Gordon Ramsay will be Hosting a New Travel Show, and that's a Bad Thing (He's White)

115  2018-07-28 by Arbys_Official



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Oy vey they replaced the virtue signalling (((white))) man with an actual white guy who might not pretend that Haiti is actually awesome

lol virtue signalling is such a buzzword, why would a former junkie not think Haiti is interesting? travelling for luxury gets really fucking boring after a few years

Because caring about being white is basically a disability in the modern world now.

This is the definition of clickbait, not only is Ramsay a far more accomplished chef than Bourdain, he's already had travel shows and isn't actually all that mean.

They're just mad because Bourdain had the unwashed hipster aesthetic.

Bourdain is an accomplished writer though and it shows in the monologues on his shows. He's way more personable and I imagine he'd put up with losing out on creature comforts necessary to reaching certain places that viewers find interesting, I don't see Ramsay shitting in a hole in ground and wiping with tub of water and a pale in Northern Cambodia....as an ex chef I enjoyed Bourdain's and his show, Ramsay doesn't interest me at all

I don't see Ramsay shitting in a hole in the ground and wiping with tub of water and a pail in Northern Cambodia

Clearly you haven't met many Scots.


u/serialflamingo, can u confirm?

Can u

I really couldn't know, I'm not Scottish.

I can tell by your ability to spell correctly.

Gordon Ramsey has a poofy Scottish accent.

It has faded over the years tbh

Poofy means gay?


Poofter means “tourist” if I remember my time in the UK correctly.

Yes Mr Fingerbottom Mrs Featherbottom

You have remembered incorrectly.

Do they wipe?

Shitting in a hole in the ground and wiping with a tub of water and a pail while mainlining heroin?


And dressed as a woman

I imagine he'd put up with losing out on creature comforts necessary to reaching certain places that viewers find interesting

I almost threw up on his segment about Newfoundland with fucking birds all over their food

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6l1x07 20mins in

Just watched it, that wasn't that bad. There's an episode of No Reservations in Vietnam where he drinks rice Whiskey fermented in a bottle stuffed with a cobra, that shit was gross. Rice whiskey alone is gross. Also the episode in Cambodia where he eats the Tarantuala is pretty disgusting. That's actually a pretty common tourist attraction there but people often get sick because they end up eating spiders that have gone bad

Just watched it, that wasn't that bad.

I freak the fuck out over having wild animals around my food, even bug spray, I'm a container and seal "it's okay we don't have a icebox the stream will work" kind of guy when i'm outside

rice Whiskey fermented in a bottle stuffed with a cobra, that shit was gross. Rice whiskey alone is gross

Well that's sanitary compared to fucking flying rats shitting parasites on your food.

Also the episode in Cambodia where he eats the Tarantuala is pretty disgusting. That's actually a pretty common tourist attraction there but people often get sick because they end up eating spiders that have gone bad

Oh god i've got to look that up now, never been a big bug guy; stir-fried Grubs only thing i've handled but some of this fuckboys I know keep earthworms in their mouths while fishing like the old wifes tale and have accidentally eaten probably a full colony by now ugh

I tried to look it up for you and it turns out I was wrong. Its Andrew Zimmern on Bizzare Foods

When did r/Drama become Fentanyl-apologists?

Anything to hasten the demise of boomers

Here's Ramsey going to an extremely undeveloped village in a Cambodian jungle to learn about their cuisine - https://youtu.be/GMNy0pfVOm0?t=27m27s

That segment is really cool but it seemed more scripted with running the jeep into the tree and the rest of what I watched of that episode was meh. Also, I seriously doubt he's the 1st white face they've seen because you can rent a guide and do 1-7 day mountain treks to remote villages all over Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar nowadays. Ramsey just annoys when he talks to people. I'm more of a fan of No Reservations when it was low budget and all around I'm more of a fan of Bourdain's narration

Sure, the jeep running into the tree would have been staged but I'd imagine that's how the driver stopped it (no brakes). They just would have had Ramsay do it again for the camera. Ramsay's style is a little more crass than Boudain's but he's not bad, just not quite as smooth. And it's not like he's afraid to go without creature comforts. And the way people see him does depend a bit on the editing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLqfechd_qQ

Ramsay is a very talented chef by all accounts, even earning praise from a sushi chef, which is to put it mildly rare.

Forsure, he's much more accomplished than bourdain ever was. Bourdain burnt out cooking. He got famous writing

Yeah but then again Bourdain killed himself like a pathetic cuck faggot

Idk, killing yourself is brave. I'd be impressed if you did it

Don't fuck with me. I'll 1v1 you in any video game.

Only game I play is fire truck. You ever played fire truck?

unzips pants

I'm not a fan of either but Bourdain's writing is on a level far above what your typical chef could put together, I assume he came from a classics background/upbringing

Ramsay is one of my favourite celebrities when he isn’t fake swearing. He will do fine.

I watched all of kitchen nightmares and hotel hell recently and yeah hes always harsh but he also helps a ton. Also a lot of it is definitely exaggerated.

Erm watch the BBC series Boiling Point which documented his kitchen when he was actually going for stars.

exaggerated scripted.

The US shows he does use a lot of editing and tense music to amp up the drama, in the UK ones he is a dick sometimes but usually only when people are taking the piss completely.

Bourdain (PBUH) was also quite capable of being an asshole

Seriously imagine hearing that Gordon Ramsey will do another network television show that no one under the age of 40 will watch and immediately getting upset enough to write an article and go on a twitter rampage.

They liked Bourdain because he's a Jew

he's already had travel shows and isn't actually all that mean.

Right that part really stuck out to me, they're talking about how pig headed he apparently is but the only time I saw him anything approaching angry on his travel show was with the shark fin soup.

If these idiots ever watched a Gordon Ramsay special they would realize it's the same shit as Bourdain, he goes in and appreciates the local cultures and then cooks with them. This would be the same shit, he's lose most of the time but would win sometimes

Bourdain went places that I've never seen Ramsey go...places that lack modern plumbing, that are dangerous and that are difficult to get to

Ramsey went to small town UK all the time.

I'll have to check it out. When I young and misguided I chose being as chef as my occupation and was never really a fan of Ramsey's cooking or on screen personality. I did enjoy Bourdain's shows he wrote one of my favorite books

Ramsey's cooking or on screen personality

Ah, too fofoo for you? I've actually hicked up his Scrambled egg recipe by using sour cream instead of crème fraîche, i've never been brave enough to use Yogurt instead.

His UK shows cooking shows are much more relatable then the played up USA version but the USA going around helping ah Hell Hotels are pretty good he came to my state



Did a better job of saying Oregon then most americans would have like to see him tackle "willamette"

Idk. I always associated his cooking with country club fare and people with bland palates. I guess I've never eaten at one of his restaurants and his work on kitchen nightmares was more salvage jobs and less pushing the envelope of fine dining.

I consider myself lucky that I haven't been killed by meth dealers or incel mass shooters on any of my visits to Grant's Pass.

Heard good bout Malecon Grill and Cantina but I refuse to drive in snow because holy shit people just lose their minds and that's only season i'd be over there


Heard good things about the little old lady who makes doughnuts for when the pass opens don't remember if that's here or Wash betweenem a lot

Yeah, the UK kitchen nightmares are really good too.

If you're worried about Ramsay not being adventurous enough, check out his sharkfin soup or cocaine documentary. He'll do fine.

Bourdain went places that I've never seen Ramsey go...places that lack modern plumbing, that are dangerous and that are difficult to get to

Yeah, I think you're describing why he made a new show.

Cocaine production plan6 in colombia

would realize it's the same shit as Bourdain

Except Ramsey is actually a good chef and not some commie faggot who's only michelin star was in noose tying.

" No. I despise communism as much as, at least as much as I despise our system. Worse. " ~ Anthony Bourdain

Also, you seem nice. Ahhh, edgelords. So 2011.

You know people on here unlike srd can just google a quote to see it doesn't exist.

Except it does

Bourdain was annoying, but at least he wasn't a commie.

I'm not sure that's a real news website rather than a child's art display.

Meanwhile - Anthony Bourdain: "In 70 years there will be no white people anymore"

> Disgusting overheaded beer that is so ubiquitous Germany even managed to fuck up Japan with it.

> Singapore is better then Germany because they don't fuck up basics like beer


One:You said like if that's a negative thing. Two:You're implying he said that as a positive thing.

I don't know whether to be happy, because this is the best we can hope for in 2018, or to point out that this is pretty much equivalent to saying "Nazis were at least as bad as our current system, maybe even worse".

Ahhh, the KKK. So 1911.

Ok I’ll book my travel just now based on Ramsay’s recommendations. Heading for destination Fuckoff and I’m bringing a wanker.

The article's comments are full of gems:

Ramsay's persona and his new show concept is consistent with the current presidency, whereas Bourdain was much more consistent with the last. So I guess it's a sad, telling sign of the times


Gordon Ramsey really cared for people he helped. So complimenting president trump?

And wasnt bourdain an ass?

He is saying the Obama presidency killed itself


Um, The Obama admin kept itself safe you mean

Can we ping former Presidents at least??



This doesn't mean anything. Did the person who write this ever study how to write an article? Clearly not.

It was a comment. It means something, but it's retarded and the commenter takes it for granted that everyone understands the retard logic of 'Trump rude, Gordon Ramsey rude, they are both popular in our culture for the same reason'

Is this monkey penis fresh?

It's frozen chef...


And did you whittle these utensils yourself out of locally sourced wood?
>n-no, chef

Is Bobby Flay an evil white man every time he beats out a non-mayo guest at their own specialty dish on his show?

Flay sucks because he was a part of that piece of shit iron chef America remake.

People trying to step to Kaga's masterpiece are a fucking joke

Eh I'm not sure I even saw either of those (I'm sure I missed out).

Unrelated but I'm sure Bobby Flay's show would be much more interesting if they had a week to prepare their dish but had live footage on TV the whole time. I'd fucking watch Bobby Flay brush his teeth, narrated as he gets ready to visit his local grocery store for cooking supplies.

Regular brain: Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown Illuminated brain: Gordon Ramsey's Uncharted Exploding brain: Alton Brown's Aseptic Studio Kitchen Enlightenment: Paula Deen's Sweatshops, Lynchings and pigstys.

Gordon has done shows like this before, this is another not-problem brought to us by a low testosterone soy boy.

Case closed.

"Unless twitter kills it first"

I sure hope someone or something will one day kill twitter.

God I hope so

They really need to replace him with a practicing Muslim who would try to behead anyone anywhere who's eating anything haram, esp. in daylight during the Holy Ramadam. THAT would be entertainment. Allah Snackbar!

They're right, nobody can replace our patron saint Bourdain.

Peace be upon him, one of the few guys advocating for mayocide who actually had enough balls to go through with it himself. Unlike most of the sissies in here.

When I hear the word "Chef" as a title... I release the safety catch on my Browning!

I get this reference!

Why does summarizing a bunch of tweets from some no names constitute news these days? I expect this out of trash websites like Buzzfeed and Business Insider, but not the Washington Post.

Washington Post is pretty shit