What's the best chick-drama to bingewatch?

13  2018-07-28 by ricksansmorty

I'm think of watching either:

- ER

- Greys Anatomy

- Sex and the City

Which one is the best?


Out of those three, Sex and the City. If you have BBC America then you should watch Call the Midwife or Downtown Abbey.

Downtown Abbey

*Downton Abbey. Unironically good show btw

*Down Town

*Down Syndrome

It's no Poldark.

Rewatch something like Battlestar Galactica, Fringe or go wacky The Leftovers.

Battlestar Galactica

I want to be mad about this, but it's true...

It was epic.

I enjoyed it

Gilmore Girls seems to moisturize the masses

The only people I know who watch Gilmore Girls are straight guys. My brother is obsessed with it.

It's unironically quite good, for the most part

Sex And The City. The other two are boring as shit.

Sex and the city is at least somewhat amusing sometimes, but still absolute shit. OP should sit in a silent room and practice introspection rather than indulge any of those

K-dramas are the best chick dramas. There's really no reason to be watching this American crap in 2018.

Those are all terrible if you want chick drama watch GLOW on netflix

Big Love. It's super underrated

Does reality show drama count? If so, project runway!

Vanderpump Rules. It is 100% drama.

Gossip Girl

are you looking for 1. something good, 2. something bad, or 3. something so bad it's good

1.GLOW, 2. SITC, 3. every episode of every Wives series