Malaysia moves to ban child marriage. r/Islam discusses.

12  2018-07-28 by Ghdust2


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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If something so morally fundamental can change from Mohammed's time and teachings, what else can change?

Not even lobotomy cures this kind of mental depravity.

It seems it is really true, these people are simply savages.

Implying other religions aren't fundamentally garbage

But whatabout other religions.

<serious>Fuck Islam.</serious>

I don't disagree with that but you gotta remember he or she is an adult. If you say they're not ready for marriage then they Asli shouldn't be ready for sex and anyone who has committed Zina should be punished accordingly


They really are as dense as lead

That thread really reads like how can we use our religion to justify fucking kids