do not even see my friends anymore. Like you said, I realised a lot of them are just lame, or transactionally don't offer me anything, while taking a lot. The only people I interact with now are cashiers and guys at the gym when asking for the rack. Eventually of course I will reconnect with my pals, but this experiment in solitude has done me wonders so far.

I've even gone one step further into ludditism. I thew away my router and got rid of my smartphone. Now my home is entirely disconnected from the outside world. I wake up and there's no reddit or youtube to distract me, no apps on my phone to scroll through. Ever tried hanging out at home without any internet connection?... your dead time disappears, the place is magically much cleaner and that pile of books very quickly diminishes.

Heathcliff is just the bestest.

How is he posting these rants without an internet connection?

He says he spends an hour a day at his university's library. (He's like 33 and an undergrad, such alpha!)

I'm not sure this could all be written in an hour, so either he's lying or he writes this in hardcopy and then goes to a college library to post it, which is amazing.

Alternative: He writes it on his computer, puts it on a USB and goes to the library to post it.

Don't make excuses for the lolcows.

..... He's 33 and doing poorly at a neuroscience degree?

STEMlord snert.

You'd think he'd at least do better then some of his "plates" with all his free time.

Damn, that's embarrassing. You'd think that with all his newfound free time, he'd be able to dedicate at least some of it to compensating for being dumb enough to have to try to not flunk out of undergrad neuroscience.

CHAD - Choosy Hooligans And Dumbass

Seriously - the current state of undergrad neuroscience is just barely a step above undergrad psychology. You have actively try to fail at getting a bachelors in psychology.

Experiment in solitude or a downard spiral of depression? I'm sure we'll find out.

I like how his post has the same structure posts in r/WritingPrompts and r/NoSleep have. It's fitting, since it comes across as even more badly written and genuinely creepy than either.

Yeah, but those are fiction subs. Heathcliff's stories are 100% real.

This sounds like Part 1 of a 74-part terrible /r/nosleep story from the perspective of the villain

Anyway I didn’t get her number ... but was unable to close ... She skips away and I never see her again ... but I got the hint and didn’t text her again ... but she just ignored me entirely

What a success story.

Was it a success story?

pro: didn't go full supreme gentleman
con: wrote manifesto anyway

Jesus Christ imagine living like that, every little interaction generating a pageful of notes to be typed into an essay with lots of bold and summarised at the end in


*bullet points

Honestly the sheer undiluted autism is more offensive to me than trp's attitude towards women
Also ''heathcliff' lmao

Heathcliff, it’s me Kathy.

Can't even ping him so he can give us some tips

I would imagine ( I would never do this) that people will just start making throwaways and PMing the lolcows here.

Please don't

/u/snallygaster /u/justcool393 ur the big gay go commit die

the absolute state of /r/drama


Can I PM him and tell him people at /r/drama are making fun of him?

she’s even smiling at this point and we get to the counter and then I say “nice to meet you” and bail

What did he prove with this?

Small talk is a skill that needs to be practised and honed.

The autist manifesto - An incel tries to learn basic social skills but still manages to screw up.

Shit like this makes it a little more understandable why womyn get to the point where they decide they've finally had enough when a retard asks for a fist bump.

this is why we need feminism

No one should be allowed to vote. But if we're going to have it, the only ones who should are the ones who have a stake in the society; home/business owners and those with children. As if some 19 year old college thot who can't chop an onion holds the same weight as a mother of 3 or a man who built a business from scratch. Ridiculous.

Still has time to post on MDE. Lol. Looks like he thinks he shouldn't vote tho.

psh i make women uncomfortable constantly and you dont hear me bragging about it

Be honest, did anyone actually read the whole thing?

This fucker could have scored with a Russian Goth-loli and ruined it.